Knight with Wand

Chapter 86: Neti's Card

Walking to the corridor platforms on both sides of the circular hall, Leon easily found the stairs to go up.

But before stepping onto the steps, he couldn't help but look at the side of the stairs.

There was a pulled up iron fence door.

The space behind the door could accommodate two or three people, like an ancient and exquisite elevator?

He was immediately shocked by the advancement of this wizard tower.

I just don't know what the internal structure of the elevator is. It shouldn't be a real "electric" elevator, right?

"Can I go upstairs on the platform behind the fence?" Leon asked Laura curiously.

". The power end may have no magic power, and the towing winch has not been maintained for a long time. You'd better climb the stairs obediently."

Laura obviously didn't recommend him to use this facility in a dilapidated building.

Leon had to give up the plan to try the magic elevator in another world. In case of an accident, there would be no emergency rescue hotline here.

He honestly stepped up from the stairs and followed the spiral stairs to the upper floors of the wizard tower.

The second floor above the circular hall is the reception room and daily activity space.

The third floor is where Ms. Aphrodite's bedroom and living area are located.

The fourth floor is a spacious library, with huge circular bookshelves standing against the wall, densely packed with large books and files displayed on it, which made Leon feel dizzy.

The fifth floor is a warehouse, which is piled with various materials and instruments that Leon can't understand. I don't know if they are still useful after being placed in this area for so long.

But the corner of the warehouse looks like gold and silver ingots and some beautiful gems that Leon can't recognize, which really makes him jealous.

Climbing all the way to the sixth floor, Leon found the wizard workshop and laboratory mentioned by Laura.

There is another floor above, but it is just an empty tower platform.

In the not-so-messy workshop, Leon quickly stopped in front of the large table full of manuscripts under Laura's instructions.

What Miss Wizard wants is not difficult to find, after all, those papers that look like notes and manuscripts are clearly spread out on the table.

There were also some cards similar to the gold-framed crystal square in Leon's hand scattered beside the manuscript paper.

Those crystal cards were of different sizes and colors, and some even had no borders. They were probably unfinished defective and failed products.

These things were deliberately piled together, as if Ms. Aphrodite wanted the visitors to see them.

Picking up the white manuscript that had been on the table for who knows how many years, the tough touch made Leon sigh again.

Everything in this wizard fortress, the "painting style" is very different from the era in the outside world. As far as he can see now, Leon feels that this world has experienced a major technological gap.

Look at the manuscript paper covered with strange structures, magic patterns, runes and notes.

Well, I really can't understand it.

Not only the research content shown in the manuscript notes, but every character on the paper, Leon can't understand it.

He is sure that the beautiful words written by Ms. Aphrodite on the paper are neither Feruwen nor Uriah, but some of them are very similar to the runes that Laura taught him to carve on the ground.

Of course, Leon didn't need to understand these complicated manuscripts. He came here just to be a human camera for Miss Lola.

Pulling out a chair and sitting down, he flipped through the drawings and notes on the table according to the instructions of the mage.

At first, he was afraid that Lola couldn't see clearly, so he scanned each one carefully.

But Lola's reading speed couldn't even be described as ten lines at a glance, and she almost immediately urged.

Only then did Leon realize that what really limited the mage's reading efficiency was actually the speed of his hand turning the paper.

He immediately turned on the quantum reading mode, and his eyes accelerated to "scan" the information in front of him. Not long after, the manuscript like a heavenly book was turned to the end.

Lola sighed

She understood Aphrodite's dangerous attempt.

No wonder she not only relied on the power of the spirit world, but also held such a ceremony to the Dead Sea Dragon.

However, what has disappeared can never be truly reproduced.

"This guy is still the same, seemingly smart, but actually the most unrealistic and stupid one"

"Uh." Leon couldn't help but say: "In the video left by your disciple in the past, she wanted to meet you who was separated from you by life and death. I am a little touched. It's not good to belittle her like this?"

