"Elvis..." Delia called out affectionately as soon as Doreen left.

But to her surprise, Elvis did not show any expression of joy. Instead, he knelt down and said, "Lady Delia, you should not disobey your mistress's order. We...should not meet..."

Delia doesn't want to deal with bullshit orders, she has endured enough for this thing!

She rushed over and hugged Elvis, and couldn't help but shed tears: "Elvis, you don't have to be afraid, everything will be fine from now on, I will protect you!"

Elvis heard something was wrong in her words, and asked in a panic: "Ms. Delia, you..."

"Shh, don't talk..." Delia blocked his mouth with her own.

Elvis didn't dare to really push her away. He only struggled slightly a few times, but soon, he also indulged in it.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until an explosion came from the direction of the valley, awakening Elvis, and Delia let him go in time.

"Come on, Elvis, the show has begun!" Delia's face was flushed with excitement, not sure whether it was because of the kiss just now or what was happening in the valley.

Contrary to her, Elvis had a sad look on his face. He didn't know what Delia was planning, but it was obviously very dangerous. He once went crazy with Delia, but what he got was this result. Delia had lost too much for him, and he didn't want to hurt Delia anymore.

Delia seemed to understand his worries, patted his hand, and comforted: "Believe me, Elvis, I have made thorough preparations. It won't be like last time. I will let you live a good life." Good times, a new life you never imagined!”

Elvis saw light in her eyes, a light full of hope, and suddenly he no longer worried.

He held Delia's hand back and raised a smile: "Yes, Lady Lydia, I will always follow you." Until I die...


Doreen was lying on the ground. It was difficult to move her fingers. All her personal guards were killed. This was the result of Claire's mercy and she was spared her life. He and Delia made an agreement that Delia would solve the problem herself. Doreen.

As soon as Delia and Elvis came over, Doreen yelled: "You bitch, how dare you betray the family! You will not end well, and mother will never let you go!"

After scolding Delia, she turned to Elvis: "Despicable ****, I really regret leaving you alive. After playing with you, I should have killed you directly!"

Delia didn't care at first, but the dirty words insulting Elvis made her face instantly darken.

She kicked Doreen hard, and amidst the other's screams, she pulled out a dagger and put it at Doreen's neck, "Dorine, you owe Elvis more than you can cut into pieces with a thousand cuts!"

"Hahaha!" Doreen knew she wouldn't survive the day, so she laughed wildly, humiliating Elvis even more: "Do you know how bad this guy is in bed? He, also, hahaha !”

These words were all true. Elvis felt that his scars were being uncovered and exposed to the public. His face turned red and his whole body was shaking.

Seeing Elvis in such pain, Delia couldn't bear it anymore and killed Doreen with one knife. She actually wanted to poison Doreen and lock her up and torture her slowly, but Lavini didn't suggest it. The reason why she did this was of course because of the human mage, so it gave Doreen an advantage.

After dealing with Doreen, Elvis was still in a bad state. Delia thought he was stimulated by what he just said and was about to hug him, but she didn't expect him to slump and fall to the ground.

"Elvis!" Delia supported him and let him rest his head on her.

"Miss Delia, is there anything I can do for you?" Claire asked.

Elvis looked like he was poisoned, but Lavini, as a top-level priest, did not move. Claire could only ask politely, although he only knew healing skills, and even top-level healing skills could not be used. There are no detoxification methods, and they are only effective for trauma.

"Thank you, Mr. Lethgcott." Delia hugged Elvis. The latter was speechless at this time, only gasping in pain, "If you can give me and Elvis It would be nice to have some alone time together.”

"Of course." Claire nodded calmly.

Lydia showed a grateful look and led Elvis towards the temporary tent. Claire followed closely, but did not go inside and stood outside the tent.

As an ally, Claire felt that she had an obligation to know the health status of Delia and her partner, so she asked Lavini: "Miss Lavini, what kind of poison did Mr. Elvis have? Miss Lydia herself May I?"

He was very suspicious of this, but he couldn't question it face to face, so he had to ask in a roundabout way.

Lavini seemed to have seen his thoughts, and smiled with deep meaning: "Your Excellency Lethgcott, this medicine is called, it is a kind of x-drug, which is very popular among the upper classes of dark elves. Its characteristic is that every time It will happen after a while..."

Lavini didn't finish the rest of the words, but this didn't prevent Claire from understanding the deeper meaning. He blushed hard. Fortunately, there was a disguise on his face and Lavini couldn't see it.

