Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2103: Get started

King's Hospital? ”

"Professor Rudolf Wagner?"

Su Yun and Lin Yuan said at the same time.

It’s just that the two people said that the difference was ten thousand miles.

"Don't look for wealthy children." After Zheng Ren finished, hesitated, and then said: "Forget it, start together."

"The King's Hospital in London, UK? The hospital with the largest number of liver transplants in Europe?" Lin Yuan asked strangely.

In her opinion, Zheng Boss is looking for a medical dog who is doing surgery and seeing a doctor every day. He is also an acquaintance around him, such as Fu Guier.

Then there is Mayo or Massachusetts General Hospital...

It seems that it is not a simple operation dog. The boss of Zheng has a wide range of people.

"Well, I went abroad for a while and went to the King's Hospital to do the second phase of Marfan's syndrome for Dr. Rudy's wife." Su Yundao, "I remember Dr. Gade Woods, who seems to be an expert in liver transplantation."

"Looking for Ringer." Zheng Ren Shen said, "Isn't that what activities are going to be carried out with the King's Hospital?"

“Yeah.” Su Yundao, “The time is too short, the activity cannot be pushed so fast.”

He said as he began to use WeChat to contact with his hands.

Zheng Ren has some doubts that Su Yun’s mobile phone has been modified. With such a fast hand speed, the mobile phone does not even have a card, which is amazing.

After a dozen seconds, Su Yun started to call.

Whether it's sending an email or something else, the action is fast. Zheng Ren feels that he is quick to pick up his hand, and it is estimated that it will not be much faster.

"Director Lin, the boss wants to know about the process of exchange and cooperation with King's Hospital."



Linge was busy, suddenly received a call from Su Yun, and he subconsciously answered.

After putting down the phone, Ringer turned his mind and quickly thought about the meaning of Zheng Bo.

In a flash, he immediately realized the problem - Zheng boss wants to find the liver source through the King's Hospital!

Originally, Zheng boss did not care about the transactional work. What exchanges and communication were thrown directly to Linge, he did not care.

In Ringer’s imagination, that side should be extremely proud and it is extremely difficult to push the work.

But even if Zheng Boss doesn't care about it, the exchanges are progressing in the middle. The King’s Hospital was quite active, but the 912 patient was not easy to find, and things were delayed.

After all, it is an exchange activity, and the patient has to be light, or else the face will not look good if there is a mistake in the operation.

Zheng Boss is going to give the child a liver transplant, and Ringer realizes this.

Whether it is for the child or for yourself, this is a great opportunity.

For the child named Chen Li, there are top doctors from the world's top liver transplant hospitals to perform surgery... Surgery is a trivial matter, mainly liver source.

It's not that the King's Hospital has a liver source anytime, anywhere, but their technology has extended the storage of organs to three days. Coupled with the connection with the whole of Europe, it is much easier to find a suitable liver source than 912.

Once you find the right source of liver, Dr. Gade Woods flies to the capital with his organs, and the child should be saved!

As for the subsequent rejection, it is a small matter. If you have medicine, you are not sick.

It is most important to live.

And this side of myself... Linger’s heart moved slightly.

It is no problem to contact and communicate as the acting director. It is a matter of acting as the acting director to meet Dr. Gade Woods for surgery, and some can't say it.

Although 912 does not say, no one knows, but does the need for promotion not just a reason? !

Ringer’s hands began to shake.

During this period, he was clear that the original plan was implemented in a few months, but he was advanced to the present by a patient with liver failure.

Slightly rushed, what should I do?

Linger did not hesitate to call back directly on a phone call and asked where Zheng’s boss was. He went straight to the emergency department.

When I ran, I didn't feel anything. When I saw Zhou Litao's moment, Ringer stopped and felt like a fire was burning in her chest.

Zhou Litao looked silly, Yun Geer had a phone call, and the deputy director of the Medical Department ran over all the way. In the impression, the people in the medical office are basically not as stable as the old dog.

This kind of thing does not exist in Zhou Litao's world.

If you change to yourself, you should stay in the medical office and wait for yourself to report.

No, I have to report to myself, but also to catch a morning shift, otherwise it is difficult to find the figure of Director Lin.

Hey, the institutions that serve the clinic really have to become reality, and the clinicians are the same as the boss.

Zhou Litao thought about it in his mind.

"Xiao Zhou, Zheng boss?" asked Linger.

He gasped, his face began to turn into pig liver, and the clothes on his chest were wet with sweat.

"In my duty room." Zhou Litao said quickly.

Lin Geqiang walked to the duty room, this body, how many years did not exercise, running a few steps is really tired.

When Linger, who saw the wolverine, came in, Zheng Ren and Su Yun both stunned.

Even if it is an emergency rescue, it will not be anxious.

"Director Lin, what's wrong with you?" Su Yun asked happily.

"Running over, afraid of delaying the boss's business." Linger gasped and said Nothing, take it easy. "Zheng Ren tells the truth.

"Just contacted with Gade Woods, they have various channels to contact the liver." Su Yun said with a smile. "The result of matching can be passed, although it may not be able to catch up with the time, but it also has a chance." ""

"Oh..." Ringer felt that he was stupid.

The logic before and after is wrong, Gade Woods, and even the relationship between King's Hospital in London, England is not their own contact, but Zheng Boss gave himself.

This is a trouble.

He sat on the bed, gasping, and said, "Zheng boss..."

"Don't worry, let's breathe out and talk again." Su Yundao, "You look at you, not like the people in the medical office."

Although knowing that it was a joke, both Director Zhang Lin and Zhou Litao were silent.

There are not many people who dare to make jokes with the director of the Medical Service.

Although I know that Zheng boss is arrogant, a little bit of detail in life is always surprising and shocking.

Linger gasped a few breaths and immediately asked: "Is Zheng boss, will the King's Hospital cooperate?"

This is the key to things.

Liver transplant surgery, the United States do 15,000 cases a year, but ten times the patient is waiting for the liver.

The situation in Europe is similar, the population base is about the same, and the people who need donors are about the same.

Whose life is not life, the long-distance holding the donor liver, went to the emperor to give a foreigner a liver transplant surgery, it is after the humanity of Datong.

"It will not be." Su Yun said.

Ringer stunned.

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