Recalling the ethereal prayers and obsessions of the purple-robed lady, Leon even suspected that she had an ambiguous master-disciple relationship with Miss Laura before her death.

Laura's voice was stunned: "Disciple? What disciple?"

Hearing the strange tone of the mage lady in his heart, Leon couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"That lady Aphrodite, isn't she called Teacher Ilariel? Isn't your last name Ilariel?" Leon scratched his head.

Ah, I took it for granted and made a mistake?

-That's right, since Laura said that it was just a magical illusion, the first words of the lady on the throne were naturally pre-recorded images, rather than being told to Laura in real time on the spot.

The so-called impression of seeing through Laura's soul in his body was probably just an illusion caused by his overuse of imagination when facing those unique eyes.

Leon scratched his head. He originally thought that it was because he entered the tower with Laura's soul consciousness that the so-called magic illusion was triggered, but it seemed that it was not the case.

He immediately wanted to apologize for his preconceived misconception of the relationship between the two.

But before he could say anything, he heard Laura say: "Of course my last name is Ilaril. But, disciple. Well, it's not wrong to say that."


What is it?

Leon was confused by the attitude of the wizard lady.

But Laura did not continue to entangle with Leon on the meaningless name.

"Okay, I already know what this is. What Aphrodite made with so much effort is indeed a masterpiece.

Although I don't think it can achieve the final result she wants, it is undoubtedly valuable to you."

Then, Laura suggested: "While I can still guide you to use it now, do you want to try it? I hope you can take me back to Rolandal as soon as possible with this thing."

Leon smiled bitterly in confusion: "Miss Laura, please take care of my ignorance as a non-professional and ask what this card is used for?"

Laura did not get impatient and explained very patiently: "Its prototype is a kind of spell container, which can store some simple

But because of some whimsical ideas of someone in the past, Aphrodite used that as inspiration and tried to combine rituals, necromancy, and alchemy to create a great magic that can summon any concept that has ever existed in the world.

In short, this card, um, forget it, let's just name it after her last name.

This "Neti card" can use the medium of specific conditions as the basis, and with the power of the spirit world and the Dead Sea, the soul that the caster wants to reappear in the world.

But it is far more thorough than the way of calling back the dead from the Dead Sea. Aphrodite hopes to separate the annihilated people whose souls have dissipated from the upper reaches of the River of Time and bring them back to the world."

Speaking of this, Laura's voice gradually sank.

"But, she failed in the end. She didn't hesitate to be contaminated by the power of corruption. Even I have to admire the powerful ritual she created at the cost of her soul, but this is still far from achieving her ultimate goal."

Leon suddenly grasped the most meaningful point for him: "I understand, you mean this 'Neti card' can summon the dead whose souls are still alive?"

This magic card is like some kind of summoning technique, which can revive some dead souls that have existed?

Lola replied: "Yes, I should be able to modify the ritual to make the summoned dead spirits serve you.

However, after all, you have not learned magic, and the magic power that can be converted into magic in your body is not much. You can't support the existence of too powerful souls.

Well, let me think about it. If you use the huge earth vein spiritual power under the wizard tower, it can also be used as an expedient measure.

But in that case, you can only use this card at the earth vein node."

Leon listened half-understandingly, and couldn't help but interrupt: "Can anyone use this card? How about Corvis's magic power? Can he summon a more powerful soul?"

Lola La said, "If you give it to that kid, he can maintain some relatively powerful dead souls, but you have to think about it. There is only one card now.

I can't make the souls contained in Neti's card loyal to both you and him at the same time in a hurry. You can't use the card if you give it to him~ So, do you trust others so much?"

"You saw that kid didn't want to implicate us before, and he was stupid enough to want to lead the enemy away alone. Why can't I trust such a character?

And now he and I have a relationship of fortune-telling. It's okay to lend him this card. Can he refuse when I ask him for help?" Leon shook his head and was not worried.

