“Exchange, ten rare blind boxes.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said, and looked at the system exchange ratio again.

Normal blind boxes have a greater random gambling nature, but the all-inclusive one is 2,000 emotion points.

The advantage of rare blind boxes is that there is a high probability of special real estate fragments and welfare props, and 5,000 emotion points are available.

He now needs to unlock a special real estate to see the specific trigger point and unlocking conditions.

So this time, it is not a loss to exchange all 20,000 emotions.

【Redemption successful! Do you want to open it?】


Then there was a continuous ding ding

【Congratulations to the host for winning”Da Vinci’s Smile”, a 24-hour top painting experience card!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Holy Inquisition Immaculate Set”, the lament from the Knights of the Round Table, which will shock anyone who sees it and make them dare not to blaspheme in the slightest. It will not leave any trace when worn!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special building property rights, two pieces of”Sumida Canal Bridge Property Rights Fragments”! 】

Here it comes!

Qian Jingdongshu was delighted

“What’s so special about this Sumida Canal Bridge?”

【Sumida Canal Bridge, Appearance Time: The Movie: Skyscraper Blast】

【It is an important channel for the circular lines from Mika to various parts of Kyoto. The average passenger flow of Mika alone is 5 million people per day (with great room for growth as the host property rights expand)】

【Unlock the property rights. The host will have all the rights to use the bridge. It can legally set up a private toll station. Official leases must also pay rent, and no tax is required.】

【Because the host owns two pieces of”Sumida Canal Bridge Property Fragments”, unlocking conditions are available】

【Conditions: 1. Moriya Teiji’s approval

2. Defuse a bomb once

3. Ride the Kyoto Loop Line】

【Do you want to use the fragments now?

Qian Jingdongshu directly chooses yes.

Except for the universal fragments, which should be kept for future use, other special buildings will be unlocked immediately after they are obtained.

【Please select two unlock conditions】

“1 and 3″

Qian Jing Dongshu did not hesitate.

He did not have the time to ride the loop line.

Moriya Teiji was a paranoid man. The plot of the movie began to take advantage of all his design and architectural property rights. What kind of deal was there?

If he dared to make a move on his own bridge, Qian Jing Dongshu was afraid that he would want to shoot him before the plot started.

【Unlocked successfully, the current collection progress of”Sumida Canal Bridge” is 2/3】

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes fell on the remaining rewards of the system

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Mechanical Girl Incarnation”. She has powerful military power and is loyal to her master. Use it on designated targets and it will take effect for 24 hours.!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the”transformed puppy girl”. She forgets who she is and only has the characteristics of a dog. She will wag her tail wildly when she sees her owner. Use it on designated objects and it will take effect for 24 hours!

Welfare props!

This is possible!

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes glowed red and his brain was buzzing!

He smiled and looked at the two strings of numbers that were newly entered into his phone. He couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Insincere Tongue”, a punishment from Loki, the god of lies and jokes. It is used on a designated person to say ten insincere words!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Mermaid Tail”. It is gluttonous and bloodthirsty, and absolutely loyal to its partner. Once it becomes hungry, it will exert its terrifying power. Use it with caution! It can only be used on designated targets, and will take effect for 24 hours!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting”Battle Angel Alita”, a mechanical girl who comes and goes without a trace, has explosive combat power, wanders around the world and loves to challenge adventures. There will be surprises when she is released! 】


A living mechanical girl?

Qian Jing Dongshu was surprised, there is such a reward?

Is it also a kind of welfare prop?

With Xiaolan next to him, he can’t let her out to watch.

He just circled an unfinished building near the Fei Law Firm and let Alita move freely first, waiting for him to go back

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special building property rights, a piece of”Kyoto Black Market Property Rights Fragment”! 】

Kyoto Black Market!

Qian Jing Dongshu was madly excited.

It was really a good place for laundry, buying guns and smuggling.

The key is to take it, it is a money-eating beast that can make money without losing!

The secrets of personal connections, the intelligence information of the Japanese underground world, armed contraband… will all be open to him like an unguarded beauty!

Must be unlocked!

As soon as possible!

“Check out the unlock conditions!”

【Kyoto Black Market Ownership:

Conditions 1: Introduction by an insider

2. One transaction of contraband items, recognized by at least three black forces

3. Affirmation by high-ranking officials of Japan (at least five, and a hard condition is that there must be an important police officer)

4. Influence of at least one million people in Kyoto

5. A main plot character must know that the host is involved in the black market and have a positive attitude

6. Show your cards to the core members of the black organization and have a formal face-to-face encounter, not limited to hostility, cooperation, and transactions】

【Are fragments used now?】

“As expected of a black market, the unlocking conditions are quite tricky.”

Qian Jing Dongshu pinched his chin and smiled.

He had guessed that the conditions for such a big piece of fat meat would not be simple.

Unexpectedly, this would allow him to take advantage of both the black and white, and jump on the edge of a knife!

“Interesting, but what I like most is challenges.

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes are bright.

Good steel is used on the blade, isn’t it?

“Universal special property rights fragments are used. I want to unlock two conditions at the same time.”

“1 and 3!”

Solve the black market threshold and the most troublesome police high-level problems.

Develop first, so as not to be the first to be shot.

The rest… Qian Jing Dongshu smiled.

Let the red and black sides of Ke Xue tremble for him!

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