Knight with Wand

Chapter 85 Echo of Aphrodite

Standing under the smooth stone wall, Leon looked at the flag hanging from the battlement. The white flame pattern in the center of the circle looked more and more familiar.

Except that the flame at the bottom of the mark was facing upwards instead of expanding to the surroundings, he always felt that this symbol was inexplicably similar to the Holy Sun Wheel of the Church in the original owner's memory.

Suppressing the sense of déjà vu in his heart, Leon walked into the wide city gate with the spirit lamp.

The two layers of heavy steel gates inside and outside were not closed. When leading the horse through the city wall, you can still see the scattered debris on the road that seemed to be left behind by the crowd when they fled in a hurry.

In this chaotic field of time and space, Leon seemed to hear the noisy clamor of the people evacuating in a hurry.

He picked up a dry cloth bag on the roadside that broke at the touch of a sword. Inside was grain that had long lost all moisture and shriveled out of shape.

This is really old grain from who knows how many years ago. The process of corruption seemed to be frozen in time and space only halfway through.

Continuing forward, I didn't see any living creatures along the way, and there were no corpses or undead. The town was empty.

Walking on this wide road, looking around, houses were neatly arranged on the roadside.

Although this town is not large and can accommodate no more than a thousand people, its internal planning is much more advanced than the messy medieval towns outside.

Not to mention the strangely shaped lamp posts that can be seen every few sections, and the sewer manhole covers are evenly distributed on the roadside.

Just the waterway bridge that spans from the middle of the mountain, stands high on the arch column, and connects to the suspected reservoir facilities, makes Leon feel a rational and exquisite architectural beauty.

The style seems to be similar to the ancient city buildings of Rolandal in the original owner's memory.

Walking through the fountain square with clear water in the pool to the innermost area of ​​the town, there is a long stone staircase leading up to the towering spire building in front of you.

Leon no longer needed to look at the dazzling spiritual lamp. The direction that the soul of the Yanyang Guard wanted to guide was undoubtedly the spire on the high ground.

Without tossing the exhausted warhorse, Leon tied it to the fountain pool in the square, letting the poor mount rest, and took Corvis up the stairs.

"Leon, I feel that there is amazing magic power around that continues to flow towards the tower. Is there really no danger here?" Corvis asked doubtfully behind his companion, panting and holding the heavy halberd.


Lion, who knew nothing about magic, naturally could not make a promise to him. Helplessly, he could only ask in his heart: "Miss Lola, you want to come and take a look so much, do you know where this place is?"

"This is a small fortress built around the wizard's residence."

Lola answered quietly: "I just saw a familiar mark and wanted to confirm whether this place belongs to an old friend in the past, and to confirm her safety by the way."

"Safety? Do you mean that your friend may still be alive now?" Leon was surprised.

"If the cause of this spiritual field is caused by her, then it is not a good thing to be alive."

Lola fell silent after she finished speaking, and seemed unwilling to talk more.

Leon stopped asking questions wisely.

At the end of the stairs, suddenly, the spirit lamp in his hand suddenly burst into a very bright light.

It seemed that the soul in it had reached the end of its hard pursuit.

Leon raised his hand and temporarily put the wayfinder that was shaking so much that people could not open their eyes on the ground, so that he could look up at the spire in front of him, which was about 40 meters high.

The building is somewhat similar to the Gothic style that Leon had seen in his previous life.

The main body of the tall tower is angular, and the windows between the carved eaves are decorated with complex and gorgeous colored glass, which is very delicate and beautiful.

A circle of neat flying buttresses surrounds the two sides of the tower, and the spires of the flying buttresses are even embedded with transparent crystals of unknown materials.

Leon told the boy behind him: "I'll go in and take a look. For safety, you wait for me outside."

"Do you really want to go in?" Corvis' eyes were a little worried. It was not a wise choice to rashly step into this building that looked like a wizard's tower.

Leon nodded, after all, he was entrusted by Laura.

Besides, his curiosity has reached its peak now, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't go in and take a look.

Walking to the entrance of the tower, he stretched out his hand but retracted it, and asked Laura with one last vigilance: "Your friend wouldn't set a magic trap on his door, right?"

