The Chinese army was able to encircle and suppress the Shu army, all because the frontier soldiers on the left and right flanks worked hard in front of them.

Now the Chinese army has finally joined from behind to replace the frontier Paoze, who has been exhausted from the long battle.

Up to now, Shi Congyun has a relatively intuitive judgment on the strength of the troops. The Shu army has at least 5000 people!

There were far more people than them, but the Jialing River lay in the west, limiting the width of the battlefield. The Shu soldiers were not as brave as the Zhou army, and they could never break through the Zhou army's front along the river.

Seeing that the Chinese army was strangled, many people's psychological defense line collapsed, and they were directly scared. No matter how difficult it was to support, they retreated in the direction of Wuwei City.


In the daytime, the mountain tops in the west, and slowly, the setting sun gradually becomes blood red, reflecting the blood on the ground with the broken limbs and the broken arms.

After fighting for half a day, the victory was decided. The Zhou army slowly advanced in the direction of Wuwei City to the south. The corpses, armor, weapons, and broken flags were scattered all over the place.

The strong stench accompanies the river wind mass on both sides of the river.

Shi Congyun led the horse, avoided the blood pool under his feet, stepped on the flag of the Zhou army or the Shu army, and could not avoid the corpse.

Wuwei City is within easy reach.

Li Yangui, the general of the Shu army, was very old-fashioned. When he found that the riverside front could not be won, and the Chinese army suffered heavy losses, he immediately let the right wing of the Shu army be strangled by the Zhou army.

Shi Congyun had to admit that he was fooled at the last moment.

He originally wanted to follow the Shu army closely, but when the Shu army failed to fight and wanted to retreat, they would follow, or the Shu army would not dare to flee south of the city, making Wuwei City an empty city and unable to hold it.

Or if the Shu army entered the city, they took the opportunity to mix in, followed behind the buttocks and rushed in to capture Wuwei.

The abacus is good, but unfortunately Li Yangui is a veteran after all, so he probably sees through his thoughts.

He made a ruthless and sinister move directly, and did not give the right-wing Shu army an order to retreat, exposing the side of the right-wing Shu army.

At that time, when Shi Congyun and the commanders saw the fighter plane, they hurriedly ordered them to encircle and eat the right flank of the Shu army.

Unexpectedly, Li Yangui took the opportunity to lead the rest of the left wing into the city, and Dong Zunhui, who led the cavalry to pursue, suffered a small defeat, losing more than 20 people in front of the city gate, and shot himself with an arrow in the shoulder.

The sun was about to sink into the darkness, and the golden light turned into a dark red blood light. Except for a few of the Shu soldiers who were surrounded by the riverside, they jumped into the river and tried to escape, and the rest dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Compared with the Shu army, they were more fortunate. They felt Shi Congyun's magnanimity and no one was killed.

Shi Congyun watched so many people quietly, and kowtowed in front of him, giving thanks, feeling inexplicably some ups and downs in his heart, is there a sense of accomplishment?

Inaccurate, maybe it was something else, he subconsciously didn't go into it.

He just sent someone to escort the prisoners to the rear overnight and handed them over to Wang Jing. He couldn't afford to support so many people, but he estimated that many people would die when they got to Wang Jing, because Wang Jing couldn't support so many people.

Chencang Road advances along the banks of the Jialing River. Both sides are stretched by the endless Qinling Mountains. The road is rough and difficult to navigate, and it is not wide enough.

Shi Congyun remembered that this battle had been fought for more than half a year in history, and the main force only fought in Fengzhou. The key battle seemed to have no impression, mainly because a lot of time was spent on marching and transporting food, grass and luggage.

In fact, wars in ancient times were almost always like this. After walking for a few months, the decisive battle was instant, and there was no way out of the conditions.

Just like the previous battle of Gaoping, they worked hard for two months to go to Shanxi, but the decisive battle was over in one day, and the outcome was decided.

This is not the most outrageous. Like the later Mongolian expedition, it was even more walking for a year or two and fighting for dozens of days.

Therefore, as the main general, most of the time, what you have to deal with is not the formation of troops on the battlefield.

Just like the deployment of the camps in the southwest this time, Fengxiang Jiedushi Wang Jing, this time the commander of Shu, the first thing he must consider is not how to fight, but to dispatch the supplies of Fengxiang Mansion to eat and drink the food and drink of the [-] army who attacked Shu. Sarah is well arranged.

If these are not arranged, then let alone the war, the infighting will begin before the war begins.

As a forward general, Shi Congyun must have arranged the food, drink and Lazard of the [-] soldiers before he could fight.

As a general, for the first time, he felt cumbersome and complicated, and everyday things made his head big.

But it's no wonder, not to mention thousands of troops, tens of thousands of troops, Shi Congyun remembered that he used to take a class of fifty children out for a picnic, and if they arranged them properly, several teachers could work hard.

Many new teachers couldn't even effectively organize dozens of students in their classes, and many were crying with anger.


The Jialing River was quiet in the night, and the fire in Wuwei City was bright in the distance, and the dark clouds of fear in the night were probably filling the city.

