Grasp the end of the popular storm pole and smash it down with all your strength.

However, this time, Lu Li did not use the same weird posture to avoid his attack. Instead, he took the initiative to meet it and directly grabbed the meteor storm pole.

By the way, the powerful force is simply not something Meteor can resist.

His body moved forward inexplicably, and what greeted him was a terrifying knee.


Suddenly hit in the abdomen, Meteor's body arched up instantly, and his body couldn't stop flying backwards. He didn't even take a position to slow down the impact, and his body hit the ground stiffly.

It's not that he didn't want to change his position to slow down the impact, but His current body simply did not allow him to do this.

Meteor fell to the ground with one hand on his stomach and his body curled up, but he could guess that he was probably not in a good condition at this time.


Meteor and Bastard were defeated one after another, which immediately caused a huge blow to the other members of the Kamen Rider Club.

At this time, they were all worried about their condition.


Ceqi supported his body and stood up again.

He had no reservations just now, but he didn't expect that he would still be beaten so badly.

Noticing that Meteor's current condition was also not good, Ceqi picked up the one that fell next to him.

The Holy Sword of Bali was in pain, and he felt an indescribable soreness in his body, which made him very uncomfortable.

But he knew that he had to do something now, and he must not let Lu Li take the singer Xianwu away.

He knew exactly why Lu Li wanted to take away the singer Xian Wu, but how could he just watch his friend being taken away? He immediately unloaded the cosmic switch on the far right side of the drive and loaded it into the end of the holy sword given by Barry.

He must protect his friends!

"Land from! No matter what your purpose is, no matter what you want to do! I will never allow you to take away my friends! absolute!"

Holding the holy sword presented by Bali tightly, Zhou Qi's words were full of determination.


Under the power of the cosmic switch, the holy sword gifted by Barry burst into dazzling blue light, and Zhou Qi's red eyes suddenly lit up.

A cry from the soul!

"Knight Super Galaxy Ends!

At the tip of the sword, a dazzling light like the Milky Way is released. The cosmic energy wraps around the holy sword and pushes it back to spray. The squatter holds the Bali's Holy Sword and approaches quickly. The power of the Bali's Holy Sword in his hand has reached To the extreme.

Faced with the upcoming most powerful special move of the cavalry, Lu Li would naturally not be polite to him.

As he flipped his hands, the golden card that combined twenty-six memory awakening cards appeared in his hand. casually swiping the awakening device on the waist

"Eternal! Extreme.Maximum.Drive(Eternal.Super.Extreme Drive))!"

Golden light bloomed instantly and poured into Lu Li's right arm crazily.

You could vaguely see golden flames burning on his arms, and the yellow eyes suddenly burst into light. Lu Li looked at the incoming holy sword given by Bali, and instantly punched out his right fist.

"Eternal.Extinction(Eternal Extinction)!"

The golden flame and the blue cosmic energy collided together, and the two terrifying forces exploded instantly.


The violent explosion encompassed the entire surrounding area.

Before the meteor even had time to stand up, it was blown away again by this terrifying and violent energy.


Meteor: wanmd! Who did I provoke? I's terrifying energy blasted the meteor away far away. Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club witnessed the collision in the distance. They were stunned by the scene in front of them. The big falcon immediately roared

"Get down!!"

As he said this, he knocked everyone down.


A shock wave struck instantly.

If it hadn't been for the big moji Falcon's quick reaction and immediately knocked everyone down, I'm afraid their situation would have been almost the same as that of a shooting star.

Such a terrifying collision was something that no one expected. The singer Xianwu was there Looking at the center of the explosion from the ground, the blue energy was being swallowed up by the golden energy, and finally... disappeared.

"Ceqi lost!"

Even though he was very unwilling to do so, the singer Xianwu had to admit this conclusion.

He knew that he might not be able to escape this time.

It is not clear whether Lu Li did it for himself, but since neither Qi Qi nor Meteor could do anything about it, What could he do to stop Lu Li?

The simultaneous violent explosions caused the ground to tremble, and the entire Tiangao and the surrounding area felt like an earthquake.

In the academy, the students who were in class were shocked by this sudden attack. The earthquake shocked everyone and they all ran outside, and the teachers who were in class were forced to stop teaching. The sudden explosion in my office made me feel such a terrifying force. , who could it be?