I was really scared by these wizards. I couldn't pick up Pilieno's staff and couldn't wear the armor of the Yanyang Guards. It seemed that everything related to magic was safe.

"The entrance ritual has not been activated. The surrounding magic power has been completely gathered into the tower by a kind of "big magic". Go in with peace of mind." Laura explained lightly.

Leon followed his words, pressed the heavy door in front of him, and pushed it open with force amid the creaking sound of the hinges.

The first thing that came into view was the smooth floor that seemed to be polished from a whole piece of giant marble.

Admiring the luxury of the floor material, I looked up again and saw the high dome of the hanging gallery, which made the interior of the building look particularly spacious.

The unknown crystals surrounding the columns cast a brilliant light, illuminating the entire circular hall.

Leon looked towards the innermost part of the hall, and instantly his eyes widened involuntarily.

At the end of his vision, a semicircular stone staircase was built against the wall, and on the arched platform stood a seamless stone throne.

A beautiful lady wearing a purple dress with gold ornaments and long cherry-pink hair shawl, closed her eyes tightly and leaned on the majestic throne. She seemed to have just slept quietly.

Through Leon's eyes, Laura finally caught a glimpse of the expected figure.

She whispered the familiar name


Listening to Miss Mage's suddenly depressed mood, Leon noticed the sadness in it.

Are they really acquaintances?

But is the person on the throne in front of him a living person? Or the dead?

Listening to Laura's sad tone, Leon estimated that the other party was probably the latter.

But if it was dead, why didn't the body rot and shrivel like those living corpses?

Seeing that Laura fell silent without warning of danger, Leon couldn't help but walked into the rotunda in front of him.

The soles of the boots stepped on the smooth mirror-like hall floor, and the echoes sounded lonely and empty.

Stopping in the center and not approaching the throne any further, Leon observed curiously from a distance.

"Is she the old friend you want to see?" Leon asked Laura in his heart.

The long pink hair of the lady in purple robe on the throne is really rare, and its natural texture is not as abrupt as the ones dyed in the hair salon in her previous life.

But Leon was convinced that in the memory of the original owner, he had never seen the Ferru people with such a peculiar hair color.

To be honest, in retrospect, Pirieno's red hair was indeed very red.

Could it be the influence of magic?

"Aphros Neti is mine," Laura's faint voice had not yet finished.

Leon saw that the pink-haired lady who was sleeping on the throne slowly opened her eyes.

He immediately felt that his heart skipped a beat.

Isn't it a zongzi deception?

As soon as this thought passed through his mind, he was attracted by the unique eyes of the man on the throne.

How to describe those dazzling gem-like eyes?

Its brilliant twinkling starlight has almost surpassed the boundaries of beauty, and has even reached a level that can be called "weird".

The magic eyes, shining like the starry sky, crossed the river of time and leisurely looked directly into the doubtful eyes of the people in the audience, as if peering into the soul inside the body.

An ethereal and melodious voice echoed gently in the hall:

"Finally, I can see you again

Teacher Hilal. "

Although the pink-haired lady in purple robe made no move to speak, Leon knew that the voice was undoubtedly what the other party said.

It's just that I still can't tell whether the other party is alive or not.

But who is she calling? .Teacher Ilaril?

Did you see that there are other souls in your body?

Say so.

Laura’s surname also turned out to be “Iralil”?

It seems that Miss Master, either herself or her parents, believed in the Holy Sun Cult during her lifetime.

It's not surprising to think that she might also be from the realm of Serian. After all, in the Holy Land City, if a brick is thrown at the crowd, eight out of ten people will be hit with the surname of Iralil.

No wonder she always wanted to go back to the Great Temple of Rolanal as a pilgrim, she was really pious.

Putting aside the racing thoughts in his head, Leon silently greeted the mage lady in his heart: "The lady is calling you, right? Do you want me to pass the message for you?"

"No need, there is no point in talking to the shadow of the past."

Leon was a little surprised by Laura's straightforward answer.

"What you see are just residual thoughts passed down from the past by people who have passed away.

That is not a real entity, we are just activating the long-standing illusion that remains here. "

? Leon frowned, probably understanding what the mage lady meant.

So what he saw was just a magical hallucination similar to a video, right?

