Law of the Devil

Chapter 637: Spirit God


(I'm sorry, I didn't expect to write this chapter so late, because of illness, my coding speed has slowed down a lot, and I can't write a thousand words in an hour...)

Du Wei squatted there, gently pinching a fine object in his fingers.  This is just a fragment of a plant, but it is basically withered, as if after being weathered and dried, it shatters when rubbed lightly between fingers.

This is the tree bridge where the magic seeds made by the elves grew when the wolf riders went up the mountain. Although this kind of plant is miraculous, it only grows rapidly under the magic power of the elves for a short period of time. Once it loses the support of magic power, it will wither quickly.

This should be a kind of magic, but I don't recognize it. Du Wei smiled, turned around and glanced at Hussein: It's really ashamed. Unrecognized magic plants. ”

Du Wei visually measured the distance on the other side of the cliff, and sighed: This is the second time I've come to this place.   Next time, I must suggest to that fellow Bai Hechou that we should build a bridge here.  

After finishing speaking, he kicked his legs, and under the powerful physical strength, Du Wei jumped out of dozens of meters in one leap. He jumped into the air and jumped directly to the other side of the cliff. When he landed, the rock under his feet gave out There was a crackling sound, and after he stood firmly, he shouted at Hussein who was facing him behind him: Okay, come here. 

Hussein snorted and jumped over. After landing beside Du Wei, the paladin glanced at Du Wei: How long do you think they have been up?

Du Wei shook his head: I hope we are not too late. 

Both of them are the power of the holy rank, and the cliffs between the peaks naturally cannot stop the two guys.  Soon, the two came to the gate of Daxue Mountain, in front of the stele engraved with the one who rises above will die.

Follow the steps all the way up, very quickly. The two saw the corpses left on the ground, including the dead Daxueshanmen.  There are also wolf rides.

The cold climate on the snow-capped mountains made these corpses frozen stiff, and even covered them with a layer of frost.

Seeing this, Du Wei's face was already very ugly. He looked at the top of the mountain and quickened his pace.

Hundreds of steps, all the way. The ice platforms and ice rocks on both sides of the steps have already become dilapidated. Obviously, there have been fierce battles all the way up here. The higher you go, the more corpses you leave behind.

What puzzled Du Wei was, obviously, judging from the traces of the battle. The remains of Daxueshan people are far less than Du Wei imagined. He remembered that there should be hundreds of people on Daxue Mountain, but judging from the scene, there were only twenty or thirty human corpses.

The two were running all the way, when suddenly, a brilliant ray of light burst out from the layers of mist on the top of the mountain! The light instantly cut through the thick fog and fell from the top of the mountain! The two faintly felt a slight vibration coming from their feet! It's like a whole snow mountain.  Shake gently twice!

Du Wei and Hussein glanced at each other, and stopped at the same time, with a little surprised expression on their faces.

You feel it? Hussein said solemnly.

I feel it.  Du Wei's face became more serious, and he stared at Hussein: I am very familiar with this feeling. It seems to be...power far beyond our level!

Is it a domain?.

No. Du Wei's tone was bitter.

At that moment just now, the light fell down, and Du Wei faintly felt a sense of power in it. This strange feeling, just the light that fell down, seemed to be able to pull Du Wei's own holy power Ready to move! The power contained in that light is not strong, but it seems to carry some kind of rule far higher than himself.  Makes the whole soul tremble involuntarily. …

This feeling.  He is indeed familiar!

Because, it was on that small island overseas. This is how it feels when facing Dragon God!

This is not a holy rank, nor a domain... but a god-level power!

Could it be that Ares ran out of the sealed barrier? Du Wei was puzzled, and after a pause, he quickened his pace and quickly swept towards the top of the mountain.


On the platform at the top of the mountain...

The elf who claimed to be Artemis still had a smile on his face, but Chishuiduan who faced it seemed to feel a sense of oppression from the depths of his soul!

It really surprised me. Artemis looked at Chishui Duan with a smile on his face: I can't imagine that there is another strong man like you among human beings. Your current strength is no better than the one I met last time. How much worse is that human being.  Hmm...Let me think about it, the name of the human being I met last time was Bai Heshou.  I can feel that you have an aura similar to him, do you recognize that guy? .

Chi Shuiduan's face no longer had that kind of arrogance, his eyes were serious, he looked at the elf in front of him, and said coldly: Bai Hechou, I recognize it. 

It can be seen that you are a very proud human being. Artemis gently raised his finger, staring at his finger with clear eyes... Its fingers are slender and tender, and its skin is almost transparent . Artemis's eyes were very gentle, but he only looked at his fingers, as if looking at his lover's gentle eyes, and said quietly: You are very good.   Besides, you must know Ares.   Space Fracture Slash, yes Ares' move.   Can you tell me where he is now? Is it just behind the mountain here?

Chi Shui kept silent and looked at it coldly.

Alas... human beings.  Artemis shook his head, seeming a little regretful: It seems that I still can't escape those clichés.  Do I have to fight with you and win you.  before you can speak ?”

