Knight with Wand

Chapter 141 The Real Murderer (Shamelessly Asking for a Monthly Ticket)

Standing on the balcony on the third floor of the tower, Laura raised her hand and shook it, as a response to Leon who turned back and waved goodbye before leaving.

Although she would quietly follow him later, she still made a gesture to stay in the tower.

Watching the other party's figure walk down the high steps through the magic curtain, the wizard lady put down her arm and turned back to Aphrodite's house.

She waved her wand casually.

She walked to the curtained bed in the bedroom in three or two steps and jumped lightly~

Her snow-white hair fluttered.

Her petite figure bounced slightly with the bed, and then fell into the soft velvet bedding.

She buried her cheek in the quilt and lay lazily for a while, as if she was missing and melancholy.

Turning over, Laura put her arm on her forehead and stared at the gorgeous curtain above. Her golden eyes were unfocused, as if she was looking at the distant past.

With the manifestation of magic and the influence of his soul essence, the changes in this guy became more and more obvious.

The jet-black hair and eyes might be a coincidence.

But the quietly changing eyebrows and appearance

Even the way he treated people and things, there were some similar shadows.

Even the innocent jumping to do bad things to the girl had some charm.

Is this also a coincidence?

Turning sideways, the white-haired girl rested her head on her arm and looked at the portraits of Aphrodite hanging in her bedroom.

Her eyes flickered as she watched the smiles and frowns of the beautiful black-haired women in the portraits. She could not help but slowly closed her eyes, and a hint of self-mockery rose in her heart.

Thinking too much?

Yes, if Aphrodite is so obsessed with making fools, then so is she.

How low is the possibility of this, how could she not know.

But even if there is only a trace of origin, she is unwilling to give up exploring this insignificant possibility.

Could it really be your descendant?


If so, when did you secretly give birth to a child in Rolandar without telling anyone?

Which bastard who deserved to be cut into pieces was so lucky back then?

It was really hard to imagine that the other party would favor a man, and Laura couldn't help but sigh.

If Aphrodite knew at the time, she would definitely kill that guy.

Of course, Laura also felt that perhaps there was no such man who deserved to be punished by God.

Maybe he used the technology of Master Holemond to copy a bloodline and pass it down.

In that case, Laura hoped that this was the result allowed by him.

Otherwise, the guy who dared to blaspheme like this would pay the price even if he wanted to pull them out of the Dead Sea again.

After a long time, she slowly put down the anger that had been ignited by herself.

Miss Mage calmed down, turned over again, stretched out her hand to pull the pillow, and hugged it tightly in her arms.

Recalling the warmth of a thousand years ago, she curled up, as if she was still reminiscing about the old days.

Silently telling of longing, as if the pain of forgetting, it was always hurting Laura's heart.

". Teacher Ilaril, Lola will continue to protect everything you love."

The body turned into light particles and dissipated into nothingness.

The empty Neti card fell on the bed.

On the way back from Avalon, Leon did not delay. He led the carriage to the woods beside.

Finding a slightly wider open space, Leon dismounted, took out the engraving tools brought from the magic tower from his bag, spread out the magic manuscript, and made the ritual magic pattern for summoning the dead soul on the ground according to the pattern.

After drawing the magic circle, Leon called the guards to lift the embalmed body of Canis out of the wooden box, and then placed his armor and weapons in the corresponding ritual nodes according to the symbolic orientation of their elemental attributes.

After making preparations, Leon told Hawke and the others, "Remember, no matter what you see or know, keep it in your heart and don't let it out."

"Understood, Lord Leon, we will keep your secret forever." Zabron bowed his head deeply.

After the battle of Longka, the guards who fought bloody battles not only received the reputation praised by their comrades, but also received rewards from the Lord that were far beyond imagination. That was wealth that they could not exchange for their lives in the past. Moreover, now with the increase of that mysterious power, they don't even have to pay the price of death in the fight.

Being able to serve this generous and promising Lord in front of him is the luckiest opportunity in Zabron's life.

Listening to the oath of the guards, Leon nodded and asked everyone to stay away from him. He squatted down, pointed his finger at the starting node of the magic pattern, and slowly injected magic power to link the entire technique.

A faint light lit up.

Just like this, maintaining the general direction of energy flow, Leon stood up, drew a magic track with both hands, and then combined them into a complete seal, with a black Netika card erected between his fingers.

