Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 469 Terumi Mei (two in one)

"Huh? Look."

A short middle-aged man pursed his lips diagonally behind him and said to his companions, "The Uchiha group is coming out."

"It finally came out. It took six hours. I don't know what they were doing inside?"

Then, the two people were seen stepping aside, clearing the road in the middle, and looking in the direction they came from.

at this time.

On the deserted road, men wearing Uchiha uniforms appeared one after another. They were in groups of three or two, either lowering their heads to walk, or raising their heads to look around at the scenery, or their eyes were lost and they didn't know what they were thinking.

These Uchiha who had just attended the clan meeting casually glanced at the middle-aged man standing on the roadside, and without stopping at all, walked straight towards the direction of the clan's territory.

In Konoha Village, many villagers are always in awe of the Uchiha people and carefully avoid conflicts with them.

Even if they were walking on the same road, they were always worried that they would block Uchiha's way, so they all stepped aside and waited patiently for them to pass first.


Looking at the departing figures of the group of Uchiha, the middle-aged man put his arms around his companion's shoulders and said, "That's right. Looking at the solemn expressions of those guys, it really makes people wonder what happened at Nanga Shrine."

"Who knows what happened."

The other person crossed his arms and stared ahead for a long time. It wasn't until the Uchiha group disappeared at the end of the road that he looked at the middle-aged man next to him and continued, "The village sent you here for more than just a reason. Looking at the Uchiha clan, the secrets of Nanga Shrine are certainly curious, but it doesn’t matter if they can’t be collected.”

The man looked back at the shrine behind him and nodded.

"Before I came, Lord Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost didn't tell me anything in particular. He just asked me to come to Konoha to assist you and pay attention to some valuable information for the village.

If we can collect the secrets of Konoha."

Seeing this idiot starting to fantasize again, the man looked helplessly at the sky, and couldn't help cursing the fat man in the watermelon mountain blowfish ghost.

"If there's no one around, don't send them. They even sent an idiot."


At this time, the middle-aged man punched his left palm with his right fist, and suddenly said, "This time I came to Konoha, I really learned a lot. I didn't expect that Uchiha is not the same as the legendary one.

There are great conflicts within their family. "

His companion looked at him strangely, frowned and asked.

"How did you see the discord within the Uchiha?"

"When I went out this morning, I heard Konoha civilians talking about the Uchiha clan leader and his wife. After asking carefully, I found that the cause of the whole thing may be related to Uchiha Asuka."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's eyes shone with light, and his voice was mixed with a hint of excitement, "That is the strongest person in Uchiha now. He and the clan leader... eh?"

After watching his companion leave him alone, the middle-aged man waved to him quickly with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, don't you think this is very important information?"

"Idiot! The village has known such important information for a long time. By the time you come here, the information has become second-hand. But now I am curious, who gave you emergency training before you came here?

Mr. Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost? "

"They are the subordinates of Elder Yuanshi!"


"Terumi Mei, a female ninja who is in no rush to get married."

"How old is she?"

"Like 15."


"May 21st."

After marking this special day with a red pen and writing the word "Birthday" at the back, she played with her hair and looked through the window at the world shrouded in white mist.

The white mist seems to have taken root here and remains there all year round.

When the fog is particularly thick, you can't see your fingers even if you stretch out your hand, and you can't see pedestrians on the other side. On days like this, if you want to go out to buy breakfast, you can only rely on the route in your memory and move forward cautiously.

"The Land of Fire is really nice. At least you don't have to dry yourself under the blanket when you get up every day."

Then, she was seen gently wiping the table with her palms, and water droplets dripped along the edge of the table, forming a continuous water line.

Because it is shrouded in fog all year round, the air humidity is close to saturation.

Therefore, when she gets up every day, she can feel the quilt being wet, and she always feels like she is back when she was a child.

Boom, boom, boom!

A knock on the door pulled her out of her trance.

Then, while wiping the water stains on the table with a dry towel, she looked towards the door.


"Terumi Mei!!"

The door opened slowly, and then a clear female voice came from outside the door, "I'm coming in."

While he was talking, a girl with long brown-red hair, vertical braids, and sharp teeth walked in.

She looked up and down at the layout of the house, then took out a scroll from her arms and threw it towards Terumi Mei, "There is information about Konoha in it. Master Yuan ordered me to send it over."


Terumi Mei smiled and nodded at the man, then bit her finger and pressed it on the scroll.


As the white smoke gradually dissipated, a large pile of documents appeared on the wiped table.


