The commanders and Xiang Xun, Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others came to ask for orders one after another, and Shi Congyun could not refute the opinions of the people, so he had to order the construction of siege equipment to prepare to attack Wuwei City.

He also observed for a long time, Wuwei City is much worse than Taiyuan, it should not be so difficult to fight.

"Okay, let's fight. From tomorrow, Uncle Xiang, you will command the siege." Shi Congyun said that he had no experience in commanding siege warfare, so he simply handed it over to Xiang Xunlai, and he learned on the side.

Xiang Xun didn't refuse, he nodded and smiled: "Okay, then let's come. Brother Yun is full of credits now, and he has not made any achievements since he set off on the expedition."

"With Uncle's ability, the credit will come sooner or later."

"You kid can really talk, but it makes you happy." Xiang Xun laughed, "Wuwei City came with you, remember this, and thank you Brother Yun."

"Uncle, you're very polite. How can I thank you?" Shi Congyun smiled and waved his hand: "Something will come to you in the future."

Xiang Xun shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You, you don't look like your father at all, it looks like a sloppy skin."

Shi Congyun didn't refute, just said: "It's always better than a stunned young man like my father."

Xiang Xun didn't quite understand it, so he stopped wrangling with him, and went down to lead people to arrange siege equipment, ready to attack the city tomorrow.

That night, Shi Congyun convened many commanders and confidants of generals to discuss matters in the big tent, mainly to discuss the arrangements for the next day's siege.

Everyone has their own opinions. Some people say that they want to dig the Jialing River to flood the city, some people advocate digging holes in the ground, and some people think that directly attacking the city is just, and the various opinions are not uniform.

Shi Congyun heard it loudly, because he didn't know what to do, and it was the first time that he led an army to attack the city alone.

However, Shi Congyun is very clear about his identity. He is a decision maker, not a strategist or a military advisor. In this case, don't overwhelm the guest, and let everyone express their strengths when they come up with ideas.

All he has to do is arrange the people, motivate everyone, and make the final decision.

Everyone had different opinions, but he finally looked at Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xun said: "Brother Yun has already beaten the Shu army to the point where the morale of the Shu army is low, and he has long since had no intention of fighting with us. Just fight it directly, without any complicated means, Wuwei is not Jinyang."

Shi Congyun thought for a while after listening to it, "Siege the city tomorrow, attack directly, and try to rush up once."

"No!" He made a decision, and everyone stopped arguing and agreed, with war intent in their eyes.

After that, everyone went back to gather soldiers and prepare to attack the city.

That night, Shi Congyun slept soundly and was awakened by a loud noise. He quickly got up and walked out of the tent. The fire was blazing outside, and the noise came from a distance.

Could it be that the Shu army has attacked the camp!

Shi Congyun subconsciously wanted to look for the sword, but he thought that it was impossible. There were not many Shu troops in Wuwei City, and he arranged for people to patrol the camp.

After a while, someone hurried in to report: "The Shu army has run away! The Shu army broke through Wuwei City and fled south at night, and the Shao Jian army is leading people to chase."

Only then did Shi Congyun understand that the Shu army in Wuwei City escaped!

He quickly ordered: "Go and tell Deputy Envoy Xiang and ask him to bring cavalry to pursue him.

Come and tell Wang Zhong, let him release all the scouts as soon as possible! "

The messenger nodded and hurried away.

There were more and more flames in the distance. It was the torches lit by the soldiers of the Zhou army. Shi Congyun was no longer sleepy, so he let someone come in to help put on his armor, and then asked Dong Zunhui to gather the cavalry and go with him to the city to see the situation.


After dawn the next morning, Shi Congyun finally figured out the situation based on reports from all parties.

It may be that they put on a stance of attacking the city to frighten the Shu army.

Li Yangui, the general of Wuwei City, led dozens of people, and fled from the south of the city to Fengzhou in the south at night. They were probably afraid that the movement would be too loud to attract the attention of the Zhou army, and they abandoned all the defenders.

