Knight with Wand

Chapter 3 Isa's Arrow

The next few days passed without hope or excitement.

There were still captives dragged out by mercenaries one after another and sold to various buyers. The number of people in Leon's cage was gradually decreasing, and he knew that sooner or later it would be his turn.

On the day when Leon was bored and carved the sixth stroke on the ground, he noticed two mercenaries walking towards his cage, mumbling something incomprehensible, one with a cheerful expression and the other with a look of grief.

(Uriah) ". This ~ this, and this. Just these three, I don't want more, open the cage quickly, I have to go back before the city gate closes at night." The Kantadar mercenary with a happy face pointed to the three teenagers who happened to be sitting together in the cage.

(Uriah) "The price of these three slaves is enough to pay off our debts. Remember not to come to the camp to bother me again, I will never gamble with you in my life." The mercenary who opened the cage complained angrily and pushed open the cage door.

Although Leon didn't understand the conversation between the two foreign mercenaries, he could still understand their intention of ordering them to go out after seeing their gestures and hearing their rude scolding many times.

As he stood up, Leon looked at Lohak and Azerien who were also pointed at.

Seeing Lohak's hateful eyes, he was shocked, fearing that this guy would get impulsive when he went out later, so he slowed down and reminded Lohak quietly: "It's not the right time. If you act rashly, everyone will die."

Lohak frowned and didn't answer, but he nodded after all.

(Uriah) "Fuck, what are you talking about, you little brat, shut up and walk faster!" The Kantadar mercenary who opened the door naturally didn't understand the language of the Serians, and he impatiently dragged Leon out.

Leon lowered his head and did not resist, allowing the mercenary to add another chain to his shackles. He, Azerien, and Lohak were all chained to their respective shackles by the mercenaries one after another, and were strung together by the chains.

(Uriah) "Follow!"

The mercenary, who was delighted to earn three slaves for nothing, took the shackle key from another person, then pushed the leader Leon hard, causing him to stagger, and cursed and signaled everyone to move forward along the camp road.

Leon now had neither the ability nor the mood to resist this humiliation, so he could only continue to suppress his anger and speed up his pace as much as possible to try to avoid being kicked.

Passing through the gaps in the barracks and passing through the camp gates guarded by soldiers.

The road he took made Leon's eyes unconsciously open wider and wider. Not long after, they actually walked out of the heavily guarded mercenary camp under the pull of the mercenaries.

The team connected by chains walked along a muddy trail that was full of footprints but could hardly be called a road. There was a field around and a forest in the distance. Leon walked barefoot with difficulty, but he didn't care about the pain in his feet. Surprise had already surged into his heart.

He didn't know where the mercenaries next to him were going to take them, but he realized that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for!

After leaving the barracks guarded by mercenaries, the only thing that could restrict their freedom was the soldier and the shackles on everyone's hands.

His heart was beating nervously, and Leon tilted his head and glanced at Lohak behind him. Sure enough, the other's eyes flashed with eager flames.

Taking a deep breath to stabilize his reason, he turned around and continued to move forward, and quickly glanced at the Kantadar mercenary escorting everyone behind him.

The mercenary wore an iron-hooped nose helmet on his head and a set of chain mail with embedded iron plates on his body. He had an armed sword on one side of his waist, a dagger on the other side, and a round shield on his back.

Looking at the opponent's weapons and armor, Leon gradually calmed down. Facing such a fully armed mercenary, if the three of them did not have weapons, it would be difficult to threaten the opponent even if they let go of their imprisoned hands.

Moreover, whether it was himself, Lohak, or Azerien, they had experienced so much hunger and imprisonment, and their physical strength was almost gone. In this case, three unarmed teenagers rashly confronted the mercenaries and were seeking death.

Then everyone ran away directly into the wilderness?

It was even more unfeasible.

Leon looked down at the iron chain on his shackles that connected everyone in series. This thing was used to prevent slaves from escaping. The iron chain connecting the three shackles was not long. Once they ran, they would easily fall into a ball.

Besides, how could three hungry teenagers run faster than mercenaries? Even if he didn't fall, he would be stabbed by the mercenary who caught up with him easily.

Should he give up?

But he finally waited for the opportunity to leave the cage and get away from the barracks full of soldiers. In this wilderness, he could run into the woods and regain his freedom. If he missed this God-given opportunity, what if he and others were taken to a place with stricter guards?

While he was thinking, he took a gap when turning around a hill and secretly glanced at Lohak behind him.

When they looked at each other, they could feel the anger that was becoming more and more difficult to suppress. It seemed that they were just waiting for a signal to join forces. Even if the boy who endured hatred was holding the shackles, he would turn around and pounce on the mercenary without hesitation.

His sight continued past Lohak and fell on Azerien at the end of the team. The fair-skinned boy was also quietly observing the mercenaries escorting everyone nearby. He almost immediately noticed Leon's hidden glance, and the moment his eyes met Leon's, the fair-skinned boy blinked at Leon's unnoticeable determination.

Leon stopped looking to avoid the mercenaries noticing anything unusual. He lowered his head again. He had already received the will of the two people behind him. As long as they took action, Lohak would be a sure thing, and Azerien would also cooperate with them.

