Knight with Wand

Chapter 1: It feels like a different world

Feeling that he was lying on the cold ground.

The moment he regained consciousness, a strong headache immediately began to stimulate Leon's nerves.

In a trance, the short life of the boy named "Leon" passed through his mind.

In his heart, there was still the joy of his father teaching him to draw the hunting bow.

On his head, the tenderness of his mother stroking his hair lingered for a long time.

The evening afterglow when he walked on the country road as a child, as if it were yesterday

Red, it was blood, the cold light raised was the sword of the mercenary, the blade reflected the boy's cowardly and fearful pathetic face, the mother's begging for mercy and the scream of dying made the fire burn in the boy's heart.

Anger and hatred finally overwhelmed fear, but weak anger was meaningless. The boy was knocked to the ground, and before he lost the last bit of consciousness, he only heard the mercenaries' violent laughter of mockery.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the hideous bloodshot in the boy's red eyes had not yet dissipated.

As his memory gradually came back to him, Li Ang frowned, trying to dispel the resentment in his heart that did not belong to him.

He panted to relax his tense body and tried to stand up, but found that his hands were restrained by a pair of crude shackles.

He turned sideways and adjusted his posture with difficulty. He finally leaned against the rough wooden fence on the side and raised his upper body little by little, so that he could look up and look around.

A cage with many people imprisoned, and there was a large area of ​​similar cages around the cage.

The people in the cage were in similar situations to him, there were men and women, but the common point was that there were no old people.

The prisoners were basically young people, teenagers, and even children of seven or eight years old. People were either wearing only tattered clothes with dust and dirty blood, or even the clothes that could cover their bodies were stripped off. Many people still had scars from being abused.

Sporadic sobbing was heard, and the mercenaries shouted and mocked in a strange foreign language. The expressions of the prisoners were numb, fearful, or full of hatred. The air was filled with a suffocating and oppressive atmosphere.

Somewhere in a camp, Leon realized that he had become a captive and a slave.

He took a deep breath for this unacceptable reality, and then slowly exhaled, trying to calm his newly awakened mind and sort out the complicated thoughts in his mind.

Who am I? Leon?


I am Leon.

The turbulent memory of this body could not cover Leon's self-awareness. His consciousness easily passed through the soul fragments of this sixteen-year-old boy and found the information that truly belonged to him.

Leon, 26 years old, single, parents are alive, no bad habits, healthy, an ordinary office worker that can be found everywhere on the earth

Recalling this, the headache came again. The familiar memories of the past were so vague and distant. Leon frowned and held his forehead.

Putting aside his memories for the moment, he looked up and glanced at the mercenary guards outside the cage.

Spears, long swords, mail, iron armor, crossbows. In the era of Leon on Earth, no matter how backward a country is, it is impossible to have such cosplay medieval-style soldiers.

And the bloody and cruel scenes in the memory of the dead boy also clearly told him that this place is definitely not a movie shooting base.

So it is a time travel? Or a soul travel, did it travel to ancient Europe, or to a strange world?

One by one, questions that are out of touch with reality popped up.

Leon couldn't analyze it. He didn't remember that he had close contact with the mud truck before, and he couldn't even remember what happened to his consciousness before entering this body.

Looking down, looking at the iron shackles that were firmly imprisoned on his wrists, Leon was a little confused.

As a modern man with a healthy brain, he didn't want to become a slave whose freedom and life and death were controlled by others.

For the time being, let's not consider the reason for the time travel. The real priority now is how to escape.

He calmed down and searched for any information in the boy's memory that could help him understand the current situation.

The Kingdom of Serian. Church of Saint Sol. Holy Land City. Rolandar. The army of the Kingdom of Cantadar is pressing on the border. War, invasion, breaking the city, looting and slaughtering

Gradually picking up the memories of the original owner of this body, the boy named Leon was just a child of an ordinary hunter family on the outskirts of the Holy Land City of Rolandar. Before the war, he and his family lived a relatively stable life in the forest settlement on the outskirts of the Holy City until the Cantadar army in the west invaded in large numbers.

"You are still alive. I thought you died yesterday."

A calm voice seemed to be talking to himself

Leon broke away from thinking and looked in the direction. It was a young brown-haired boy who looked young, about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although he was in the same dusty situation, his skin was still whiter than most people in the cage.

Leon guessed that before the other party was captured, he might have come from a relatively wealthy family, otherwise the lower-class civilians would not have the opportunity to maintain such a white complexion under the sun.

"Who are you?" Li Ang asked, holding back the dry cough in his throat.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You should thank that lady. If she hadn't been so kind as to give you water these past two days, you might not have survived." The fair-skinned boy had no expression and raised his chin to point to the other side.

Li Ang turned his eyes and saw that the person the boy pointed to was a lady in her twenties. Although she was inevitably ragged and haggard in this situation, it could still be seen that her appearance was gentle and outstanding.

"Thank you." Li Ang sincerely thanked the lady who took care of him when he was unconscious in a hoarse voice.

In such a miserable environment, he was willing to take care of the half-dead wounded. His character was really worthy of respect.

The lady forced a difficult smile and nodded slightly to him as a response.