As a result, it was discovered by the scouts stationed by Zhou Jun at various intersections around Wuwei.

Immediately afterward, Shao Ji led his cavalry to pursue and killed and captured 27 generals and schools of the Shu army, but more people were able to flee south.

Li Yangui and other generals fled, leaving only [-] soldiers without a leader in the city.

At noon that day, the soldiers in Wuwei City sent representatives to fall into the city and went to Shi Congyun to ask for forgiveness, expressing their willingness to submit and hoping to give them a way out.

Shi Congyun agreed, and after that, Wuwei City opened the door and surrendered, preparing siege equipment for a few days, and discussing the siege plan for a night was completely useless.

Standing in front of Wuwei City and accepting the kneeling worship of more than 2000 Shu troops, Shi Congyun himself felt a little dreamy, and Wuwei City was just won!

At this time, it was only the beginning of July, and it had only been more than a month since he led the troops out of the Sanguan. All the way to the south, he pulled eight Shu army camps in a row, and won the Wuwei City. Thinking about it, it was like a dream.

"Find someone who can talk, and hurry up and report victory to Commander Wang!"


Chencang Road has been an important road since ancient times.

When Chu and Han were fighting for hegemony, Liu Bang sent Han Xin from Hanzhong in Shu to go north on Chencang Road to seize Guanzhong in one fell swoop, laying the foundation for capturing the world.

Now that the army of the Zhou Dynasty is heading south, the most ideal is still Chencang Road, and it is better to go one of them. From a geographical point of view, Chencang can cut off the connection between Qinzhou and Shu in the rear. As long as Fengzhou falls, Qinzhou in the rear will be cut off The other will lose contact with the Shu Kingdom, and it will be difficult to support it alone.

Therefore, it seems that the land in Guanzhong is captured, but it is actually in Fengzhou. As long as the throat of Fengzhou is out of control, the various places in the rear cannot protect themselves, and the only way to go is to surrender Dazhou.

Wang Jing stood on the top of the mountain, the peaks of the Qinling Mountains in the distance rose and fell one after another, and the plants were lush and lush. The ancient stone paved road under his feet was covered with moss, and the dark green moss could easily cause people to slip on it. smoothed.

When Shi Congyun first proposed to take Chencangdao, take Wuwei and directly capture Fengzhou, Wang Jing took a high look at this young junior.

After that, letting Shi Congyun play the front line was of a tentative nature. Wang Jing had no idea how powerful the imperial imperial army was, and he would die in battle. At his age, he only hoped for stability and did not want to worry about trouble.

Shi Yanchao had heard that he was very famous in the Zhou Dynasty army. He thought that the dragon gave birth to the dragon, the phoenix gave birth to the phoenix, and the mouse was born to dig holes, but judging from the continuous battle reports from the front, this young junior is not only brave So simple.

After circulating the battle report, all the generals around him said with emotion: "It seems that I, the elite of the Great Zhou, still have to watch the Imperial Army..."

Many of them were dissatisfied at first. As the saying goes, peers are enemies, and the army in the township also has the idea of ​​competing with the banned army.

I just didn't expect that the successive battle reports in front would make the Fengxiang Mansion's army very hard, so I had a preface with emotion.

Some people were dissatisfied and said sourly: "Maybe they lied about the military situation..."

He was immediately glanced at by Wang Jing, Wang Jing looked stern, and said slowly: "Stop talking about this in the future, it is possible that the thousands of Shu prisoners sent back to the front are also fake, and they have spoken too much, otherwise they will cause trouble. ."

The speaking general's face was ugly, and he didn't say anything more.

"Now that we haven't even arrived at the Yellow Flower Valley, they have already broken through eight Shu army camps and captured Wuwei City. What else can you say..."

Chapter 79

Wang Jing's words made everyone quiet, some people bowed their heads in shame, some were angry, and some were secretly jealous, no matter what kind, they didn't dare to talk more in front of Wang Jing.

