There are these two sheep heads on either side of the black head, one black and one white.

The horns above his head emitted a faint blue light, and then he saw a more terrifying blue light bullet shoot towards the sword.

He quickly rolled to the side to avoid it, and the sword looked a little embarrassed.


The light bomb exploded instantly, and its power was far greater than that in human form.

"Just let me have some fun, Kamen Rider! Ha ha ha ha!"

After saying that, the goat undead creature walked towards the sword step by step, thinking that he was sure of defeating the Kamen Rider.

Of course, the sword would not sit still and wait for death.

Even if the opponent is a high-level undead creature, it does not mean that he has no chance of winning at all.

Both of them People were fighting together, but there was no movement from Lu Li's side.

"That rascal....It's still the same as it was ten thousand years ago. 1

Yoshinaga Miyuki obviously knows what kind of guy the goat undead creature is.

He has a bad taste and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Of course, Yoshinaga Miyuki also has such a character.

As long as you can achieve your goals, it doesn't matter how extreme you do.

The most important thing is that her fighting power is not strong enough. If she is strong enough, she can completely crush her. Is there any need to use tricks?

At this time, Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Li, wondering

"Are you...sure you want to cooperate with him?"

In Yoshinaga Miyuki's view, it is almost impossible for these two people to cooperate.

Especially Lu Li himself has very powerful power. Although the goat undead creature is stronger than him, I'm afraid it can't get into the eyes of the other party.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and shook his head slightly.

"No need, this is not a shelter.

Only the people I want are qualified to stay by my side. I don’t want what I don’t want even if it comes to my door."

Yoshinaga Miyuki looked slightly stunned after hearing these words.

What does this mean?

Could it be that she is the person Lu Li wants, so she can stay?

If this is the case, it seems to be pretty good.

For some reason, Miyuki Yoshinaga had this idea in her mind.

Just as the swords and goat undead creatures and Kalis and the centipede undead creatures were fighting fiercely, Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijo Mutsuki finally arrived at the scene. Seeing the fierce battle breaking out here, Tachibana Shuo couldn't help but take out the knight system and was about to transform, but he noticed Kamijo Mutsuki who was also preparing to transform next to him, and he quickly stopped.

"Mutsuki! no! With your current strength, you simply can't control that guy! Don't interfere in this battle, just watch from the side!"

"However, I,

Mutsuki Kamijo, am also very eager to transform and fight together, but the current situation is that he is not allowed to transform.

Feeling quite unwilling, he reluctantly put down the knight's belt buckle in his hand.

Recalling that he was indeed controlled before, Kamijo Mutsuki had to admit it even if he didn't want to admit it.

Seeing this, Ju Shuo immediately transformed and rushed forward.



After passing through the blue light curtain, Ge Lian quickly rushed towards the goat undead creature.

He could tell at a glance that the goat undead creature was an advanced undead creature. It would be very difficult for one person to deal with it with just a sword.

At this time, it was up to him If you take action, the battle will become much easier.

The goat undead creature, which was still very comfortable fighting with the sword, suddenly becomes more stressed due to the sudden addition of Ge Lian.

"Hey Hey hey! This is so unfair. Two people hit me alone. It’s really too much! ha!!"

Blue light bombs were released from the two goat horns above the head and went straight to Gelian.

"Bang bang bang!!" shoot quickly, and the bullets fired continuously can offset the energy of the light bullets."


Jian, who was originally in a bitter battle, felt happy when he saw Ge Lian arriving.

With Ge Lian, this battle will definitely not be lost!

Ge Lian carried out medium and long-range support shooting and interference, while Jian carried out The close combat left the goat undead creatures with no time to care.

For a while, the battle between the two sides was very fierce. As long as he could easily kill a Kamen Rider, he didn't expect that he would be able to cooperate with him.

It was completely different from what I had imagined before.

The support of these guys was too fast. Before I could deal with it, the first Kamen Rider came and the second

Kamen Rider came, one close and one close. Attacked from a distance, the goat undead creature suffered a big loss. After finally catching a flaw in the sword, the goat undead creature was about to launch a fierce attack, but was suddenly interrupted by Ge Lian.

The light bullet hit the body, and the goat undead creature A large number of sparks burst out from the body.

Under the powerful impact, the undead goat took a few steps back uncontrollably.