For Zhou Jun, it was also a sleepless night, cleaning the battlefield, treating the wounded, making meals in the pot, and setting up camps. Many trivial matters came one after another, and the soldiers could only sleep in batches.

Until dawn the next day, the sun rose, and the blood on the riverside was the same color as the rising sun. Many corpses were stripped and piled up on the inside of the road far away from the riverside. Then Shi Congyun ordered them to be buried, so as not to pollute the water source and cause a plague.

After that, Shao Ji and the commanders reported yesterday's battle losses.

The Zhou army captured 160 Shu soldiers, captured 950 and three Shu soldiers, and used many broken ones to flee to the valleys and forests to the south, innumerable.

[-] people were killed in the battle, and many were injured. Most of the dead were soldiers of the Second Battalion on the Right Wing by the Riverside.

There are still many wounded who need to be sent to the rear to recuperate. When the count was counted the next day, there were only about 800 soldiers still in the camp outside Wuwei City.

However, the soldiers who were injured and trained last time were also replenished from the rear, but they were still unable to support the siege.

Li Yangui broke his wrist and kept more than [-] troops. With them stationed, Shi Congyun did not dare to attack.

"It seems that we can only wait for Marshal Wang to come..." Shi Congyun sighed.

Dong Zunjiao said: "Let's gnaw all the hard bones and leave them to eat meat..." Obviously very upset.

It's no wonder that although they seized a batch of materials, more of them must be in Wuwei City. Now they are fighting the most difficult battle, but watching Wuwei City can't win it, isn't it irritating.

This time, even Wang Zhong didn't quarrel with Dong Zunhui, and it was rare for them to agree.

Shi Congyun is not worried, the first credit is theirs, there is no doubt that the provincial ambassador Zan Jurun is there, he will definitely report to the officials.

Moreover, Wang Jing has always been obedient to the imperial court. He heard that every time the imperial court sent an envoy, he would personally send him no matter what his status was. Shi Congyun was a general of the forbidden army. He thought that Wang Jing would not do anything small for him.

Chapter 77, Deadlock

At the head of Wuwei City, Li Yangui watched silently in the distance. Zhou Jun was camping on the Jiangpan Avenue two miles away, looking like he was going to confront them for a long time.

"I didn't want to be defeated by a junior..." Li Yangui sighed.

The generals around them bowed their heads in shame and remained silent, and many people still had injuries on their bodies.

Wuwei, as an important fortress on the Chencang Road in the Shu Kingdom, is an important place to hoard a lot of food, grass and supplies, but there are not many of them...

Yesterday 100 troops left the city, and in the end more than [-] people fled back. In addition to the defense in the city, there were only [-] defenders in the pool at this time.

And Zhou Jun under the city is just a forward.

The rear army should be on the way...

"A tiger father has no dogs, so I have seen it now." After yesterday's battle, Lee Yeon Kyu seems to have aged a bit, and the 66-year-old is now showing his old age.

"When the commander sees a move, he should deal with it properly. It is the soldiers who are defeated by the Zhou army." Someone said unconvinced, and his words were indeed insightful.

As a veteran of the battlefield, Li Yangui really dealt with Zhou Jun's changes.

It was a pity that the left-wing battlefield, which had invested several times the force, was still blocked by the Zhou army. Although the leader of the Zhou army led his troops to charge directly, it did not change the situation that the number of Shu troops on the riverside battlefield was at least twice that of the Zhou army.

However, in such a situation, the Shu army was unable to break through the left wing to counter the outflanking Zhou army, and did not dare to fight with the brave Zhou army for a long time, so that the central army was besieged and strangled, and they all lost.

Li Yangui's deployment is in place, and he has rich experience in the battlefield. It's a pity that a clever woman can't cook without rice. The soldiers dare not fight and can't fight. No matter how well the main general is deployed, it is useless.

After all, it is impossible for a general to be one to ten, one to a hundred, and it is each soldier who truly determines the outcome of the battlefield.

"Failure is defeat. Why are there so many excuses? Find more excuses to say something nice and make you feel better. Could it change the facts? It's a rotten problem!" Li Yangui scolded.

Everyone dared not speak.

He sighed, he is from Shanxi, but he has been in Shuzhong for so long, it is impossible to have no feelings for Shu, but Shu is different from Guanzhong and Hedong in the north of Qinling Mountains.

They are always good at telling one thing, which makes Li Yangui very unaccustomed. Just like yesterday's war, defeat means defeat, but if the officials of Shu state say it, it may seem like they have won. , but actually failed.

The damned person is dead, the damned land has been lost, and the situation will not change because of the different explanations.

Could it be that extravagance and glitz create such an atmosphere?Li Yangui didn't understand, he only knew that if this continued, Zhou Jun was afraid that Chen Cangdao would be penetrated.

He never imagined that a young striker would be so powerful.

"It seems that someone is really old..."


In the next few days, they saw from the top of the city that the Zhou army pushed the camp to about a mile below the city wall, surrounded the city from the north, cleaned up and buried the corpses, cleaned the battlefield, and placed and looked after the wounded. mean.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but Li Yangui frowned. The other party was very smart and was waiting for the follow-up army.

