
Chapter 876: Dazaohua

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Tu Guangming could actually guess.

"So, you should do whatever you want. We have to find our own fortune." Tu Guangming said lightly: "This time what we are doing here is to break the path of some people."

Mulan Yingning felt a little horrified in her heart, and she can finally confirm that, inside the dark camp, something terrible has indeed happened.

The number of creatures in the Eternal God Realm is innumerable.

But every family is not as huge as you think!

The more top creatures, the lower the fertility rate in this world.

The families where the main **** and the creator **** are located in the world like Daqian World, and the families ranging from one million to even tens of millions are almost invisible in the eternal God Realm.

Generally speaking, if there are tens of thousands of people, it is already a top-ranking clan!

This has to be added to the children from the side branches, men, women, children and children, so there will be so many.

Otherwise, how can young juniors like Mulan Yingning and Sister Mulan Yingxue see their ancestors so easily?

With hundreds of millions of people in the family, too many people may not meet once in countless years.

Mulan Yingning took a deep look at Tu Guangming, filled with unwillingness.

She stood up and wanted to turn the tide!

At least this group of people must be suppressed.

Leaving the land of evolution in the future, she will speak to everyone.

Unexpectedly, not only failed, but also knew a terrifying secret.

Mulan Yingning sighed, looking at Tu Guangming and Gu Jian with some complicated eyes, and sighed: "Aren't you afraid, the day I leave the land of evolution, I will immediately betray you? Let the people staying outside the land of evolution , Grab you right away? "

Tu Guangming glanced at Mulan Yingning: "You are a bit boring like this."

Mulan Yingning stunned slightly, and then smiled bitterly: "It doesn't mean anything."

With that said, she turned away and said, "Well, I'm too busy doing business."

After that, he flew directly towards the mountain where he closed.

Seeing her gone, everyone was relieved.

If I could not convince Mulan Yingning just now, if there was a fight, these people would be afraid of serious casualties.

Gu Jian let out a sigh of breath and said, "This woman, the accomplishment she got this time is really not small! It has become so powerful."

He looked at Tu Guangming: "Thank you for persuading her."

Tu Guangming shook his head: "This woman is very clever. What she wants to do is the mantis catches the cicada and the cardinal. Later, we have killed so many people, but she has been blind to it. To make it look. "

"You said she just ... wanted to kill us?" Gu Jian looked at Tu Guangming.

Tu Guangming nodded: "The moment she attacked Chu Yu, she definitely wanted Chu Yu's life."

"It's cruel!" Gu Jian said.

"In her eyes, we are the same." Tu Guangming also said with some lingering fear: "Fortunately, she finally figured it out and did not continue to shoot. Otherwise, it will be really troublesome."

"Where did Chu Yu go?" Gu Jian looked at Tu Guangming: "Can't you really find anything made?"

Tu Guangming glanced at him: "Pretending to be stupid?"

Gu Jian smiled, but did not refute.

Tu Guangming said helplessly: "Although there is no friendship between me and Chu Yu, I can't be a friend. But he is your friend after all, I won't hurt him. Rest assured."

Gu Jian nodded: "I naturally believe you, what are we going to do now?"

Tu Guangming said: "Naturally we are looking for our chance."

"Then Chu Yu was here, wouldn't it be a problem?" Gu Jian was still a little worried.

Tu Guangming said: "What could be the problem? Since Mulan Yingning has left, she should not come to trouble him again."

"I hope so." Gu Jian sighed and indeed had to leave. Although there is still time, everyone wants to be in the land of evolution and get some more fortune.

When all these people left, Mulan Yingning actually returned to the mountain.

Standing in the place where Chu Yu disappeared, her eyes were extremely cold.

Before the mountain, there appeared a tree of heaven, and although it soon disappeared, Mulan Yingning did not feel that the tree would leave.

In addition, Chu Yu disappeared here by performing the earth escape technique. Does that mean that this mountain also has unimaginable fortunes?

There is always a pimple in Mulan Yingning's heart.

Both Duan Tianya and Lu Huamao asked her for help before they died.

But at that time, she was in a critical period of epiphany. Once interrupted, it may be difficult to find that feeling again in the future.

So, although she heard it, she was indifferent. As if not heard.

After she passed that epiphany, she found that both were dead.

This made her feel very guilty, sorry for both of them.

Coupled with some other considerations, Mulan Yingning finally chose to shoot.

Although she had just been persuaded by Tu Guangming, she felt unhappy after all.

An outsider, why should he go to a big fortune?

So, when Tu Guangming's people were gone, she came back again.

Various deductions are being conducted here.

The Mulan tribe is famous for deduction.

Although she can't compete with her ancestors, she is much better than most people.

