Knight with Wand

Chapter 140 Not a human being at all

Hawke drove the carriage, and on the cart behind him, his two guards were guarding the important "cargo" being carried.

Leon led the way on horseback, running and stopping with the carriage beside him.

The forest path opened by the Thorn Flower Family is almost completed. Since the surrounding undead have been periodically cleared by the patrolling soldiers, they have not encountered the wandering zombies in the past. After the horses' hooves stepped on the stone-paved ancient road, everyone's speed increased.

In the afternoon, after crossing the col, Leon once again arrived at the forest city that he now named "Avalon".

Walking through the inner and outer gates with ease, compared with the previous few times, there are now many more people in Avalon.

Although Baron Elliver led his army south and took away most of the manpower, the hundreds of people who were left to support logistics and guard Avalon Castle still prevented this ancient city from being as dead as before.

Arriving at the military camp in the city, Leon informed the Farolis officer who stayed behind and asked him to send the report letter of the Battle of Longka to the baron, and then he stayed in the temporary residence with the guards.

Instructing the guards to take good care of the important "cargo" and no one was allowed to open the wooden box on the carriage, Leon pretended to be strolling and walked to the fountain square, which was now deserted.

In the Avalon Castle, which covers an area of ​​about ten hectares, there are only a hundred people stationed at present, and most of them are still active in the military camp and the city wall. Leon does not need to wait until night to avoid being seen.

However, climbing up the staircase where the wizard tower is located, Leon looked back at the city below and was a little distressed. If more people live in the city in the future, it will probably become more and more troublesome for him to sneak into the tower again.

Passing through the magic that conceals the truth, he walked into the circular hall of the wizard tower again after nearly half a month.

As soon as he entered the gate, Leon heard the whirring magic wind blowing.

Looking up.

On the Mage's throne in front of him, the white light of the Neti card was shining brightly, and the dazzling magic light almost condensed into shape immediately.

The white-haired girl slowly opened her golden eyes with a magic wand in her hand, and her exquisite robe floated on the throne.

Seeing Miss Lola, whom he had not seen for a long time, Leon greeted her happily.

"Lola, I'm back. What a coincidence this time. Are you just getting up?" He greeted jokingly.

Lola sat firmly on the throne with a light body and raised her eyes.

Looking at the person in front of her, a little bit of annoyance flashed in her usually indifferent eyes.

"Don't delay the magic of the earth veins. I will try to be brief. I came here to ask you this time." Leon did not notice the strange atmosphere, but just stood under the throne, trying to seize the time to express his intention, but saw the Mage on the throne stretched out his palm.

"Don't worry, come closer to me." Laura smiled and stopped the other person from talking, then bent four fingers and beckoned him forward with her little hand.

"?" Leon didn't understand, but he stepped onto the throne steps as he was told and walked quickly to the white-haired girl.

"What's wrong?" he asked blankly.

"Lower your head and close your eyes." Laura gently instructed.

He didn't know what the wizard lady meant, but looking at the friendly expression on the other person's face, Leon still bent down trustingly, lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"Is that so?" He asked curiously with his eyes closed, thinking, is Laura going to give him some magic buff?

While losing his vision, Leon's overactive imagination couldn't help but diverge.

How does this feel?

It seems to be exactly the same as the scene when he and Olivia kissed for the first time?

Could it be that Laura is also going to give him a kiss?

No way? How did she like him? There was no sign at all? Suddenly, her peach blossom luck exploded?

But how could this be possible? I already have Olivia, how can I not be loyal to my lover! Leon said righteously in his heart, and with mixed feelings, he closed his eyes and waited for the other party's unknown behavior.

Laura narrowed her eyes, clenched the magic wand in her small hands, and raised the sturdy head of the wand.

She held the wand and gestured the best angle for striking.

A series of extremely complex formulas and force effects flashed through the consciousness of the ancient king of magic.

But after a while.

Miss Mage sighed silently and put down her posture.

I can't be too childish. This guy didn't mean to offend. He didn't know I was there.

Besides, he is a man of blood after all.

At the beginning, he took my existence into consideration and endured it for so long. Now it is natural for him to be intimate with his lover.

On the contrary, I accidentally peeped, so I am in the wrong.