Sure enough, as soon as Lavini finished explaining, a discordant sound came from the tent. The surrounding dark elves seemed to have not heard it and were doing whatever they were supposed to do. Only Claire was disturbed by the sound.

He felt that he was so stupid. Delia looked so confident, why did he still want to get to the bottom of it?

Lavini on the side came to his rescue thoughtfully: "Your Excellency Lethgcott, it's already very late. Do you need to take a rest?"

"Ah, yes, I'm going to bed now!" Claire hurriedly fled back to her tent. Inside, Aloy had packed himself and was waiting for him.

The so-called "cleaning up" is to wash the body inside and out, then stuff it with the two toys that the mage gave him before - the two beads that can reflect the famous mountains and rivers on the continent of Ammon, then take off his clothes and lie down. In the quilt.

Now that they have become allies with Lydia, they are able to take a bath, and Lavini specially prepared the bath water for him.

However, Claire didn't notice these "careful preparations". His mind was so filled with discordant sounds that he almost tripped over himself when taking off his shoes.

Aloy stood up, supported him, and called out in a low voice: "Master..."

What responded to him was the mage's hand on his head, and his beautifully shaped fingers rubbed his hair - this was what the mage was most willing to do when he was with him.

"Go to sleep, Arlo, we will be on our way tomorrow." Claire pulled the quilt and covered herself and the little pet under it.

This was an agreement between him and Delia. Delia would separate a team of dark elves to escort the members of Zoki's team and Aloy to Pittsburgh and wait there. Of course, Elvis was also there. in. Claire herself will go with Delia to meet the mistress of the fifth family.

This solved his and Delia's "worries" very well. Claire also removed a diamond from the necklace and gave it to Aloy as a token if they both died (although Claire didn't think this was possible) , even if you fail, can you escape?), you can use this to seek asylum from the emperor of the human race.

Aloy was hugged and lying on the quilt. The mage still didn't do anything tonight. He couldn't tell whether he was lucky or disappointed. He finally followed the mage's wishes and fell asleep.

But Claire was not sleepy at all. Even at this distance, he could hear discordant sounds floating in intermittently. The most important thing was that these sounds were made by Elvis!

He suddenly became suspicious of the up and down position of the dark elves when they moved disharmoniously. This position did not refer to the navel orange, but...

Despite struggling for most of the night, Delia was still energetic and got up on time the next day. On the contrary, Elvis was still resting, which reinforced Claire's suspicion last night that female dark elves really know how to play!

According to the plan, Delia wrote a letter to her mother, telling her that the human mage had been caught, but unfortunately, Ofina and Doreen died at the hands of the mage.

Claire actually felt that the matron of the fifth family was not stupid enough not to suspect anything, but it didn't matter, he just needed a chance to meet her.

After breakfast, he, Delia and Lavini set off for the fifth family first, while the rest of the team waited until Elvis woke up before heading to Pittsburgh.

Claire wore shackles along the way. This thing was made of special crystals that could limit the magic of mages so that they could not use magic. Of course, there is a small mechanism in these that Claire carries. As long as he moves his fingers, these shackles will be automatically unlocked.

After walking like this for several days, they finally arrived at the capital of the fifth family. Without stopping at all, Claire was escorted to the mistress by a team of heavily armed dark elves.

The mistress of the fifth family is named Jessica Gustave. She is five hundred years old, but she still looks beautiful, of course, ignoring her skin color.

There is sufficient magic power on the continent of Ammon, which results in the longevity of most creatures. Even the most ordinary farmer in the human race can easily live over a hundred years without illness or disaster. As for professionals, their lifespans are longer. High-level professionals can generally live to be two to three hundred years old, and mages are the longest-lived among them. The oldest holy-level magician in the Mage Association is almost six hundred years old. Years old.

The orcs are similar to the humans. The dwarves have a longer lifespan, but none of them can compare to the elves. Whether they are dark elves or light elves, their natural lifespan is lower than 500 years. Among them, the light elves are even worse, and some even Can be more than a thousand years old.

Although there is a certain correlation between lifespan and ability, it does not mean that the longer you live, the higher your career level will be. This is well reflected in the human race. The reason is that orcs and dwarves are limited by their talents. Their physical strength is stronger, but their magic control ability is relatively weak. The light elves admire nature and live as they please. Due to their long lifespans, they do not train deliberately like humans. They rely more on instinct, and their abilities naturally increase as time goes by.

As for the dark elves, they are somewhat similar to the light elves, but the main reason is that they have serious internal conflicts. Many talented individuals died before they had time to stand out. As for those who have already become famous, they have to worry about the rebellion or other problems of their subordinates at any time. Family assassination.

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