Qian Jing Dongshu took Xiaolan to the horse riding field.

Xiaolan was still worried.

“Fuyuki, are you really okay?”

“If you feel unwell, I will go to the hospital with you first.”

Fuyuki must have been irritated by Conan.

Ordinary people would be too scared to sleep if they encountered such a terrible thing.

He kept pestering her.

This ignorant bad boy.

Xiaolan decided to hate Conan.

Together with that troublemaker Kudo Shinichi, get as far away as possible.

Qian Jingfuyuki shook his head and smiled

“I feel great. I have more energy than ever before.”

I have to ride the horse, run a little, and let off some steam!

Seeing that he insisted, Xiaolan said nothing more.

She thought that if she saw that Dongshu-kun showed any signs of reluctance, she would call an ambulance immediately. She served him tea and water without taking off her clothes.

Even if Dongshu disliked the cold bed, she could help warm it up.

Who made the adoptive father talk nonsense? Did she owe him?

When they arrived at the riding field,

“Dongshu-kun, slow down!”

“I, I can’t catch up!”

“Hahaha, Xiaolan, you have to work harder!”

On the green grass, two beautiful horses galloped past one after the other.

Xiaolan went from simply screaming to enjoying it, and gradually fell in love with this feeling of emptying her mind and galloping at lightning speed.

“Really, every time I’m with Dongshu, I can feel different surprises and excitement.”

“Then why don’t you come to my side more often when you have nothing to do?”

Qian Jing Dongshu reined in his horse and turned back to smile.

The black horse raised its hooves and neighed loudly.

He was facing the setting sun, and at this moment, he was shining brightly.

This scene was so handsome that Xiaolan was stunned.

She looked at it stupidly for a long time and inadvertently loosened the reins.

“”Xiao Lan!”

Qian Jing Dongshu called out.

Before Xiao Lan could come to her senses, a red, unruly horse rushed over from the other side of the racecourse.


The docile little horse suddenly became restless, jumping wildly and wanting to run around.

“Ah! Fuyuki-kun……”

Xiaolan panicked. A beginner would only know to squeeze the horse’s belly and lie on its back tightly when faced with such a situation. She was so nervous and scared that she was spinning like a fool.

“There is no other way!”

Qian Jing Dongshu jumped off the horse, ready to violently subdue it.

At the same time, an old figure wearing a black vest and a white shirt, gentle but not thin, also quickly drove a brown and yellow horse to the front.

“”Evil beast! Don’t stop!”

With muscles as strong as those of Master Kame, he shouted and threw out a lasso.

His target was the chestnut horse.

Fuyuki ignored him and went up to pull the reins and punched Xiaolan’s horse on the head.

The little horse wailed and knelt down dizzy.

“Xiaolan, are you okay?

Qian Jingdongshu carried Xiaolan down.

Xiaolan’s whole body was like being fished out of sweat. In a short moment, her legs were weak.

But her eyes were soft and bright, and her clear eyes reflected his shadow.

“Phew, thanks to Dongshu-kun, otherwise I don’t know what to do.”

Xiaolan was too shy to look at him.

Dongshu-kun seemed to have touched her accidentally just now, should she say it out?

“Is this lady okay? I’m so sorry that the strong wind scared you.”

The old man finished his work and quickly dismounted to apologize.

Xiaolan froze!

She was embarrassed enough that there were outsiders here. It would be too unreserved to tell Dongshu about this, so forget it. Qian

Jing Dongshu saw through it but didn’t say anything. He smiled with curved eyebrows and hugged Xiaolan tighter, letting her bury her head and steam like an ostrich.

Turning back and raising an eyebrow, he said to the old man:”Have you practiced, old man? You are quite strong.”

“Haha, my last name is Ochiai, the director of the Zhongshi Art Museum. Young man, just call me Director Ochiai.”

After Director Ochiai finished speaking, he sighed and laughed at himself.

“However, I don’t know how long this curator can stay in office.”

“Director Ochiai?”

A dark and bloody picture suddenly flashed through Qian Jingdongshu’s mind.

The old director who loved art like his life?

What a coincidence, I actually met a plot character here.

I didn’t sign in successfully, so I probably have to wait for the plot.

“Hey! Ochiai! You old man, didn’t you say you would help me pick up the polo balls?”

“”Old man, you are being honored by being my caddy! Hurry up and come here with a strong wind!”

A rude and violent voice sounded.

A square-faced, short and stout middle-aged man came over, cursing and scolding others.

Qian Jingdongshu and Xiaolan frowned at the same time.

Director Ochiai’s originally straight spine suddenly became a little hunched.

“”Here we are, Mr. Manaka.”

He hurried over with two horses. He did not forget to turn around and invite Qian Jingdongshu and Xiaolan.

“I’m sorry for disturbing your love conversation.”

“If you don’t mind, you are welcome to visit our Nakadashi Art Museum… I hope it’s not too late.”

Talk, talk about love?!

She and Fuyuki?

How could she be so worthy!

Xiaolan’s cheeks were burning again.

By the way, Nakadashi Art Museum?

Xiaolan had been there when she was a child.

She turned her head to look at the lonely old director, and thought that if Fuyuki didn’t have time, she could go there once and show her support.

Director Ochiai’s words, on the contrary, aroused the dissatisfaction of the short and stout Manaka.

Manaka glanced at Qian Jing Fuyuki with a wicked look, his face full of contempt.

“What the hell does a little brat like this know about art?”

“They are only worthy of coming to my newly opened restaurant to indulge in luxury, spend the most expensive money, and please women, haha~”

“Let’s go!”

Director Ochiai bowed twice to Qian Jingfuyushu again, and left with Manaka.

“What? That Mr. Manaka is really annoying.”

Xiaolan puffed up her cheeks in anger.

Qian Jingfuyu looked indifferent.

“Don’t worry, Xiaolan. People like this usually don’t survive more than three episodes in TV dramas.”

Scum like this… is really an eyesore.

Since the ownership of the Zhongshi Art Museum has fallen into his hands, he can kill with a borrowed knife and directly wipe it out.

“Let’s go back”


Xiaolan thought Dongshu’s tone was a little strange, but she didn’t think much about it.

He had been hard enough today.

Xiaolan was sensible and gently followed Qian Jing Dongshu’s fierce words.

“Dongshu, you are tired too. I will make you some soothing tea when we get back. Have a good rest.

Qian Jingdongshu looked down at the gentle and kind Xiaolan.


However, when he returned to the Fei Law Firm, Qian Jing Dongshu sent Xiaolan away.

Alita was still waiting for him at the unfinished building.

Whoosh! As soon as

Qian Jing Dongshu appeared, a short-haired figure with a curvy, slender and exquisite figure, but full of strength, fell from the sky!


A circular deep pit exploded on the ground

“Are you my master, Qian Jing Dongshu?”

“I’ve finally waited for this, please use me quickly.”

The killing machine, the battle angel Alita slowly walked in front of Qian Jing Dongshu.

Suddenly she knelt on one knee and raised her strong and unyielding little face.

Her beautiful eyes were amazingly bright, and it was impossible to tell that she was a cyborg.

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