Leon raised his eyes and looked at the purple-robed female mage on the throne who showed no signs of illusion at all. He only felt that every inch of her figure was so real.

"I'm sorry, I didn't follow your teachings. After all, I still came into contact with the power of the spiritual world. I failed. Of course, I brought it upon myself." The voice that traveled through time still echoed in the hall.

"But no matter what the cost, everything is to see you again."


Laura sighed helplessly. It was not that she couldn't understand, but hiding in such a corner and falling into such a sad end, wouldn't it be that we still couldn't see each other in the end?

Leon just felt novel and silently watched the echo that spanned time and space.

The figure of the lady in purple robe had already stood up from the throne. She slowly folded her hands on her chest, and her voice was sad and nostalgic: "This is your past idea, and it is also my last hope. I hope we can finally be together in the end of time. See you at the end.”

"Aphros left something behind when she was alive. Stand firm and don't move around for a while." Laura's voice reminded.


Leon was confused and had no time to react, so he quickly stepped on his feet.

The next moment, the sound echoing in the hall gradually disappeared.

The figure in front of the throne shone with a brilliant dazzling halo.

Giant magic patterns as complex as a kaleidoscope bloomed instantly from the feet of the Shadow of Aphros.

The roaring sound of the wind suddenly sounded in Leon's ears——!

The huge magic power swirling in the air made a layman like Leon feel the strong cyclone suddenly blowing in the hall.

His hair was blown wildly around his head, and he was almost unsteady on his feet. Leon squatted down slightly to resist the turbulence of magic flowing from every inch of air around his body to the throne in front of him.

Bright colors flashing like rainbows appeared in the sky, flying around the illusion of the mage lady.

Outdoors, the blond boy felt as if his soul was placed in the center of a tsunami. He looked up at the suddenly restless chaotic sky with his legs weak.

On the towering spire, in the dark storm that was turning silently, a series of deep purple cracks like thunder suddenly exploded

(Gulorelit language)

"May His Majesty the Supreme Sun Mosera Thor witness

In the name of my honor, the King of Law Ilaril, the last guardian.

I, Aphrodite Neti

will fulfill the immortal contract with the Dead Sea Dragon.

Connect to the other side


The dazzling golden light that could not be seen forced Leon to close his eyes.

The shadow of Aphrodite turned into stars and flew away, and then condensed again in mid-air.

In the sudden surging waves of magic power, Leon endured the discomfort of boiling blood all over his body.

Until the whistling sound in his ears finally stopped slowly.

He was able to regain consciousness again.

Open your eyes.

Nothing around you has changed.

It was as if the horrifying movement just now was just part of an illusion.

"How could you do this?" Laura's sad voice sounded: "Leon, go and collect her relics."

Leon looked up in confusion: "Relics?"

I saw that there was no Aphrodite in front of the stone-carved wizard throne.

Instead, there was a square object floating quietly in the air, emitting a hazy golden light.

Leon smoothed his hair that had just been blown like a chicken coop, and then he quickly stepped forward to the steps of the throne rock foundation.

Before he could walk up and reach for the glowing rectangular thin piece.

He saw that the object floated down on its own, like a fallen leaf flying into Leon's half-stretched hand.

He pinched the light-as-nothing thing, and the cold touch passed into his fingertips.

This is a rectangular hard card surrounded by golden material on all four sides.

Subtle and complex magic patterns are engraved on the gorgeous border, and the main body of the card presents a translucent texture like a crystal, with beautiful white light patterns flowing like mist.

"Is this a card?"

Leon held the translucent gold-framed card in his hand, turned it around in confusion, and couldn't figure it out: "Lola, what kind of treasure did Ms. Neti leave behind?"

Leon felt that since it was something left by the disciple of the mage lady, she, as a master, would definitely be able to figure it out.

"Its former prototype was a magic container, like a spell scroll, but Aphrodite would not pay such a price just to create a toy. The idea she mentioned, could it be... Leon, go to the upper level and find her research notes. While this spiritual field has not begun to dissipate, I want to find out what she wants to do first."

Lola didn't want to waste the time she could still communicate.

"Ah?. Spiritual field, dissipate?!"

Leon raised his eyebrows, and he seemed to have heard some incredible information from the other party.

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