
Chapter 875: Mulan Yingning

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This Lu Huamao is definitely an extremely talented person. It didn't take a long time for him to get a Heavenly Soldier, but he could integrate with this Heavenly Soldier to such a degree.

He died, and the Heavenly Soldier collapsed.

You have to know that these heavenly soldiers can evolve to such a degree that they also need unimaginable opportunities and abilities.

It is also spiritual.

Following a sturdy master, Tianbing can also become very strong.

This is enough to show Lu Huamao's excellence.

Later, Chu Yu set his sights on Duan Tianya, a man like a giant.

Duan Tianya squinted Chu Yu, and suddenly asked, "Dude, before he dies, there is a question to ask you, where did these immortal Venerable Vessels in your body come from? Did they provide them to you?"

Tu Guangming and others over there grieved, and said we offered a fart!

We do n’t have such a great immortal magic weapon on us, okay?

Chu Yu shook his head: "No, my magic instruments were made by Master Tianyinzi."

"Are you an illegitimate child?" Duan Tianya stared at Chu Yu with a pair of big eyes, and couldn't believe it: "Fun me to play?"

Chu Yu smiled: "Really."

"Then, you are not Du De." Duan Tianya sighed: "Dong Lanjiang's fool! He even thought that Du De killed him."

"That Dude was really dead, and I feared that it would have long gone, but he still had such a **** pot ..."

Chu Yu was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this big guy to be so smart.

Duan Tianya sat there and grinned: "His mother, if you don't know the family behind me, saying nothing will change your attitude, I really want to surrender you!"

"I can admire you so well with this game."

"Hey, forget it, let's play, Grandpa Duan reincarnated. It is possible to enjoy many years of leisure time. Maybe this time it will be reincarnation in the hostile camp. Everyone can turn around and join together. Hahahaha! "

Duan Tianya said, raising his hand is a steel whip, directly smashing his own heavenly body cover, smashing his skull to smash!

He fell backward.

Then Binggang's whip slammed and broke.

Exploded Duan Tianya's body into slag.

A powerful reincarnation fuzhuan lit up, disappeared here with the soul of Duan Tianya.

Lu Huamao was strong and Duan Tianya was free and easy. The death of these two people actually made Chu Yu feel a bit regretful.

If it is not hostile, if there is no unresolvable contradiction, Chu Yu really wants to make friends with them.

Even if they didn't see them, even Gu Jian and Tu Guangming had complicated faces.

"Okay, solved." Chu Yu shrugged at the crowd.

Tu Guangming looked at Chu Yu and sighed slightly, "You are terrible."

This sentence made many people nervous.

The heart said, wouldn't Tu Tuzi fail to start with Chu Yu?

At this time, Tu Guangming smiled: "Who makes us on the same front? Who makes my younger brother and the old guys treat you as friends?"

Including the ancient sword, everyone was relieved.

Chu Yu has always been calm, and Wenyan smiled and said nothing.

Tu Guangming is a very intelligent person, he would not do that kind of stupid thing.

If he really had a killing heart on Chu Yu now, Chu Yu was more than 90% sure, capable of turning over their group of people, and then left here.

If so, it is really endless.

The Tu family, now afraid that they have completely broken off with the other forces of the dark camp, at this time, in fact, everyone has not retreated.

Just then, on the hill over there, there was a fierce sound of avenue suddenly!

The terrible roar changed the face of everyone present.

Then, a red figure rose into the sky!

The breath of the near-complete road made all the people's minds tremble.

Mulan Yingning's cold voice followed: "Tu Guangming, do you want to fight?"

With that said, the figure rushed directly here.

Tu Guangming's complexion changed greatly and he shouted: "Hurry!"


A terrible magic power directly enveloped the hill.

Chu Yu felt like his body was going to be destroyed!

The unimaginable heat enveloped him.

This mother-in-law ... came to me!

Chu Yu took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, and a soil escaped directly into the depths of the mountain.

Then I found a door there and pushed in.

All sounds outside, at this moment, stopped abruptly.

Mulan Yingning's body fell directly here. Looking at Tu Guangming and others who had retreated, her face was a little ugly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "How did you run away?"

Tu Guangming and others realized that the target she had just attacked was Chu Yu.

Mulan Yingning gritted her teeth and said, "An outsider dares to kill me so young and arrogant in the dark camp. You treat him like yourself, but I will not let him go!"

Mulan Yingning finally heard what Duan Tianya said before she died.

Tu Guangming's face is uncertain, even if he knows that Tu's family has now completely broken away from the other party in the dark camp, but he does not want to offend the Mulan princess.