Chishuiduan suddenly sneered: It is necessary to fight, but even if you beat me, I may not tell you. 

I... don't like fighting very much.   Artemis's seemingly spring-like eyes seemed to have no murderous intent: Because I'm tired of killing people.  

If Du Wei was here and heard this sentence, he would definitely be chilled by this elegant tone!

It was this elf god who claimed to be tired of killing that it was in the first place. Holding Jidu Luohou Bow, a god-level stunt of Biluo Wushuang.  With one move, hundreds of thousands of human troops were killed! Turn the large forest in the north of the mainland into scorched earth!

It seems that we must fight. Artemis smiled lightly, stretched out his hand again, and waved to Domines, who was lying on the ground in a pool of blood, and saw a stream of blood flowing from his fingertips. The purple light quickly sank into Domines' body. Dominez, who was already as angry as gossamer, suddenly became more lively in his eyes.

Artemis smiled softly: I'm sorry, the patriarch of the wolf clan, it seems that the plan has changed.   I didn't expect there to be such a strong human on this mountain.   If we fight in a while, I'm afraid it will hurt you and me. Your people, so, I will send you down the mountain now. ”

Its voice was extremely relaxed, as if it didn't bring thousands of people to kill someone's house at all. It's like a guest at a friend's house.

As it tapped a few times with its fingers, it saw light slowly spreading out of the air one by one, and soon enveloped thousands of wolves in it, and quickly, it seemed that the space seemed to be distorted A few times, these thousands of wolves rode. In an instant, it disappeared in place! ! …

I've already sent them down the mountain. Artemis smiled faintly, looking at Chishuiduan: This way, we don't have to be distracted when we fight.   Besides... not everyone is qualified to watch the duel between the strong Yes, what do you think?

Chishuiduan only felt that the pressure in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Since he leaved the customs, he originally thought that he would rely on this adventure of his own to get out after he came out.  It should have been greatly improved. Even if I meet my biggest opponent Bai Heshou, I will not be weaker than the opponent if I ask myself!

In Chishuiduan's heart. All along, he only regarded Bai Heshou as his only enemy in his heart! To put it simply: if Bai Heshou is number one in the world, then Chishuiduan is number two in the world!

This principle, if the sinners had not invaded, was correct! With his cultivation base, looking at the human world, apart from Bai Heshou, there is probably no one stronger than him.

Although he lost to the Elf King Luoxue on the snowy mountain last time, Luoxue was not much stronger than Chishuiduan at that time. In that sealed world, Chishuiduan practiced with Ares. This time, he is confident that only Bai Heshou can be his opponent in the whole world!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I met such a strange elf again!

What made him even more uneasy was that the aura of the elf in front of him was even more unfathomable than that of the elf king Luoxue back then!

If the elegant and ethereal temperament of the Elf King Luoxuedi is like the sea. Then the elf in front of me, who claims to be Artemis, stands here as a whole, but it seems to be a void! !

No matter how Chishui Duan used his own thoughts to explore, he couldn't even grasp the slightest bit of the other party! On the contrary, he himself had a vague feeling of being locked in by the other party's divine sense.

So... can we start?. Artemis smiled softly.

Chi Shuiduan took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly burst out with a monstrous fighting spirit!


boom! !

Du Wei felt a huge vibration coming from his feet again! This time the vibration was even more violent, almost making him unable to stand still! Du Wei and Hussein both sensed the top of the mountain at the same time, and there was a powerful force colliding from a distance!

It seems that there are two forces colliding together. During the collision, the aftermath of the explosion spread far away, and even heard a thunder-like sound from a distance. Looking around, thousands of miles away On other snow-capped peaks 10 meters away, the oscillating shock wave caused the snow on other peaks to collapse! !

Underfoot, the steps also began to make a slight cracking sound.  Cracks spread rapidly under the feet! !

The eyes of both of them are dignified!

At the same time, what came rushing from the mountain was a strong aura! This aura is obviously exuded by the extremely strong. Originally, the two of them had to continue to run up, but they felt a strong resistance faintly!

In this aura, the two must continue to move upward. But it seems that the difficulty has increased hundreds of times! It's as if a tough invisible wall of air appeared head-on! There are many obstacles, and we must take a step forward. It seems to use a huge amount of strength!

On the top of the mountain... a battle between the strong has already taken place? !

Did you see it?. Hussein glanced at Du Wei.

Du Wei's face changed several times in an instant: I can see it. 

This seems to be something like an enchantment. Hussein said quickly: The resistance is too great, and the two of us may not be able to reach the top of the mountain. With the power of this class, it far exceeds the two of us. ...With such resistance, I am afraid that when we reach the top of the mountain, our own strength will be exhausted.  ”….

Du Wei frowned.

Moreover, such a strong duel... I am afraid that people of our level cannot participate. Even if we reach the top of the mountain.   I am afraid it will be of no use.   The level difference is too great.   Hussein's eyes were at this moment, Somewhat sad.

