Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2199: Spicy eyes

"It's okay, minor surgery, it's okay." Zheng Ren narrowed his eyes, gave the patient a smile, and comforted him.

"I saw so much blood that scared me." The patient was lying on the bed in the operating room, looking at the shadowless lamp that wasn't turned on, and he thought, and wanted to say something.

It is really too embarrassing and scared to say nothing at this time.

Especially when he thought of coughing twice and spitting blood, his face became worse.

"At first, hemoptysis, why didn't you go to see it?" Zheng Ren chatted with the patient.

"I coughed up a little blood a few years ago. I thought the weather was dry and the capillaries broke out." The patient said, "This time I was scared, doctor, you must rescue me."

"Rest assured, the problem is not serious." Zheng Ren said gently: "I will do a little check for you in a moment, just go down with a bronchoscope to see what's going on inside your lungs. Tell me if something is uncomfortable."

"Doctor, it doesn't hurt."

"It won't hurt," Zheng Renxin babbled. "Just a glance, do you think it hurts?"

"Really?" The patient was dubious.

"Really. Do you usually pay attention to your body? I mean, go to the hospital if you have a problem, don't stand at home." Zheng Ren turned the topic away and tried to make patients forget about the fear of surgery.

Although not much useful, it is always better to do nothing.

"Note, I have to walk 30 minutes a day and walk 10 minutes backwards," said the patient.

Soon, everyone returned wearing a mask.

Su Yun heard the patient say this and said with a smile: "Back walking can also be regarded as an exercise method, which can strengthen muscle strength and improve balance, and it is good for the rehabilitation of knee disease and the prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injury."

"Yes." The patient was a little happy, and the doctor at 912 acknowledged his exercise style, and that must be right.

"But I still suggest that you don't walk down alone. In that case, what you step on next second is not necessarily." Su Yun laughed.

Lao He turned on the stereo, and the song of good luck wafted, becoming an inherent background music.

After drug administration and sedation and analgesia, Zheng Ren started bronchoscopy.

Lao He is the most nervous. Once there is a problem with the bronchoscope, the emergency first aid depends on the level of the anesthesiologist.

But Boss Zheng was still very reliable, and everything that Lao He was worried about didn't happen.

Under the leadership of Zheng Ren, the freezing technology uses plates and eyes, and every frozen link is almost perfect. After half an hour of preparation, the foreign body was carefully taken out with a foreign body forceps.

"Aseptic single!" Zheng Renshen said.

The Xie people immediately appeared beside Zheng Ren with a blue sterile list.

The moment the foreign object came out gripping the foreign object, Zheng Ren put the foreign object on the sterile sheet. The Shay people then gave the foreign body a bag, put it in a pathological barrel aside, and wrote the relevant information.

"Place it on the vent of the pathology," Zheng Ren urged.

"Okay." Shay people went out holding the pathology barrel.

"It doesn't taste too much," Su Yun judged.

"Ready to get off the stand." Zheng Ren didn't justify, he stood up and went to wear a lead coat to brush his hands.

Lao He was standing inside wearing a lead coat early, and he also felt that Boss Zheng had a big problem.

Although the removed foreign matter was quickly disposed of by the Shay people, it was not as scary as Boss Zheng described.

Perhaps Boss Zheng was too nervous, Lao He thought to himself.

Subsequently, Zheng Ren began to intervene in the lower bronchial stent graft.

Lin Yuan was curious, and when Su Yun came on stage wearing a lead coat, she asked the Xie Yi people for a pair of pliers. Like a thief, "slip" out of the operating room.

All the way, she touched the ventilation room where the pathology was placed, and pondered to see the foreign body just removed.

The doctor who just entered the clinic is curious about everything, like a child.

In the United States, Lin Yuan didn't dare to do anything that his teacher didn't let him do.

However, Boss Zheng is friendly and kind, as long as it does not affect the diagnosis and treatment and surgery, it does not matter if he is slightly exceptional. Lin Yuan had already seen this at a glance, so she couldn't ignore what Mr. Zheng said just now.

Looking at the film Lin Yuan, she can be sure that it is a bronchial foreign body, but if she chooses a treatment method, it is estimated that cutting the lung lobe is the best choice.

She wanted to see what foreign body Boss Zheng was like.

As for stent placement in the bronchi, it was not difficult, and Lin Yuan was not curious about it.

In the airy pathology room, a scent of smell rushed out. All kinds of pathological specimens have different flavors, and they are mixed and very pungent.

Lin Yuan frowned, wearing sterile gloves, holding oval pliers in his hand, and found the pathology barrel he had just sent.

Open the lid and the blue sterile sheet inside.

The Xie people packed three floors, and Lin Yuan felt it was unnecessary. The people in the medical team really are. What are foreign bodies? Shouldn't they be concerned? As for the taste ... what a big deal.

It must be that they have been bowing their heads to Boss Zheng for too long, so as long as Boss Zheng says anything, they will not object.

This is wrong!

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

In the medical team, always say your point of view so that all risks can be avoided as much as possible.

She scrambled to find a reason for herself, covering her up with curiosity.

One floor ... two floors ... three floors ...

The moment I opened the blue sterile sheet ~ ~ Lin Yuan felt some stinging in his eyes.

Did your eyelashes fall into your eyes? My eyelashes are too long and occasionally fall into my eyes. This is a distress for the beauty of long eyelashes.

Lin Yuan didn't care, squinting to see the foreign body.

Fix the edge of the foreign body with one hand, and the oval pliers gently separate the pus coat and granulation on the foreign body.

A rotten pepper appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

I go ... it turned out to be pepper!

In a few years, the pepper has generally been rotten, but because of the package and mechanization, a little trace can still be seen.

Alas, the pepper can get into the respiratory tract. How does the patient do it?

Lin Yuan felt that the smell in the airy storage room was okay. It's just that the heavier the eye irritation is, the more eyelashes fall into the eyes, and most of them are pain in one eye.

This time, it was strange that both eyes hurt.

Her eyes narrowed into a slit, and she looked at the rotten pepper seriously, wondering how it entered the respiratory tract.

Suddenly laughing while eating? Or because of eating too much at one time, leading to ...

Thinking about it, Lin Yuan felt that his mind was dizzy, and it seemed that his mind was fixed by some powerful force.

Uh ... no ...

Lin Yuan still found the problem. Rotten peppers, organic packages, and thick juices should contain toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide.

She immediately tried to cover the pathology barrel.

But his hands were weak, and his head was spinning round and round.


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