I always think that the imperial court is supporting the large/army grain and weapons, but I don’t know that the consumption of grain and grass is really not much, and the weapons are provided by Du He.

In addition, there are only [-] soldiers and horses in the area. For the empire, it would cost so much food and grass when it is idle, so it doesn't mind at all.

"Your Majesty, the envoys of Baekje have always wanted to see His Majesty. Now that Koguryo is gone, they will not go to Baekje anymore!"

A Pei Ji official asked.

Li Er didn't gnaw, and let the officials talk.

With the demise of Gaogouli, Baekje envoys panicked.

Worried that the imperial army would take this opportunity to destroy Baekje, they sent a large number of envoys to lobby the ministers.

Some courtiers who took Baekje radishes, gold and silver treasures took this opportunity to persuade Li Er to retreat.


"I remember that the Duhe army/army took over the territory of Koguryo, which was under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains Dynasty.

At this time, the location of the imperial army was called Lelang County in the Han Dynasty.

Now that it has finally been regained, why do you want to return to the army and give up the territory? "

Li Er asked.

All of a sudden, the officials were speechless.

What Li Er said is the truth, it is indeed the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, that Lelang County used to belong to the territory of the Central Plains. However, I don't think that place is worth it.

Once the empire is occupied, it is too difficult to supply, and the consumption is really huge.In case something happens, the empire cannot deal with it in time.

Abandoning Weichen felt that it was more in the interests of the empire than occupying it. "

A minister stood up and suggested.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that Lelang County is too far away from Chang'an, and it is difficult to supply. What's more, with so many territories in the empire,

There is no need to garrison heavily for a tiny bit of territory.That would indeed cost too much, and it would be disadvantageous. "

Another courtier said.

If Du He was here, he would definitely jump out and scold the public.


Can the national territory be easily given up?

There are a lot of rare earth, iron ore and other resources in that place, how can we give up?

"Your Majesty, my minister is against it! The territory that the imperial army has conquered with great difficulty, let alone the old place, how can you give up lightly.

Lelang County has a high strategic depth, which prevents foreign nations from attacking the empire all at once.

It is cost-effective to spend some military expenses and station troops, and everything is for the people of the empire. "

Wei Zheng stood up and spoke.

Chapter 283 Another Good News

Wei Zheng's objection caused the Taiji Hall to be divided into three factions, and the neutral faction's officials were watching.

The two factions launched a war to tear B.

After you sing, we take the stage.

It's so lively!

In the entire Tai Chi Hall, all the ministers were arguing.

At the beginning, Li Er sat back and enjoyed his achievements, but later, Li Er couldn't sit still anymore.

The two sides quarreled too fiercely, even more violently than the aunts on the vegetable street. Regardless of image and identity, they tore apart.


Li Er picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it hard on the ground.

All of a sudden, the entire Tai Chi Hall was silent.

They all turned their heads to look at Li Er, and some courtiers lowered their proud heads.

"It's noisy! Don't look at where this is, don't look at your identity, just tear up the B, it's very enjoyable!"

Li Er roared angrily.

"I asked everyone to come here to discuss work, not to tear up B. If you have something to say, you can't say it properly.

Don't make a fuss.I am very disappointed in you, very disappointed.What a big deal to make you so noisy. "

Li Er added.

After being scolded, the officials were speechless, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Li Er.

"Okay, Xuanling, tell me, do we really want to give up Lelang County? There are indeed difficulties in supplying troops stationed there.

However, after all, it has always been the territory of the Central Plains. Now that it has been recovered, should it be stationed or abandoned? "

Several important officials under Li Er's direct line knew the general principles and policies in their hearts, but the group of officials did not know.

Li Er needs support, and he needs his direct descendants to stand up and support him.

"Your Majesty, there is a pressure river between Lelang County and the Central Plains. Once the army is stationed for a long time, it will be really difficult to supply.

However, after all, it is the territory that the ancestors laid down, and it cannot be given up lightly.if you want to give up,

The Duhe Army/Army does not need to destroy the Koguryo Kingdom at all, leaving the Koguryo Kingdom on that peninsula,

It is more in the interests of the empire to let the war between the three countries continue.This point, Weichen felt that everyone knew it.

Then why didn't the Duhe army stop the conquest?Actually, there are several reasons:

One is that the geographical location of the peninsula is too important.For the empire, occupying that peninsula can defend the enemy from the sea.