The three wanted to regain their freedom, and now was the time when the possibility of success was relatively high.

Even if the probability of defeating the mercenaries was very low, they had to gamble their lives.

The most intense fight he had in his previous life was just a sword fight for entertainment in the sword hall. Now he had to play Spartacus with his life. If he had known this, he would have learned to fight with his hands. In his heart, he finally complained about the pressure of life and death that he could not help himself. Leon's heart was so nervous that it beat like a drum.

Suddenly, a faint breeze blew in front of him.


The subtle movement came from his wrist.

The light click was covered by the clanging of the shackles and chains when he was walking. If the vibration had not come from his wrist, Leon almost didn't feel the sound.

He looked at his wrists in confusion, and could feel that the originally tight and rigid restraint was now much looser.

Unbelievable doubts surged in his mind, and Leon tentatively arched his wrists slightly

Sure enough, he did not feel the restriction of the shackles and rivets at all, and the two U-shaped iron hoops of the shackles were actually pushed up by his wrists to give him some space to break free.

The shackles were old and the lock core was broken?

Is there such a lucky thing? Just when he was about to fight to the death?

Leon pressed down his arms in doubt, letting the iron hoops of the shackles face upwards to cover up the abnormality on his wrists, before he could feel the sudden ecstasy.

A pleasant and gentle girl's voice sounded faintly from Leon's heart.

". Only one chance."

The sudden appearance of a voice in his heart really scared Leon.

Who is talking?

The voice spoke to itself.

".Remember this seal, the Arrow of Isha, aim it at your enemy"

A pair of hazy hands, like a shadow, solidified out of thin air in Leon's astonished eyes.

The fluorescent hands gracefully and concisely drew a set of simple gestures, and then dissipated dreamily.

Ignoring the astonishment, Leon quickly glanced at the mercenary behind him.

The mercenary was still concentrating on his journey with a normal expression, and seemed to be unable to see the projection that just appeared in the air.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief.

——Who are you?

He tried to ask the voice deep in his heart again.

No answer.

After calling out several times, the questions in his heart were like a pebble thrown into a silent lake, without any response, and Leon had to give up the effort to communicate for the time being.

He didn't think it was an auditory or visual hallucination, because the shackles on his hands were undoubtedly unlocked by a power beyond his cognition.

So what does the Arrow of Isha mean? Use that gesture to aim at my enemy?


The original owner of the son of the hunter did not have much knowledge in the simple memories left, but as a modern person who has been bombarded by various fantasy works, Leon still relied on his imagination from the past to make some guesses.

There may be another soul-like consciousness that is living in this body like himself. She used a power similar to magic to unlock the shackles, which is undoubtedly to help him escape.

Leon's eyes gradually became firm, and he had no time to make unnecessary doubts for the time being. Whether there is magic help or not, he must seize this opportunity. At least when his hands are freed, the possibility of his survival is greatly increased.

As for the gesture displayed by the mysterious consciousness.

From her literal meaning, maybe it is a spell similar to arrow shooting? How powerful is it? Can it penetrate the chain mail on the mercenary? How far is the range?

I don't know anything.

The blood and nervous emotions are boiling together, and Leon takes a deep breath to make the final heart rate adjustment.

The mercenary always walked to the side of the crowd. He stayed at the end of the team to monitor the three people. Leon knew that his side had no chance to launch a sneak attack from behind the mercenary. No matter who started first, the mercenary would have enough time to react and draw his sword.

Then, compared with the two people who were closer behind him, he was the most suitable person to attract the other party's attention because he was the farthest away from the mercenary.

The breeze blew through the weeds beside the path.

Leon's eyes swept through all the flat places within one step in front of him.


He bent his arms, pushed the shackles away with his wrists, and pulled them out, and his hands were completely freed from the restraints.

While stepping forward, Leon suddenly turned around and shouted at Lohak behind him: "Let's do it together!"

Accompanying his roar, Leon took the lead and rushed to the mercenary along the arc to the left front, attracting the mercenary's surprised eyes at the first time. The distance was not enough for Leon to touch the mercenary's body before the other party drew his sword. Leon's running was only to lure the other party to face him, creating conditions for the other two to attack from the side.

Although Lohak was surprised for a moment that his companion in front of him had untied the shackles, the strong boy who had been prepared for a long time still turned around and rushed towards the astonished mercenary at the fastest speed in his life.

Azerien's reaction was only a beat slower. The chains of his handcuffs were still connected to Lohak, so he had to follow Lohak's actions and run towards the mercenary.

(Uriah) "Damn it! Are you looking for death?!" Although the mercenary was startled by the sudden attack of the three slave boys, he was not too panicked, and did not face to the side as Leon expected.

He reacted quickly and took two steps back. With a flick of his right hand, he skillfully pulled out the armed sword from his waist. The moment the sharp blade was in his hand, the mercenary stopped his steps and advanced instead, raising his sword with a ferocious expression and slashing at Rohak.

Although killing a slave would cause him to suffer losses, the mercenary also knew that only by killing chickens and warning monkeys cleanly could he restrain these daring teenagers.