On the mountainside avenue in the distance, a neat army is advancing in formation. From time to time, someone shouts loudly to the other side of the mountain, and there are echoes and laughter.

Compared with the strictly disciplined and disciplined Control He Army, the Fengxiang Township Army is obviously a lot worse, both in terms of weapons and equipment and the quality of its soldiers.

However, every feudal town has elite soldiers, but it is impossible to be all elite.

Fengxiang Town sent more than 1 troops, and it is inevitable that the good and the bad will mix.

"You urge your subordinates, strict military discipline, hurry up, they have taken down Wuwei City, we are still here, don't let our peers laugh." Wang Jingdao.

The crowd sparsely agreed.

Wang Jing was not angry and did not care about them.

As far as this matter is concerned, Wang Jing is happy in his heart. He is deployed in the southwest, the commander of the army, and Shi Congyun's meritorious service. He also has a share, at least he is transferred.

Because he appointed Shi Congyun as the striker, and now that he has achieved such a record, his credit will also be written so beautifully that he is willing to speak for the younger generation.

Of course, this is only one of the insignificant reasons, and more important.

Wang Jing came from a very low background, so he can better understand the difficulties of the world and the difficulties of life, so he is unwilling to care about many small things. 1 Being a prostitute, he doesn't care.

For him, who has gone through the turbulent times, many things in the world have long been bearish.

Most of the time, he just pushed the boat, so he did not stingy for Shi Congyun's good words at the official family, nor did he expect anything in return, nor did he seek fame.

Besides, Shi Congyun, who was only [-] years old, really did a beautiful job, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

In more than a month, after leaving the Sanguan, he broke through eight Shu army camps in a row, defeated Li Yangui, captured more than [-], captured thousands of prisoners, broke Wuwei City, and his troops were pressing towards Fengzhou.

This kind of achievement cannot be said to be earth-shattering, at least it is very eye-catching. Li Yangui is one of the few veteran generals in Shu who can do it. Before sending troops, Wang Jing noticed him and did not expect to be defeated by a junior.

"There are so many heroes in the world..." Wang Jing felt a little emotional, and then told the officers around him: "The supply of food and grass for the vanguard army is the most important thing, and there must be no mistakes. You have to supervise it yourself."

The engaged officer has followed Wang Jing for many years, and seeing his order, he understands that it is an important matter, and quickly nods in agreement.

"The road is clear, so let's go to Fengzhou as soon as possible. If Fengzhou is won, the dust of this battle should be settled..." Then Wang Jing didn't say any more.

On the road below, the army formed a long dragon, winding all the way to the south.


Compared with Wang Jing's calmness and calmness, Zan Jurun, the envoy of Hakka Province, was much more excited.

At the age of more than 40 years, he is the age when his desire for career exceeds his desire for women. He just wants to win the attention of the officials and show off his talents for revenge.

Therefore, he is the most important one in this battle against Shu, even more than the coach Wang Jing.

Shi Congyun had only set out for a day, and he hurriedly urged Wang Jing to send troops faster. After that, he complained several times that the army was moving too slowly and wished he could fly to the front line.

He was even more excited until the successive victories came from the front, and suddenly felt that the opportunity had come.

As a secretary and pen official, if he can write a battle report that attracts attention and makes the official family unforgettable, it will be remembered and reused by the official family, so he is impatient, and immediately asks the messenger who reports the victory to question him. .

As a result, the soldier couldn't speak well, and his expression was unclear. Except for what he said in the battle report, he didn't know what to ask and three questions, which made Zan Jurun scolded him in a hurry.

Afterwards, he ordered to ride lightly to the front line alone, instead of leaving with the army, which surprised the coach Wang Jing.

Zan Jurun is the military envoy. If he is left alone, he can't bear the trouble. Not to mention that Chencang Road is steep and steep, and the road is slippery and slippery. He said that there might be a few robbers and rebels that sprang up along the way and would kill him. .

