Literary Master 1978

Chapter 324 Sales are growing rapidly

At 9 am on March 5, Lin Chaoyang and Lin Erchun arrived at their hometown by train. As soon as they got off the train, they saw a banner with yellow characters on a red background hanging above the exit of the train station-

"Warmly welcome the famous writer Xu Lingjun back to his hometown"

Lin Erchun looked at the banner with excitement. Just as he was about to say something to Lin Chaoyang, he saw several people looking around near the platform. He recognized at a glance that one of them was Director Zheng who went to Yanjing to invite Lin Chaoyang back to his hometown a few years ago.

Director Zheng also saw them, and said something to the people around him, and several people came over together.

On the busy platform, Director Zheng and his group of six looked very imposing, and the passengers who were busy getting on and off the train immediately made way for them.

"Comrade Chaoyang, welcome, welcome!"

"Let me introduce you, this is our county magistrate Liu Xueyi, this is the county government office..."

Director Zheng had met Lin Chaoyang in Yanjing, so he first introduced Lin Chaoyang and several leaders who came to greet him from the county.

The people who came to greet Lin Chaoyang were mainly from the county government, including the county magistrate Liu Xueyi, the county party committee member and office director Li, the director of the Culture Bureau, the director of the Propaganda Bureau and the staff, and Director Zheng, the deputy director of the Culture Bureau, a group of six people, and the scene looked quite grand.

This group of people surrounded Lin Chaoyang and his son and exchanged greetings, attracting many passengers on and off the train to watch.

The young man who had been talking to Lin Erchun on the train was sitting by the window at this time. Seeing such a scene, his face was full of surprise. He didn't expect that the person he casually talked to on the train looked so important.

The two sides shook hands and exchanged greetings for a while, and County Magistrate Liu suggested that Lin Chaoyang and his son stay in the County Party Committee Guesthouse first.

Lin Chaoyang was originally invited back by the county this time, so he naturally accepted the county's arrangements.

After the guesthouse was settled, the father and son had a room each, and Lin Erchun looked around the room curiously.

In terms of hardware conditions, the conditions of the Overseas Chinese Apartment in Yanjing are definitely better than this, but it is his first time to enter the County Party Committee Guesthouse. He has a sense of sacredness in his heart, and everything he sees is strange.

While the father and son were talking, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Director Zheng of the Cultural Bureau.

"Comrade Chaoyang, Uncle Lin, I was instructed by the leader to come to discuss the arrangements for the next two days with you two."

"You say."

"You two have been tired all the way. Take a good rest in the guesthouse during the day. In the evening, our county magistrate has arranged a welcoming banquet, and the secretary will come at that time..."

The county really attaches great importance to Lin Chaoyang's return to his hometown this time. In the evening, several members of the two teams in the county who can come came to dinner, but the leader who visited Lin Chaoyang when he returned to his hometown during the Spring Festival two years ago was not seen.

After asking around, I found out that he was transferred to the prefectural party committee.

The next day, Lin Chaoyang took the special car arranged by the county, a Yanjing 212, and went to the auditorium of the county high school to give a speech to the students, enjoying the admiring eyes of the young students.

Before leaving, the high school leaders also asked Lin Chaoyang to help write a calligraphy for the school.

In such an occasion, Lin Chaoyang naturally had no way to refuse. Fortunately, he was influenced by his father Tao and practiced calligraphy from time to time, and his calligraphy was quite good.

In the afternoon, the county organized a symposium. In addition to the county leaders and cultural figures, there was also a deputy leader of the prefectural committee and several comrades from the city's literary federation. The cards were directly full.

Before dinner, the city's daily newspaper was also arranged to interview Lin Chaoyang alone.

Another day, the county leaders accompanied Lin Chaoyang to visit Hongqi Commune Middle School.

Lin Chaoyang has a junior high school education and studied in Hongqi Middle School. This time he came back and it was considered a return home in glory.

Before leaving, he had to write a name as a routine. This time, he did not write the name of the school like he did in high school. He also added a sentence - it takes ten years to grow trees, and a hundred years to cultivate people, which immediately made the leaders accompanying him understand his feelings for his hometown school.

The county leaders had already told Lin Chaoyang that the main purpose of inviting him back this time was not only to maintain relationships, but also to have a more important purpose.

That is, to take advantage of Lin Chaoyang's return to his hometown to apply for funds to build and repair the dilapidated school buildings of the county high school and several junior high schools.

Lin Chaoyang naturally did not say anything about this, but was somewhat relieved.

However, he was still a little unconfident about his influence, but the county leaders told him to relax, as long as he could come back, this matter had been implemented.

Under the official arrangement, Lin Chaoyang spent three busy days.

After participating in various government activities, Lin Chaoyang returned to Xiaoyangtun.

Lin Erchun came back with Lin Chaoyang, but after staying in the county party committee guesthouse for one night, he returned to his hometown Xiaoyangtun.

Yesterday, someone sent a message to Lin Chaoyang, telling him to hurry home after finishing his work.

Lin Chaoyang didn't know what the old man was up to. He took Yanjing 212 back to Xiaoyangtun. Before he entered the village, he saw a crowd of people gathered near the big locust tree at the entrance of the village.

When the car reached the big locust tree, Lin Chaoyang was about to ask the driver to stop, but suddenly a loud firecracker sounded, scaring the driver to step on the brakes on the spot.

