"What about Kamen Rider? Why hasn't the Kamen Rider arrived yet?!"

The centipede undead creature that Yazawa injured before is now attacking people on the street.....

Wearing sunglasses, Yazawa was watching indifferently not far away.

He deliberately chose to use the centipede undead as bait to lure the Kamen Rider out.

When the time comes, it shouldn't be a problem to easily eliminate the opponent with his powerful strength.

"come quickly....Kamen Rider!"

Looking at the people being tortured by the centipede undead creatures, Yazawa didn't feel that there was any big deal at all.

They were just mere humans, and they died when they died.

At this moment, Yazawa's expression suddenly changed. He was originally very happy. His face suddenly became very serious.

It was for no other reason than that he felt the aura of advanced undead creatures.

He could sense the presence of others and at the same time make others feel his presence. Who could it be

? Shutting his eyes, Yazawa was quite curious as to which advanced undead creature it could be.

He followed the aura of the advanced undead creature he felt to find the target, and soon Yazawa found the existence emitting the aura. His pupils suddenly shrank. At this time, he felt the breath of three advanced undead creatures, and the other party had appeared in his field of vision.

There was no doubt that the two women must be Queen!

As for who the man was, Yazawa didn't know for the time being. It's clear, but it must be a high-level undead creature.

Two Quen and an unknown high-level undead creature are mixed together. Anyone who sees such a powerful combination of three high-level undead creatures will be surprised. Isn't it easy for these three guys to help and cooperate with him?

Thinking of this, Yazawa suddenly smiled on his face and jumped towards the three of them.

Since they are both undead, we all have a common goal for the time being, which is to destroy the Kamen Riders.

If you take the initiative to cooperate, there is no reason for the other party to refuse you.

Moreover, there are already two queens among the three of them, and one of them still has one. Knowing each other, they shouldn't refuse their cooperation.

Together, the four high-level undead creatures can easily defeat the Kamen Rider, perfect!

He laughed, and Yazawa appeared in front of Lu Li and others.

"Hahaha! It’s been a long time since I last saw you, and I didn’t expect that when we met again, you would already be cooperating with someone else."

What he meant by meeting again was naturally Miyuki Yoshinaga.

The two had met before in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, and they could even be said to be relatively familiar.

"It's you!"

Of course Miyuki Yoshinaga recognized Yazawa immediately.

"What are you going to do?"

What she was more curious about was what Yazawa wanted to do when he took the initiative to come over at this time.

"cooperate! Of course I’m here to cooperate with you! I used this guy to lure the Kamen Riders out and then eliminate them all. Our purpose should be the same.

In this case, we might as well cooperate.

We can destroy all the Kamen Riders together, and by then, we will be fighting a fair extreme battle!"

At this time, Yazawa thought that the cooperation he mentioned was very exciting.

But what he didn't know was that Lu Li didn't need to cooperate with anyone at all.

Whether it was Shiromitsu or the current Miyuki Yoshinaga, both of them were working with Lu Li is not in a cooperative relationship.

To be precise, the relationship between them is more like master and servant.

Lu Li is the master and they are the servants!

Of course, Yazawa would never dream of losing

Chapter 424. Come on! In the melee, Tiger Sister is eager to try.

There is no relationship among the advanced undead creatures.

Miyuki Yoshinaga did not answer Yazawa immediately, but looked at Lu Li, the only one among the three who could make a decision. Only Lu

Li knew very well that she had no right to make decisions.

"Want to collaborate? Then let me see your power first.

Only those with strength are qualified to talk about cooperation. Are those without power qualified to talk about cooperation?"

Lu Li's voice suddenly sounded, causing Yazawa to immediately suppress the smile on his face.

He was very unhappy!

Who is this guy? How dare he speak nonsense here and look down on his own strength!

"We are both advanced undead creatures, do you think I am not strong enough? Who are you looking down on?"

There was a trace of anger in his voice.

He hated Lu Li's attitude towards him.

Although he had noticed just now that Lu Li seemed to be the dominant queen among the two queens, this did not mean that the other party could humiliate him.

