A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 762 While Planning

"How is the date going well?"

As soon as he returned to the common room, Albert found that Lee Jordan was looking at him with resentment, as if he had done something to apologize to him.

"I'm not going on a date, I'm going..." Albert was about to retort when he was interrupted by Lee Jordan.

"Then you should come and help me. I can't do it by myself." Lee Jordan stretched his arms around Albert's neck and couldn't help complaining, "I've been tossing me so much today."

"Isn't this a good way to exercise your ability?" Albert said solemnly, "Look, aren't you able to handle these things more skillfully now?"

In order to appease the other party's wounded heart, Albert took out a few candies from his pocket and stuffed them into Lee Jordan's hands.

Lee Jordan peeled a candy and threw it into his mouth, and said inarticulately: "Do you think I will believe your excuse?"

"Yes, don't trust Albert, this guy is just trying to be lazy, it's really abominable." Fred and George, with a look of not taking too much trouble, echoed with smiles beside them, and even took Lee Jordan The candy is gone.

"You two bastards!"

"This time, who won?" Albert asked, changing the subject.

"A Ravenclaw girl," said Fred without thinking.

"Mad girl Luna Lovegood," George added.

"It's normal for her to win the championship. That girl loves wizard cards more than anyone else, and she is smart enough, but her personality is a bit weird." Lee Jordan corrected: "Also, you shouldn't call someone a crazy girl, it's very rude. "

"You don't think you've taken a fancy to him, do you?" Fred and George looked at Lee Jordan with strange eyes, with strange expressions on their uncle.

"Shut up," Lee Jordan snapped angrily.

"He means a successor. One day we will graduate from school, and we need someone to help us continue to manage the Wizards Club." Albert naturally understood what Lee Jordan meant, and this was actually what he asked Lee Jordan to pay special attention to. , looking for students who are passionate about wizard cards, so that the wizard card club can continue like Quidditch, and the person in charge must be enthusiastic enough about wizard cards.

"I think I should talk to Professor McGonagall." George suggested, "There are actually quite a few clubs in Hogwarts, but none of these clubs can last as long as Quidditch."

"The fastest to end is Gilderoy Lockhart's Dueling Club." Fred said maliciously. "I heard that he is still in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries."

"Shut up, don't interrupt." Lee Jordan put a lot of thought into the wizard card, and thought further than anyone else.He said, "We can try to develop the wizard card into a club like Gobstone. Although the wizard card is more popular than the gobstone now, the existence time of the wizard card is still very short, and the system of the wizard card still needs to be gradually improved. , we still have a long way to go, and it would be best to get the support of Professor McGonagall."

"I will go to Professor McGonagall to discuss this matter." Albert nodded and said that he would deal with these matters. "I don't think Professor McGonagall will refuse. After all, the wizard card is actually a popular science magic for everyone. It helps students learn knowledge and makes students more united and harmonious."

Albert is not exaggerating. The wizard card game is indeed much more peaceful than the Quidditch game. Everyone is playing cards happily, and even the game is not much gunpowder.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Lee Jordan was very confident in Albert.

"Find a few more, and I'll talk to them when the time comes. If they want, take some time with them." Albert said to the three.

"You are better at these things, I leave everything to you." Fred patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder and said.

"By the way, where did you go with Shanna earlier?" George changed the subject.

"Going to visit Professor Lupine."

Albert took a deep look at Fred and George, and briefly talked about his visit to Professor Lupine earlier.

"You forgot to ask Professor Lupine to borrow the Boggart." Lee Jordan's tone became even more resentful. His Patronus still needed to practice more, and these bastards actually had the nerve to throw all the work on themselves.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"Damn, you actually forget." Lee Jordan obviously didn't believe that Albert would forget.

"Professor Lupine is unwilling to resign early?" Fred and George were very surprised.

People who are a bit sane in everything will not be so stupid as to stay and resist the curse. With the tragic end of the previous few as examples, there are still people who pretend not to see it. Is it impossible to think about staying and looking for death?

"This is really a stupid decision." Lee Jordan muttered, "I think if Professor Lupine really doesn't want to resign early, he will definitely have bad luck because of it."

"The worst case is that he turns into a werewolf, bites Hogwarts students, and then is thrown into Azkaban Prison, or sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic." After closing the dormitory door, Albert said to several people The roommate expressed his speculation: "The better situation is that his werewolf identity is exposed, and then a large group of students' parents ask him to leave the school. These two methods are very disgraceful, and everyone will miss him if he resigns. He's good."

"I hope it's the latter, otherwise Dumbledore might have to take the blame and resign." George didn't want Albert's prediction to come true either. He actually had a good feeling for Professor Lupine.

"Why don't you make a prophecy?" Fred suggested.

"That's a good idea." George immediately agreed.

"Can it be done?" Lee Jordan asked.

"Oh fine!"

Albert went to fetch the crystal ball and began to predict the end of Professor Lupine.

The mist in the crystal ball swirled quickly and was quickly replaced by a scene: Professor Lupine was packing his luggage.

"It seems that Professor Lupine's ending is not too bad. He is still alive and has not been imprisoned in the Azkaban prison." All three were happy for the ending of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, obviously it should be Abel Special said the second result.

However, the scene in the crystal ball changed again. They saw Albert holding a wand with a serious expression, and...Professor Lupine who had turned into a werewolf.

The dormitory fell into a deathly silence.

Even if the three of them didn't understand the prophecy, they all understood it, and their faces were slightly pale.

The scene in the crystal ball was obviously telling them that Professor Lupine had turned into a werewolf and lost control, and was subdued by Albert in the end. He still had time to pack his luggage, which meant that no substantial damage had been done.

"Maybe, we should tell Dumbledore about it," Lee Jordan suggested.

"It's useless. They won't believe it easily before hitting a wall." Albert put away the crystal ball and said calmly: "What's more, from Professor Lupine's own point of view, his choice is actually It’s not wrong. It’s impossible for anyone to change their mind easily before being swollen by reality, even I am no exception... If someone says that my prophecy is actually a lie, I definitely don’t want to believe it , because I'm pretty confident in my predictions, that's all."

"Whoever dares to say that your prediction is a lie, I will be the first to help you beat him!" Fred made a gesture of punching.

"Are you really going to subdue a werewolf?" Lee Jordan was not optimistic about this matter, which meant that they had to take a lot of risks.

Werewolves are too dangerous. Once bitten, life is really over.

"We'll help you." Fred and George said in unison, "It's just a werewolf. As long as we cast a stun spell on him together, we can definitely take care of Professor Lupine in one go."

"Are you sure the Stunning Charm works on werewolves."

Lee Jordan complained a little bit about Professor Lupine running around knowing that he would turn into a werewolf, "Besides, this matter is very weird. With the wolfsbane potion, this kind of situation should not happen."

"It will definitely work. Charlie and the others used the stun spell to deal with the fire dragon." Fred almost patted his chest to assure him.

"You said, could it be that Snape gave Professor Lupine a fake wolfsbane potion?" George speculated.

"It's unlikely. Although Snape hates Professor Lupine very much, he probably wouldn't take this risk. Once Professor Lupine turns into a werewolf in the castle, God knows how many students will suffer because of it." Albert shook his head. road.

"Why is it impossible? I think it's entirely possible for Snape to do this." Fred agreed with George's guess, "I heard from Ron that the Marauder's Map scolded Snape severely, and he must have held a grudge. "

"You should exercise your abilities and prepare for the next battle." Albert reminded, "If we prevent this tragedy, I think the principal should give you a special contribution award."

Albert happened to have a mission with rich rewards, and he was short of a special contribution award.

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