Even Rohark, who was full of rage, felt the chill of approaching death when he saw the blade fall.

With no weapons to block, no armor to protect himself, and not enough distance and space to dodge, Rohark raised his arms in vain. He seemed to see death. The painful faces of his dead parents flashed in his mind, and the sight of his sister's death flashed across his mind. His eyes filled with tears as he was being dragged away also flashed back to the blood-soaked sight of the sword cutting off his arm and cutting off his head from his neck.

The breeze was sluggish in the air, and Leon felt that time seemed to have slowed down. The raised left hand had its middle and ring fingers bent like the mysterious phantom gesture. The two fingers of his right hand were combined into sword fingers, and the fingertips pointed at the mercenary in front of him.

Leon didn't even have time to pray in his heart whether this weird gesture would work. In an instant, his body felt the blood all over his body being pulled towards the tips of the index finger and little finger of his left hand.

His right hand seemed to be guided by an inexplicable force and was involuntarily pulled back.

Then he saw a miraculous light.

The blooming light arrow whipped up the air-piercing wind, and dazzling flashes of light shot out along the path pointed by the fingertips of Leon's right hand.

Fly in an instant.

The light penetrated through the mercenary's right arm—bang chi—!

The cracking sounds of broken flesh, broken bones, and chain mail sleeves were clear and harsh, and the ferocious expressions of the Kantadar mercenaries were frozen on their faces.

The pure power spiraled to tear apart the flesh and chain mail, and the severed right arm was thrown into the air.

"Ahhhhh——! Ahhhhh!!——"

The moment the painful tactile sensation was transmitted to the brain, the mercenary's eyes widened, and he burst into a shrill scream in disbelief. He held his remaining broken arm in great pain and retreated wailing, his ugly face Tears streamed down my face immediately.

Listening to the mercenary's roar of pain, before Leon could feel the ecstasy of a successful attack, dizziness hit his brain, his eyes darkened and his body collapsed to the ground, and he fainted instantly——.

The seriously injured mercenary retreated step by step. Rohark, who had a brush with death, did not wait for the falling sword edge. Naturally, he charged desperately without stopping. The strong young man stepped through the final distance, and his body was strong. He knocked the broken-armed mercenary to the ground firmly.

Even Azarian was forced to lose his balance and fall into a heap at the same time.

The moment the three of them fell to the ground, Azarian saw the armed sword that fell with the severed arm. He was the first to react and tried his best to pull on the chain and stretch out his hands to reach it.

"——Ahhhh!! You damn little bastards! I'm going to kill you, kill you!!!" The knocked down mercenary struggled violently, and the instinct to survive once overwhelmed the fear of having his arm torn off. In pain, he strangled Rohark's neck during the struggle, his fingers pinching like iron pincers until the young man couldn't breathe.

Rohark failed to block the mercenary's dying counterattack immediately, but he successfully touched the dagger on the other side of the opponent's waist.

Without hesitation, the young man pulled out his long dagger and stabbed the mercenary in the side. However, even though he stabbed as hard as possible, the dagger blade could not penetrate the thick chain armor and armor lining of the mercenary. The pain didn't make the furious and frightened opponent have any intention of letting go.

Until there was a pop.——

Blood splattered everywhere.

With a bone-chilling sound of flesh being cut, the sharp sword tip from below penetrated the mercenary's jaw and penetrated his head. This fatal blow ended the last struggle of the broken-armed mercenary.

The dying mercenary's eyes were widened, blood was pouring from his mouth and he twitched a few times, then completely stopped moving.

Seeing this, Rohark raised his hand to break away from the dead mercenary's choke, panting and turned to look at his companion beside him.

I saw Azarian leaning on his side, his bound hands holding the armed sword he had just reached. He turned the sword upside down, and was able to successfully penetrate the mercenary chain armor with the sword in the prone position. and gaps not protected by helmets.

"Huhu. Good job." Rohak climbed up from the corpse, helped Azarian stand up, and thanked him while calming his breathing.

Azarian stood up with difficulty and looked at the dead mercenary. He felt a little grateful to have survived the disaster, but also a little happy to have successfully avenged his family.

Now that the crisis was over, the two people suddenly reacted and looked at Leon who fell to the ground not far away.

The boy who had just projected a light arrow from his hand like a god was now lying on the ground motionless.

"? Hey! Leon! What's wrong with you?" Lohark hurriedly wanted to rush over to check on his companions, but was staggered by the iron chain.

"Wait a minute, find the key to open the shackles!" Azarian was much calmer than him. He squatted down and groped around on the dead mercenary, and soon found the simple cylindrical iron key.

The two helped each other's hands unlock the shackles, and Rohark, who had regained his freedom, hurriedly ran towards Leon, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Azarian did not rush to check on his companions with him. Instead, he squatted down and began to pick off the chain armor, clothes, and all useful things from the mercenary's corpse. He knew that the escape had just begun.

I am a newbie, but after only 10,000 words, I saw a contract notice from the editor behind the scenes. I was a little frightened and hoped that I could write this story completely.

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