I have to go up! Du Wei's eyes were full of determination.

Not to mention anything else, but Ai Lu is still on the top of the mountain, he has already come here, and he can't bear to leave! And... there is that sealed world behind the mountain! ! It seems that criminals can't find that place!

If you must go up, I have a way. Hussein's expression seemed to have made a decision: Only one of us can go up.   Otherwise. useless.

Du Wei seemed to have thought of something: Then please help me. 

Hussein seemed to smile, went up and hugged Du Wei over his head, took a breath: Be careful, survive!

After speaking, he took a light drink. Using strength with both arms and all the strength of the whole body, he threw Du Wei fiercely towards the top of the mountain!

The power of the Holy Terrace penetrated Hussein's arms. With such a full throw, Du Wei's body was thrown straight out, and the castration was extremely fast, like a shell!

People in the air, Du Wei clearly felt, with the help of Hussein's power. My body passed through one resistance after another! It flew up hundreds of meters in an instant!

After hundreds of meters. The resistance gradually increased, obviously despite the help of Hussein's throwing force. But after all, the enchantment is too strong. Once a few hundred meters pass, under the resistance, it immediately slows down. Finally, after flying about a thousand meters away, Du Wei exhausted his castration and finally landed.

Fortunately, when Du Wei landed on the ground, the distance between his feet and the top of the mountain seemed to be less than a thousand meters away.

Although the resistance was still huge, there was only a distance of less than a kilometer left. With his own strength, Du Wei was still able to barely rush up.

The stride, every step, takes dozens of times or even more effort than usual walking. Du Wei held forward with one hand, and a sharp grudge burst out from under the palm, forcibly cutting through the heavy resistance along the way. , finally, step by step, he walked to the platform on the top of the mountain!

But at this moment, on the platform, the battle is coming to an end...



Chishuiduan's body froze in front of Artemis, his body was suspended in the air, and the edge of his palm was cut off fiercely, but Artemis just picked it up lightly with his fingers, and it was cut off. The Space Fragmentation Slash move was easily followed!

I saw a faint dazzling light flickering at the junction of its fingertips and Chishuiduan's palm, but Chishuiduan's heart sank! Because he felt that he had clearly split the space and tried to create a distortion between the rules, but the other party's fingertips had another extremely powerful force, which instantly shattered his own space and forced it to burst. Resistance to suppress down!

His palm was picked by the opponent's finger, and the whole person flew back quickly! In mid-air, Chi Shuiduan forcibly stood his body, but took a deep breath, and suddenly dozens of golden avatars split out from his body!

Seeing this scene, Artemis seemed to smile, and its voice was soft and pleasant: Well, clone technique? It seems that Ares taught you a lot. 

This is not an afterimage technique, but a real avatar technique!

Dozens of clones were quickly attached to the surroundings of Artemis, and dozens of lights and shadows attacked Artemis at the same time, but the elf god stood in the middle, just raised his hand, suddenly , Its arm seemed to have turned into countless shadows, like an afterimage, and it clicked out in all directions at the same time...


Amidst the dense muffled noise, I saw dozens of light and shadow clones, and after being hit by it at the same time, they burst collectively! !

Wow! !

The avatar was completely destroyed in an instant, and Chishui Duan, who was standing in the distance, immediately opened his mouth and spewed blood, staggered, sat back down, and stared at the opponent in front of him in surprise...

How... possible! Chi Shuiduan murmured, Aris told me clearly that after I come out, no one in this world will have my opponent!

He didn't lie to you. If you were an ordinary person, you are indeed invincible.  Artemis sighed quietly: Unfortunately, I am not human. 

As it said that, it suddenly looked back and smiled: Yi, why is there another guy who doesn't give up coming up? Is it another human?

On the edge of the platform, Du Wei staggered and staggered, but finally stepped up and stood on the platform!

He caught sight of Chishui Duan standing there, and Du Wei couldn't help being startled: Old Duan? You actually came out of it?!

After seeing Artemis again, Du Wei's heart vibrated even more! !


Among the elves, is there anyone stronger than Luoxue?

But then, after sensing the other party's emptiness like a dragon god, Du Wei suddenly came to his senses!

Your Excellency, you must be the respected god of elves. Du Wei forced a smile.

Du Wei felt a substantive gaze on him, and immediately he felt as if he was surrounded by a faint force!

After a while, Artemis withdrew his eyes, but there was a strangeness in those eyes: Yi? You are obviously human, how can you have such a strange body? Such a powerful body, I'm afraid even, That fellow Beast God is no match for you...strange, strange!

When the other party's eyes were retracted, Du Wei felt his whole body suddenly relax. Looking at the elf's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Du Wei sighed softly: I didn't expect that the great elf god would be like this. One look. ”


(Forgive me for the late update.   I am a patient now, and my coding speed has been greatly reduced, and I can write less than a thousand words in an hour.   I wrote this chapter for nearly six hours... It is really tormenting explain. )






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