After staring at Terumi Mei's pink lips for a while, she leaned against the door frame, looking up at the ceiling, thinking in her mind whether she should also try applying lipstick. She did look quite attractive.

After noticing that the visibility in the room was getting worse and worse, Terumi Mei couldn't help but look up at the door and said helplessly.

"Ring Yuri, come in too, don't keep the door open, the mist will come in."

Hearing this, Lin Yu Yuri closed the door, and then came to the opposite side of Terumi Mei, holding the table with both hands, and asked curiously, "Is it true that your blood inheritance limit can't remove the moisture in the air? Why does it feel like your home is so cold?" Would you like my house to be drier?”

"No, whether it is boiling or melting, they all have corrosive capabilities. This is the 127th time I have answered your question." Terumi Mei pointed to the floor of the house helplessly, "Put some quicklime at home."

Hearing this proposal, Lin Juyu shook his head like a rattle and refused, "I hate the smell of lime. If I put lime in my home, I might as well move my home to another place."

Terumi Mei flipped through the information in her hand without raising her head.

"The entire Water Kingdom is like this."

"Then let's expand the territory of the Kingdom of Water. I prefer the Kingdom of Fire."

As she was talking, she was seen lying on the table, looking at Mei Terumi who was flipping through documents boredly, and continued, "When do you plan to become the Fifth Mizukage?

When you become a Mizukage, you will be the most beautiful Mizukage ever, even though the first four Mizukages were all men. Are you not interested in the title of "The Most Beautiful Mizukage" at all?

Moreover, in the fourth generation, he had lost his enterprising spirit. He didn't want to point his finger at the outside world, but he actually pointed his finger at the inside. "

Listening to the constant buzzing in his ears, Mei Terumi rubbed her temples and said with a headache, "You are now a mature ninja. You must learn to hide yourself and don't write your dissatisfaction with the Yondaime-sama on your face."

Yuri Lin rolled his eyes, "If he starts a war now, I will be his loyal supporter, but look at what he is doing now, he might as well demolish the village."

Then, her eyes fell on Mei Terumi.

She has green eyes, long criss-crossed reddish-brown curly hair, her right eye is cleverly covered by her hair, her facial features are exquisite and flawless, she is wearing a blue tube top dress, and her exposed skin is extremely white and tender, as if it can squeeze out water.

She is indeed a woman raised in the Kingdom of Water.


Knocking away the big hand that was reaching towards him, two black lines suddenly appeared on Terumi Mei's forehead, "If you really don't know what to do, help me sort out the files, or else just lie down and take care of yourself.

Since you came back last year, haven't you been clamoring for health care? "

"That's recuperation!"

Lin Yuli took back his hand angrily and corrected him, "I don't keep in good health, I'm sick."

Hearing this, Terumi Mei rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"I think you are mentally ill."

"That's not what I said."

Lin Yuri lay on his arm and murmured in a low voice, "Uchiha Asuka told me personally last year. He said that I was sick and didn't have a few years to live. However, the medical ninja in the village did not detect any disease in me. .”

Hearing that name, Terumi Mei stiffened, and the scene from last year subconsciously appeared in her mind.

The ninjutsu that shakes the earth, the sun that dispels the mist, the jounin in the village who turns into blood mist, and the red eyes that often appear in dreams.


"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

The calls brought Terumi Mei out of her daze.

She looked at the familiar environment around her, and then at Yuri Lin who shook her shoulders vigorously. Her body trembled slightly, and she forced a smile and said, "I'm fine."


Lin Yuyu glanced at her in surprise, and said a little worriedly, "Are you really okay?"

Terumi Mei shook her head slightly and continued to browse the information in her hand, and soon found the relevant records of Uchiha Asuka.

The photo on the file was different from the image of Uchiha Asuka in her memory.

In the memory, Uchiha Asuka had his eyebrows and hair burned due to the release of ninjutsu, and he exuded a fierce aura.

But in the photo, he has short black hair, deep and bright black eyes, and a friendly smile on his handsome face.

A boy who looks very sunny and cheerful.

"Uchiha Asuka, male, was born in Konoha 33 years ago. He was once known as the first genius of Uchiha. In his short ninja career, he completed a total of 3770 D-level missions, 144 C-level missions, 48 ​​B-level missions, and A-level missions. 21 times, 2 S-level missions.

Comment 1: A man who is extremely passionate about the task of finding cats.

According to statistics, in the five years from Konoha 33 to Konoha 38, a total of 2,279 cats were lost.

