Law of the Devil

Chapter 636 Space Fragmentation Knife

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Domines suddenly laughed wildly, and then stared at Chishuiduan fiercely. It also knew in its heart that it seemed that today might be its own death day. It's just that this giant of the wolf tribe raised his head and said fiercely: I, the wolf tribe, have no cowards! If you have the ability, kill us all!

Chi Shuiduan actually nodded his head, snorted, and said without hesitation: Okay. Then I will do it myself.

Hearing this, Dominez was already ready for a decisive move in his heart, but Chishuiduan's actions were even faster than its thoughts flashing!

Chishuiduan's voice has not yet fallen, but the person has quickly divided into countless lights and shadows, and deceived into the pack of wolves! What's even more weird is that these countless lights and shadows are like countless avatars that he has transformed into, but his main body is still standing in place!

A series of muffled groans, and before they even had time to let out a scream, they saw that among the pack of wolves, one piece had already fallen down quickly! Many wolf riders, some of them were pierced by light and shadow! The body immediately swelled up like a balloon, and then burst into a cloud of blood mist with a bang! What's more, when the light and shadow came to the side, the light and shadow avatar seemed to explode with just a single finger, and the huge wolf head exploded directly!

What shocked Dominez was... This, this is definitely not some kind of afterimage technique that deceives people's eyes by relying on powerful speed!

Those light and shadow clones are not virtual images! Each one is an entity! They can kill with a raised hand!

In just a few blinks, the surrounding wolves were already in chaos! With Chishuiduan's attack, more than a hundred horses were slaughtered in an instant among the wolves!

And those high-ranking wolf warriors tried their best to resist. But the lights and shadows of Chishui Duan's clones seem to have no effort at all. When you slash through with a knife, it seems to be cut in the air, but the shadow directly passes under your blade, and it is cut off with a light finger. down your throat!

Chishuiduan stood there with his hands behind his back, just looking at Domines coldly. Dominez was furious in his heart, but he held the knife firmly all the time. Never shot, just because. Chishuiduan's eyes were fixed on it, and all its movements and auras were firmly locked! Dominez had a feeling that as long as he moved, the opponent would directly kill him with a thunderous blow!

Hearing the massacre of his subordinates, Dominez couldn't help trembling, but tried his best to muster up his fighting spirit. Trying to resist Chishuiduan's oppression in terms of momentum, but no matter how much it resisted, the pressure became heavier and heavier, and finally it was so pressed that even its legs began to weaken, and its breathing gradually became stagnant. With a short knife, but I feel that my whole body is locked tightly by the opponent, and I can't move at all!

The screams stimulated Dominez's nerves, finally. The wolf giant suddenly roared up to the sky, and the broken wrist of its right hand suddenly slammed into his chest! Although he lost his palm, the arm hit his chest, and it immediately hit him until a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth!

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Dominus' face became paler immediately, but a gleam of clarity flashed in his eyes instead! The sense of restraint that pressed it almost stiff just now seemed to be spurted out of his body along with this mouthful of blood!

Chishuiduan in the distance can be seen in his eyes. A hint of admiration flashed in his eyes, as if he appreciated the decisive and ruthless way of this wolf guy, using self-harm to his body, stimulating his spirit with pain, and breaking away from the shackles of his mental power.

Once Dominez was freed from the restraints, he suddenly let out a long howl. The body arched. Suddenly rushed towards Chishui Duan!

With this blow, its whole body followed the blade in its left hand. It is its full blow that has forced out all its power! With this blow, there was a chi-chi sound on the blade, but only the metal sword began to shatter in mid-air, but it turned out that the blade itself could not bear the power of the holy rank powerhouse. The entire power of the fatal blow is almost about to collapse!

With such a blow, Dominez can't hold back for a long time! Under this blow, it didn't even leave a trace of retreat for itself. It knows in its heart that even if it is so desperate, it may not be able to hurt the opponent. It only hopes to disrupt the opponent's attack and let some subordinates take the opportunity to escape down the mountain. That's enough!


The light of the knife fell down with unmatched fierceness! On the blade, scattered in the dust, is the metal component of the blade that almost collapsed after being destroyed by the powerful holy power! Chi Shui Duan still stood where he was, just watched the other party approaching, but suddenly shook his head...

The scene became weird, obviously he shook his head very slowly, but Dominez's thunderous strike, which was as fast as lightning, never hit him when he shook his head—it seemed like There was a short distance, but at this moment, the space has been distorted!

Dominez's fast and Chishui's continuous slow merged together in an extremely contradictory rule, making people almost vomit blood after watching this scene!

Someone told me before... Chi Shuiduan raised his eyelids, looked at the wolf, but suddenly felt pity: No matter how forced you are with pure holy power, it is impossible to defeat an opponent whose level is higher than yours. When I was still a holy rank, I met an enemy with a higher level than me. No matter how hard I tried, I was no match for that person. Now you... just like me back then.

As he said that, under the edge of the blade, the berserk air flow had already reached Chishui Duan in front of Chishui Duan like Mount Tai, but Chishui Duan just leisurely raised his hand, the palm of which was like a knife, facing the opponent's aura, lightly everything...

From the naked eye, it seems that the space where Chishui Duan is located has been distorted a bit! Under the edge of his palm, a point seemed to be instantly formed, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted at the same time, and they all condensed towards this point! !