Although he was also a queen. , but I think my fighting ability is still very strong, at least stronger than Yoshinaga Miyuki.」


Suddenly a whip kick came. Yazawa was shocked and quickly blocked it with his hands.

However, the powerful force still knocked him back a few steps. The one who suddenly attacked was none other than Cheng Guang.

She couldn't listen to this guy. It's all nonsense here. If you have the strength, show off your strength.

If you don't have the strength, then don't push.

Yazawa shook his arm slightly and looked at Chengguang with an annoyed face. His hands were a little numb. How dare he take action! He thought that Lu Li would do it, but he didn't expect that the woman next to him actually did it. Damn it!

"If you want to cooperate, show your strength, otherwise don't talk."

The indifferent words made Yazawa very angry.

He really thought that she had the upper hand in the"four, five, three" just now. Yazawa only felt that this was because he was careless just now, and it was not that he lost. other side

"snort! In this case, let me show you my power. The Kamen Rider should be coming soon. I will kill one first and let you see it."

In the three-on-one situation, Yazawa felt that he couldn't take any advantage.

Thinking about it, he might as well forget it!

As long as he shows his strong power, the other party will naturally cooperate with him after seeing it.

If there is a fight with three people at this time , which is very detrimental to him.

There is no need for this.

Moreover, Yazawa always feels that the man standing in the middle is a bit mysterious, giving him an unfathomable feeling.

In addition, the aura of the other person is very strange and completely unlike him. It was an advanced undead creature that he had encountered before. Who could it be?

Among the undead creatures that he had never seen before,

Yazawa couldn't think of it at this moment. , a motorcycle came quickly.

It was not Kenzaki Kazuma who arrived here early, but Kallis.

Although he lost in the previous battle, Kallis was not seriously injured. He had already recovered.

After feeling the breath of the undead creature, he rushed over immediately.

The centipede undead creature was released from his hands before, so

Yazawa was about to seal it again. Unexpectedly, the person who showed up was Kalis.

"That rascal....Is it the legendary undead creature, Kalis?

This guy actually came to mess with it!

Yazawa felt quite unhappy.

Originally, I wanted to seduce the Kamen Rider and then find a way to eliminate him.

Now it has seduced another undead creature, and it is also a difficult opponent.

What should he do in this situation?

Just as Kalis and the centipede undead were fighting, another motorcycle arrived quickly.

When he saw the people on the motorcycle, a smile suddenly appeared on Yazawa's face

"Finally here! Masked Knight!"

I especially thought that I might not be able to wait for the Kamen Rider to arrive, but I didn't expect that the other party arrived anyway.

After Yazawa glanced at Lu Li provocatively, he jumped up and directly blocked the path of the sword.

For Yazawa, a coquettish guy. , Lu Li has no interest at all.

It is enough to have two Queens around him. It is better for this male Queen to be sealed.

Moreover, if the sword wants to transform into its final imperial form, it must use the power of the Spades Queen.

No matter what the reason was, in Lu Li's opinion, Yazawa would always be sealed.

Facing the guy who suddenly blocked the road, Jian quickly braked.

"Hello! You didn’t know this was dangerous, why did you suddenly stop me on the road?!"

If he hadn't stopped the car just now, the motorcycle would have hit the other person directly.

"snort! Who are you looking down on? ha!!"

He opened his mouth suddenly, and a ball of blue light bullets was fired from his mouth.

Jian, who sensed the crisis for the first time, quickly jumped away from the motorcycle.

The blue light bullets flew over his head just now, and directly bombarded the area. A dent was made in the wall beside it, and a lot of rubble was splashed out.


"so close!"

It was only then that Jian, who had escaped the disaster, realized that the guy in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.���But undead creatures.

And being able to transform into a human form, it can be concluded that the opponent is not an ordinary undead creature at all, but an advanced undead creature!

Yazawa was in a very happy mood, slowly raising his right arm and cheering excitedly

"Oh haha!"

The next second, it directly switches to his true appearance, an undead goat!

There are two long sharp horns on the top of the head, a ferocious face, the body is half black and half white, and the red and half bulging eyes look quite scary.

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