"Yingning ..."

"Don't call me that, I'm not familiar with you."

Mulan Yingning looked at Tu Guangming coldly, and then looked at Gu Jian with a sneer: "Gu Jian, I'm curious, one day, oh, no need one day, I'm afraid Jiang Hanhan will know what you do Because, when the time comes, you say to her, what should you do? "

Gu Jian smiled freely: "She is my woman and will naturally stand with me."

In other words, if Jiang Hanhan stood on his opposite, then naturally he was not the woman of his ancient sword.

This statement may seem powerful, even a bit ruthless, but in fact, it is a powerful trust.

But Mulan Yingning obviously didn't think it was trust, she sneered.

"You are unforgiving enough, I really want to know how much interest is tempted to make you ... and the family behind you, can make this choice?"

Since coming to the land of evolution, she has remained silent, has been silent for many years, has been kept out of the matter.

This is a self-protection move.

After all, she came in with her, and her sister Mulan Yingxue.

But now she has succeeded in gaining the opportunity to make a fortune and has enough confidence to protect herself and her sister.

Not to mention the sister's character, it's not over yet!

The two sisters were made at the same time at the same time. Mulan Yingxue is still closed.

But it should be coming out soon.

At that time, the two of their sisters were completely without fear of everyone present.

Even without mentioning the status of their Mulan, she has absolute confidence to protect herself by her strength alone.

The only thing that made her a little afraid was actually Chu Yu.

It's a pity to let him run away!

Really slip without hands.

But since he ran away, that means he knew he was not an opponent.

So at this time, she does not need to remain silent.

Straight to express his chest, blame the group of people present.

Gu Jian looked at Mulan Yingning and said, "You don't understand."

"I don't understand?" Mulan Yingning smiled coldly: "I don't understand, or are you guilty?"

"All right, Princess Mulan, don't talk about it here. From the beginning, we didn't plan to harm you. Not because of how powerful you Mulan Yingning was, but because we didn't want to clash with the Mulan. "

Gu Jian looked at Mulan Yingning seriously: "Also, don't you really think that only you have a good chance?"

Tu Guangming whispered: "In addition, the guy who was just slapped by you in the face has definitely not escaped. He has found the fortune that belongs to him in all likelihood. Do you understand? Really, you may not be his opponent."

"You ..." Mulan Yingning's face was flushed, a little embarrassed.

Gu Jian and Tu Guangming's words were too straightforward, which made her feel annoyed and angry.

Anyone who is judged by others like this may be a bit unacceptable.

But after all, Mulan Yingning first provoke the incident.

Gu Jian also understood that they did not want to clash with Mulan Yingning.

You Mulan Yingning took the initiative to come together!

"The people you killed are all the future pillars of the dark camp, and they are the arrogance of the younger generation ..." Mulan Yingning blushed a little and looked at Gu Jian and Tu Guangming.

"Hey, I haven't played yet. I had a good impression on you." Tu Guangming looked at Mulan Yingning seriously: "The family behind them will not only subvert the entire eternal **** realm, but also subvert the fairy realm in the future."

"So, have they all subverted? Establishing the heavenly court? Since then, have everyone divided the benefits according to merit?"

"Do you think that is possible?"

Tu Guangming said indifferently: "There is a sentence, I wonder if you have heard it? Tell Fei Niao to bow and hide, and cunning rabbit to cook. Don't look at your Mulan clan now with high power and always in neutral state.

"But by that time, your ending will not be much better than those families that are now being destroyed."

"I said so, can you understand? Can you understand? Will you believe it?"

Tu Guangming's series of questions caused Mulan Yingning to frown.

She could not accept this statement.

She also didn't believe that the dark camp gangsters of the main battle group would have such great ambitions and guts!

The dark camp is a huge organization, and no one or a few people can decide those big things.

The Mulan clan's voice in the entire dark camp is very important!

Although the dark camp is not a dynasty, the status of the Mulan clan's progeny is no different from that of the prince and princess.

In this case, Tu Guangming said that the Mulan tribe will one day be cleaned by a group of people in the dark camp, which gives her an incredible feeling.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not now, understand?" Tu Guangming looked at Mulan Yingning: "We didn't expect you to think about it now. Because don't say it's you, even if it's your ancestor, I'm afraid Still in doubt! "

"So, before you come in this time, he should have some explanation for you, am I right?"

Mulan Yingning stunned slightly, watching Tu Guangming.

This guy really got it right. Before she brought her sister in this time, the ancestors of the Mulan tribe did indeed explain.

This matter, even her sister Mulan Yingxue did not know!

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