This is a wide hall. Mistress Jessica is sitting on the main seat, and Claire is pressed down and kneeling below. The shadows are stretched very long under the weak lighting, and are projected on the floor and walls, making the sculptures on them appear abstract. It's like the mural has come alive.

The architectural style of the dark elves is actually very similar to that of the light elves, both of which are very artistic. No matter how reluctant the two parties are to admit it, they cannot change the fact that they have a common ancestor.

"Delia, you did a great job, you deserve to be my daughter!" Although she called her daughter, Jessica's tone was more like praising her subordinates for their ability to do things well.

"Thank you for your compliment, mother." Delia knelt down and said sadly: "It's just the eldest sister and the second sister..."

"I already know about this, and I don't blame you. Now, I want to see what this human looks like and see what kind of person he is. He can kill my two daughters?" Jessica said. He walked down personally and wanted to take off Claire's hood.

The female dark elf stood in front of Claire, so close that her shadow overlapped with Claire's.

This is an excellent opportunity. With a "click", the shackles on Claire's body were loosened, and the majestic magic spurted out. A sword with dazzling light slowly took shape above the hall. It had no entity and was purely composed of Made of light, the entire sword was so huge that at least half of the sword was hidden outside the ceiling.

This is the most lethal magic among all light magic, and it has a critical hit effect against dark elves. Just by being bathed in its light, the protective shield of the dark elf swordsman begins to smoke.

Seeing that the giant sword was about to be chopped down in the air, Jessica did not panic, as if she already knew that Claire was not really locked. She lightly stamped her foot, and the murals on the walls and floors came to life. These artistic patterns that ordinary people could not appreciate moved back and forth and deformed, eventually forming a mysterious and simple magic circle.

More than a dozen dark chains rushed out of the magic circle. One part was woven into a net to block the lightsaber, and the other part formed a cage to cover Claire inside.

This magic circle has been passed down from generation to generation by the Gustav family. Gustav is an ancient family with a history of thousands of years. During this period, they have guarded this hall regardless of glory or loneliness. The reason is of course the magic circle that exists here. Jessica can proudly say that no mage from ancient times to the present has been able to crack this magic circle by himself.

There was a light shield around Claire, but it obviously couldn't stop the chain. As the chain continued to shrink toward the middle, the light shield burst like a balloon that had been compressed to the extreme.

The two sides only fought for a short time, and the situation reversed twice, and now Claire was at the bottom again.

But he was also unhurried. Delia had told him that this magic circle had a flaw, a flaw that outsiders couldn't even imagine - as long as you don't have magic power, it can't stop you.

Under Jessica's surprised gaze, Claire picked up the shackles that she had just thrown away, put them on her hands again, and then passed through the cage surrounded by magic chains as easily as she did through her own back garden.

Jessica's face instantly darkened, and she yelled at Delia: "I just thought you were dissatisfied with Ofina and Doreen, so you took this opportunity to get rid of them. I didn't expect you to do such a thing." Tell the human race, you disappoint me so much!"

"No, Miss Delia's choice is correct." Claire took a step forward and said, "And your actions are pushing the entire family into the abyss of eternal destruction!"

"Arrogant human race, this is an underground cave, not a place where you can be arrogant!" Jessica shouted sharply, but although her words were tough, her body still took a step back unconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, Jessica's personal guards rushed forward with swords raised. Claire waved his hand, and several light shields appeared in front of him, firmly blocking the swordsmen's attacks.

Claire will no longer sympathize with a stubborn dark elf like Jessica. Similarly, Jessica also wants to kill him. Both of them were saint-level magicians. They did not need to chant to cast spells. In an instant, two magic arrays, one water and one fire, appeared above the hall at the same time.

But at this moment, Claire saw a sneer escape from Jessica's mouth, and then a feeling of dizziness came over her. The last words he heard were Jessica giving orders:

"Capture Delia and her bodyguards!"


This is a long corridor, dark and dilapidated, with stains on the ground that can never be wiped off, and dirty water that smells fishy.

On one side were old iron doors that were closed tightly, with large rusty locks hanging on them. From time to time, shrill howls came from the doors, like people shouting or beasts roaring.