After all, there should be a greater fortune in it!

She has quietly deduced the other mountains before. There is nothing too good for chance, but this mountain, she has never been able to fully perform.

Now she calmed down and began to work hard.

The mountains and rivers here are integrated into evolution.

For a long time, Mulan Yingning's eyes burst out with two beams of light.

Lost channel: "The greatest creation is actually here!"

Mulan Yingning took a deep breath, nibbled at her lips, and murmured: "This is the peculiar creation that the ancestor said.

With that, Mulan Yingning performed the earth escape technique and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, she also came to the door.

Reach out.

The door is still.

Mulan Yingning had a strange look on his face. Shouldn't this door be pushed?

Every opportunity here in the land of evolution is formed naturally.

Since there is a door, there is no reason why it cannot be pushed open.

Subsequently, Mulan Yingning sat in front of the door, trying to use the avenue to move the door.

Can try for a long time, but found nothing.

There was a deep dissatisfaction in her eyes, and she believed that Dude must have come in!

Anyway, I must enter here!

Even if the man has gotten the character here, I will kill him!

Hostile camps, impersonation of the dark camp's arrogance, killing a large number of people in the dark camp ... whatever the crime is enough for him to die ten thousand times!

Mulan Yingning is usually quiet and quiet. She seems to be a quiet person, but in her heart, she has never been a willing person to admit defeat.

Otherwise, why did she have the same name as Jiang Hanhan?

But he said that Chu Yu, after opening the door, entered a very small room.

It doesn't look like this place was formed naturally.

It is said that all creations in this evolutionary land are claimed to be naturally formed creations.

But the door just now, and the secret room here, gave Chu Yu a feeling that this place was artificial.

This square room is very small, with a side of more than a foot, and all kinds of weird inscriptions are carved on the four walls.

On the ceiling of the Chamber of Secrets is a star map.

The star field on the star map is very strange, at least Chu Yu has never seen such a star field.

Keeping the star chart silently in my heart, I secretly said: Who is it? Built this place? Carved these inscriptions on the wall again?

Could it be said that in a very long time ago, after a powerful existence entered the land of evolution, this room was built in this place?

What is the purpose?

Spoof or inherit?

The reason I think of it as spoofing is because there are not only a lot of such prettier seniors in this practice world.

Just like those great poets who write inscriptions everywhere, there are always practitioners who like to leave something after entering some places.

Chu Yu looked at the inscriptions carved on the walls.

In these inscriptions, you can't feel any Dao Yun, not even the slightest breath.

But Chu Yu's eyebrow metal ball exudes strong fluctuations.

This surprised him.

If it is a prank left by the predecessors, these inscriptions should hardly attract the attention of the metal ball.

Could it be that these inscriptions are really unusual?

When Chu Yu ditched these inscriptions with the spirit of killing the sky, bursts of roaring sounds came from his mind.

He stunned slightly, and said these inscriptions, is it the creation here?

Chu Yu did not dare to be indifferent, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Chamber of Secrets, while running the celestial mind, while slowly starting to appreciate these inscriptions on the wall.

Avenue to Jane.

The problem is that the person who can make such an assessment already has mastered the avenue of supremacy.

The real avenue, just like ordinary people reading heavenly books, can't capture its traces at all.

Chu Yu cultivated to this state, and his perception of various Taos is absolutely top-notch.

But these inscriptions, after being successfully disseminated by him, were very incomprehensible.

It's really like a divine book.

However, although only a little bit realized, Chu Yu was still shocked.

Great fortune!

This is the real masterpiece!

He can't even believe that this secret room is artificial.

Because if it is artificial, what kind of state should the person who wrote the inscription at that moment be?

It can never be a fairy!

Because the Tao contained in this inscription even surpassed the level of Immortal Venerable!

If it's not artificial, then what kind of power does this secret room formed naturally between heaven and earth have?

It's amazing!

Chu Yu sat quietly there, constantly comprehending.

Time passed.

In a flash, it was ten years.

The three walls are empty.

And Chu Yu's body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of divine light, reflecting the secret room as bright as day.

As he realized, the inscriptions on the walls also disappeared.

This thing is unique!

In this world, only a unique creation can be regarded as a true great creation.

This last wall, Chu Yu spent five years in the world.

In the past three years, I learned more about a wall, but in the end, it took almost double the time.

And in the end, Chu Yu's harvest from this wall was also extremely huge.

Too big for him to be unimaginable!

At the moment when the four walls were empty, Chu Yu muttered to himself: "I finally understand why the same Immortal Venerable, those sitting in the dark camp, can become the supreme gangster."

At this moment, Mulan Yingning pushed in.

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