Who said this elf game is poisonous?

Chapter 4 Trainer Secrets

"The Poison Guard Tactics: The founder is no longer known. It refers to a tactic centered on the three elf moves of 'Poison', 'Substitute', and 'Guard'."

"During a battle, trainers need to have a strong mentality and superb ability to capture aircraft in order to fully utilize the power of this tactic."

Zhou Ran silently recited the opening lines of the book in the game very naturally, with a slightly weird look on his face.

This feeling of confusion that you have read and recited over and over again even though you have never read it is quite strange. Well, it’s not strange, but it’s not unacceptable.

At this time, a new text pops up in the game.

[Blessing of Viridian Forest The Eye of Viridian talent allows you to see the hidden information in books. 】

[Incomplete version of the Substitute Poison Combat Method (Elite): A classic tactic perfected by many moderate trainers, which tests the user's mentality and reactions.It records the detailed content of tactics but lacks a certain key. 】

Missing a trick?

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Ran didn't find anything missing from the detailed explanation of the poison-guarding tactics in the book... Forget it, I'll study it later, continue the game, and maybe find other surprises from the insect nest.

[Trainer, you have obtained a precious tactic summarized by predecessors. It seems that Changpan really cares about you. Do you choose to continue exploring?Sometimes, it is also important to choose to stop appropriately. 】

Zhou Ran remained unmoved as soon as this text appeared. Apart from Yin and Yang, would you still think about me?Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Keep exploring!

[You continue to explore. Congratulations, you have collected three unicorn beetle molts. 】

[The molting of unicorn worms: The skin shed by unicorn worms during their growth process emits a certain amount of special pheromones, which can be captured by certain elves...]

Seeing the words 'Congratulations', Zhou Ran suddenly felt bad, fearing that he was going to suffer.

as predicted.

[The special pheromone attracts the giant needle bees that protect the group and patrol around. 】

[Mistakenly thinking that you are stealing elf eggs, the angry giant needle bee attacks you with venom. The purple liquid poison gas condenses into a ball and engulfs you. 】

[You fell into darkness and lost consciousness. 】

[The future master trainer is really ill-fated, but who can blame him? 】

The phone was almost thrown out by Zhou Ran. This big needle bee is blind, right?Stealing elf eggs? ?Who gave me the courage to steal the elf eggs with my physical fitness, which is as good as the ghosts in the world of porcelain?

It’s so annoying, this game is so poisonous!But luckily, it’s a game. This wild exploration is too dangerous, and there is always a trick waiting for you.

"Calm down, I want to calm down."

Zhou Ran kept calming himself. The phone was correct, and the nearly 500g of data in it was even more correct.

When he was calming down, a new text popped up in the game. Zhou Ran guessed that it was about helping him treat hypotension, and about mentioning a two-hour rest.

However, it was not, it was an unexpected surprise.

[The experience of being swallowed by the poisonous mist is like a nightmare that is still fresh in your memory. You open your eyes in a cold sweat. You are still in the original place, but now the stars and moon are shrouded, and there is nothing on the treetops. 】

[You check the harvest, but are surprised to find that the books corroded by the poisonous mist have mutated. 】

[The book pages made of special materials are not only not corroded, but have an extra part of the content. 】

[As described in this part, you breathe with a special rhythm, visualize the full moon breaking through the sea and rising into the sky, your whole body is shrouded in moonlight, and the sound of waves surrounds your ears... After continuous study, this breathing method has become Your instinct, you master this part. 】

[You have obtained the Moon Sea Breathing Technique (Qualified Gym Leader). 】

As the game text popped up and refreshed, the memory of his countless attempts to master the Moon Sea Breathing Method naturally emerged in Zhou Ran's mind.

His breathing rhythm also changed, and he gradually became aware of the changes in his body.

In order to save electricity bills, the air conditioner in the office was turned off. Under the high temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, Zhou Ran felt that his whole body suddenly cooled down, as if he suddenly entered the air-conditioned environment, or stuck his head into the refrigerator.

Not only the body temperature, but also the emotions and mentality are completely cooled down.

The emotional fluctuations caused by the game are completely gone at this time.

