Literary Master 1978

Chapter 325 What's so great about it?

The crazy sales volume is the best proof of the popularity of "The Ferry" after its publication. Millions of readers are not all the same.

Most of them are ordinary readers or literature lovers, and a considerable number of them are from the cultural and literary circles.

Catching up with the current situation of magical realism in China, "The Ferry" is a magical realist work written purely by domestic writers, which naturally attracted the attention of many peers.

In the past few months, many domestic newspapers and magazines have published book reviews about this novel.

Among them, an article entitled "The Interweaving of Divinity, Humanity and Animality - Thoughts on Reading "The Ferry"" in "Zhongshan" magazine, which was launched in March, has attracted many readers' praise for its wonderful interpretation and comments on the work.

The article wrote:

This thrilling adventure deeply explores the various possibilities hidden in the human heart, and makes us think about many grand propositions such as human nature, life, death, and faith.

In such a rich and three-dimensional world built by the author for us, what we can see depends entirely on our thoughts.

It is like a delicate prism, through which we can see the divinity that perseveres, the humanity that fights hard and the brutal beast.

I hope that readers can see hope, courage and love. These universal truths that transcend the boundaries of species can remind us to keep a heart of exploration and understanding in a complex and changing world.

Wonderful and professional review articles can often make readers who like the works feel a sense of identity with the honor. This article in Zhongshan is just one of many articles praising "The Boat Crossing".

As time goes by, such articles are becoming more and more numerous, and the response they cause is also getting bigger and bigger.

When the literary world's praise for the work is getting higher and higher, many critics and scholars of literary research theory are no longer satisfied with the evaluation of the work, and have turned their attention to Lin Chaoyang.

In the latest issue of "Literary Review", Mr. Tan Mu, a contemporary prose master known as "Southern Tan and Northern Yang", published an article entitled "The Boundary of Contemporary Chinese Literature Needs Young People to Explore Bravely".

Tan Mu believes that the predicament faced by modern Chinese novelists since the 1950s has directly affected the development of Chinese literature in the past three decades.

Liberated area literature and art has become the mainstream direction of the literary world. Revolutionary historical themes and rural themes have occupied a large proportion of the output of literary works, affecting and restricting the overall style of contemporary novels. This single trend has gone to extremes during the humanitarian flood period.

Since the reform and opening up, our literary system has been repaired and rebuilt, and a group of young writers with creativity and distinctive characteristics have emerged in the literary world.

At this point in the article, Tan Mu picked up Lin Chaoyang like a class teacher praising a primary school student.

"Comrade Xu Lingjun's early works such as "The Shepherd" and "The Little Shoes" have obvious realistic characteristics, and are simple but romantic, bringing a fresh trend to the literary world.

After that, he launched works such as "The Wreath under the Mountain" and "Parental Love". During this period, his works were still based on realism, but the revolutionary romanticism they showed had already highlighted the author's ambition in creation.

When "Lai Zi's Summer" and "The Death of Van Gogh" were published, it marked that Xu Lingjun had completed an important transformation in his creative career.

In the Chinese literary world dominated by realism, he boldly tried postmodern stream-of-consciousness literary works and achieved unprecedented success, showing not only extraordinary courage, but also He has firm confidence and outstanding creative talent.

During this period of time, after the publication of "The Boat Crossing", it has received many praises from readers and has also attracted great attention in the literary world.

Such a magical realism theme work, which is extremely rare in the Chinese literary world, shows Comrade Xu Lingjun's spirit of constantly seeking breakthroughs and daring to break the rules in literary creation.

I hope that our young writers should learn more from colleagues like Comrade Xu Lingjun, bring a more refreshing atmosphere to the contemporary literary world, and bring better works to readers. "

Qin Mu's high recognition of Lin Chaoyang represents the views of a considerable number of people in the literary world. They value Lin Chaoyang not only because his works are good, but the key is that he can constantly break through and bring vitality to the literary world.

Chinese people have a bad habit. As long as something is popular, they will rush to it in a swarm. When it is praised to the point of being stinking, everyone will immediately abandon it like a worn-out shoe, and finally do not forget to belittle it.

In the past few years, scar literature was very popular. As long as it was touched with these four words, there was no worry about no publications to publish it, let alone no readers to support it.

Some writers force themselves to express sorrow in order to publish new words, and publications will also force writers to rely on scar literature for sales.

Over time, the good and the bad have mixed together, and there are countless people who fill in the gaps. Scar literature is no longer as brave as it used to be, and even aroused the disgust of many readers.

Writers no longer regard writing scar literature as a fashionable thing, but instead think it is "rustic" and "exploiting readers' emotions", which gradually led to criticism of scar literature.

Then reflective literature rose, and everyone turned their attention to reflective literature.

This cycle goes back and forth, parrots imitate others, and this group of people are like vultures smelling rot, leading the literary world further and further away.

Therefore, the appearance of Lin Chaoyang is like a cone in a bag, and the end of it is immediately apparent, which naturally attracts the admiration of many knowledgeable people.

The extensive attention and discussion aroused by "The Story of the Crossing Boat" in the industry has also caused some subtle changes in his status in the contemporary literary world.

