Except for a tattered table and a few chairs made of wood, there is no furniture in the whole wooden house. However, this is not the most striking thing. The most striking thing is that the wooden house is full of strange sculptures. pattern.

These patterns are very simple, like ancient hieroglyphs, although I can't even understand these patterns, but I feel that I have vaguely seen them somewhere.

Finally, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and I thought of the strange ancient book of Lao Ding's family. These patterns seemed to have appeared in that mysterious ancient book.

This discovery is not trivial, because the book records stories about the Phoenix civilization. If it matches the pattern in front of you, then there is no doubt that this wooden house is related to the Phoenix civilization.

I found that He Ting and the Ma family exorcist began to become more and more mysterious, but I still can't guess why. I vaguely feel that He Ting in front of me is related to the Ma family exorcist and the ancient Phoenix civilization.

After entering the wooden house, He Ting and the exorcist of the Ma family motioned us to sit down, but He Ting began to say: "This time I ask you to steal the tomb of a great god in ancient times. There are many traps in the tomb. I will die unexpectedly, if you are afraid of death, you can quit now."

As soon as he said this, the sixth child interjected: "You underestimate us too much, we have never seen what kind of tomb..."

I gave Lao Liu a sneak peek, but Lao Liu swallowed the rest of the words abruptly. After all, he is much more prudent in doing things than Lao Si.

When He Ting saw that Lao Liu swallowed half of what he said abruptly, he knew what was going on in his heart, and said: "This tomb is very old, so the internal structure of the underground palace is very unstable. Since none of you quit, Then I have no problem."

I asked He Ting: "Since you asked us to rob the tomb, you have to explain the exact location of the tomb?"

He Ting knew that I had doubts in my heart, and he said: "Don't worry, I have found the specific location of the tomb, and even the entrance."

"It went so smoothly..." I murmured to myself, feeling that things would not be as simple as I imagined.

Lao Qi suddenly asked: "Then when will we start to act?"

He Ting looked at the watch on his wrist, and said to everyone: "It's five o'clock in the afternoon, we can start now, and we will arrive at our destination at midnight."

Good guy, it's another midnight tomb robbery. Although this is nothing to our tomb robbery team, everyone's excitement has begun to rise.

But I couldn't be happy at all, because I always had an ominous premonition in my heart, which was also caused by the mysterious identities of He Ting and the Ma family's exorcists.At the same time, I have a question in my mind, why didn't He Ting go get the purple jar himself after he found the tomb passage?

Chapter 14 The Serpent

What He Ting meant was to set off immediately. After hearing this, Lao Qi and the others began to get excited.After all, it's been a long time since they robbed the tomb, and Lao Qi's hands were already itchy.

I felt a little funny in my heart, Lao Qi and his gang seemed to be born to rob graves.

He Ting asked again: "Do you have any questions? If not, let's go now."

"Wait..." Lao Liu began to speak. With his thin body and those wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, he looked like a grave robber.He looked at me, then turned to look at He Ting, and asked, "Are you planning to participate in this tomb robbery?"

He Ting nodded and said: "Of course, I organized this operation, and everything must be obeyed by me."

The sixth child said, "I don't care about you so much. I only listen to our head. What you say about you is nothing like fart in my eyes."

Lao Qi's words made Lao Qi laugh, he said Lao Qi said: "You should be more civilized, you must be gentle in front of other ladies, and don't swear all day long."

The sixth rolled his eyes and said to the seventh: "I'm just such a rough person, what's the matter, you are a civilized person and I have never seen you go to college!"

Lao Qi didn't speak anymore. After all, in the current situation, business matters.

I still have doubts in my heart, why does He Ting take so much trouble and ask us to go?

Although I have doubts in my heart, but in the current situation, I dare not ask more.He Ting said: "Everyone packed up and got ready to go.

By the time we walked out of the cabin, it was already slightly dark, and the sun had completely sunk below the horizon.I knew that the night would come soon, so I asked the members of the tomb robbery team to open the treasure chest of the tomb robbers, and took out the flashlight and necessary self-defense tools for emergencies.

Seeing our very professional actions, He Ting couldn't help saying: "As expected of a professional tomb robber, everything is well prepared."

Considering that he is a policeman, when he said all this, it made my face feel hot and uncomfortable. Fortunately, all members of the tomb robbery team did not notice the change of this detail.

