Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 264: 7 Lord has tricks

() All the people around are sweating in the forefront of their minds. What kind of support do these two people have? Why is it so strong, that the zen stick is as hard as they are in their hands. When they say that they are in a circle, they are in a circle ...

Ye Qingxuan picked up the "Qiankun Circle" version of the water-mill Zen stick, which was just so boney, and he waved it stupidly twice, with a smirk in his heart. This one was a bit of a play, and he forgot the xìng grid of flowers.

Now I've provoked the five masters. I have to find a way to coax it. Isn't this all right for me?

Helplessly shook his head and looked up. The brothers had already carried Zhan Yu and Ru Hua to go to the treatment. Even if the sword was based on the magical power of the [Arhat Golden Body], it could not be completely offset. This positive one His blood, fortunately, all the fragile places were blocked by Ru Hua with his arms, legs, and feet. There is no major matter, but it will not work without checking.

The most serious one is the exhibition of Yu Yu, who has to be handicapped to become disabled.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan is also killing in his heart. At this time, the crowd has already retreated, leaving only Wan Guotai and Huangfu Taiming to talk to the audience on the stage. Originally, Zhan Yu could best talk about these superficial articles, but Now that Zhan Yu is injured, the burden is naturally handed over to Huang Fu Taiming. This prince is an all-rounder. Without him, he can't play the game. Even if you are embroidering, he can go up and take two stitches ...

Anxious about Zhan Yu's injury in his heart, Ye Qingxuan walked back with the "Qian Kun circle", and in total, I got so angry that I helped him get his weapon ready.

Holding the ends of the water-milling zen stick with both hands, squinting outward, crunching—

The Qiankun circle has become a hairpin ...

No, the arms are not long enough. Ye Qingxuan pressed one end of the water-milled scepter to the ground, stepped on it with both feet, and crunched with both hands, and in the eyes of everyone, Ye Qingxuan straightened the water-milled scepter and his eyes. I looked at it and saw where it wasn't straight, raised my fist, hit it like a hammer, and finally returned the water-milled Zen stick to its original state, and nodded in satisfaction.

The soldiers all around looked sweaty and talked a lot ...

"You guys, you guys, see that, the zen stick, which is as thick as a tree, is the same as noodles in the hands of these two people. When you say 掰 round, you round it, and when you say straight, you straighten it. How powerful is that? "

"Is this TMD still human?"

"Don't talk nonsense, carefully unscrew your head. Didn't you see that crazy monk dare to kill the" Little Sword God "? What do you say they dare not do?"

"Yeah, that monk's eyes were so scary, but it was really brave, so brave ..."

"But I don't see it, this little priest is fierce enough. It looks stronger than that monk. What do these people grow up to eat?"

"I heard that these people are all brothers of different generations. I think they are the best guys in this generation ..."

"Yes, young heroes, handsome guys ..."

"This is big news, I have to record ..."

"Dude, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, forgot to introduce, the recording of Sihaige, full-time anecdotal interview!"


Ye Qingxuan was planning to go back here, but turned around but saw Gui Yansheng's goods rummaging around around Buwutai, looking for what this **** was doing?

"Hey, baby, what's your dog's rumbling for?"

Gui Yansheng looked up and watched Ye Qingxuan holding the large twisted Zen stick back to its original shape. She couldn't help but have a happy tooth and smiled, "Oh, goddaddy, I asked my second grandfather to give me this. The gift you greeted ... this thing can't be thrown away, you lost the battle and lost it ... "

"What a mess, what is it?"

"Tooth, I'm looking for ..."

"Tooth?" Ye Qingxuan stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, cursing: "You are a jerk, what are you looking for that thing? Chew up and add calcium?"

This time it ’s turn to Gui Xunsheng, and after thinking about it for a long time, I did n’t understand the meaning of calcium supplementation. Let ’s just say: “Qi Godfather, do n’t look at that stuff so small, it ’s 'Yijianshanzhuang' Face, let alone the second uncle suffered such a serious injury, we ca n’t revenge for a while, but we can disgusted them. I went back and set the teeth with crystals and toured around. I said 'Little Sword God'. My second uncle hit his teeth full of teeth, and my five uncles were scared to spit out. I do n’t think he can go down the mountain.

"You said that this product is really TMD enough," Ye Qingxuan nodded at Gui Zhisheng's nose, and then he waved and said, "Hurry up, let me have a look ... Just do it, there is a kind of He Li Muchan came out and hunted down our juniors. I see how thick his skin is, and do not want this face of "the world's first!"

"Well, you still have a good opinion as a godfather--"

"How many?"

"I've found three, I don't know if there are any, one sè molar, one big sè pure ..."

"Don't look for it, just three. I saw it while flying!"

The two said as they walked back, Gui Guisheng on the road took a molar tooth to take care of the sun for a while, as if looking at the gem like purity.

"Oh, Li Daozong's goods love to use his right side to bite things, this right molar is worn out enough. But this kid's mouth is okay, and no worm tooth ..."

