Even if Lu Li said that he would not hurt the singer Xian Wu, in their eyes Lu Li was not a good person at all. Can they really believe what this kind of person said?

Shuakuda Ryusei could barely stand up and staggered to the biggest pit.

"Hello! Gentaro!

At this time, everyone realized that the most serious person now was probably Gentaro Kisaragi. He had just had such a violent collision and was still lying motionless. He might have been seriously injured.

They hurriedly gathered around, and after some inspection, they found that although Gentaro Kisaragi was slightly injured, it was not too serious.

I just fainted temporarily due to the powerful impact.

"call! Fortunately, nothing happened to Xiaoxian."Jojima Yuuki took a long breath.

She was also worried about the singer Kengo, but obviously, no one can be sure where the singer Kengo was taken.

If you want to save people, you need to at least get it first. Knowing exactly where the person was, there was no way he could be saved otherwise.

Lishenhou looked at the traces of the battle below and his pupils shrank. He finally understood why.

There will be such a strong shock, such a terrifying collision of forces, it is reasonable to cause such a situation.

"It's all over now, who will it be? Could it be Lu Li?"

With such doubts in his mind, Lishenhou couldn't be completely sure. This must have been done by Lu Li.

After all, he didn't see who the person fighting here was, so how could he determine his opponent.

It's just that the energy left behind at the scene did not make Lishenhou Feeling familiar, it seemed to him that it might not even be Lu Li.

He could n't get the answer for the time being, so he took a deep look at the Kamen Rider Club and turned around to leave.

The situation is not too familiar.

You can go anywhere.

Outside a villa in a remote area of Fengdu, which is still far away from the city, Lu Li and the singer Xianwu suddenly appeared in front of the villa.

At that moment , I was shocked to find that I was in a completely unfamiliar place.

Even though I already knew that Lu Li had extremely terrifying spatial abilities, it was really amazing to experience it once.

place to another place that cannot be fully understood with his knowledge

"Okay, this is where you will live for the next period of time. Don't think about escaping. There are almost no people around here and there are wilderness everywhere.

There will be people watching you in the house. If you try to escape, I'm afraid you will be punished more severely. I guess... you should know what I mean."

Since Lu Li brought the singer Xianwu to this place, he naturally would not give him a chance to escape.

There is no transportation or any communication equipment here. The singer Xianwu has no way to know where he is. There is no way."

If he really chooses to escape, once he is caught, he may not be simply imprisoned, but may have more serious consequences.

Faced with the threat, singer Xianwu remained calm and nodded naturally:

When singer Xianwu realized what he was doing, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar place and was shocked.

Even though I already knew that Lu Li had terrifying spatial abilities, it was really amazing to realize it after experiencing it once.

He can get from one place to another in an instant, which he cannot fully understand with his knowledge.

"Okay, this is where you will live for the next period of time. Don't think about escaping. There are almost no people around here and there are wilderness everywhere.

There will be people watching you in the house. Once you try to escape, I'm afraid you will be punished a little more severely. I guess... you should know what I mean."

Since Lu Li brought the singer Xianwu to this place, he naturally would not give him a chance to escape.

There is no transportation or any communication equipment here. The singer Xianwu has no way to know where he is. There is no way.

If he really chooses to escape, once he is caught, he may not be simply imprisoned, but will have more serious consequences.

Faced with the threat, singer Xianwu. His expression remained unchanged and he nodded naturally.

"Lord Lu Li!"

The two of them shouted in unison, their words full of respect.

Lu Li had arranged for them to come here in advance to guard the singer Xian Wu here.

"Well, keep an eye on him. If he disappears, it's the responsibility of both of you. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the two of them glanced at the singer Xianwu, and then said in unison,"Two eight three"


They have received orders before.

This time they will be given a very important task. If the task is not completed, there will be very severe punishment.

Of course, if the task can be completed well, they will naturally respond accordingly. reward

"Boy, enjoy the rest of your life."


With a slight snap of his fingers, Lu Li disappeared instantly from where he was before, as if he had never appeared before.

The staff wearing sunglasses came to the left and right next to the singer Xianwu


Singer Xianwu knew that he really couldn't run away this time and had no place to escape.

He grinned and rubbed the shoulder that had been patted just now, thinking about walking into the villa.