If the trick of simply using magic to create elemental reactions is not counted, then this is the first time that he has performed a complete magic ritual by himself without guidance.

With a strange mentality as if he had completed his homework independently, Leon recited the spell.

Unlike the ignorant recitation of the past, now he has roughly understood the meaning of the spell in his mouth.

He also knows the difference between the ancient spells he uses and the spells used by contemporary spellcasters such as Corvis.

In the knowledge of magic, language and text are not only tools for communication, but also the extension of soul and will in the material world, and the "hands and feet" of the concept of "wisdom" in reality.

Extract the most significant way of affecting everything in language, compile it into different sets of words, reorganize and arrange it, so as to assist magic power in acting on elements and form a series of magical reactions. This is the "spell".

And the "ancient Lorelit language" is the product of the ancient wizard pioneers of the civilization where Miss Lola lived before her death, who explored the essential power of language and writing to the extreme.

However, this also brought a trouble.

As the ancient magic pioneers became more and more powerful, the language and writing originally used by the Lorelit people also changed with continuous iterations.

This led to the overly powerful Lorelit wizards, who would cause unpredictable magical reactions just by speaking and writing in this language.

The command read out could bring wind and thunder covering the sky.

An angry rebuke could kill people.

The written words were like a decree to drive the elements.

Since then, the powerful Lorelit wizards had to re-degrade and abstract the original powerful language in order to ensure the safety of ordinary people in conversation, and created the later "Lorelit language".

However, time has passed, and the Lorelits have long disappeared. Leon does not know the reason, and Laura did not answer his questions during the chat. Considering that this is the disappearance of the other party's entire civilization, Leon did not dare to offend and delve into it.

But in this era, the "Post-Lorelit Language" originally created for normal communication has also become a medium for casting spells through the research of contemporary spellcasters and the reproduction of various laws that already exist in it.

Although compared with the "Ancient Lorelit Language", the "Post-Lorelit Language" used by wizards now contains power far from the real ancient "spell".

The will slowly sank into the orderly magic ritual. Leon closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and once again experienced the memory resonance felt by his own consciousness when summoning the dead.

There is no mystery brought to him by Miss Laura.

There is no magnificent sight when summoning Garron.

Leon can only feel a trace of erratic, difficult to form, and almost imperceptible perception afterimages in the endless darkness after closing his eyes.

In a trance, he resonated with the traces he had left behind, and vague memories passed through his heart.

The excitement of wielding a sword for the first time. The joy of successfully hunting wild beasts.

The great joy of marrying a wife. The family happiness of the birth of a child.

The rumbling drums and horns sounded in his ears, the long sword cut down the enemy's battle flag, the corpses piled up under the horse's hooves, and the bloodthirsty and heroic wolf howls resounded through the battlefield.

Bravery bestowed glory on his blood, and he seemed to see the glorious moment of leading the wolf pack.

Everything stopped abruptly.

Pain, coldness, surprise, confusion.

And endless anger.

The heart was broken, caught off guard, and a sense of powerlessness spread in the body. The consciousness seemed to fall into a deep sea of ​​​​biting cold in unwillingness.

Time seemed to be stagnant.

Everything stopped at the last moment of consciousness.

With a cold back, Leon tried to open his eyes in a daze.

But the boundless darkness still shrouded his vision.

Quiet ripples appeared under his feet

He explored the darkness, and seemed to see something, but also seemed to see nothing.

There was something there, a huge thing that was... big, very far, indescribable, and imperceptible.

What exactly was it? Leon could not outline its existence, nor could he be sure whether it really existed.

Or there was nothing, just his own illusion.

But where was it?

The moment the problem appeared, the solid space suffocated Leon.

It was not the suffocation of being strangled by the throat, but the suffocation that completely filled the mouth and nose and even every perception gap.

Then, the huge noise that came roaring instantly filled the brain.

Revenge! .

Revenge! .


Leon heard countless screams of revenge, and the shrill howls of men, women, old and young merged into one, rushing towards him like a tsunami, and it seemed that countless empty hands were grabbing his whole body.

Suddenly, those angry cries and shouts suddenly pulled away and went farther and farther.


It's not those voices that are going away, it's me that is rising!

And rising with him, there is a familiar voice roaring unwillingly.

". I shouldn't die there!"

" I shouldn't die like a wild dog in a prison where no one cares!