Of course, this is the truth.

But she is still very angry!

For many years, I only looked closely at things in life science manuscripts and biological materials. Now, it is the first time that I have seen such a lively and lively thing. Even from the first perspective.

The overly powerful memory quickly outlined its shape and posture. The more I didn't want to think about it, the more I couldn't help thinking about it.

The white-haired girl's cheeks were slightly hot, and she covered her eyes with a sigh in her heart.

If her body was still there, she could at least seal this memory, but now the spirit body composed of magic power, even if it was erased, it would be remembered again in the next reconstruction, and I am afraid that the impression would be deepened.

I'm sorry. Teacher, Laura is not clean.

With a wail in her heart, the wizard lady put down her palm covering her eyes, her eyes flickered, and for the first time in a thousand years, she felt an emotion called "grievance" appearing on herself.

This guy had better be as guessed

Otherwise, she would be.

Well, even if it wasn't, she couldn't bear to do anything. The other party was a good kid after all.

However, when it comes to bullying girls, he is an out-and-out bad guy.

Putting down the staff, Laura reached out and clamped Leon's earlobe and pulled it hard.

How could this lustful bad guy have so many shameful tricks to torment others? It's really hard for Olivia to cooperate like that.

Speaking of which, the last time he hugged me, he didn't take the opportunity to deliberately take advantage of me, right?

"Hiss!! Ouch, it hurts! You're too strong, Laura, why are you pulling my ears? I didn't provoke you, did I? "

Only when he waited for the punishment of pulling his ears more ruthlessly than when he was playing with Olivia, Leon opened his eyes and took a breath of cold air in pain.

Faced with the sudden action of his benefactor, he couldn't resist, and he was even more confused in his heart, not knowing where he had offended the wizard lady who had always been gentle to him.

Looking at the other party's painful expression, Laura calmed down a little.

"Leon, I am teaching you magic now, and I am your mentor. Is it okay for me to teach you a lesson?" The mage smiled unkindly, but the force of her right hand was slightly lighter.

"Not too much, not too much, but may I ask my teacher Laura, what did I do to upset you? Did I not take the first step when I entered the door?" Leon tilted his head, letting his earlobe be pulled by the little teacher in front of him, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I am angry at your laziness~! It's a waste of talent. It's been more than ten days since I started, and your magic power is not much different from the last time you came. Could it be that you haven't even practiced the high-temperature attachment technique I taught you?" The mage questioned seriously.

She naturally knew that the other party was busy dealing with conflicts recently and had no time to practice, but she was ashamed to say the real reason for her anger, so Laura could only find a random excuse to vent her anger.

"Listen to my explanation, teacher Laura, I don't want to slack off either."

Feeling his earlobe loosen, Leon covered his left ear as if it had been pinched by a pair of pliers, and helplessly told what happened during this period of time.

Laura, who knew everything about his experience, had to pretend to be ignorant and patiently listened to it from the beginning.

"How is it? Is there a way to revive Canis?" Leon asked, rubbing his ears after telling the story.

"As long as the soul is still intact, in principle, it is not difficult for me to revive the dead, but do you know why most of the necromancy magic is listed as taboos of different levels in the magic book given to you?" Laura, who had eliminated her annoyance, leaned on the throne and asked back like a student in class.

"Because calling back the dead violates the law of life and death created by the Dead Sea Dragon 'Yinnie'." Leon recalled the introductory knowledge in the magic book and answered Laura.

I don't know if it is accurate, but the magic of Lorelit is written like a creation myth.

According to the magic book translated by Laura, the entire cognitive world was born from a fight between three "Ancient Dragons" at the end of time that could not be recorded.

The so-called ancient dragons are "Epedo" who controls the void, "Omros" who controls everything, and "Yinne" who controls the Dead Sea.

In Leon's opinion, if the description is true, then they are more like the "gods" in his understanding, rather than Miss Laura, who simply misunderstood them because of historical transmission.

"That's right, trying to interfere with the laws of life and death will inevitably be backfired from the Dead Sea. Even Aphrodite's great magic has paid a heavy price for it." Laura nodded.

"Of course, if you use the normal necromancy or summoning spells that are not taboo to call back the soul from the Dead Sea, as long as the method is appropriate, the careless Dead Sea Lord will not pay special attention.

