Hogwarts White Knight

Chapter 58 Professor Snape is easy to talk to

Just as Gawain expected, on Sunday morning, the owl brought him the latest Daily Prophet. On the front page was the news that Miranda Gorshak had released a revised version of the standard spell, and nearly a quarter of it was a picture of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge.

As for Gao Wen?

Thank you reporters.

They actually spelled the name half right.

——At least Goldwhite is very open-minded.

"How could they do this!"

Hermione grabbed the newspaper and wanted to tear it up.

"There's at least half a glass of water, right? Besides, I don't have to please everyone."

Gawain crossed out another line in his notebook.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle..."

When he mentioned the name Tom Riddle to Ms. Bagshot yesterday, she shuddered violently, as if she had heard a very vicious curse word. But at Gawain's insistence, she reluctantly gave her a middle name, Marvolo.

"That's enough, kid, that's enough.

I've said enough! "

She shook her sleeves and left the bookstore quickly.

Gawain has compared many names in modern magic history and tried many combinations, but none of them corresponded to this name.

Or, to be more precise.

He did correspond to a name.

But that name was so dangerous that Gawain had to be very sure.

While Gawain was trying to name an Auror named Theseus Scamander, Neville waved from a distance and walked over.

"Gawain, do you have time today? I mean, I have looked for those places and want to go see them with you."

Neville whispered in Gawain's ear.

Gawain had previously lent Neville the copy of the Marauder's Map and asked him to help him choose a suitable venue for the event from several places.

It's not that Gawain doesn't want to borrow a ready-made classroom, but when he asked Professor McGonagall, she regretfully said that the application for borrowing a classroom has been open until next month, and will be given unconditional priority to fifth- and seventh-grade students.

"O.w.ls and n.e.t.ws students always need some preferential treatment, Mr. White. They are struggling for the future. Maybe you could consider borrowing a certain section of the corridor? Mr. Filch will give you suggestions."

Professor McGonagall said.

"Of course, let's go now."

Gawain closed the notebook roughly, stuffed it into his pocket, and followed Neville out of the auditorium.

They first went to the fifth floor, where a passage was hidden behind a large mirror.

"It's very secluded here and no one will disturb us. There are some mats in the Charms classroom downstairs. I asked Professor Flitwick and he was willing to lend them to us when other clubs are not using them."

Neville stuttered a little, but tried his best to introduce this place to Gawain clearly.

This passage should lead to the outside of the school. After a long flat corridor, there is a rather steep downward passage. It seems that due to years of disrepair, the roof of the passage looks very shabby, as if it will fall off if a gust of wind blows.

Fortunately, the walls of the corridor are made of red bricks and illuminated by torches, but the shortcomings are equally obvious.

It is not spacious. This end can only accommodate eleven or twelve groups of people, and the long and narrow corridor is very inconvenient for explanations and demonstrations.

"Let's go to the next one."

Gawain shook his head regretfully.

Although this place would be a good choice after renovation, he was really worried that the ceiling would suddenly collapse.

"But maybe we can practice dueling here?"

& nb

sp;He still secretly wrote it down.

The second place Neville chose was behind the hunchbacked statue of the one-eyed old woman.

"This leads to Hogsmeade, of course, as you know. I tried walking there once and found that it was the warehouse of Honeydukes.

Their boss is willing to lend us an empty space in the warehouse from time to time, but he hopes... that we can buy some candies when we go, and also promote new products for them among students. "

He hesitated to explain.

Students under the third year of Hogwarts were not allowed to go to Hogsmeade Village, but he really didn't want to live up to Gawain's expectations. This was the first time he was really responsible for doing something.

"Thank you, Neville."

Gawain said sincerely that he did not expect Neville to be willing to do this. When talking to the boss of Honeydukes, he was probably sweating.

But they still have to go to the next place.

Because it's so nice here.

The venue chosen by the club must be reported to Professor McGonagall, which means that old Filch must come to inspect it. Not only did this mean that their early trip to Hogsmeade was discovered, it also meant that the road would be closely monitored.

Who can say no to Honeydukes?

As for the third place Neville chose, it was actually the most ideal choice.

It is located on the north side of the dungeon. It should have been used as a torture chamber in the past and has a very spacious open space. It is secretive, safe, and can easily accommodate thirty people, and many props can be obtained from the nearby Potions classroom.

Gawain fell in love with this place almost immediately.

"But, Gawain, you know this is unrealistic!"

Neville shook his head desperately.

The only reason why he is not optimistic about this place is...

This is very close to the Slytherin common room. If you want to use this place, you must obtain permission from Professor Snape.

But no sane person would think that that shadowy man who always hated Gryffindor like a big bat would agree to lend this place to a society started by new students of Gryffindor.

Especially since Harry was one of them.

"Hmm...I can think of a way to do this."

Gawain touched his chin, thought for a while, then suddenly made a fist with his right hand and punched the heart of his left hand.


The auditorium at night.

"Gorgon's red stockings! Gawain, how did you convince that scary old bat to lend us the venue, and he even allowed us to use the props in the Potions classroom?!"

When he heard Gawain announce that the venue problem had been solved, Ron's jaw almost dropped to the table in shock.

But he was not the only one who had such a reaction. Even Neville, who went to see Professor Snape with Gawain in the afternoon, looked at him with confusion.

In Neville's opinion, Gawain just went into Snape's office for a while, and when he came out, he had already obtained the permission slip signed by the professor.

"About that...I think I'm quite persuasive sometimes."

Gawain scratched his ears and said without shame.

He only knew that "Lily Evans", or "Lily Potter" must be of great significance to Professor Snape.

Because when he asked about potions in the afternoon, the small painting "inadvertently" fell out. Professor Snape was so excited that he agreed to all his requests without even thinking, and then rudely drove him out of the office. Walk.

He didn't even have time to explain the origin of the painting.

"But how many pages are there in that diary?"

Gawain felt as if he had found a treasure.

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