That shouldn't be my life!

It shouldn't be!!!"

In the darkness, Leon saw Canis's face twisted by anger.

". Let me take revenge! I will kill the bastard who buried everything for me with my own hands! I will bite that man's throat with my fangs!"

The sharp teeth were embedded, and the human head was changing chaotically, sometimes it was a roaring human face, and sometimes it turned into a wolf head with scarlet eyes.

The bloody smell in his face made Leon frown slightly. There was no doubt that Canis's soul had turned into a standard "ghost" defined in the magic book.

"I can't guarantee what I can do. But I promise you that if I find the murderer, I will try my best to let you settle the grudge.

But you must obey my orders, this is also your only chance to return to the world." Leon promised in his mind.

"Then, it's a deal!"

The illusory wolf head let out a hoarse and angry voice.

As the contract witnessed by the Dead Sea was reached, the hideous and distorted ghost face gradually restored the appearance of Canis.

Leon was shocked and truly opened his eyes.

The cyclone surrounding the formation rustled the surrounding tree crowns. The black Neti card between his fingers turned into a stream of light and poured into the center of the formation, intertwining with the glorious ritual base.

Until the magic cards, remains, armor and weapons are intertwined and condensed.

The light fades.

The martial knight wearing wolf-patterned plate armor, carrying a sword on his waist and holding a lance, reappears in the world.

"I didn't expect that I would have to face you in this capacity. The wizard of the Thorn Flower family." Katniss murmured angrily.

"What? Now that things have happened, I'll give you a chance to live again and take revenge. Do you still have any objections?" Leon crossed his arms and felt confident.

The contract has been made and the other party cannot go back on it.

The great magic that Ms. Avroth contracted with the Dragon of the Dead Sea is not the ordinary second-rate or third-rate undead summoning spells.

If you want to transcend the constraints of the ancient dragon who created the world in legend, it is impossible for a mere ordinary martial artist like Katniss to do it, whether he is alive or dead now.

"Do I have any objections? Now I can only obey the god Venolis, who is in charge of death. You are now the master I serve." Canis sighed and admitted helplessly.

Although the memory of that unspeakable sea of ​​despair has disappeared, the feeling beyond terror still lingers in Katniss's consciousness.

There is the end of everything, eternal nothingness, never-ending darkness.

"Venolis? No, his name is Yin Ni. Don't call God's name randomly. Be careful if you go back to the Dead Sea in the future. The God of Death will slap you to death with his tail." Leon showed off his knowledge of magic very well.

Venolis is the god of death in native Orland legends.

But compared to the folk myths of the Northern Kingdom, Leon believed more in Miss Laura and the well-founded Loreleite Magic Book.

"Whatever you say, don't forget your promise, I will kill the bastard who murdered me with my own hands." Katniss clenched his rifle tightly and reiterated through gritted teeth.

"I don't mind if you avenge yourself. Since that guy wants to frame your death on me, I won't be done with him. But before that, you must at least tell me who killed you?"

Leon asked the victim the question that concerned him most at the moment: "Was the person who assassinated you that night a beautiful woman with a good figure?"

The poetess Larian met was the assassin whom Leon considered most suspicious.

When Katniss heard this, his expression was a little surprised.

"Woman? What woman?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not! I don't know who the beautiful woman you are talking about is." The young master of the Lang family, who returned to the world, frowned and denied.

He then angrily revealed the real culprit who murdered him: "That night, he sneaked into the cell and took me out of prison on the pretext of breaking the shackles, but it was Matt who penetrated my chest with a spear!

It's that damn Northern Warlock! ! "

Shameless, ashamed, shameless, and shameless, I kneel down to all readers and ask for a monthly ticket. Originally, I updated once a day, but my efficiency is so weak, and I can’t add updates or burst updates. The recent plot I have also entered the mode of relaxation. I have no shame to say this, and I have never thought of asking for your monthly votes shamelessly, but the editor repeatedly persuaded me today, saying that this month’s monthly votes are very important, and if I don’t ask for it, I’m afraid it will be difficult to schedule. I recommended it, but I had to give it a try no matter what, so I was a little embarrassed, so I tried to beg. Of course, you should act according to your ability. If you feel that my book is not worthy, please vote for a more diligent work. I also understand very well. So thank you readers for reading. It is my honor for you to read my story.

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