He didn't want to let this magical item, which sounded like it was very powerful, fail to play its maximum effect because of his limited ability.

Summoning the spirit of the dead soul as a familiar sounds very powerful. If he can only summon a cat or a dog in his hand, it's better to give it to Corvis to try to summon some powerful dead souls.

Of course, it's not that he has no other thoughts.

In fact, Leon had already thought of recruiting Corvis in his heart.

I also suffered a lot from magic during this journey. If I have a warlock consultant by my side, I will not be left without room for response when I encounter magic-related conflicts in the future. It is worthwhile to regard this card as a favor to tie the boy to my side.

Although Miss Lola is reliable, she can't give me advice all the time.


No, wait a minute. Summon the dead?

Leon felt that he seemed to have almost missed the use that could really maximize the value of this thing.

". If the child uses the Neti card, with the magic power he can maintain, the body of the Yanyang Guard that you specially carried here can be used. Both the body and the soul are there. In this way."

Before she finished speaking, Leon said carefully: "Miss Lola, I hope you don't feel offended. You said before that you have passed away a long time ago, right? Then this Neti card. Can it summon you out of my body?"

Lola's voice chuckled.

"Heh~, I thought you wouldn't mention it."

Hearing this tone, Leon was happy and felt that there was a chance.

He didn't dare to dream of using this magic card to control the other party.

After all, even how to use it and how to make the undead loyal to him had to be taught by the other party. The mage lady was not a fool, so how could she condescend to become her "familiar"?

Leon just felt that if he could make this mysterious and powerful mage lady appear regularly and communicate with him, the help he could get would definitely be far greater than any other undead thugs.

Leon still remembered the terrible noise made by the illusion of Ms. Aphrodite just now.

And whether this "Lola Ilarial" lady was the other party's teacher or not, she would not be much weaker than the purple-robed lady.

"It's not impossible to try to summon me into this container. If this card left by Aphrodite was originally intended to carry 'her', then the strength of the material should be enough to accommodate my soul."

Lola seemed eager to try, but she did not forget to warn at the end: "But I have to remind you that even if you can successfully summon my spirit from your body into this card, you and the child outside the tower... No, any spellcaster you have seen so far, will not have enough magic power to use my card.

This means that even if I can use the power of the earth veins here to appear briefly, I still cannot freely leave the area where the spiritual power gathers under the tower. You have to think it through."

"I've thought about it, Miss Laura. This thing was originally a relic of Ms. Aphrodite. Your old friend's treasure is just right for you.

Besides, just talking to you has brought me much more help than anything else. Since this area is about to dissipate, I don't know how difficult it will be to communicate with you in the outside world." Leon flattered him in his words, of course, this is also the truth.

"Besides, didn't you say you would teach me the way of magic if you have the chance? It just so happens that if this works, I can learn magic from you in the future."

There was almost no hesitation.

Leon suppressed his excitement and went to the storage on the fifth floor of the tower as Laura requested, and found all kinds of ritual materials needed by the wizard lady.

Then, he took professional magic pattern drawing tools from Ms. Aphrodite's workshop and went up to the empty tower on the top floor.

According to Ms. Laura, the top floor of this tower is the easiest place to manipulate energy here.

The top of the tower is a special place for casting spells.

Usually, when wizards build their own towers, they will deliberately measure the most natural place where the magic vortex in the surrounding environment converges at the height of the site.

And design it in advance as the location where the top of the tower is to be built. This not only takes into account the safety factors of reducing casting accidents, but also conforms to the principles of most magic rituals.

The concepts of up and down are not just about the direction centered on oneself in various magic rituals.

Although he has not yet successfully summoned Miss Laura, Leon already feels as if he has learned a lesson.

Under the careful guidance of the wizard, Leon followed the drawings with complex magic patterns and used the professional tools in the workshop to silently create the basic rituals required for the ceremony.

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