It's like swimming in the sea in the summer, your body and mind feel like you're immersed in the sea water.

My consciousness is as clear as ever, my thinking is extremely clear, and my reason seems to occupy all the emotions in my brain.

Look at the game text again.

[Moon Sea Breathing Technique: Originated from the ancient fighting breathing technique of mankind. It was continuously improved by generations of trainers after studying super-attributed elves. The special breathing method created and inherited has a more calming effect. 】

[Although the Moon Sea Breathing Method cannot allow people to develop supernatural abilities, it can also tap the potential of the human body, strengthen thinking, speed up reactions, and assist trainers in capturing fighter opportunities. 】

[The secret tradition of trainer tactics originated from the ancient Eastern Beihai. Facing the collapse of the empire and the chaos of the times, the author cleverly hid the core content of the secret tradition in order to protect the family inheritance. Unfortunately, in the end, he could not escape the changes of the times and destiny. Fiddle with. 】

"Blood money."

Zhou Ran was satisfied and got a hidden reward for free. This sacrifice was worth it.

Looking back at the previous game text, he noticed the hidden mechanism of this game. Each choice may lead to different results. If he had not collected the molted skin of the unicorn beetle, he would not have attracted the attention of the giant needle bee. You will miss the hidden content of the book.

All kinds of accidents are strung together into a line, as if inevitable. This ingenious design does have a unique charm.

The Eye of Viridian talent allows him to get more hidden information prompts, and the potential is endless.

At this time in the game, he found the direction through the option of climbing a tree, which means that a new journey is waiting for him.

Zhou Ran is now at the peak of his enthusiasm and really wants to continue the game, but unfortunately...

"Schedule reminder: At 07:30 in the evening, Professor Yu 203 will take the place of Professor Fang for a battle simulation class."

Looking at the time, it was almost seven o'clock. The faculty and staff office building was still some distance away from Teaching 203. It must be impossible to play, so Zhou Ran quit the game.

There were no teaching materials to prepare for the battle simulation class. After clearing his desk, he got up and went to the corridor. After get off work hours, the corridor was empty and cold.


Following the sound, a yellow figure, with dazzling speed and agility, rushed out from the corner, bounced back and forth on the walls on both sides, and finally pounced on Zhou Ran's head...

At the critical moment, Zhou then took a step back and it missed.

"Pika...Qiu?" After landing, Pikachu, who was trying to scare Zhou Ran, scratched his head in confusion. At this time, the yellow hair scattered in the air slowly fell to the ground.

"I can actually keep up with Pikachu's movements."

Zhou Ran himself was shocked. The effect of the Moon Sea Breathing Technique was so obvious that it actually improved his thinking reaction.

No wonder, this part of the content has been cleverly hidden by the author, who painstakingly wanted to leave it to future generations. It can indeed be called a trainer's secret biography.

With this kind of thinking and reaction ability, combined with his understanding of the poison-guarding tactics, Zhou Ran felt that he could take the battle simulation class.

In fact, sparks collided in his mind, and a set of effective tactics quickly emerged, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

But this feeling was suppressed in an instant.

Because, Pikachu's owner quickly approached him.

"Hey, you actually dodged it." The man waved hello and licked the Pikachu-shaped ice cream with his pink tongue.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her oval face that highlights her temperament looks very elegant, and she has a beauty mark on the corner of her right eye.

Because the weather was too hot, her shoulder-length black hair was tied into a ponytail, leaving only a few strands of hair scattered on both sides. The white short-sleeves with a Pikachu pattern on her upper body made her even more cute.

It was Li Yujun, Pikachu's trainer and Zhou Ran's distant cousin, who was two years older than Zhou Ran.

They say they are related, but they are actually thousands of miles apart. If there was a family tree, it would take a long time to search with a magnifying glass to find the source.

However, the close relationship between the two parents was not strong enough because the rent in Shanghai was too expensive. Zhou Ran stayed at Li Yujun's house for three years while studying for graduate school.

"Look, look, you can't even pounce on people, but you still don't believe me when I say you're fat." Li Yujun complained, and Pikachu turned his head and curled his lips, bounced on the spot, and rolled beautifully in mid-air, accurately. Landing on her left shoulder, the movement was done in one go.