"Don't study, hurry up ..."


Zhan Yu fought with Li Daozong, and the brothers only knew how powerful the "Little Eagle King" was. The inheritance of the "Eagle King" was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary Sects.

Whether it was initially against Yunzhu or when fighting against the Warriors in the Mu'an City, Zhan Yu did not show his true strength. In fact, this is also the case. If it was not Li Daozong who severely injured Zhan Yu, he was indignant. Zhan Yu will not use the yet-to-be-finished Eagle King.

It can be said that both Li Daozong and Zhan Yu used their uncontrollable power at the last moment, which indirectly equaled a battle between "Sword God" and "Eagle King".

In the tent at this time, only a few brothers of Zhan Yu were left. Qing Yunguan returned to his tent, leaving only two people outside the door.

As for those little women, the xìng grid is too weak, especially the two sisters of Lu Family. When they saw that Zhan Yu was injured in such a situation, her eyes were flushed and her words were choked. Staying here did not help, but made the atmosphere not so good, so Zhong Li Lingqing took Sister Lu and Mei Yinxue to find her sister Jiang to find a way.

Duan Sanshi inspected, such as the injury on the flower is not a big deal, but the problem of Zhan Yu is much more serious, such as the needle Zhenqi almost shattered Zhan Yu's hands and feet, not only the flesh and bones, but also the meridians Not a minor injury ...

As soon as Duan Sanshi stopped, the brethren around him surrounded him and asked anxiously, "How about the third brother?"

The monk Ruhua wiped away the blood on the mixed body, covered it with ointment, and looked at Duan Shi with his neck around, and asked in a rough voice: "Brother 3, is my brother 2 okay? If it is not cured, I will Go and slap Li Daozong's kid with a zen stick to get angry for my second brother ... "

Duan Sanshi frowned, and said, "Don't talk nonsense! Now spread out a bit, don't squeeze here, what will affect the second brother?"

Zhan Yu smiled slowly and said slowly: "It doesn't matter, my third son, just talk here, I want to know what kind of situation I am."

One glance at Zhan Yu, and another look at the eager and anxious eyes of everyone, Duan Sanshi sighed, organized the language, and slowly said, "The second brother acted arrogantly, using martial arts and meridians that he did not master. Some injuries, fortunately the second brother [Yin Jin Jing] practiced well, the internal injuries were controlled in a very light range, not serious. This sword mark on the chest is only a flesh wound, leaving at most a scar, second brother If you do n’t like it, I ’ll wipe it off for you later ... This internal injury is okay to say, it ’s easier to treat. Now the most difficult thing is the second meridian ’s right hand and right calf ... ”

Everyone heard that they took a breath.

Meridian injuries are no better than others, and it is easy to have symptoms that are difficult to heal.

Moreover, all the efforts of Zhan Yu are on these hands and legs. One is light work, and the other is claw work. If one of them is abolished, it is almost equal to half of a person.

Ye Qingxuan exhaled a dull breath and frowned and asked, "3rd brother, to what extent is the second brother's meridian injury?"

Among several people, Ye Qingxuan knows medicine and Duan Sanshi didn't hide it, saying: "The meridians ... are almost difficult to form, they are broken, and repair is almost impossible ..."

The hearts of everyone immediately became cold, and the meaning of Duan Sanshi was almost equivalent to announcing the disability of Zhan Yu's hands and feet. Although it can still be used like a normal person, it can not be used hard, and it can't run.

As the flower rose in rage, she yelled, "You, look at me, I said I killed the thief, but you wouldn't let ..."

"The fifth child ... don't say anything!" Zhan Yu smiled, and there was a gloom in his eyes. "Time, life, and luck, it's not what I can do. Since it's destined to do so, I can't force it. Brother Do n’t be sad for me, I still have a hand and a foot. I still live hundreds of years. I can still be innate, I can be happy, and I can bully the **** ... "

Gui Yansheng said, "Second Master, as long as you are happy, you can bully me ..."

"Get off-your kid is not as good as a **** ..."

Everyone laughed, dilute a little sadness ...

Ye Qingxuanmo rubbed his chin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seriously asked Duan Sanshi: "The third brother, the second brother's injury, is there really nothing in the world that can be cured?"

Duan Sanshi shook his head and said, "Although there are records in the ancient method of changing the pulse and changing points, but nowadays, it has long been lost. Although some drugs are claimed to have the same effect, they are actually just opening up the blocked meridians. Is not to regenerate the meridians ... "

Everyone was lost again.

At this time, Jiang Shuihan suddenly said: "I know there is a way to save the second brother ..."

The crowd suddenly burst into joy and asked, eagerly, "Ba, do you have a solution? Hurry up, what is the solution ..."

"I don't know how to do it!" Jiang Shui said coldly, "but Qi Brother knows ..."

The surprised eyes of everyone turned to Ye Qingxuan who was confused ...

"Ah?" Ye Qingxuan was startled, pointing to his nose in disbelief and saying, "You mean me?" (To be continued.)

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