The goat undead creature was in a very angry mood. These two guys were completely provoking him.

A crescent-shaped dart suddenly appeared beside him and shot towards Ge Lian at high speed.

Faced with the sharp crescent dart, Ge Lian quickly dodged. If you were hit by this thing, I'm afraid it would be uncomfortable.

The crescent dart automatically returned to the hands of the undead goat like a boomerang, and immediately turned into a melee weapon.

The undead goat holding the crescent dart immediately attacked the creature in front of it. The sword launched another round of attack

"go to hell!!"

Perhaps because of anger, the goat undead creature's attack was completely unorganized, but there were many flaws.

Unfortunately, the sword's current strength is not enough. Even if it sees these flaws, there is nothing that can be done for a while.

The battle on the other side It was almost a one-sided crushing.

Kallis had already sealed the centipede undead creature before, and this time he was even more capable of fighting. Compared to the previous time, Kallis was now more powerful.

Killing with one shot, Spiral Dance instantly dropped the centipede undead creature and successfully sealed it again.

The card flew back into his hand, and Kallis put it into the card box and looked at the goat undead creature again..

A strong fighting spirit burst out in his eyes, and he didn't want to stop here.

Seeing everyone fighting so fiercely, Kamijo Mutsuki's heart was filled with passion. He really couldn't resist the temptation of Kamen Rider. He also wanted to fight and seal the undead!

There was an inexplicable voice in his heart, telling him to fight! Following the trend of this voice, Uejo Mutsuki finally put the card in his hand. In the buckle, the purple belt automatically wrapped around his body, and he was ready. Gren, who was fighting the goat undead creature, immediately noticed Kamijo Mutsuki who was about to transform. He was suddenly startled and shouted immediately.

"Mutsuki! Stop! don't want!"

At this time, if Kamijo Mutsuki transforms into Renge, it is entirely possible that he will be controlled by that guy, and it will be very troublesome to fight.

But Kamijo Mutsuki, who has been bewitched by the voice at this time, simply listens Don’t go in and others



A purple light curtain popped up, automatically approaching and passing through Kamijo Mutsuki's body.

Kamen Rider Lengel!

When he saw this figure, Kallis stopped as he was heading towards the undead goat.

His eyes were straight. Staring at Leng Gou, he got into a fighting stance. Yes, he was eyeing this guy because he was severely beaten by the other party in the last war. And he was ridiculed as a waste who had taken refuge in humans.

Facing such an enemy, he would of course find a way to take revenge on him.

Kalis, holding the awakening bow, rushed towards Lenger in an instant. Of course it couldn't be controlled by Mutsuki Uejo as the user, but the evil will of the spider undead creature hidden behind it.

2.8 Faced with the menacing Kallis, Lengel didn't feel any panic, and he didn't panic. He hurriedly took out his wake-up stick


The red eyes and the purple eyes were in sharp contrast!

The sparks splashed out and rolled between the two.

The two guys started fighting, and Ge Lian didn't have time to stop Lengel now. He also had an opponent to deal with.

The battlefield was once again divided into two sides.

At this time, Lenger was controlled by the undead spider, and his fighting power was indeed very strong. Even Kalis suffered a loss in his hands..

Although Kallis seems to be a little stronger than in the previous battle, and is gradually getting stronger after many battles, he still can't completely catch up with Lenger for a while. In the battle, Lian Ge had a great advantage. Cheng Guang, who was beside Lu Li, was eager to go and fight, but Lu Li never said anything, and Cheng Guang couldn't do it on his own. thing.

But there was a trace of desire in her eyes, which was the desire to fight.

"Chengguang, seeing how you look like this, do you want to give it a try? If you want to go, then go.

When he learned that he could join this battle, Cheng Guang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Here I go!"

Leaving three words behind, Shiroguang rushed to the battlefield instantly.

He was very fast and transformed back into his undead form in an instant.

Miyuki Yoshinaga was not interested in fighting or anything like that. If he could solve the problem with the power of his words, Fighting, she doesn't mind doing this.

What she likes most is secretly provoking others to fight.

"Do you just trust her to fight without worrying that something will go wrong?"

Looking at the back of Sister Tiger flying back and forth, Yoshinaga Miyuki was quite curious.

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