He still didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to Locking himself in such a useless place. After singer Xianwu entered the villa, a strange energy enveloped the entire villa, as if it was isolating the villa from the outside world.

It was used by Lu Li to isolate the power generated by the explosion of the jump gate.

Even though Lu Li had planned to open the jump gate on the moon, there was a Jade Rabbit cabin on it, and he could not guarantee that the distance between the earth and the moon would be complete. Isolate the energy of the universe.

Solve the possibility of resonance/awakening of the singer Kengo in advance, and solve it once and for all.

During this time, Rem Kaminagi has been carrying out his investment plan as expected.

However, I hope that Guangming has repeatedly refused to provide research materials, which makes Rem Kaminagi particularly unhappy.

You must know that he specifically reduced or even crossed out the cooperation between Consortium X and the museum for the Star Disciple Switch..

In order to be able to invest a lot of money in Wang Guangming's research on the Star Disciple Switch.

However, now, I Wang Guangming seems to have lost his wings, and he dares to be disobedient.

This guy actually wants to turn his back on me. Lei. Of course Rem Kaminagi would not allow this to happen.

Rem Kaminagi pushed up his glasses and looked down at Rem Kaminagi with cold eyes. Nai is in a bad mood now.

He has invested a lot of money in the project, but now he is disobedient.

But before he gets angry completely, he decided to talk to me about this matter first. Are you really unwilling to provide any more research information? If you really don’t want to provide any more research information, you can only rely on Consortium There was a connecting sound from the other side of the phone.

"Hello! Is it me who wants to be the chairman?

"Well, Your Excellency is..?"

Although I can hear this tone of voice that is a bit familiar, I don’t think there have been many direct communications between Wang Guangming and Rem Kaminagi.

I hope Guangming is naturally not familiar with the other party’s voice.

"hehe! It seems that Chairman Wang is such a busy man that he even forgot about me.

I am the person in charge of the X star apprentice switch project planning of the consortium....Rem Kaminagi!"

The voice was raised a little higher, and Rem Kaminagi felt even more dissatisfied at this moment.

"It turned out to be Mr. Rem. I wonder if Mr. Rem called me suddenly at this time. Is there something wrong?"

I pretended to be confused. Of course I knew what the other party meant when he called me suddenly, but he didn't mention anything about switching data.

"I hope Chairman, you are really a noble person who forgets things a lot.

I have asked my subordinates to come to you several times, but you have not submitted any research materials on the Star Disciple Switch. how? You think your research is almost finished and you no longer need our funds, right?"

The words were not unpleasant to say, but there was a hint of threat in the voice.


I don’t mind letting the other party have a taste of the power of Consortium X.

How could

Consortium There was no hint of threat in the other party's words. He had been busy with the Zodiac during this period, and he really didn't pay much attention to the matter of submitting information for Star Disciple Switch.

Unexpectedly, he angered the guys like Consortium X. Now is the critical point of conclusion. There is only one switch left for the Zodiac Star Disciple. There must be no problem at this juncture. But these guys in Consortium X are also not easy to mess with, I hope.

Guangming doesn't want to cause trouble for the time being, at least until he and all his disciples of the Zodiac switch, he can only choose to compromise.

The person in charge of the project has already called him personally. If he doesn't give face, he will face what will happen next.

I'm afraid it will be the revenge of Consortium

"What did Mr. Rem say? It was indeed because he was too busy for a while that he had no time to submit research materials.

How could I forget that I have prepared the research materials here, and you can arrange for someone to come and take them away immediately.

I thought that I, Wang Guangming, had already made plans to split with Consortium X, but I didn't expect that I was willing to hand over the information on my own initiative.

Rem Kaminagi didn't know for a moment whether he should believe me or not.

Could this guy be playing tricks on me again?

Regardless of whether he is being cautious or not, just arrange for someone to take a look and you will know.

"good! In this case, I will immediately send someone over to receive the information. This time.....I don't want any more problems to arise. I hope the chairman"

"Of course, there will be absolutely no problem." I hope Guangming doesn't particularly care whether the technology of the Star

Disciple Switch will be completely copied by Consortium At this time, everything is no longer important. When he opens the jump door on the earth, the entire earth will be destroyed. Giving the information to these guys will not have much impact. They will never be able to survive in space. Regardless of whether it is my own research or not, it will all end up in nothingness anyway. I hope Guangming doesn’t care at all.

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