Then someone came forward to open the car door, and Lin Chaoyang immediately recognized that this was the commune secretary he had met yesterday. He quickly got out of the car and said a polite word.

Before the secretary could reply, the firecracker sound ended, and the gongs and drums sounded again.

Until now, Lin Chaoyang still didn't understand that this was a welcome ceremony organized by the commune and the village for him.

In the past two days, he was arranged to go to various places in the county, and there were welcomes and flowers, but this was the first time to be so down-to-earth.

After the excitement, Lin Chaoyang was surrounded by villagers and returned home.

After Lin Erchun and his wife went to Yanjing, the house and land of their home were entrusted to relatives. When Lin Chaoyang came back again, there was no change here.

Lin Chaoyang is now a distinguished guest in the city and the county, and the commune cadres are very polite and respectful to him.

The secretary in charge said: "Comrade Chaoyang is now famous all over the country and is the pride of us hometown people. I heard that you had a baby two months ago. This time you returned to your hometown, it is just right to set up a full moon wine..."

The secretary's reason was very clever, and the location of the wine was in Xiaoyangtun, so Lin Chaoyang couldn't refuse.

He privately pulled Lin Erchun. He knew that the banquet must be paid for by the commune, but he didn't want to take advantage of the public, so he asked Lin Erchun to make up the money to the commune afterwards.

The commune's banquet was set up in the village office, with a total of eight tables, which cost a lot of money.

According to the reception standards of the commune, it is an extra-standard treatment.

The reason why the commune secretary spent so much effort was mainly because Lin Chaoyang's return to his hometown also brought great benefits to the commune.

The county leaders have promised that after the approval of the funds from above, the funds will be tilted to several primary and secondary schools in Hongqi Commune. After all, Hongqi Middle School has produced a great writer Lin Chaoyang, and there is also a primary school where Lin Chaoyang once taught.

Seriously speaking, Lin Chaoyang's return to his hometown this time can be regarded as a benefit to the township.

At the banquet, the commune leaders toasted Lin Erchun again and again. He drank one cup after another in the envious eyes of the villagers, and was very proud, and then soon got drunk.

The wine does not make people drunk, but people get drunk by themselves.

Although his son has been famous for several years, today's return home in glory still makes Lin Erchun feel extremely happy and proud.

After several days of various social activities, Lin Chaoyang was a little tired. After seeing off the commune leaders, he wanted to rest in Xiaoyangtun for two days.

But when they heard that this great writer had returned to his hometown, the villagers from all over the surrounding area wanted to watch the excitement, just like watching a monkey show.

In desperation, Lin Chaoyang had to move back to the county party committee guesthouse. He buried himself in the county archives during the day, looking up the county annals of nearly a hundred years, and returned to the guesthouse room at night to sort out the materials.

When Lin Chaoyang disappeared in the county town, the influence caused by "The Story of the Boat" was still fermenting.

"The Story of the Boat" is a challenging adventure story on the surface, but as long as readers finish reading the novel, they will understand that it is much more than that.

A legendary adventure story, the magnificent wonders of nature, the struggle and harmony between man and nature...

Many rich elements constitute the wonderful story of the novel, but its brilliance is far more than that.

The unique narrative structure of the novel makes the story more complicated. In addition to telling the story of drifting on the sea, it also interweaves the growth and changes of the protagonist, and his profound reflection on life, human nature, death and existence.

Behind each layer of story is the author's careful design, making this novel a multi-level and multi-dimensional magical realist literary work.

After Marquez won the Nobel Prize in Literature, magical realism literature has been widely sought after and welcomed by domestic literary lovers, and has become a fashionable reading material that countless readers are eager to read.

Unfortunately, there are not many Latin American literary works introduced into China today, and even fewer magical realism literary works.

There are too many wolves and too little meat. Under such circumstances, readers are more eager for magical realism literature.

The publication of "The Ferry" just caught up with this wave of enthusiasm. The issue of "Huacheng" in which the novel was published showed a popularity far beyond the past after it was launched.

A week after the magazine was launched, the ordering information of Xinhua Bookstores in various places was fed back to Huacheng Publishing House.

As a bimonthly literary magazine, the sales of each issue of Huacheng has been stable at 600,000 to 700,000 copies for more than a year. The majority of sales are concentrated in the first month of the magazine's publication, during which the magazine's sales can often reach 400,000 to 500,000 copies.

However, the first issue of the magazine in 1983 was a big surprise. One week after the first print of 700,000 copies was released, bookstores sold out one after another.

Less than half a month after the release, the first print of 700,000 copies of the magazine was completely sold out.

Since the establishment of Huacheng Publishing House three years ago, it has never seen such a hot situation. It has adopted a conservative strategy in reprinting the magazine, reprinting 100,000 copies and 100,000 copies.

The direct result is that Xinhua Bookstore and the post office harass the publishing house every few days.

The first issue of the magazine in 1983 was released for a full month, and the total sales reached 1.55 million copies, which not only set a sales record since the founding of Huacheng Magazine, but also almost dominated the domestic literary journal industry.

In the 1980s, the publishing industry had a shortage of printing paper resources, and people's economic conditions were not good. Behind a literary magazine, there were often several or even dozens of readers.

"Huacheng" sold 1.55 million copies in one month, reaching millions of readers, which naturally made the influence of "Duzhou Ji" grow day by day.

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