For a long time, whether readers or colleagues, their impressions of Lin Chaoyang have been stuck on labels such as "young writer", "currently popular", "widely popular", and "exploding sales of his works".

No matter in terms of strength, fame or quality of works, he is a leader of the younger generation.

But after all, he is too young. Even though Lin Chaoyang has written many important novels, he cannot be said to have much weight in the literary world.

The publication of "Crossing the Boat" made Lin Chaoyang highly praised by knowledgeable people in the literary world, and many people began to regard him as a promising leader in the future.

The so-called leader, of course, does not refer to his official status, but to the impact he may have on the contemporary literary world in the future.

There is no shortage of talented people, diligent people, and ambitious people in the literary world, but there are very few people who have all three, and Lin Chaoyang is definitely one of them.

The high hopes that those knowledgeable people have for him are constantly gathering, and as time goes by, this hope will continue to strengthen.

In addition to the attention of readers and colleagues in the literary world, the publication of "The Ferry" also caused a shock in the periodical industry.

Everyone knows that Lin Chaoyang's works have always been popular, so there is a saying in the industry that "those who get Lin Chaoyang's works will sell millions of pieces like they are out of pocket."

However, the popularity of the first issue of "Flower City" in 1983, which published "The Story of a Ferry", after it was released, still surprised many people.

1.55 million copies in a single month!

If the sales volume of a single issue is 1.55 million, then first-line literary magazines such as "People's Literature" and "Harvest" have occasionally touched this number.

But "Flower City" achieved a sales volume of 1.55 million copies in a single month. As we all know, "Flower City" is a bimonthly literary magazine, which means that this number will continue to rise in the following period.

No one knows where this issue of "Flower City" will end, but everyone must inquire and care.

The editorial department of "Flower City" is not a confidential unit. In the first week of its second month on the market, "Flower City" still achieved sales of 220,000 copies. The news spread throughout the domestic literary journal industry in a very short period of time.

Not to mention the reactions of many local literary magazines, the editors of several first-line literary magazines that used to be on equal terms with "Flower City" or even suppressed it felt very unhappy.

"Flower City" has been focusing on "foreign style" since its establishment, and it appears to be particularly enchanting among the unpretentious literary magazines. Although it has created its own unique style, it has also created a certain gap with its peers.

Originally, it sold six to seven million copies per issue, ranking at the bottom among several top literary magazines, and no one paid much attention to it.

But now it suddenly sold 1.55 million copies in a single month, and even the sales in the second month did not show much weakness. This not only shocked the peers, but also made it difficult for everyone to accept.

"What's so great is that it's because we published Lin Chaoyang's novel!"

Such sarcastic words highlight the psychology of his peers, and also illustrate to some extent the industry's recognition of Lin Chaoyang's appeal.

The superstition that "whoever gets Lin Chaoyang's works will have millions of copies sold is like picking something out of a bag". With the huge sales of "Flower City", the superstition has once again been widely spread in the literary journal industry, and it has been firmly believed by people in the industry.

In the blink of an eye, March is coming to an end, and "The Story of the Crossing Boat" is still affecting millions of readers in China. As the author, Lin Chaoyang has been buried in the pile of old papers for more than half a month.

During this time, no outside sounds disturbed him in any way.

A few days ago, Li Tuo made a special call to him. The annual National Outstanding Short Story Award Ceremony and the biennial National Excellent Novella Award Ceremony were held in Beijing. According to the practice of previous years, there must be a cultural salon after the awards are awarded.

Li Tuo begged Lin Chaoyang to return to Beijing to take charge of the overall situation, but Lin Chaoyang had only found half of his information, so he was not willing to go back.

However, the Cultural Salon has indeed gradually become a routine, and its reputation has long been established in the domestic writer circle. Many writers are looking forward to this event. Lin Chaoyang thought about it and asked Tao Yushu to handle it on his behalf.

Yesterday Tao Yushu called again and said that the salon was overall very successful. The only regret for everyone was that Lin Chaoyang was not here.

Part of the reason was not being able to taste his craftsmanship, and another more important reason was not being able to see Lin Chaoyang himself.

This is not to say that Lin Chaoyang is a very important person, but it is an atmosphere.

The annual National Award Conference for Outstanding Short Stories and Novellas is held in early spring, where a group of writers who have just won the award gather together.

Everyone has similar interests and is equally proud of themselves. For them, this is a rare highlight moment and beautiful memory in their lives.

And Lin Chaoyang himself has become an indispensable figure in everyone's memory.

With Lin Chaoyang here, this beautiful memory is complete and complete.

Without him, no matter how lively the salon is, the salon will always feel a little less interesting.

Unknowingly, writers have become accustomed to having a meal and meeting with Lin Chaoyang after winning awards, and this has become a common rule in the Yanjing literary world.

Everyone jokingly called this rule "paying respect to the boss", which was of course a joke, but more of a respect and admiration for Lin Chaoyang's hard work in the salon.

Tao Yushu said: "Everyone took the last photo, and felt that it would be a shame to leave you out, so we asked Yumo to hold your photo and take a photo."

Lin Chaoyang's face darkened when he heard this.

He really wanted to grab the collars of those people and ask, is this how you respect and admiring me?

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