"Lucky, lucky, good luck." Zhou Ran said casually as he would never reveal anything about the Pokémon game and time travel.

Looking at Pikachu, he stretched out his hand and tentatively scratched Pikachu's belly. It was soft, smooth and had a tingling sensation caused by static electricity.

It felt first-class, like being massaged by electrotherapy. He couldn't help but want to touch it again, but Pikachu slapped it away with his tail in annoyance.

"Pika! Pi!"

"Tch, you're not secretly working out on your own to trick me, are you? We have agreed to lose weight together... By the way, how are you preparing for the battle elective course you just asked me about? Already?"

Li Yujun asked worriedly as his attention was not on the interaction between Pikachu and Zhou Ran.

"Let's make do." Zhou Ran said vaguely.

"Professor Fang is probably busy receiving Dr. Omu's grandson, and no one else is free, so he came to you, but it doesn't matter, it's just an elective course, just give it a try."

Li Yujun finished the remaining cone and joked:

"I thought I could get away with my job at the university, but it turns out that I have a lot of things to do. It just doesn't work out. Let's resign together. I'll inherit my family's fighting club, and you can help me take care of the logistics."

"What you said, rich woman, I recorded as proof." Zhou Ran answered with a smile.

Although they were just ordinary relatives, the two had lived under the same roof for more than three years and had a deep understanding. It was just a casual joke. Li Yujun knew that Zhou Ran would not be angry.

During the conversation, Zhou Ran arrived at the door of Teaching 203. Zhou Ran waved to Li Yujun and walked into the classroom.

The indoor air conditioner was on, and the cool environment was like a world away from the outside world. The only drawback was that the air was not circulating. He could actually smell the aroma of pancakes and fruits.

In a large classroom that can accommodate thousands of people, there are a few students scattered in the front row, but the back row is full.

Professor Fang's students had already adjusted the projector and computer. Zhou Ran came to the podium and opened the [Elf·Battle] software on the computer desktop. He had already checked the relevant operations in the afternoon.

Turning on the microphone, Zhou Ran started class.

"Professor Fang is busy today, so I will teach instead."

Whispering under the podium.

"Is there something wrong with Lao Fang? If I had known about it, I would have skipped class. By the way, has this teacher taught us any lessons? I don't think I've seen him before."

"She must be a teacher of ancient history. I met her when I was accompanying my girlfriend to class."

"ancient history???"

Zhou Ran said friendlyly while waiting for the software interface to read the message:

"I have also been a student and feel the same way, so I understand everyone's thoughts very well. Forget about taking roll call for elective courses. I will post a sign-in solitaire in the group right now. You all present don't need to sign in. Do you understand?"

The students in the back row all looked up and were stunned.


What do you call empathy?

I'm afraid you were caught like this in college, and now you take the opportunity to take revenge, right?

"Today I will explain and demonstrate the basic tactical lineup and operations. Many of you should be familiar with the poison defense tactics." The software interface opened, and Zhou Ran opened the team editor.

"In actual combat, water elves such as [Gyarados] are also very suitable for poison defense tactics. First of all, Gyarados has abundant physical strength and strong defense, and has a certain error tolerance."

"In addition, Gyarados has a unique special ability [Intimidation]. Just like the might of the dragon in the novel, it uses its aura to oppress the opponent, thereby affecting the opponent's performance, making the opponent cower and find it difficult to perform as it should. Attack power.”

"If coupled with the elf prop [Leftover], it can restore physical strength and heal injuries at regular intervals. It can be said that the fault tolerance rate is increased to the extreme."

With that said, Zhou Ran dragged six Gyarados into the team.

"In actual combat, a Gyarados who has learned the 'Poison' move will use body fluids to inflict poison on his opponent."

"Occupy the advantageous position in the underwater battle field. In the ordinary battle field, you can fly into the air to avoid attacks. Use it with the [Rain] move to create poisonous rain."

"Right now, I'm just going to show you the basic operations."

Clicking on season matching, Zhou Ran was matched with a player.


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