Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 158 Treasure land?

Tao Yisheng pointed at the stone wall above his head and spoke to Gu Siwei and Hu Yanqiu who followed them.

"Here, do you see it? That's the mead stored by these monkeys."

Gu Siwei looked up and murmured as he looked: "Old man, do you have good eyesight? Why didn't I see it somewhere?"

Gu Siwei looked for a while and still didn't see the monkey wine the old man mentioned.

Hu Yanqiu was surprised at this time and said: "Is it that one? Why does it look like a can to me?"

"It's true," Tao Yisheng said with a smile, "It's indeed a can bottle. Oh, there are quite a few bottles. I think there are five or six."

Gu Siwei was a little anxious. He couldn't see it, so he stood on tiptoes and stretched his head to look above his head. While looking, he asked: Where is it? Where is it?

"You won't join forces to deceive me, will you? Why didn't I see it?" Gu Siwei is now a little suspicious that these two people are teasing him together. Why do they all see it and he can't?

Hu Yanqiu said: "You are so stupid, let me show you!"

With that said, he came to Gu Siwei's side and pointed at the place where Houerjiu was. Gu Siwei had no choice but to squat down slightly to adapt to Hu Yanqiu's height, so that his eyesight was level with hers, and then he looked in the direction of her finger.

"Do you see it?"


Hu Yanqiu was a little speechless and complained: "You have a bad mind, why can't you even look good now?"

Now Gu Siwei really saw it, but it was a pity that he didn't look for shortcomings in himself, and just blamed the matter on the monkeys: "These monkeys, just use cans, why are they still smearing mud on the bottles? ".

On the stone wall, that is, on the top of the cave, there are some cracks at a very high place. Among these cracks are some messy things, including the leftover cans and bottles that Gu Siwei fed to the monkeys and Da Mao. , it’s really hard to see if you don’t pay attention, because the light in the stone room is dark, and there is mud on the mouth of the cylinder head and bottle.

Tao Yisheng explained: "This is what the monkeys use to seal the bottle. Inside is monkey wine, which is the honey wine brewed by the monkeys themselves."

"Stop talking, monkeys can make wine?" Gu Siwei didn't believe it: "It must be the honey stuffed by monkeys. If they can make wine, they might be able to use computers one day."

"What is a computer?"

Tao Yisheng didn't know this.

Hu Yanqiu didn't know either, so he asked the same question.

"It's quite fun," Gu Siwei said casually.

The two of them didn't care, because from time to time Gu Siwei would say nonsense, and everyone was used to it.

Tao Yisheng continued: "You always underestimate these creatures in nature. In fact, they are much smarter than you think. This monkey can make honey wine for one of them, but not all monkeys Everyone, I think it may be unintentionally, the monkeys stored the excess honey, and somehow water got into the honey. After fermentation, it became mead. Later, the monkeys knew that they could make mead by doing this. ".

Gu Siwei didn't care whether the monkeys intentionally turned the honey into wine. He was now concerned about other questions: "Is this honey wine delicious?"

Tao Yisheng shook his head: "It doesn't taste good. You know it yourself. How good can the wine brewed by monkeys be?"

Gu Siwei almost rolled his eyes at the old man's plain words: "Aren't you happy for nothing? Good honey has turned into bad mead. You are still happy. Do you have a hole in your head?

"You kid knows nothing! Monkey wine is not delicious, but it is an extremely precious medicinal material, no less than ginseng and deer antlers. Forget it, let me tell you, this is like playing the piano to a cow, and playing the piano to a cow!"

Tao Yisheng felt that if he continued to talk to Gu Siwei, he would be able to kick this guy.

"What does it have to do with you, no matter how precious it is?" Gu Siwei asked back.

Um! ?

Tao Yisheng was a little confused as to why Gu Siwei said this.

Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and drew a circle around it and said: "Here, on this mountain, even those who are not panting, let alone panting, are named Gu. Regardless of whether this monkey wine is medicine or not, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Tao Yisheng understood, and the old man couldn't help but laugh: "You little stingy guy, do you think I want this from you?"

"It's hard to say, especially you old men who seem to be loyal, but in fact you are full of evil thoughts." Gu Siwei looked at Tao Yisheng happily and said.

Tao Yisheng was so happy that he stretched out his hand and tapped Gu Siwei: "You, you, you are so full of evil thoughts and talking about others, this thing is of no use to me, how old I am, but this thing It will be quite useful to you."

"What's the use? My body is much better and my food tastes better. What's the use to me?"

Gu Siwei looked disdainful: We have space to protect the body, and the fart wine brewed by these monkeys is of some use. Can it be used as much as the spring water in space? I still don't believe it.

"Young man, don't speak so absolutely." Tao Yisheng looked at Gu Siwei and looked him up and down: "Don't think you are as strong as an ox now, but when you are thirty-five years old, you will know when you face your wife. What does it mean to have more than enough ambition but not enough energy?"

"Old man, I think you have something to say. It's not a very healthy direction, but I have no evidence." Gu Siwei finally understood. The old man pointed out his dignity as a man.