When the army behind Zhou Jun arrived, I was afraid that Wuwei City would be broken in an instant.

In the afternoon, dozens of horsemen came two hundred paces away from the city, saying that Shi Congyun, the general of the Zhou army, wanted to see the general of the Shu army.

After hearing the news, Li Yangui hurried to the top of the city and looked at the people below.

In the middle is a young man, with tight armor and a very tall stature, he must be Shi Congyun.

At first sight, he was actually shocked, Shi Congyun was much younger than he thought.

He knew Shi Yanchao's name, and after hearing that he was Shi Yanchao's son, he thought that he should be a young man, but he didn't expect to be so young.

He was so young that he had no beard on his face, and even his voice had a childish tone.

Zhou Guozhen is full of talents, no wonder they can beat the Northern Han and Khitan, Li Yangui thought.

Then, according to the requirements of the shouting from the city, the bowmen from the city head were withdrawn, and the other party approached within a hundred paces.

He saw Shi Congyun shouting at him, the city was windy, and only vaguely heard a few words such as "surrender now to protect your wealth and glory", "the big week will win the world", and "those who know the current affairs are heroes".

It means he already understands.

For a moment, Li Yangui was a little shaken, and the climate of the Zhou Dynasty had become a reality. This was an indisputable fact.

But soon, he thought of the whole family in Chengdu, children and grandchildren, if he had a little bit of dissent, I was afraid that the whole family would not be able to survive.

The point is...he's old.

66 people, how many years are left to live?

If he was young and strong, in order to get revenge for his future, he might have really joined Zhou Jun, but now it is different.

Li Yangui shook his head: "Someone is loyal to His Majesty, loyal to Shu, and swears that he will not betray him. General Shi doesn't need to say much, let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

After saying that, he hurried down the city head, ignoring Zhou Jun under the city.

In order to stabilize the military, he could only say that Zhao Jili's reinforcements were on the way, but he actually knew something. According to reports, Zhao Jili has been leaving from Chengdu for almost three months, and now he is still missing. The reinforcements are almost impossible to count on. .

As a result, the two sides were deadlocked in Wuwei City. Li Yangui did not dare to abandon the city rashly and flee, and Shi Congyun did not dare to move forward. He bypassed Wuwei and went directly to Fengzhou. Because there are many soldiers in Wuwei City, they may be caught in a front and back attack. situation.

The follow-up messengers brought news of Wang Jingzhong's army. After the army left the customs, it encountered heavy rain for three consecutive days, the mountain road was muddy, and the advance was slow. After marching for more than half a month, the forward was still at the Huang Niu shop in the north of Huanghua Valley.

Moreover, the composition of Wang Jing's vassal troops was complex, and many bandits joined the army to avoid disasters, which was completely different from the central forbidden army such as the Konghe Army, and the discipline was lax during the march.

Wang Jing's order to him was to act cheaply. At the same time, he had ordered Xiang Xun to lead a thousand elite cavalry of the Zhen'an Army to set out first to reinforce them as soon as possible.


The confrontation in Wuwei City continued for several days.

And in late June, a thousand Zhen'an cavalry led by Xiang Xun marched in the rain on the mountain road and finally joined him.

There are more and more Zhou Jun outside Wuwei City.

Seeing that it was about to enter July, Shi Congyun's soldiers had recovered to more than 4000 soldiers. Excluding Luo Yanhuan's force to ensure the grain road, the frontal force was enough to attack Wuwei City.

As the Zhou army continued to increase its troops, the Shu army in Wuwei City became more and more frightened every day, for fear that when they woke up one day, the Zhou army had already attacked the city.

However, Shi Congyun was not in a hurry to siege the city, because the Taiyuan siege had left him too deep an impression. If he followed the brutal method, he would only be able to die for two or three days.

So he would rather wait to give up some of the credit and wait for the arrival of the Chinese army to force Wuwei City to surrender, rather than let the soldiers die like that.

Anyway, he must be the first. If he eats the meat himself, he must let others drink the soup.

Chapter 78, Wuwei City Breaks

On the first day of the seventh lunar month, there was morning fog on the peaks of the Qinling Mountains, and the white peaks were looming.

Looking at the vast white fog, Shi Congyun felt homesick. When he started, he realized that the first thing he thought of was Zhao Shijian's beautiful face. He wondered if his lower body was causing trouble.

It's no wonder that he has only been in this world for more than a year, and the only people who get along with him day and night are little girls. After all, he is not the previous Shi Congyun, and other people don't have such deep feelings.

Before he recovered, Xiang Xun came over on horseback and said happily, "Brother Yun, the guys who attack the city are all ready!"

Xiang Xun brought not only a thousand cavalry, but also more than a dozen skilled craftsmen from Fengxiang Mansion, who were responsible for building siege equipment.

The Qinling Mountains are surrounded by trees, and it is very easy to cut wood and obtain materials.

Shi Congyun actually didn't want to attack the city, but the soldiers and Xiang Xun were very enthusiastic. It was a great achievement to win Wuwei!

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