The night came quietly, and the Qinling Mountains under the night were a bit gloomy and terrifying. The cheerful bird calls had disappeared in the depths of the mountains, replaced by the faintly visible calls of wild animals. People feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

Before we knew it, we had already walked into the depths of the mountain. Suddenly, the Ma family exorcist who had been silent all this time said to us: "Squat down."

Although the sound was very slight, it was undoubtedly a blockbuster in this dark night.As soon as she finished speaking, the second child and the sixth child couldn't help but get down on the ground.

Everyone fell quietly on the ground, and not long after, a slight sound suddenly came from the jungle in front.

I quietly asked the Ma family exorcist: "What's going on?"

The Ma family exorcist didn't speak, but just waved his hands.

After a while, the strange sound in the jungle sounded again. It was the sound of something moving, and it was very close to us.

My heart began to tense, not knowing what was going to happen in front of me.

At this most critical moment, the exorcist of the Ma family suddenly rushed out, drawing a shining arc in the night sky.Immediately, I saw a light flash in the night.

I am a master of hidden weapons, so I am very sensitive to hidden weapons. As soon as I saw this bright light, I knew that the Ma family exorcist shot a diamond-shaped dart.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge roaring sound in the dark night sky. As soon as I heard this sound, I knew that the thing that appeared in front of me was actually a big eye-catching insect.

Good guy, there are still tigers in the Qinling Mountains, and all the members of the tomb robbery team and I feel palpitations.

Fortunately, after the roaring sound, the tiger never made another sound. At this time, the voice of the Ma family exorcist came from the night sky, and she said to us: "It's all right, come out."

Only then did everyone stand up. I turned on the flashlight, and the light swung forward. I saw the exorcist of the Ma family standing not far ahead, with a stern-eyed tiger under her feet.

I walked over to have a look, only to find that the tiger had rhombus-shaped wounds on its head and abdomen. I knew that the tiger had been killed by the diamond-shaped darts thrown by the Majia exorcist.

While admiring, I was also very surprised. This Ma family exorcist seems to be very familiar with the night environment, and I think her eyes are very adaptable to night light. She can spot tigers from far away .

There are so many doubts about her, which makes me more curious about her identity.However, sometimes the price of curiosity can put me in a very dangerous situation, and this is where I am now, and I don't even have confidence in my own safety.

The thoughts of the other members of the tomb robbery team are different from mine. They thought that this tomb robbery could make a huge fortune, so they are still full of expectations for this operation.

Our group continued to move forward, and no one had too much to say along the way.At this time, Lao Liu suddenly walked up to me, pointed to He Ting who was walking in front, and asked: "What is the origin of this guy, boss, is he reliable, will he betray us?"

Hearing the question of the sixth child, I could only smile wryly in my heart.At the same time, an unknown fire welled up in my heart, and I yelled at Lao Liu: "Do whatever you are told, and if you don't want to do it, you can go back as soon as possible."

The sixth child saw me getting so angry, he stuck out his tongue, made a very strange expression, and never spoke again.

The further I go to the depths of the Qinling Mountains, the more difficult the road is. Sometimes there is no road ahead, so I can only walk forward while opening the road.

Fortunately, He Ting has a good grasp of the direction, he has hardly any hesitation, and has been walking forward.The second one following him was the Ma family exorcist, and she seemed to be very familiar with this place.

When I think of this, I still feel a little scared, because people are the scariest people in this world.I always feel that the exorcist of the Ma family and He Ting have known each other for a long time, because the eyes of each other are different. It is such strange eyes that make me feel the crisis.

I'm starting to regret it now. Before I go out to rob the tomb, I should really check the real identity of this police officer He Tinghe. I always feel that there must be something strange about it.

At ten o'clock in the evening, we came to a strange old tree.

That ancient tree grew alone in the middle of two boulders, the tree trunk was very thick, I guess ten people would not be able to surround this ancient tree without worrying about it.More importantly, this ancient tree has long since died, and, judging from the appearance of the ancient tree, it has been dead for a long time.

I have never studied plants, so I still can’t name this ancient tree, but its stem is straight and straight, and the whole tree towers into the sky. If you go back to the Internet, you will know what kind of tree it is. .

Judging from its appearance, the age of this ancient tree is very long, and it will take at least thousands of years to grow into such a towering ancient tree.

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