Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2185: Broken signal in the operating room

Professor Tian stunned and didn't wait to talk. He said Su Yun said: "The boss, according to Guta Hospital, the Vessel-X bone material filler is not yet available."

“Just enter the clinic.” Zheng Rendao, “It’s estimated to be faster.”

"End-expiratory positive pressure ventilation, the pressure is not too high, immediately on the surgery, the old room in the operating room will give appropriate pressure." Su Yun adjusted the mode of the ventilator, and said: "Single vertebral injection bone When the cement is not even 4ml, there will be pulmonary embolism. Professor Tian’s life is so bitter.”


Professor Tian’s grievances were led out by Su Yun, and almost the whole person did not collapse directly.

Oh, how can your life be so bitter?

"Send to the operating room, let's go first."

Professor Tian asked someone to take Zheng Ren and his entourage to the operating room and personally **** the patient. Looking at Zheng’s expression and the tone of his speech, it seems that there is a lot of heart, which makes Professor Tian a little more secure.

"I ask you, bone cement causes pulmonary embolism, how should patients with severe clinical symptoms be treated?" Su Yun asked as he walked.

"Conservative treatment can improve blood circulation in the lungs, prevent thrombosis and eliminate the acute inflammatory reaction caused by bone cement stimulation. When patients with bone cement embolism have difficulty breathing and chest pain, they should be given oxygen and glucocorticoids in time. Anticoagulation, vasodilation and other treatments." Lin Yuan did not want to, directly answer.

Have these two people just been quarreling? How do you switch to the mentoring mode in a blink of an eye?

Professor Tian looked at it and then stopped thinking about these things. It was the matter of Zheng Boss’ medical team and had nothing to do with himself.

I still sent it to the operating room to solve the problem. Professor Tian is afraid that the delay will be longer.

There are still many things on this side, to send patients, explain before surgery, and comfort the family members' emotions. A thousand things, can only be explained while doing surgery.

Professor Tian is bitter, and this kind of life can't be done to others.

The patient was sent to the operating room where the anesthesiologist and a strange doctor took the patient. Professor Tian turned and went out to call the patient's family to the office to explain.

Explain the situation first, apologize, and emphasize that the amount of bone cement injected by itself is not large.

In the words, the patient is told to the family members that they have tried their best, and the ghost knows why there is an accident.

Finally, Professor Tian said that he had invited the 912 expert group, the most powerful intervention and heart-thirsty experts in the whole country and even the country to carry out the next treatment and rescue.

"Mr. Tian, ​​my mother can't have anything to do." The patient's son was pale and scared.

Who can change and accept it safely and securely.

Like him, he did not pour a rag of anger into the doctor, even the family of the patient who is reasonable.

"Get it..." Professor Tian sighed. "Zheng Boss is the most powerful intervention doctor I know, and I can try to solve the problem with minimally invasive methods. If, if I say, if there is a secondary thrombosis... ”

Professor Tian is also constantly stating, and some things can't be said too well.

While trying to appease the emotions of his family members, he confessed before surgery. When he thought of opening his chest, Professor Tian’s brain couldn’t help himself.

The surgery of the fart, once the chest is opened, will lead to an uncontrolled abyss of uncontrollable conditions.

"Teacher Tian, ​​I beg you must..." The family members of the patient were a little excited, but at this time, Professor Tian’s cell phone rang.

In an instant, Professor Tian’s adrenaline was secreted in a large amount, and the heart rate jumped directly to 150 beats/min.

The patient was taken to the operating room in less than 10 minutes. Calling yourself at this time will definitely not be a reminder of your own surgery.

It must be that the patient has an accident!


Professor Tian groaned and took out his mobile phone. At first glance, it was the phone of the anesthesiologist.

His hand trembled and he didn't connect after three calls.

The touch screen seems to feel the presence of Professor Tian’s finger, ignoring him, pointing his finger on the screen, and there is no egg at all.

Finished... finished...

Professor Tian was quickly covered in ice and his heart was frozen. Still don't struggle, think about how to get the understanding of the patient's family.

The patient’s son had tears in his eyes and seemed to realize what he was. Professor Tian’s panic seems to be contagious, and the grief in his heart is more intense.

The tears couldn’t stop falling, and the screaming screaming, a big man crying like a tearful person.

Professor Tian worked hard and finally got on the phone.

"Professor Tian, ​​the surgery is done, the bone cement stuck in the pulmonary artery is taken out." The voice of the anesthesiologist came out of the phone.


Professor Tian listened to this sentence, every word understood, but together, he did not understand. Is the surgery done? Don't talk nonsense, this one has not finished the pre-operative explanation, and the surgery is done.

"Professor Tian, ​​Zheng boss asks you whether compression fractures are also to be done. He suggested that they have done it by the way, or else patients...Hey? Professor Tian?"


"Professor Tian? Feeding? How is the signal bad? I said that the hybrid operating room is not reliable."


"He teacher ~ I went out to play, this signal is too bad, wait a moment."

The phone has not been hung up. Professor Tian’s mobile phone voice is a bit louder. Not only did he hear the anesthesiologist’s speech in the operating room, but the patient’s family also heard it clearly.

Both of them are big eyes and small eyes, but the tears in the eyes of the patient's family are still in the inertia, and they fall down.

"Professor Tian? Can you hear it clearly?" The anesthesiologist asked another place.

"Xiao Wu, what do you say?" Professor Tian asked, fearing that he had just got it wrong.

"Ah? What do you say? I said the signal is not good, can you hear clearly?" The anesthesiologist on the phone said loudly.

"I can hear it clearly, but I can hear it clearly." Professor Tian said in a busy manner.

"Zheng boss asked you, compression fractures still do not do, he suggested to do it directly. This way the patient will be able to go to the ground after ICU out tomorrow, and go home the day after tomorrow."


On the phone side, silence again.

"MD, what broke the signal in the operating room." The anesthesiologist snorted, and the voice was heard on the phone. It seemed that he was tapping the phone with his hand. In this case, the signal might be better.

"Xiao Wu, you say it again!" Professor Tian’s voice was a little trembling.

"Zheng boss said that the lumbar compression..."

"No, how about pulmonary embolism?" Professor Tian quickly interrupted.

"Pulmonary embolism? Zheng boss took the catheter, and took it out in a few minutes, nothing." Anesthesiologist said.

After hearing this news, Professor Tian was all soft and almost squatted in the chair.

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