At this time, I still wanted to talk to her, so I took out the diamond-shaped hidden weapon he had fired from my pocket and asked, "Is this the hidden weapon you used?"

The Ma family exorcist took a look and nodded slightly.I asked again: "Are you the only one in the world who uses this hidden weapon?"

The Ma family exorcist nodded again, but still didn't say anything else.I suddenly asked: "But I found this hidden weapon in the corridor of the hospital, have you been to the hospital?"

The exorcist of the Ma family clicked on my words, his face changed slightly, and he said: "I went there once, the vampires of the Odin family bit those three girls and turned one of them into a vampire. The cause of their death, and fought with them."

Her explanation seemed plausible, and it was the only explanation for the diamond-shaped darts in the hospital corridors.At that time, I also secretly guessed why there were such diamond-shaped darts in the corridors of the hospital. I imagined seven or eight results, and only the result said by the exorcist of the Ma family was the most reasonable.

I still want to ask many questions, but it is difficult to ask them in a short time. Some questions are useless if you ask them now, and the final result can only be revealed after this operation is over.

After driving for more than ten hours, everyone felt a little sleepy.Fortunately, everything above the RV is available, including food, lodging and transportation.I estimate that it will take one day and one night from Jiangdong City to Qinling Mountains, because most of the cities around Qinling Mountains are economically underdeveloped, so the traffic is not very good, which brings us difficulties on the way.

From Linghai County to Fenghuang Town, we drove for three or four hours. On the one hand, the road was very difficult, and on the other hand, the navigation system had failed, so we could only ask for directions along the way, which took us a lot of time.

Fenghuang Town is a very poor place. The degree of poverty is unimaginable. We can hardly see decent houses, and the roads are also potholed mountain roads.

Nature is the most outstanding caster, and the majestic and majestic Qinling Mountains stand around us. I stared at it carefully through the glass window, and felt its indescribable majesty and magnificence.

When I arrived at the destination, I called He Ting and asked him what he was going to do next.He said to me: "Go along the only road in Fenghuang Town, there is a mountain road at the end of the road, you can go up the mountain along this mountain road.

After hanging up the phone, I searched for the road that He Ting mentioned.

The township of Fenghuang Town is composed of dozens of low-rise one-story houses, and a narrow path divides the dozens of one-story houses into two. I guess that the road He Ting mentioned must be a road.

Although this road is not wide, only about ten meters, it is made of cement. Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, many places have been potholed. I followed this road and passed through the blocks of Fenghuang Town.

Fenghuang Town itself does not have a large population, and the neighbors are familiar with each other. When they saw these foreigners coming, they were very strange and stared at us.The place itself is too poor, almost no foreigners come here.

Soon we came to the end of the road, and this time there was no cement road, but a narrow dirt road instead.Obviously, this road is trampled out, and the road extends to the majestic Qinling Mountains.

But suddenly, I had a very ominous premonition that something would happen. As I got closer and closer to the Qinling Mountains, this feeling suddenly became stronger. This has never happened before.

At this time, He Ting called me suddenly, and he told me that we will see a thatched hut when we travel one mile to the Qinling Mountains, and he is waiting for us in the hut.

This was beyond my expectation, and at the same time, I also felt that He Ting's identity would soon be revealed.

Chapter 13 The Creepy House

After hanging up He Ting's phone call, I immediately directed everyone to go deep into the Qinling Mountains.

This path is a small path for local residents to go up the mountain, so it is not difficult to walk. I didn't go far, and I saw the hut that He Ting mentioned.

The hut was built on the mountain road. The main structure of the hut is made of wood. From the outside, the whole hut has long been dilapidated.But I can see from a distance that the cabin looks dilapidated, but it surrounds the whole cabin, and it is very strong, and it is difficult to see the situation inside the house from the outside.

Such a weird hut aroused my speculation, and at the same time I couldn't figure out how He Ting got into this hut.

At this moment, Ding Yin called me suddenly.

Seeing Ding Yin's phone call made me dizzy, because I was more upset at this time, but she had to answer her call, otherwise, she would definitely talk to me endlessly when I went back.

As soon as I answered the phone, Ding Yin complained all over, and I could only listen patiently. After all, women are very emotional animals, so you must not spoil her interest at this time.

