Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2102: Heartbreak (below)

Zheng Ren took the echocardiographic probe and carefully looked at the beat shape of the heart.

The morphology of the left ventricular systolic phase was somewhat abnormal, and Zheng Ren looked over it roughly, and then focused on the morphology of the left ventricular systolic phase.

After 3'22", Zheng Ren ended the inspection.

He walked out of the ward, Zhou Litao asked: "Zheng boss, what medicine to use?"

"No, sadness, heartbreak syndrome." Zheng Rendao.

Director Zhang Lin hesitated a moment. She knew the heartbreak syndrome, but when she saw a change in the electrocardiogram, she always had to give some drug prevention and treatment.

Heartbreak syndrome does not use medicine, but uses time to heal the wound. Director Zhang Lin understands, but she does not dare to care.

"Zheng boss, what is heartbreak syndrome?" Zhou Litao asked.

"Heartbreak syndrome is also called takotsubo cardiomyopathy. It is a heart disease discovered by doctors in the island country. There is no more in-depth study." Zheng Rendao, "More common in women 30-50 years old, echocardiography will find transient left The apex of the apex is dilated, because the patient's left ventricular systolic morphology is similar to Takotsubo."


"Takotsubo refers to the octopus of Japanese octopus in Japanese, I have never seen it, but I have seen relevant imaging images in the case reports of the journal." Zheng Rendao.

"Boss, you see things very mixed." Su Yun's black hair floating in front of him, do not know what to think.

"I remember the strange diagnosis." Zheng Ren said casually.

He walked aimlessly in the corridor. Zhou Litao glanced at Zheng Bo and the director of the circular medicine department behind him, Zhang Lin, and quickly opened his duty room to let the group enter the room for a while.

His duty room is almost becoming the boss's office, but Zhou Litao has no complaints, but is somewhat happy.

I can learn a lot from Zheng Boss. These are things that you usually can't learn. For example, the patient in front of the eye, if it is usually diagnosed as a myocardial infarction, began to use the relevant drugs.

Just as the patient's condition usually sees, the diagnosis of suspected myocardial infarction will not cause life-threatening due to misdiagnosis, but the correct diagnosis is still very important.

And heartbreak syndrome, this stuff says to go out to appear more professional.

Zhou Litao continued to ask: "Zheng boss, you give a lecture."

"The medical profession has not fully understood takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Older women tend to have higher risk of illness, and the cause of the disease is not completely clear." Zheng Ren said faintly, absent-minded.

“There is a theory that menopause will change the response of the heart to hormones. What do you think?” asked Director Zhang Lin.

“It's possible, but it doesn't require special treatment. The disease is usually not fatal, and most people can recover without special treatment.”

"Not necessarily." Su Yundao, "This data is not rigorous for 30-50 years old."

“Hmm?” Director Zhang Lin was a bit surprised.

"The latest research shows that the most common situation is the loss of love, mainly female, male spouse." Su Yundao, "In fact, I think the romance is more accurate."

Is the legendary heartbreak? Lin Yuan thought that love is really a troublesome thing, and loss of love can lead to organic diseases.

Although Zheng Bo said that there is no need for treatment, it sounds quite scary.

"It's almost like this." Zheng Ren said while thinking.

"Heartbreak syndrome was first discovered in the island nation in 1990. After analysis, it was found that the cause of these diseases was frightened or severe emotional shock, excessive mood swings, excessive sympathetic excitation, and rapid increase in adrenaline levels."

"The level of adrenaline is 30 times higher than normal, even 4 to 5 times higher than when it is myocardial infarction.

Adrenalin and other chemicals can affect the normal activity of the myocardium, or cause the capillaries to contract, causing a sudden contraction of the upper part of the heart, which is the apical apical change. ”

"Because the heart's ability to beat suddenly weakens, causing symptoms similar to heart attacks - severe chest pain or difficulty breathing."

"Adrenaline can soar to such a high level? No wonder when you are in emergency rescue, you can smell a sense of adrenaline and dopamine in your body." Su Yun took a sigh of relief and began to swear Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren’s thoughts were pulled back, and he thought that when he was hospitalized, he would feel guilty when he heard the phone call, and occasionally there would be shortness of breath.

Estimated to be the result of adrenaline soaring, but it is a bit like heartbreak syndrome. If you study it carefully, is there a hospitalized total syndrome?

Later, as I get older, I really want to do less emergency treatment. Otherwise, my body will not accept it, and I will be heartbroken.

Zheng Ren bowed his head and meditated. He no longer thought about heartbreak syndrome, but looked back at the little patient named Chen Li.

"This is too sad." Director Zhang Lin sighed.

“The seven emotions mentioned in the ancient books of Chinese medicine—his, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear, and shock, are seven kinds of normal emotional reactions. Such as sudden, intense or long-term mental stimulation, excessive emotional reaction or persistence. If the situation is excessive, it will affect the function of the internal organs, and the qi and blood regulation will be disordered and cause disease." Su Yundao, "Traditional Chinese medicine can also explain the passage."

"Zheng boss, I still don't trust." Director Zhang Lin is not afraid of what but bluntly said: "I suggest to check the myocardial enzymes."

"It should be." Zheng Ren said indifferently, "The changes in myocardial enzymes in heartbreak syndrome are not obvious. Check it out."

Zhou Litao immediately stood up and recorded all the checks that Director Zhang Lin wanted to do, then went to the doctor's office and collected blood for inspection.

This is only a small matter, even if his diagnosis was questioned by Director Zhang Lin, Zheng Ren did not care. In clinical terms, if no one raises an objection, then it is the rhythm of a big event.

"If the patient dies, she doesn't know..." Lin Yuan was also depressed. After half a sentence, he immediately found himself saying something wrong.

If this is the Middle Ages, such prophecy will be burned to death by a witch.

"Zheng boss, you have no good way for patients with liver failure?" Director Zhang Lin turned and asked.

“Well, unless there is a liver transplant for liver transplantation.”

"There are not many domestic liver sources, and it usually takes at least a few months."

"Do you want me to contact my mentor?" Lin Yuan whispered.

She is just a doctoral student, this kind of thing to contact the liver source... just think about it.

But always better than doing nothing.

Seeing Chen Li’s mother is heartbroken, like Lin’s corpse, Lin Yuan’s heart is also blocked.

But this sentence, like lightning, lingers in the mind of Zheng boss. Lin Yuan, tutor, Harvard.

He snapped his thigh and said: "MD! I missed it from the beginning!"

Su Yun was surprised, and rarely saw his boss swearing. He thought... The thoughts flashed, and Su Yun also understood what Zheng Ren thought of.

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