See clearly, the so-called holy rank is nothing more than using the rules of space to condense one's original combat energy... But my knife. It is not my own power that is condensed, but the space itself is distorted! The space, Make it into a knife in my hand. Chi Shui Duan sighed quietly: You are a werewolf who looks ruthless, quite a bit like me back then. Read this point, before you die, I will let you four understand , and let you understand where the difference in levels lies.”


The edge of Chishui Duan's palm was silently and slowly attached to the blade of Dominez's dagger! Can be followed. The weird side appeared! .

It's like the point under the palm of Chishui Duandi. It seems to be a swallowing point! I saw Domines' blade, as soon as it touched it, it immediately turned into countless fine dust, but it didn't float away, but was all sucked into the point under Chishui Duan's hand knife!

Visible to the naked eye, Dominez's blade. It was quickly turned into pieces and swallowed up! Afterwards, even the golden battle energy bursting from its body was sucked in bit by bit! Even the light of fighting spirit was swallowed up!

Dominez's eyes were already full of despair!

It has already tried its best, but at this moment, despite the distance in that instant, no matter how hard it tries, it still can't touch the opponent—not even the slightest chance or threat of dying! !

Obviously the opponent's movements are slow, but I just can't catch up with the opponent. Between space and space, there is a gap!

The blade was quickly devoured, followed by Dominez's left fingers! The skin and fur on its fingertips quickly shattered and dissipated, and then the bones disappeared as if they had become a stream of quicksand...

At this rate. It quickly spread to its wrist! !

It's a pity... Chi Shuiduan looked at the opponent in front of him, and his tone was somewhat desolate: This space shattering knife that I practiced so hard, the first time I shot it, I only used it on a holy step.

At this moment, Dominez's left forearm has been swallowed! Even if Chishui released it now, Dominez's right hand was cut off first. No left arm now. Even if he survived, he would become a useless person.

Seeing that Chishui Duan's Space Fragmentation Knife was about to shatter and devour Dominez above the elbow. And at this moment...

Suddenly, Chi Shui Duan's face changed drastically!

only because……

At this moment, under the control of the powerful force of the shattered space, the palm he stretched out seems normal, but under the palm, it is actually a distortion that tore apart the space distortion and intertwined together. point! Anything that comes into contact with it will be torn apart by the space distortion here!

But just in this situation, beside him, but at some point, a hand suddenly stretched out!

This hand slowly protruded from one side, the movement seemed to be very slow, but it crossed the gap in space in one fell swoop, and rested on the palm of Chishui Duandi! !

Unexpectedly... It broke when it touched Chishui! !

And the outstretched hand has slender and slender fingers, fair and delicate skin, as if it didn't use any force, it just lightly touched Chishui Duan's palm, and then pushed it casually... It was like a relaxed laugh between friends, To actually push Chishuiduan's hand, which has the power to shatter space..., push it away! !

boom! !

Domines fell heavily to the ground, it had already lost its hands, and even passed out.

But at this moment, Chishuiduan didn't look at the werewolf any more, but his eyes suddenly released an incomparable light, staring closely at the guy who appeared beside him! !

A head of soft blond hair, with two pointy ear outlines exposed in the blond hair. The face is delicate and delicate - this is clearly an elf! But this elf's face is not as handsome and astonishing as other elves, and it can only be regarded as delicate.

However, those eyes seem to be nothing if you look at them casually, but if you look carefully, you will find that there seems to be a vast expanse in those eyes... It is not the sea. Using the word sea, it is far beyond comparison. !

It seemed like an empty space! Those eyes make it impossible to see to the end! It seems to be able to suck everything in together - but the eyes that are so empty, after it smiles, seem to be so clear!

Clear, but bottomless!

Even Chishui Duan had never seen such weird eyes!

What's more, this elf actually pushed his hand away casually! ! Although I didn't use all my strength just now, I tore the space into countless fragments, twisted the rules of those space fragments together, and formed this space fragmentation knife. Such power, in terms of realm, not to mention pushing away, even barely resisting, is not something people below the holy rank can do!

In other words, this elf has a strength far higher than that of a holy rank!

But... this elf is not the Luoxue that Chishuiduan met last time and was defeated by the other party! !

You... an elf? Chi Shuiduan withdrew his hand, took a light breath, and all the lights and shadows of the clones around him dissipated. The wolf riders who had been killed to the point of bleeding into rivers broke up and retreated one after another...

This elf stood in front of Chishuiduan, its face was calm and calm, but it was this quiet and almost empty atmosphere that made it impossible for Chishuiduan's majestic and fierce aura to be displayed.

You... A low voice came from one side.

Muse stared at this elf in disbelief... This elf was the one who gave him boots and a magic cloak on the way! !

Alas... The elf sighed softly, it didn't look as beautiful as other elves, but just sighed like this, but somehow, everyone who heard the voice seemed to be shaking their own hearts. To be melted in this sigh, the elf looked straight at Chishui Duan, and then said softly: To be honest... I really didn't want to stand up so early. It's a pity, it seems that I won't be able to stand up.

Its clear eyes stared at Chishui Duan's eyes, and then smiled slightly at the corner of its mouth: The move you just made... well, yes, it was taught to you by Ares, your human god of war? The space is broken, right? You It came out from the back mountain... Then, Ares is indeed inside, right?

Chi Shui Duan took a deep breath, looked at the elf in front of him: You are...

My name, I don't think you've heard of it. In fact, there are not many people in this world who know this name. The elf smiled, and there was a trace of indescribable loneliness in that smile: But since you ask, I can tell you, my name is... Artemis.

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