I said to Ding Yin: "I'm fine, I've arrived at my destination now, but I haven't started the tomb robbery yet."

Hearing what I said, Ding Yin felt a little relieved.Suddenly, I thought of something very important, so I said to Ding Yin: "Yin, can you do me a favor?"

Ding Yin was very surprised to hear that, because I am now thousands of miles away in the Qinling Mountains, and she doesn't know how she can help.

"What's the matter?" Ding Yin asked me.

I said, "There is a police officer named He Ting in our District Public Security Bureau, help me find out what's going on with him recently?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Yin was even more surprised. She couldn't figure out why I wanted to investigate a policeman from the Public Security Bureau.

Now, I don't have time to explain to her, I just said: "Yin, you just do as I say, this matter is very important, you can call me after you find out."

"Okay, I'll try." Ding Yin said, and hung up the phone after speaking.

After answering the call, the Ma family exorcist looked at me with a very strange look, and asked me, "Is this your girlfriend?"

I nodded.She smiled lightly and said, "Your girlfriend's voice is very sweet, I guess she must be pretty."

I nodded, and was very surprised. You know, in this empty environment, the voice of the phone is very low, but the Ma family exorcist can hear it clearly.I didn't continue this topic. At this time, all eyes were on the cabin, and few people paid attention to my conversation with the Ma family exorcist.

Everyone slowly approached the small wooden house. At this time, the Ma family exorcist stopped suddenly and said, "Wait."

Although her voice was not loud, our spirits were all in a state of collapse, and naturally these two words fell into our ears clearly and accurately.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and stared at the Ma family's exorcist, but the Ma family's exorcist's eyes were fixed on the small wooden house and never left.

I didn't understand what was going on, so I asked, "What's wrong?"

The exorcist of the Ma family stared at the wooden house for a long time before he took a breath and said, "This wooden house cannot be approached."

The sixth child didn't understand at first, and asked, "Why can't you get close, can you tell me the reason?"

The exorcist of the Ma family said: "There are evil things in this wooden house, I advise you not to get close to it."

In a word, everyone's spirits collapsed.Everyone stared at the wooden house for a long time, and the sixth child was still talking to himself, saying: "There is no evil here, it is just an ordinary wooden house."

I have no doubts about the ability of the Ma family's exorcists, so I will believe what the Ma family's exorcists say.However, this wooden house is quite close to Fenghuang Town, and people in the town should come here often. If there are really evil things in this wooden house, they will definitely attack people passing by. But judging from the situation of the mountain road, this road should be frequented Someone is passing by...

I looked at the Ma family exorcist suspiciously, and said, "Are you sure?"

The Ma family's exorcist never left the cabin. She just nodded and said, "Judging from the aura, this evil thing is very powerful. It may be higher than the three vampires of the Odin family."

There is only one He Ting in the wooden house, could this evil thing be the mysterious He Ting?

When I think of this, my scalp is about to explode. If this is the case, then what kind of conspiracy does He Ting have for us to come here?

Looking at the mysterious wooden house, several of us dared not approach it for a long time, but at this moment, the door of the small wooden house was suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked out of the wooden house.

He Ting, it's He Ting!When the middle-aged man came out of the cabin, I recognized it immediately. He was the mysterious police officer He Ting who asked us to rob the tomb.

He Ting also saw me, first he saw me with a smile on my face, but when he saw the Ma family exorcist, his face changed instantly.

"Why are you here?" He Ting asked the first sentence.Obviously, his conversation was with the Ma family exorcist.

"If you can come, can't I?" The Ma family's exorcist's answer was also very strange, which made me confused.

However, from the conversation, I can hear that the exorcist of the Ma family has a certain relationship with this police officer He Ting, and this relationship is by no means simple.

Now that the exorcists of the Ma family knew He Ting, Lao Qi and the others’ fears subsided a little, and He Ting said to us: “Let’s talk about it after entering the wooden house first!”

Everyone entered the wooden house, the whole wooden house is closed, once the door is closed, the whole space is completely in darkness.

Fortunately, we can barely see everything in the wooden house with the light coming in from the gaps in the wooden house.

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