Because the souls temporarily called back in this way are still not out of the state of death, their memories and consciousness are confused, their rationality and wisdom are gone, and they can't return to their appearance before they died, just like those violent zombies you have seen.

This is obviously not a true resurrection, and when the time comes, the souls drawn by the law of life and death will fall back to the Dead Sea obediently."

Leon shook his head. This was not the method he needed at the moment. Simply turning the knight named Canis into a corpse ghost would not only fail to solve the problem, but his father would be even more furious when he saw it.

Laura paused and continued, "Since you remember the warning in the book, what you really want to ask is the power of the Neti card, right?"

"Well, I think Garron's appearance and rationality are no different from those of the living. If I can use the Neti card to summon Canis's soul back to the world, as long as we can communicate, I think even if I can't completely resolve the conflict, I can have some room to deal with Baron Gunnar, at least I can prove that the murderer who killed his eldest son was not me or the Thorn Flower Family." Leon said, thinking of the female assassin that Larian repelled last night.

"You can try, but although Aphrodite's magic has signed a contract with the Dead Sea and can bring the souls of the dead back to the mortal world relatively intact, unlike me and Garron, Canis is just a young ordinary person after all.

The traces of his death left in the River of Time are barely visible. You want to accurately locate his soul among the countless dead throughout the ages, and the possibility of failure is very high. Moreover, he was your enemy when he was alive. Even if he felt the call, he might not respond to your call.

In addition, the warehouse in the tower lacks some core materials, and we can only make another black card that was originally tried. It should be enough to accommodate the soul of an ordinary person, but if you need it in the future, remember to collect enough materials for me." Laura stood up and walked to the upper level.

Leon hurriedly followed: "What do you need?"

"I will make a list for you later, but thousands of years have passed, and it is difficult to say whether they are still called these names in the Ferru language. I will try my best to write down the characteristics of each material." Laura replied.

While talking, Leon and the mage lady came to the warehouse, picked up the materials for making the Neti card as instructed, and then helped her get to the top of the tower.

Putting down the materials, without disturbing Laura's spellcasting, he stepped aside and watched quietly as the other party constructed a complex magic pattern.

Without the help of any equipment, in about half an hour, the surrounding materials were melted, decomposed, or combined with each other, and were reshaped in the magic light flow that Laura could control.

Black crystal cards condensed in the dazzling white light.

Gently fell into the hands of the white-haired girl.

Laura turned around and handed over the Neti card: "It's done, here you go."

Taking the card, Leon asked: "Speaking of which, do you have to summon the dead souls in the tower?"

"There is no such restriction. I am performing the ritual here because I can't get out. With your magic power, it is not a problem to independently summon the souls of ordinary people. As long as you remember the seal-cutting techniques of the summoning formation, prepare the ritual materials, and find a stable elemental environment The ceremony can be performed anywhere." Laura replied.

"That's good. I don't want people who can't be trusted to know the existence of you and this tower." Leon felt relieved.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether they can successfully bring Katniss's soul back.

After putting away his third Neti card, Leon was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to chat with Laura, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. She stayed in the tower every day, so maybe she had no one to talk to, so it was uncharacteristic of her to meet him just now. He must be so irritable.

Especially thinking of Larian and the others he met yesterday, with a try mentality, he asked the well-informed Holy Prophet in front of him: "I was busy with too many things before, and I kept forgetting to mention it. Laura, what are you still doing? Remember the Galliard we saw in Dragonmaw City and Westport Castle when you were with me?"

"Remember." Laura hugged her wand, recalling the pretentious fake poet, and nodded.

Leon thought: "Now that I think about it, Corvis mentioned that a spellcaster broke the warning magic in the embassy. Could it be him?"

As he spoke, he asked in confusion: "With your knowledge, can you tell the origin of that person? Why does he go round and round to help couples in trouble and victims like Ms. Elena?"

Laura shook her head in response to Leon's question.

"I don't know his purpose for doing this, but I have to correct you, that Galliard, he is not a human being."

Leon raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said in surprise: "Not a human? Are you saying that Goliad is not a human? Then what is he?"

Laura spread her hands and replied without surprise.

"One true dragon, one adult dragon."

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