On the other side is a thick wall with mottled paint on it, revealing the blue-gray bricks inside. There are also several paintings hanging on the walls. It's hard to tell what they are, just some twisted and grotesque graphics, and characters that seem to be full of profound meanings.

There is a small window at the end of the corridor, and the only source of light comes from there, but unfortunately, this exit to the outside world is also welded shut with iron bars.

Claire had a familiar feeling about all this. In fact, he had lived in a "similar place" for two full years, and one of those rooms belonged to him.

In addition to familiarity, Claire also felt depression, disgust, and fear. He didn't know where these feelings came from, but they were deeply rooted in his mind.

A voice told him: There is a fatal poison in your body, and you must expel it to survive!

Drain it out? How to arrange?

bloodletting! The voice shouted crazily, the poison is in your blood, the only way is to bleed it!

Claire had a knife in his hand. He followed the sound and put the blade against his left wrist. This action gave him a familiar feeling again.

Claire didn't pay attention. With a strong force, the knife cut open the blood vessels in his wrist, and black blood poured out. Sure enough, as the voice said, it was full of "venom", but it didn't make him feel better. I felt even more dizzy.

When these were not enough, the voice shouted again: She is coming, run, they are coming!

Claire vaguely knew who "they" were, and he didn't quite understand why he wanted to run away, but the voice kept urging her, making his head buzz, so he had no choice but to do as he was told.

There was only one way in the corridor. Claire ran towards the window. Before he could take two steps, the darkness behind him began to twist. Soon a woman staggered out of it, followed by a second, The third……

These people look... how should I put it? They have slim figures and wear white low-cut miniskirts. At first glance, they are very fascinating, but their faces are a bit inconsistent.

To be precise, they have no faces at all. Their faces are made up of a bunch of sewn pieces of flesh. This looks like a typical nurse in "Silent Hill"!

Wait, what is "Silent Hill"? What is a "nurse"?

Claire was a little confused, how could she know these strange words? Even the oldest books in the Royal Library contain no such record.

While Claire was thinking about this, the voice was strangely silent for a while, and then it shouted angrily: Run quickly, keep running forward, don't be caught up by them, something will happen... in short, something very bad will happen. !

How bad can it be? Claire teased as she ran.


There was silence again, but luckily Claire had already run to the window. Looking at the sealed window, he asked: "What should we do now?" He said this question with his mouth instead of in his mind like before. Imagine.

At the same time, the voice no longer sounded in his head, but came from outside the window.

"Let me help you!" it said, seemingly unaware that the conversation had changed.

The iron bars snapped, the windows opened, and the howling wind rushed in. Claire held the window sill and looked down. There was a white mist outside, making it impossible to see the bottom.

"I think so. In fact, the results of being caught up and jumping from here are almost the same. What do you think?" Claire asked speechlessly.

"Of course it's different!" the voice screamed, and a large darkness appeared outside the window, like clouds and a thick quilt.

It coaxed: "Come into my arms, come here quickly, only I can help you, only I can fulfill your "wishes"!"

"my wish"?"

"Yes, your wish will come true immediately as long as you jump down!"

"Do you really know my wish?"

"Yes! Isn't your far-sightedness self-defeating..."

"That's weird!" Claire interrupted him coldly, "My wish is to complete the game mission and raise good pets!" As he said that, he grabbed the darkness.

A ball of black material like cotton wool was caught in Claire's hand. While twisting and struggling, he made a sharp cry: "Impossible! Only the elf mage can resist my ability. You are a human..."

"Snap!" Claire bent her fingers and flicked it, successfully making it close its mouth.

When Claire turned around, the scene in the corridor had changed drastically. Although it was still a wall with a door on one side, the environment was much better than before: the walls were as white as new, and some promotional posters were hung on them. , the accompanying text briefly introduces the symptoms and countermeasures of some diseases, as well as upper-body single photos of doctors and nurses.

The door on the other side was not locked, and patients in hospital gowns came in and out, and the nurses also returned to their original appearance - they looked like ordinary people, most of them without makeup and wearing loose uniforms.

As for low-cut miniskirts? Don’t even think about it, okay?

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