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Chapter 1351. Splendid Rivers and Mountains System 41

Camellia ternata: Evergreen shrub, 4 meters high; young branches are reddish brown and glabrous; young leaves are light red and glabrous; old leaves are elliptical or obovate, with a caudate-acuminate tip and a broad cuneate base. The flowers are yellow, 1-3 in axillary or terminal, with a diameter of 1.5-3 cm; the flowers have 7-8 petals, nearly round or elliptical; the ovary is 3-chambered and glabrous; the styles are 3, completely separated and glabrous. The flowering period is from November to December, and the capsule is oblate and glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Ningming County, Guangxi; it grows in acidic soil and mixed woods at an altitude of 11-12 meters.

Camellia dajinhua: Evergreen shrub, 4 meters high; young branches are glabrous. Young leaves are light purple-red, and old leaves are broad and oblong, with blunt tips and nearly round bases. The flowers are yellow, with a diameter of 2-5 cm; the flowers have 11-13 petals, and the inner surface of the petals is covered with short gray hairs; the ovary is glabrous, and the style is 3-4 lobed. The flowering period is from November to January of the following year. The capsule is nearly spherical. It is mainly distributed in Longzhou County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 11-1 meters. This species can be used as a parent for hybrid breeding.

Longzhou Camellia chrysantha: evergreen shrub, 4 meters high; young branches are hairless. Young leaves are purple-red, old leaves are oblong, with a caudal tip and a cuneate or nearly round base. The flowers are golden yellow, solitary in the axils or at the top, with a diameter of 1.5-4 cm; the flowers have 9 petals, nearly round or oblong; the ovary has 3 chambers, covered with grayish white soft hairs; the styles are 3, completely separated. The flowering period is from October to January of the following year, and the capsule is flattened spherical or triangular flattened spherical, covered with hairs. It is mainly distributed in Longzhou County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 10-1 meters. This species can be used as a parent for hybrid breeding.

Wuming Camellia chrysantha: evergreen shrub, 3 meters high; young branches dark red, glabrous. Young leaves are reddish brown, old leaves are elliptical or oblong, with acuminate tips and broad cuneate bases. The flowers are golden yellow, usually solitary, axillary or terminal, with a diameter of 3.5-4.5 cm; the flowers have 8-10 petals, broadly ovate or obovate; the ovary is 3-chambered, glabrous; the style has 3 lobes at the top, fused at the base, glabrous. The flowering period is from November to January of the following year, and the capsule is oblate, 11-chambered, glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Wuming County, Guangxi; it grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests on calcareous soils in limestone mountains at an altitude of 1-3 meters. This species is a good parent for hybrid breeding and can cultivate new varieties of yellow camellia.

Longrui Jinhuacha: rich green shrubs to small trees, 4-5 meters high; young branches are glabrous. Young leaves are blue-gray and glabrous, while old leaves are thin, elliptical, with a caudate-acuminate tip and a nearly round or wide cuneate base. The flowers are light yellow, solitary or clustered in 2-3, axillary or terminal, with a flower diameter of 3.5-6.5 cm; the flowers have 11-15 petals, with purple-red or rose-colored patches at the base of the petals, which are deep outside and light inside, and are very ornamental; the ovary is nearly spherical and glabrous; the styles are 3-4, completely separated and glabrous. The flowering period is from September to December. The capsule is oblate and glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Ningming County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 9-12 meters. This species can be used as a good parent for hybrid breeding, and a new variety of yellow double-petal camellia can be cultivated.

Pingguo Jinhua Camellia: an evergreen shrub, 3 meters high; young branches are glabrous. Young leaves are dark red, old leaves are ovate or oblong, with a tail-shaped acuminate tip and a wide cuneate base. The flowers are light yellow, solitary in the axils or at the top, with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm; the flowers have 5-8 petals, which are nearly round or ovate and conjoined at the base; the ovary is nearly spherical, 3-chambered, and glabrous; the styles are 3, completely separated, and glabrous. The flowering period is from October to January of the following year, and the capsule is spherical and glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Pingguo, Tiandong and other counties in Guangxi; it grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 10-1 meters. The flowers of this species are slightly fragrant when they first open. It is a parent of hybrid breeding and can cultivate new fragrant yellow camellia varieties.

Camellia chinensis: Also known as Camellia chinensis, it is an evergreen shrub, 2 meters high; young branches are glabrous. Young leaves are light purple-red, and old leaves are elliptical or ovate-elliptical, with acuminate tips and a wide cuneate base. The flowers are golden yellow, solitary at the top of the branches, so it is called Camellia chinensis; pedicels are 4--4.5 cm; the flowers have 7-9 petals, the petals are connate at the base; the ovary is nearly spherical. 3 chambers, glabrous; the top of the style is 3 shallowly lobed, the base is connate, and glabrous. The flowering period is from October to November, and the capsule is flat triangular spherical and glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Tiandeng County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 10-11 meters.

Four Seasons Golden Camellia: Also known as Hairy Seed Golden Camellia, it is an evergreen shrub, 4 meters high; young branches are reddish brown and hairless. Young leaves are purple-red and hairless, and old leaves are elliptical or oblong, with a tail-shaped acuminate tip and a wide cuneate base. The flowers are solitary or 2 axillary or terminal, with a purple-red or light red surface during the bud period, and yellow with purple spots after opening, with a flower diameter of 3.5-4.5 cm; the flowers have 8-12 petals, elliptical or obovate; the ovary is nearly spherical and hairless; there are 3 styles, completely separated and hairless. The flowering period begins in May, blooms in July-August, and a small number of flowers bloom from September to April of the following year, so the people call it "Four Seasons Golden Camellia". The capsule is triangular and flat, and the seeds are dark brown and densely covered with soft hairs. It is mainly distributed in Ningming County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 5-7 meters. This species is a good parent for hybrid breeding and can be used to cultivate new varieties of yellow camellia that bloom all year round.

Nonggang Camellia: small evergreen tree, up to 6 meters high; young branches are glabrous. Young leaves are purplish red, old leaves are oblong, with a caudate-acute tip and a broad cuneate base. The flowers are yellow, solitary at the top of the branches or in the axils, with a diameter of 2-4 cm; the flowers have 11-13 petals, oval, thin texture; the ovary is nearly spherical and glabrous; the styles are 3, completely separated and glabrous, and the flowering period is from September to December. The capsule is nearly triangular and flat, glabrous. It is mainly distributed in Longzhou County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 9-12 meters. This species can be used as a parent for hybrid breeding, and a new variety of yellow camellia can be cultivated.

Fine-leaved Camellia chrysantha: an evergreen shrub, 2 meters high; young branches are light red and glabrous. This species differs from other Camellia chrysantha species in that the leaves are smaller, narrow lanceolate; the fine serrations on the edges are not obvious; the lateral veins are fewer, 4-6 pairs. The flowers are light yellow, solitary in the leaf axils, with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm; the flowers have 5-7 petals, with light purple-red spots on the petals; the ovary is glabrous, with 3 styles, completely separated and glabrous. The flowering period is from October to December, the capsule is extremely small, nearly spherical, the fruit stem is 10 cm, glabrous, and is mainly distributed in Longzhou County, Guangxi; it grows in mixed woods on calcareous soil in limestone mountains at an altitude of 12-1.3 meters.

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