Wang Gui stammered.

"Chongyuan, tell me your opinion!"

Li Erdao.

Kong Yingda felt depressed.

It's all like this, so what are you talking about!

Li Er set the tone, what do people say?

"Your Majesty, the imperial army is on an expedition and needs stability, not chaos. Once someone is sent to check, it will definitely cause controversy among the soldiers."

Kong Yingda said.

As soon as Kong Daru opened his mouth, those so-called acid Confucians and corrupt Confucians all shut their mouths.

The influence is too great.

Kong Yingda is the head of Confucianism.

Chapter 284 Suggesting to Amend the Military System

Li Er was very happy.

Kong Yingda was very witty, and Li Er's heart was in his heart when he talked about it.

"Okay, don't talk too much about this, let's move on to the next topic."

Li Erqiankun said arbitrarily.

"Your Majesty, Baekje's envoys have been here for a long time and have been calling to see His Majesty. In addition, Silla has also sent envoys."

Yan Liben, acting Minister of the Ministry of Rites, said.


"Have the tributes from the two countries been handed over?"

Li Er asked.

"Silla has handed it over, but Baekje said that there is no money to hand it over, let the empire be considerate."

A Ministry of Rites official said.

Is the tribute of 5 taels of gold a year very expensive?

It is good to know that it is a country.

Buying peace with 5 taels of gold is actually a good deal.

The empire is stationing troops in Gaoguli City, eyeing Baekje. At this time, how can it be possible to compromise.

Baekje and Silla, played Xiang during this time.

Once Du He sent his troops to the south and crossed the Han River, it was only a matter of time before Baekje fell.

Besides, Baekje is a foreign nation, not an aborigine. The real aborigine is Silla, a native race.

The territory that can be seized by foreign nations, the empire will take advantage of the trend to destroy Baekje and occupy a part of the territory, why not.

The imperial army is the liberator, the savior, the righteous army who rescued the people of Baekje from suffering.

"Since they don't pay tribute, what obligation does the empire have to help solve the troubles, let the envoys of Baekje play along!

As for Silla, the Ministry of Rites can have a good talk with it about future tribute, governance, garrison and other matters. "

Li Erdao.

Li Er at this time has changed a lot.

No longer have to face the pain, the lining is the most important.

"Your Majesty, the envoys of Silla have asked the empire to support some weapons and equipment so that they can equip their troops."

Yan Liben said.

"Let the people of Silla go to the military to discuss this matter. It seems that the military still has a batch of obsolete weapons.

As long as the price is right, sell part of it to Silla!After all, Silla is a vassal state of the empire. "

Li Erdao.

After hearing this, the ministers complained in their hearts.

Sell ​​the outdated things to others, and say so glamorously.



The official of the Ministry of Rites replied.

Next, some affairs were studied at the meeting.

After the court meeting ended, Li Er went back to the imperial study and waited for several important ministers from the direct line to come in.

"My dear friends, here is Du He's suggestion. Take a look. We need to think about it today."

Li Erdao.

Du He's letter was handed over to several important ministers, and everyone looked at it carefully.

Damn it!

What do you mean?

Modifying the military system is a big deal!

After reading the letters written by Du He in turn, the faces of several important ministers became heavy.

According to Du He's letter, it is indeed more in line with the current military system than the current military system. The key is that the power of the generals is controlled.

Restraining the power in the hands of the generals who lead the troops has always been a major consideration for the emperors of all dynasties.

"Your Majesty, according to Du He's letter, once the military system is changed, the power in the hands of the general leading the troops will indeed be restricted.

For the empire, it is definitely beneficial.However, this matter is too big. If His Majesty wants to implement it, he must obtain the support of the military. "

Fang Xuanling shook his head.

Why is Li Er so relieved of Du He?

The impeachment of so many ministers in the DPRK and China still sits firmly on the Diaoyutai without any impact.

There's a reason.

A general who was leading troops outside sent a memorial to the emperor, demanding that his power be limited.

It's not something generals are willing to do.

Who doesn't yearn for more power in their hands?

Du He is good, suggesting to restrain the general's power.

Can Li Er be unhappy?

The emperor of the feudal dynasty was most worried about leading troops and generals to cause chaos.

Most of the chaos in the country is related to the generals leading the troops.

To put it bluntly, the power in the hands of the general leading the troops is not binding enough.

"Xuanling, I have to say that after Du He's practice is implemented, the power in the hands of the general leading the troops is greatly restricted.

That rotation system is very novel and a completely new approach.Every three years, the general takes office,

Only a few personal guards can be carried, and the staff group will be reorganized after going to the new combat unit.And what political commissar,

It's a bit similar to the Supervising Army, but it's different.The political commissar does not interfere with the chief officer's combat plan and command.

Only responsible for the soldiers' ideological education, patriotic education, life, logistics and other work.

Once the plan suggested by Duhe is implemented, the empire will be able to completely control the army in a few years. "

Li Erdao.

"Your Majesty, the military system created by Du He does not seem to have much content on the surface. However, if you analyze it carefully, you will find that

Very scientific indeed.Make sure that when soldiers are fighting, there will be no confusion.Even if the chief officer dies, it won't have much impact.

After all, it is really scary to be able to go up to the top of the deputy immediately, one level at a time. "

The eldest grandson said nothing.

"Your Majesty, why is there a class of ten people, plus the principal and deputy monitor, there are 12 people in total.

It's not much different from our current Mochang, but why are we called squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, battalion commander, etc.? "

Wang Gui asked.

Ha ha!

"Shu Jie! I don't know about this either. However, the idea of ​​using the division as an independent combat unit is very good.

Once a war breaks out, several divisions can be mobilized to form a field army at any time and form a corps to fight. "

Li Erdao.

To be honest, Li Er didn't care about the length of the content that Li Er liked, it was just a formality.

Du He wanted to change the military system a long time ago, but he didn't have much say in the military, so he postponed it for a few years.

Now, Du He wiped out Gaogouli in one fell swoop, and taught Tubo a lesson, made a peerless military exploit, and his status in the military increased.

With the right to speak, Du Home immediately made a suggestion.

Several important ministers knew in their hearts that the promotion of Du He's new military system would be beneficial and harmless to the empire.

"Your Majesty, the chief officer is easy to find, but the problem is that political commissar is really hard to find! It takes time to cultivate."

The eldest grandson said nothing.

Du He made it very clear that the political commissar is responsible for the ideological work of the soldiers.

To put it simply, it is to instill in soldiers the ideological education of loving the country, the nation, and Li Er.

"Let's talk about it, is it feasible to form a royal military school?"

Li Erdao.

To be honest, Li Er did not agree with the establishment of a military school, because he would worry about the leakage of military books.

Think about Li Jing, the military god of a generation, why didn't he leave a military book for later generations?

In fact, Li Jing really had several military books, all of which were handed over to Li second-hand.

What about Li Er?

Brought into the coffin.

Du He suggested the establishment of the Royal Military Academy, the purpose of which is to keep the inheritance alive and allow Li Jing's art of war to see the light of day.

"Your Majesty, I think it's feasible. Since Chang'an has Taixue, why not set up a military academy?"

Wei Zhengdao.


Li Er let out a long sigh.

"I'm worried! Once a military school is established, many excellent generals will indeed emerge from the empire.

However, books such as the Art of War will leak out.Once people with poor quality learn it, it will be extremely dangerous. "

Li Erdao.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much about it. When we recruit students, we focus on morality, which can prevent future troubles.

Besides, this kind of thing can't be blocked. "

Gao Jian suggested.

Chapter 285 Layout

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