There was a flash of red light in my eyes. The first thing I thought of when I looked at the light was none other than Lu Li.

At this time, Li Shenhou felt the shock gradually weakening and stood up and said.

"Sir, do you want me to take a look?"

"Well, go and see what's going on."

Although I looked at Guangming's guess that it was Lu Li, but whether it was Lu Li or not, I can only know if I go and see it.

Afterwards, Lishenhou immediately went to the place where the vibration came from.

Returning to Lu Li's side.

Due to the explosion, a lot of scenes were destroyed. At the same time, a large amount of smoke and dust was stirred up, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside for a while, but there was no sound of fighting, nor was there any energy explosion.

The meteor had been forced to disengage at this time due to the second impact. Transformation.

Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club felt that the impact had stopped, and all they saw was the smoke and dust in the sky, and they couldn't see what was going on inside.

"In the end..who won?"

"I do not know! I didn't see it very clearly just now"

"Could it be that Shotaro won?"

"no! Yes... Lu Li won. The golden energy that just burst out swallowed up the blue energy. I'm afraid Gentaro is probably in a coma now."

Among everyone, only the singer Xianwu saw it most clearly and analyzed it the most objectively.

Even though everyone found it a little hard to accept the answer after hearing his answer, they had to accept it.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of applause in the smoke.

Then, under the astonished gazes of everyone, the smoke and dust dispersed one after another as if they had been affected by some kind of power.

Lu Li, who had released his transformation, appeared. In front of everyone, he was completely unscathed, not even dust was visible.

"Sure enough

, singer Xianwu's heart suddenly sank when he saw Lu Li who seemed to be a normal person.

Although he had expected that Lu Li would win, he did not expect that Lu Li would win so easily.

There is almost no dust on the body, which makes people feel helpless. Is the gap between the two sides so big?

Even if you feel unwilling to do so, what is before you is the fact, and there is no point in arguing.

Lu Li, who had just finished applauding, waved his hand lightly.

An invisible force instantly took away the smoke and dust in the sky. In the huge pit caused by the collision of terrifying energy, Taro Kisaragi was lying in the center, unconscious.

Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club was very unwilling to lose like this.

Now that Gentaro Kisaragi has lost his fighting power, and Meteor's situation is not optimistic, what power do they have to stop Lu Li from taking away the singer Kengo?


Facing the terrifying Lu Li, they were powerless.

Looking at Lu Li walking step by step, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club felt an extremely terrifying demon approaching and unconsciously took two steps back.......Asking for flowers......

Only the singer Xianwu still stood there quietly waiting for Lu Li to arrive.

Looking at the group of children, Lu Li had a smile without any malice on his face.

"how? Don't you plan to continue resisting?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and then lowered their heads. They didn't know how to answer this question.

Looking at Lu Li coldly, the singer Xianwu said calmly.

"Even the Bastard Cavalry and Meteor are no match for you, so what's the point of our resistance?"

Since he already knows that he can't escape, and struggling is pointless, it's better to just stay there.

Seeing such a calm singer Xian Wu, Lu Li nodded secretly.

This kid's mentality is not bad, he doesn't even know why he is Will look for him, but still look calm

"Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you, but during this period, I hope you can be honest and obedient."

Lu Li himself has no intention of marrying the singer Xianwu. The person standing behind this guy is always the giver.

If he kills him and leaves some clues on himself, the recipient will be I know that it might be detrimental to my next plan.

I just have to imprison him for a period of time, and I will not release him until I successfully go to the Dark Nebula, and during this period, he will live in a fixed place. That place will be isolated by energy.

I don't know what Lu Li wants to do, but the singer Xianwu always feels that Lu Li wants to do something, but it has nothing to do with him now.

Facing the powerful Lu Li, he can't resist. On the shoulders of singer Kengo, Lu Li waved to the remaining members of the Kamen Rider Club

"I will take the singer Xianwu away for now. After a while, he will return to you intact."....

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li and the singer Xian Wu had already disappeared.

This left a messy scene and the Kamen Rider Department caught off guard.

Seeing Lu Li and singer Xian Wu disappear, they could do nothing.

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