Besides, the military envoy sent by the official family is naturally the best with him as the head coach, so that many things will be innocent, how can he let him go, otherwise it will be unclear, Wang Jing understands this.

So after repeated persuasion, Zan Jurun finally gave up the dangerous idea, but he was still very anxious, and from time to time urged the army to move forward quickly.

Not long after, another messenger rushed to the south to bring news that Shi Congyun had defeated the Shu army in the east of Wuwei City, Wuwei City was broken, and Li Yangui fled south.

The whole army was shaken, the news spread quickly, and many people were stunned. Among them, Zan Jurun was the most excited. He once again caught the messenger who came to report the news, took him to his tent, and questioned him again and again.

The soldiers who came this time were very eloquent and explained things clearly. Zan Jurun was so excited that he kept writing, and after finishing his writing, he polished it up. After that, he felt that it was not good enough, so he continued to ask: "Your general is always there every time you go into battle. what?"

The messenger was stunned for a moment, what else could he do?

But looking at the expectant expression of the supervising officer on the opposite side, he was very clever, and turned his mind: "Our Shidushi wears three layers of armor every time, holds a sword in his hand, and rides a horse..."

As the messenger spoke, he watched the reaction of the high-ranking officer of the supervisory army. He found that the high-ranking officer on the opposite side was getting more and more excited, and he understood that he was talking!

"Do you all know that you will be firm and fierce in every battle, take the lead, and charge into the battle!" According to the description of the messenger, Zan Jurun imagined many pictures of golden horses and iron horses.

The messenger was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Ah... that's right."

After listening to this, Zan Jurun became even more excited. He felt that he had been able to write a report that was eye-catching and heart-warming when he read it. He followed up half a step forward and asked, "Then have you all been injured?"

The messenger shook his head, how could that be, every time he wears three layers of armor, and there are many guards around him, most of the time they are at the rear of the battlefield, and he can't stand the injury.

But just after he finished speaking, he saw the joy on the face of the high-ranking official on the opposite side slowly dissipate, and there was less divine light in his eyes.

Zan Jurun frowned and said, "This... can't be."

The messenger was very clever, and immediately understood that the high-ranking officer on the other side didn't like such words, he rolled his eyes and quickly changed his tune and said, "The supervisor is brilliant! I didn't expect that this could not be hidden from you. In fact, we all suffered more than ten injuries, but he Don't let us publicize it."

Zan Jurun was immediately excited, "That's true!"

"En!" The orderly nodded heavily: "I saw it with my own eyes..."

"Okay, okay!" Zan Jurun happily paced the tent, "It's rare, at a young age, he is strong and stubborn, he takes the lead, and despite more than ten injuries, he still insists on fighting!

Take the lead in pulling up eight Shu military camps in a row, and personally go into battle to defeat Li Yangui, the general of the state of Shu, and take the city of Wuwei without hesitation!

He is really a loyal and brave man of the great Zhou Dynasty, a role model for young people, and has the style of his father. The old man has many things to write and present to the officials. "

"Ah..." The messenger was a little dazed when he heard that, who was the supervisor talking about.

"Come here, give this sergeant two thousand dollars. If he hadn't told the truth, the old man would hardly know about the wonderful battle on the front line."

The messenger was overjoyed, and immediately stopped worrying about who the supervisor said. He thanked him with a beaming smile, and then went to receive the reward...

Chapter 80, Brother Yun's Love Letter

In early July and autumn, the weather is slightly cooler.

Before you know it, autumn has come.

The army led by Shi Congyun went south along Chencang Road, crossing mountains and ridges, and the elite forwards of Fengxiang Mansion also arrived one after another.

Because of the vanguard of Wang Jing's army, Fengxiang Town's general Zhang Jianxiong led [-] Fengxiang soldiers to catch up with them, and they joined forces according to Wang Jing's orders to wait for Shi Congyun's dispatch.

With soldiers in hand, Shi Congyun suddenly became bold and ordered to continue southwards to encircle Fengzhou!

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