It is very important for the empire not to allow the enemy from the depths of the sea to invade.The second is that the empire has a greater defense depth.

Zorujiang is considered as one line of defense, then the peninsula is the second line of defense.Thus, when war breaks out,

It will not have too much impact on Youzhou, and the people will not be involved.Third, everyone knows that

Dongyang Kingdom is in the depths of the sea, very close to the peninsula, only more than 300 miles away.This year, the Eastern Kingdom did not hand over the tribute,

Relations with the empire have cooled.Once a war broke out between the two countries, the Eastern Kingdom would immediately attack the peninsula.

The peninsula immediately showed its importance, and the empire had to defend it, and had to station troops.Fourth is the peninsula,

According to Duhe, there are many minerals on it.Minerals are a scarce resource, and sooner or later they will be exhausted.

We should leave some mineral resources to future generations, and we should not only care about current interests.at last,

This officer would like to talk about the supply issue of the large/army stationed on the peninsula. In fact, Du He has already considered it.

The peninsula is very close to Shandong. If you take the waterway, it is only more than 200 miles away. It is easier to transport it by boat. "

Fang Xuanling slowly explained the reason.

clap clap clap!

Li Er applauded.

When the officials saw it, they immediately applauded, and all of a sudden, the applause in the entire Tai Chi Hall was thunderous and resounded through the sky.

This is what Li Er wanted.

"My dear dears, do you have any objections?"

Li Er asked.

Damn it!

You have said so, who dares to say if there is an opinion!

Unless it was because he didn't want to continue to be an official, who would object stupidly.

"Okay, since everyone has no opinion, let's leave this matter as it is! In addition, I will tell you another good news.

It's also exciting news.The Duhe army captured Pingyang, the capital of Gaoguli, and captured a lot of money.

More than 2000 million coins are already on the way, and they are escorted back to Chang'an together with Gao Jianwu, the king of Koguryo, and others.

There are still a large number of prisoners who cannot be escorted temporarily, but what?Those captives are of great use to the empire.

Many of our infrastructure and water conservancy projects need to be built, and there has been a lack of labor.After the prisoners are escorted back, those projects can start. "

Li Er threw another exciting Wang Zang.

Damn it!

More than 2000 million yuan!

So rich!

The people of Koguryo are too rich.

All of a sudden, the officials in the Tai Chi Hall were stunned and dumbfounded!

"Your Majesty, I suggest that the seized materials in Du He's army should be checked. There should be more seized materials."

Wei Zheng suggested.


Straight man!

This kind of thing, the general who is in charge of the military can turn it over, it's not bad, what else is there to check!

For so many years, the army has gone to war, and who doesn't eat oily.

Who doesn't know those things inside, but is it useful to investigate?

"Your Majesty, I agree with Master Wei's words and immediately send a censor to investigate Du He. This is also for Du He's good."

Pei Ji immediately stood up and said.

Li Er's face turned dark again, with countless black lines covering his face.

Don't I know?

No matter what Du He said, he still handed in more than 2000 million guan. What about the other generals?

Besides, even if there was an investigation, the timing would not be right.

At this time, the army is away, and Baekje still needs to be conquered. Can it be easy to change the commander?

The problem is that Du He is Li Er's son-in-law.

It's not easy for Li Er to say it clearly!

"Auxiliary machine, tell me your opinion?"

Li Er called out his name.

Changsun Wuji, a generation of famous officials, a generation of famous ministers, and the direct descendants of Li Er's direct line, knew exactly what Li Er had in mind.

He also knew what Li Er wanted to hear.

Now that Li Er has called the roll call, although Changsun Wuji had a little conflict with Du He, but if Li Er wants to support him, Changsun Wuji has to speak up no matter how unwilling he is!

"Your Majesty, I dare not agree with Lord Wei's words. Many of the weapons in the soldiers' hands were provided by Du He personally when Du He went out to fight.

So far, the empire has not paid a penny.Those who were captured, Weichen estimated, after paying back the cost of weapons and equipment,

There won't be much left.In addition, it is said that Du He distributed many of the seized materials to the soldiers, saying that the soldiers should get them.

On this point, Duhe really didn't have much to say. "

The eldest grandson said nothing.

"Shu Jie, tell me!"

Li Er called out his name.

"Your Majesty, at this time the army is out on an expedition, and it is really inappropriate to send someone to check the accounts of the Duhe army.

That would affect morale and cause unnecessary trouble.Besides, at this critical moment, how can we change coaches?

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