Li Ang noticed that there was a sturdy boy leaning next to her. The boy looked at him vigilantly like a wounded beast.

He looked about 60% similar to the kind lady. The two might be relatives. Judging from their ages, they should be siblings. The boy was strong and had signs of exercise. His skin color was darker due to being exposed to the sun for many years. However, the swelling on his body caused by the beatings by the mercenaries was also very obvious.

Li Ang moved his eyes away to avoid provoking the other party. He understood that the boy's unkind eyes were not malicious. In such a chaotic and cruel situation, the other party just wanted to protect the remaining relatives.

Looking around at the other people in the cage, they were all the same, looking ashen and like zombies, and few of them were uninjured. Even the lady who had taken care of him had bruises and pinch marks from being abused. Leon didn't want to think about what miserable experience she had gone through.

Leon looked away from the captives who shared the same fate, and looked at the cage behind him. It was very solid, and it was obviously impossible to destroy it from the inside. Moreover, even if he could escape from the prison, the unarmed and weak prisoners could not defeat the armored mercenaries guarding outside.

After thinking about it, he finally sighed helplessly. At present, it seemed that there was no other way except to wait.

Time passed slowly and painfully, even a few hours seemed as long as several centuries. Leon had never experienced such torment. The boring and boring social life in his past memories was like heaven now, after all, he was still free at that time.

After a long time, the sky darkened.

(Uriah) "You Serian pigs! Get up and eat!"

The mercenaries outside were shouting incomprehensible noises, interrupting Leon's wild thoughts.

He looked over and saw several Kantadar mercenaries carrying sacks in front of each cage, shouting in foreign languages, taking out dry things that looked like food from the sacks and throwing them into the cages, just like feeding livestock.

A few pieces of dry food were also thrown into the cage where Leon was, followed by two large leather water bags.

Leon looked at the gray-black food that looked like dry food rolling on the ground and was covered with dust. He counted in his mind. The number of mercenaries did not even match the number of prisoners in the prison. One was not enough for each person.

While Leon was still observing the reactions of others, the dark-skinned boy rushed to the food first. He quickly grabbed two pieces of dry food and a water bag, and then ran back to his sister.

Then the others came forward and picked up the dry food closest to them.

There was no scramble during the whole process. Firstly, everyone was not starving to death, and secondly, the captives did not have much physical and mental energy to engage in unnecessary disputes.

Before Li Ang could catch up to pick up the dry food, it was already taken away. He simply sat back in the corner. Although he was hungry, he was still within his tolerance.

At least there was enough water to drink. Two large water bags were passed in turn among the people. After everyone drank enough, there was still some left.

When it was passed to him, Li Ang endured the psychological discomfort brought by the mouth used by everyone. He slightly raised the leak and poured the water into his mouth, finally relieving the dryness in his throat.

In an emergency, he could not help his cleanliness.

After drinking enough, Li Ang continued to pass the water bag to the next person beside him. He glanced inadvertently in the direction of the brother and sister, and happened to see the lady who had taken care of him in a coma looking at him.

She had a slightly apologetic smile on her face, and she was holding onto the dry food that her brother had brought her first, but she didn't move her mouth because she noticed that Li Ang, who had just woken up from a coma, didn't have any food in his hands.

The expression seemed to struggle slightly, and the lady stood up and intended to share the food with Li Ang, but then she was grabbed by her brother.

"Sister, you didn't eat enough yesterday!" The strong boy didn't lower his voice. His tone was both tough and distressed. He was obviously dissatisfied with his sister's excessive concern for others, which was why he took the initiative to snatch two portions of dry food first.

Li Ang could naturally hear the boy's loud voice, which was obviously meant for him, so he waved his hand tactfully.

"Thank you for your kindness, I'm not hungry yet."

Li Ang declined politely. Even without her brother's protection, he was embarrassed to always accept the care of this poor lady.

"I'll give you half, and I'm not that hungry." A voice suddenly interrupted.

Li Ang looked over and saw that it was the fair-skinned boy who had spoken to him before. Li Ang was a little surprised by the other party's sudden kindness.

He saw the other party walk to his side and sit down, breaking off half of the dry food and handing it to him.

".Uh, thank you." Li Ang did not refuse this, and readily accepted the food given by the other party.

"The question just now, my name is Azerian Flarel, Azerian of Flarel's family, what about you?" The fair-skinned brown-haired boy took a bite of the hard-to-swallow dry food in his hand, and then asked Li Ang casually.

Li Ang hesitated slightly, but considering that his real name happened to be similar to the pronunciation and tone of the name of the original owner of this body, he let go of his entanglement.

"My name is Leon, I don't have a surname." Li Ang chose to follow the local customs and used the original name of this boy's body.

The boy named Azerian was slightly stunned.

Just now, he saw that the other party showed obvious resistance when using the shared water bag, and thought that the other party was also a nobleman who had not yet adapted to the situation.

But now there is no difference, Azerien thought self-deprecatingly, whether it is the son of a noble or the son of a commoner, now they are just slaves to be slaughtered by the Kantardars.

After the two exchanged their names, there was nothing to say, and the atmosphere fell into a silence of resignation again.

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