Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2184: What about the medical team?

The Xie Yi took a look at Zheng Ren, and drove and Chang Yue left. Zheng Ren sat on Feng Xuhui's car. Su Yun asked at the back: "Boss, if the bone cement blocks the trunk of the pulmonary artery, what type of thrombectomy catheter are you going to use?"

When it comes to the catheter and the model, Feng Xuhui’s ears are erected.

“Just kidding, is it really true?” Zheng Rendao, “It’s so heavy, it’s straight after the angiography.”

"Scratch!" Su Yun stunned Zheng Ren.

"Common sense, always stick to it, can't say what you believe, what is not." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

The car didn't open yet. Feng Xuhui saw that Ringer had not left yet, and he hesitated.

Su Yun also saw Ringer, and recruited, "Director Lin, this side..."

Said, he looked back at Zheng Ren, "Boss, that side said to contact the medical office?"

"Said to be."

"Director Lin is a bit embarrassed. He wants to go with them, but the medical office has not notified, and there are some suspicions in the past."

"Nothing, it is the other members of the medical team. If you don't speak, who knows that he is the medical director." Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun thinks, this is also the case, jump off the car directly, let Feng Xuhui go first.

"Director Lin, you are proud of this spring breeze, don't go home and show off with your wife?" Su Yun said with a smile.

"Doctor Su, you see what you said." Ling Ge said, "The old wife is old, what is good."

"Director Lin, you should not worry about the boss's surgery."

Speaking of this, Ringer is in the right color, said: "Zheng boss surgery is definitely fine, if I do it in 912, I will go home directly. If you go out, you should guard against the villain. Recently, Zheng boss is in the limelight, it is difficult to protect no one. Eyes red."

Su Yun smiled and took out his mobile phone and started dripping.

Two cars came to Guta Hospital. It relies on Guta Park, which used to be a hospital. Since the imperial capital began to implement the policies of large hospitals and small specialists in the last century, Guta Hospital has rapidly become the top orthopedic hospital in the country.

Get off, Zheng Ren called.

A cell phone in the hands of a doctor standing at the door rang.

"Professor Tian." Zheng Ren reached out and strode over.

"Zheng Boss, fortunately, will be lucky." Professor Tian was full of sadness, but he was still reluctant to be greedy. "I have long said that you have to look at your lumbar transverse artery. I didn't expect it to be difficult."

"How is the patient?" Zheng Ren did not chill, went straight to the subject.

All the lungs are embolized. If you stand on this for an hour, you will be guilty of Professor Tian’s direct heart attack.

Professor Tian’s spirit was greatly enhanced. He immediately said: “Patients now have typical pulmonary embolism symptoms and have been breathing with a ventilator.”

"Go and see." Zheng Rendao, "How about the patient's family?"

"Also crying..." Professor Tian said helplessly.

Professor Tian turned and said: "Zheng boss, please, please."

"Wait a minute." Zheng Ren did not move, watching the second car not far away, Su Yun and Ringer down, actually saw a figure with a pony tail.

This Lin Yuan, how come again?

Professor Tian stunned, the business quality of the 912 emergency first aid is too high, it is simply waiting for you.

The phone was played for less than half an hour, and the entire medical team followed. They didn't go home from work? With regard to this quality, it is no wonder that Zheng’s boss has risen so fast.

Seven or eight people come to the emergency department for emergency treatment, and the staff should not be too abundant.

"Zheng boss, these bits..." Professor Tian is anxious, but he is still patient and waits for Zheng Boss to introduce himself to the accompanying staff.

But Zheng Ren did not want to take over, directly said: "Professor Tian, ​​let's go see the patient. You arrange the hybrid operating room, prepare for extracorporeal circulation, others go to the operating room."

This sturdy and energetic professor, Mr. Tian Tian, ​​likes it.

Saving the station is a life-saving and a fire-fighting.

Zheng boss looked young, but he did everything without a word, and he was really uncomfortable.

Professor Tian came to the ICU with Zheng Ren and saw a man and a woman behind him. He knew that this might be the elite of the medical team. He also looked forward to the performance of the Zheng Boss medical team.

"Professor Tian, ​​how much bone cement did you just hit when you were doing surgery?" Zheng Ren asked as he changed clothes.

"2.5ml, I see..."

"Well, the amount is not big, it should be no problem." Zheng Rendao.

"It may not be." Su Yun said directly: "There is such a small amount, such a heavy symptom, the possibility of secondary thrombosis is quite large!"

Su Yun is an ETC, and automatically lifts the bar.

Professor Tian’s heart immediately sank to the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.

"2.5ml bone cement is coagulated in the pulmonary artery, it is likely to be tied in the branch blood vessels." Lin Yuan used to guess, while he changed shoes and put on a sterile coat.

"Branch pulmonary thrombosis can have such a serious clinical symptom? Do you have any points in your heart." Su Yun said.

"You haven't seen the patient yet, how do you know that the symptoms are not heavy?" Lin Yuan retorted without fear.

"The Guta Hospital has a heart, look for us directly. If you say that the symptoms are not heavy, then Professor Tian..."

Professor Tian put on the isolation suit and heard that the two doctors under Zheng’s boss had a quarrel. The heart was What happened? What about the medical team?

It’s not uncommon to see things in the medical team. Generally speaking, the last part is to split up. Some people stayed, and some people went to other hospitals to have a hard time and make great efforts.

But that is the doctor with the group professor level disputes because of the actual interests, the two lower-level doctors quarrel, Zheng boss does not care?

"Professor Tian, ​​you can change your clothes faster and hurry."

When Professor Tian was surprised, Zheng Ren said faintly.


Professor Tian almost cried.

Zheng boss, you are the first to manage the people under your hand. Don't fight here, I can't do the surgery.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn’t say it. Professor Tian had to take the three people to the ICU and walk to the patient's bed.

Zheng Ren glanced at the patient with ventilator assisted breathing, saying: "The ventilator mode is wrong, and the end-expiratory positive pressure ventilation is increased."

"A strong dragon, warfarin are given? If you don't give it, you can take the time to administer it. If you forget it, you will go directly to the operation."

Zheng Ren looked at the patient's system panel and didn't see the words of the blood clot.

A few doctors said that with the unquestionable superior doctor's posture.

The doctor at the ICU was a little unhappy at the moment.

Who is this, when you come in, you can point your finger.

"Zheng Boss of 912." Professor Tian was very delicate and whispered a sentence. "According to the doctor's advice, I have an accident."

But before I was able to wait for the doctor of the ICU, I saw Su Yun came to the ventilator and started to operate.

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