From Konoha 39 to Konoha 40, this number surged to 3,580. In that year, Uchiha Asuka graduated from the ninja school early. In those two years, he recovered 3,380 lost cats by himself. "


After reading this comment, Terumi Mei pursed her lips and couldn't help but have a suspicion in her heart.

Are those cats getting lost normally?

Then, she lowered her head again and read the comments written by the village jounin.

"Evaluation 2: A man whose thoughts "repeatedly jump sideways and left."

When he was a child, in order to win the favor of Konoha's top brass, he publicly said that he "had the will of fire and had escaped from the narrow-minded family", but was later exposed by Danzo in public.

When he was a little older, when Uchiha's previous clan leader was old and frail, and was preparing to elect a new clan leader, he strongly recommended Uchiha Ryoichi to become the new clan leader, and patted his chest and said that his surname was Uchiha for one day, and Uchiha for the rest of his life. Bo, he will go through fire and water in this life for the bright future of Uchiha.

Later, when the next Uchiha chief came to power, he thought of Setsuna Uchiha who had just made a coup. That guy also patted his chest and said that he would go through fire and water for the bright future of Uchiha.

After graduating from Ninja School, Uchiha Asuka's thoughts gradually became weird.

When people ask him whether he has jumped out of the narrow-minded family, the guy will always smile and say, "Ru Tiao, it's not that the narrow-minded family doesn't jump, it's not jumping. Anyway, when I want to jump, I will jump.

You ask whether to jump or not? If it's like jumping, think of it as jumping, or not? Like jumping! Why are you asking so many questions? If you think I jumped, won’t it be over? "


After reading the second comment, Terumi Mei closed her eyes and began to picture the image of Uchiha Asuka in her heart.

He is cunning and sophistry. He always hides his true self with a smile on his face. He has a strong ability to disguise. It is difficult to see his inner thoughts clearly and it is difficult to get close to him.

After mentally labeling Uchiha Asuka, she opened her eyes again and looked at the comments.

"Comment 3: Powerful.

The time when he opened his eyes is unknown. He maintained the first place in the ninja school until graduation. During his mission as a genin, he defeated opponents who were stronger than him nearly a hundred times. He also relied on Uchiha's strong financial resources to complete the task of killing a genin. A feat of endurance.

After becoming a chuunin, Uchiha Asuka relied on the powerful pupil technique of the Sharingan and superb medical ninjutsu, giving him a strength comparable to that of a jounin. Coupled with a strong detonating charm family and a calm brain, When facing ordinary Jonin, he has been able to have more than 70% chance of winning.

And during his chunin period, he created his own S-level ninjutsu.

After becoming a jounin, although Uchiha Asuka has not yet shown too many combat records, judging from the average combat power of the Uchiha clan, it is difficult for ordinary jounin to compete with him.

[Supplement: Judging from the performance of the Nine-Tailed Night, Uchiha Asuka's strength is already comparable to the "shadows" of each village. ]"


After reading these three comments, Terumi Mei took a long breath.

This is an enemy with powerful strength, cunning character, and sometimes extreme thoughts.

"So you are looking at Uchiha Asuka's information!"

Lin Yuri also came over at this time. She looked at the information in Mei Terumi's hand and raised her eyebrows, "Now it is said in the ninja world that Konoha has two powerful medical ninjas, and one of them is one of the three ninjas. Tsunade, the other one is this guy.

I used to think that the other party was deliberately trying to scare people."

"Do not think too much!"

Mei Terumi patted her shoulder and comforted her, "There's nothing wrong with your health."

Hearing this, Lin Jiaoyu couldn't help baring his sharp teeth!

She didn’t believe she wasn’t sick! !

She must be sick, but the quack doctors in the village didn't notice it.

After all, when she and Uchiha Asuka met, neither of them knew each other. There was no need for the other party to use this excuse to lie to her about a little girl.

"Let's talk."

After getting rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Yuri Lin looked at the documents on the table and frowned, "Master Yuanshi, are you planning to gradually hand over the information of every village in the ninja world to you?"

After hearing this, Terumi Mei raised her head and stared at the other party without blinking, without giving a clear answer.

Seeing all this, Yuri Lin suddenly understood.

She kicked the table and said, "Master Genshi is obviously training you. Future Mizukage-sama, when will you give me a note, so that I can go to Konoha to find someone to treat my illness."


Terumi Mei glanced at her, then looked at the information about Uchiha Asuka in her hand, and fell silent for a moment.

She actually wanted to visit Konoha too! !

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