A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 763 Employment Issues

Dear Albert:

Buckbeak's case has been successfully appealed, and the committee will hold a new hearing on April [-]. I don't know when you will be free. Come and have tea with me, and talk about your views on this matter by the way.

Please let the owl write back to me.

— Hagrid

Albert took a pen from his robe pocket and wrote on the back of the note: Seven o'clock tonight.

Then let the owl fly away with the note.

"Whose letter?"

"Hagrid's, let me go to his place for tea when you have time, have you found the job you want?"

Albert turned his gaze back to his companions who were flipping through the brochures and leaflets of various magic professions.

"No, I didn't find a suitable job."

Shanna held a pink and orange leaflet in her hand, and shook her head disappointedly, "Most of the magic professions here are not suitable for me, it seems that it is not easy for wizards to find a satisfactory job." .”

"I think you should be able to do most jobs easily, but it's hard to find a job that satisfies you!" Albert could understand that Muggle wizards are always a bit uncomfortable looking for a job in the wizarding world.

"You can become a housewife directly after graduation, so you don't have to worry about work." Alia joked.

"Is there a job you like here?" Shanna didn't answer the question, but asked instead, "I think you should have more choices than me."

"Not yet, where is Angelina?" Alia shook her head and looked at her friend.

"I'm considering becoming a professional Quidditch player."

Angelina's enthusiasm for Quidditch is not lost to anyone, and Wood's path may also be suitable for her. After all, there are a lot of Quidditch teams in the UK, and they always need to recruit new players.

"After retiring from the army, you can also consider becoming a senior Quidditch reporter for the Daily Prophet." Albert added.

"There will be the Quidditch World Cup held every four years this year. Is anyone of you going to watch the World Cup?" Angelina asked suddenly, "It is said that the Bulgarian team is famous for its talented Seekers."

"I know, his name is Viktor Krum, and it is said that he is still in school." Lee Jordan said excitedly.

"If the family can get tickets, we should go to the game." Fred said dryly.

"The chances are slim."

George knew very well how expensive the tickets for the Quidditch World Cup were, and it was obviously difficult for his family to pay such a large sum of Galleons.

"Where's Albert?" Angelina asked.

"Me? I can't get tickets for the World Cup." Albert shrugged.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan couldn't help rolling their eyes. They obviously didn't think that with Albert's supernatural powers, they wouldn't be able to get tickets for the Quidditch World Cup.

A group of people were enthusiastically discussing this year's Quidditch World Cup. Shanna sat beside her, looking a little downcast. She couldn't get in on this aspect, silently looking at the leaflet in her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What are you looking at, so focused?" Albert asked with a smile.

"You said this?"

Shanna handed the pink and orange flyer to Albert, "Perhaps, a Muggle liaison officer might be more suitable for me."

Albert took the flyer, and the first thing he saw was an obvious promotional slogan: Do you think you would like to engage in Muggle liaison work?

Most important is your enthusiasm, patience and good sense of humor.

Next, he glanced at the admission of Muggle contacts, which is almost the occupation with the lowest threshold among all occupations, requiring only an O. w. Ls Certificate in Muggle Studies.

"I don't think Muggle liaisons need a sense of humor." Shannah showed obvious disgust on her face. "The Ministry of Magic seems to think this profession is inferior, so it only requires an O.w.Ls Muggle Studies certificate."

"No, this job is actually very important, but wizards ignore it on purpose." Albert shook his head and said, "Muggle liaison officers deal with the relationship between Muggles and wizards, and most wizards don't like it." A job, and it's all because of their contempt for Muggles that this is the case."

"What about you, what are your plans after graduation?" Shanna asked suddenly.

"Me? I probably...publish a few books!" Albert said after thinking about it: "In the next few years, people need a book that can teach them to protect themselves."

"Publish a book?"

Shanna was a little surprised, but soon relieved. With Albert's achievements in various fields, publishing a book does not seem to be a strange thing.

"If you don't find a job you like, you can consider helping me." Albert smiled and invited, "After all, publishing a book is also a very labor-intensive task. It will be much easier if someone helps you."

"Thank you, let's talk about it when the time comes!" Shanna didn't agree, and it was useless to refuse immediately.She felt incredible, and never thought that Albert was planning to give herself a job.

"I thought you would open a store with them." Naturally, Shanna also heard that the four planned to open a joke prop store.

"Yes, we are already preparing. We will be almost ready after we graduate, but in terms of opening a store, I just provide technical and financial support."

"Their luck is really good." Shanna sighed softly, but thinking of Albert's invitation just now, she found that her luck was actually good.

As for cheating, Shanna really didn't think about it, and she didn't think that Albert would use this kind of thing to make himself happy.

"What are you talking about?" Alicia asked.

"Nothing, just talking about working after graduation."

"I heard it all just now." Angelina said with a smile: "How is your book on Defense Against the Dark Arts going? When will it be published? I will definitely buy a copy and support it then."

"I haven't started writing yet." Albert said helplessly, "I just have such an idea."

"Then you plan to kidnap Shanna to help you work." Angelina raised her hand and poked Albert's chest and said, "You don't want Shanna to work for you for nothing, do you?"

"Am I like that?" Albert was quite speechless.

The girls looked Albert up and down, as if trying to read something from his face.

"Don't be stupid, since Albert plans to publish a book, it means that he will definitely make a lot of money." Lee Jordan knew very well that Albert never did anything he was not sure of.

"What are you going to do after graduation?" Alicia asked.

"You'll know later, we've planned out what we're going to do in the future a long time ago, and as for the leaflets, let it go to hell!"

"Where do you get so many Galleons to open a store? Albert paid for it all." Angelina was also curious, and stared at Albert together with the other girls.There is no doubt that the only one who can spend this initial capital is Albert. He has participated in several international competitions and should have won a large amount of bonuses.

"We will be able to get a lot of Galleons soon." Li Jordan was a little carried away, and after being watched by the three people, he coughed lightly and changed his words: "I mean, you don't understand that Albert is making money We are not worried about lack of money at all.”

"Aren't you going to catch Sirius Black?" Shanna felt that she had guessed the plan of the four of them, "If you can catch Black, you can indeed get a lot of Galleons in one go."

When you think about it, it really looks like something Albert would do.

Albert was able to use the prophecy to find out where Sirius Black might appear, and then lead three roommates to ambush him.

Sirius Black is indeed dangerous, but he doesn't have a wand now, and Albert is obviously not easy to mess with... If Black is attacked by the four, it is really possible to be caught and exchanged for a bounty.

"You really intend to catch Black." Both Angelina and Alia felt it was unbelievable that Sirius Black, who was extremely vicious in the magic world, turned into a money bag in Albert's eyes.

"It would be a good idea if we knew where Black was." George said with a smile. "After all, Black has a reward of [-] Galleons. If successful, it would be a nice windfall."

"If Black was so easy to catch, I would have caught him in exchange for a bounty. After all, there are [-] Galleons." Albert coughed lightly and corrected: "Also, your topic is a bit off topic."

In fact, if Albert really wanted to capture Black in exchange for a bounty, he could have done so long ago.In his opinion, the experience that the mission triggered by Black can bring him is much higher than the so-called bounty.

Albert is not short of money, what he lacks is experience.Although there is still a lot of experience in his experience pool, experience is never enough.

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