Tao Yisheng was very proud: "I have the recipe, do you want to learn it?"

"Hey, why do you have all the prescriptions? You Taoist priests are really good. If you don't worship God every day, why do you study these messy things all day long? It's such a joke," Gu Siwei laughed.

At this time, Hu Yanqiu finally understood what the two of them were talking about. He spat lightly and cursed something inappropriate, but he couldn't bear to move and listened with his ears straight as the two continued.

Who would have thought that Tao Yisheng would change the subject and talk about something else.

"Siwei, you are so lucky, there is such a fairy cave here," Tao Yi praised.

Gu Siwei thought for a while and said with a smile: "The natural refrigerator is about the same. The Immortal Cave is a bit far behind. It is far less magnificent than the Shuilian Cave, and there are not as many wonderful little fairies as the Pansi Cave. The difference is not even a little bit different."

When Hu Yanqiu heard about the wonderful little goblin, he couldn't help but glance at Gu Siwei. At the same time, his calf twitched. It looked like he wanted to kick someone at the moment. It was hard to say who he was kicking. It was probably unlikely to be Tao Yisheng.

Tao Yisheng said: "What do you know? Those two you are talking about are stories. This is a good place to get serious."

"What a good place? How about letting you live here permanently? In a few years, you will suffer from arthritis. What's a good place?" Gu Siwei curled his lips and said, "Old man, you don't know any medical knowledge."

"If you really let me move in, I'll agree without mercy. After a year and a half, or according to the time you said, as long as I get arthritis, then I will give you all the money I have hidden now. How about I give you everything?"

Tao Yisheng actually got into a serious fight with Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei would not compete with him seriously. He opened his mouth and said with a smile: "You are so old, how can you still be so competitive? If you have time to learn from old man Zheng Youcai, it will be more peaceful to accept a disciple."

"His apprentice".

Tao Yisheng shook his head, obviously disgusted with Liu Dezhu's lack of IQ.

"Are there no smart people?" Gu Siwei laughed.

Tao Yisheng said: "There are many smart people, but there are very few who are smart and will not be misled by cleverness. It is even rarer to not be misled by cleverness but also have a sound mind and understand the ways of the world."

"So, I'm pretty good."

What he said made Gu Siwei a little complacent.

"Your qualifications are acceptable, mainly because your temperament is not that violent and narrow-minded. Once you learn the skills, you will be like an idle cloud and wild crane at most. You will not harm others. You can barely be considered a good candidate," Tao Yisheng said seriously.

Gu Siwei had no interest in learning anything from him, so he smiled and said: "A good candidate will not choose you. My life is quite satisfying now, there is no need to cause trouble for myself."

Tao Yisheng added: "Well, I know, things in life are just like this. I don't want to teach those who want to teach, and I don't want to teach those who want to learn. But it's okay. I can probably live for another twenty years as an old bone. Just look for it slowly."

While he was pulling, Da Mao came in, and a group of monkeys were hanging far behind, squeaking and screaming at Da Mao.

"Da Mao has taken advantage," Tao Yisheng said with a smile.

When Gu Siwei saw Da Mao coming in, he went up and kicked him. The kick was not heavy, but he understood and told Da Mao three words: Get out!

Da Mao doesn't want to go out. Bear's preference for the taste of honey is engraved in his bones.

However, Da Mao was more afraid of Gu Siwei, because this guy really hit him, and he didn’t have the strength to fight back. Ever since he met the drunk Gu Siwei last time and received a beating that made him want to die, Da Mao felt deep in his heart. Fear of the fourth dimension is like a mouse meeting a cat or a goat meeting a tiger. It is imprinted in the genes.

"This place has another wonderful use." Tao Yisheng looked at it and touched the stone wall. He found that there was not much moisture on it, so he opened his mouth and said again.

"What do you see, can you tell it in one breath? Are you always selling things off, making you look literate?" Gu Siwei said.

Tao Yisheng ignored him and said directly: "This is a good place to pickle pickles."

Hearing what the old man said, Gu Siwei almost tripped over his left foot and fell over his right foot: "I've been waiting for a long time, and you're telling me that this place is suitable for pickles?"

"Isn't it good? Our ancestors have been able to make a living for generations. How can it be compared with mountains of gold and silver?" Tao Yisheng said without even looking at Siwei.

People ignored him, so Gu Siwei started to find his own way: "Don't tell me, I really have plans to pickle pickles, but is it too early to pickle them after the weather gets cold?"

"You can pickle here all year round, and as long as you follow the right steps, the pickled vegetables will be full of flavor," Tao Yisheng said.

"Are you so sure?" Hu Yanqiu interrupted and asked.

Tao Yisheng smiled at Hu Yanqiu and said, "That's natural. We used to have a place like this in Guan, but it's been destroyed now. If you want to learn, how about I teach you?"

Gu Siwei was just about to say, don't believe the old man's nonsense, when he heard Hu Yanqiu nodded and said, "I want to learn, thank you, Uncle Tao."

"Okay, okay, you are smarter than a coward like Gu Siwei," Tao Yisheng said happily.

Gu Siwei rolled his eyes after hearing this.

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