Hello White-Eyed Wolf from Quick Travel

Hello White-Eyed Wolf from Quick Travel


357 Chapters Ongoing Status


Introduction: The Quick Travel Bureau has all kinds of weird task groups. Yu Guang, who had just completed the sedimentation tasks of the Holy Mother Affairs Team, was transferred to the White-Eyed Wolf Affairs Team. The director said: Every white-eyed wolf is the most important person to the original owner. We must influence them, let them realize their mistakes, correct their mistakes, and it is best to achieve a happy ending. Yu Guang adjusted his glasses with a smile: "What you said makes so much sense. I will definitely let them understand their mistakes." Why should we give the white-eyed wolf a chance to atone for his sins? The best way to subdue the white-eyed wolf is to compete with others. They are even more glaring. Looking at this employee who has been evaluated as an excellent employee all year round, the director said: "...


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