Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2200: curiosity kills the cat

Hydrogen sulfide poisoning ...

Lin Yuan had such a diagnosis in her head, and at the same time her heart began to tremble. This diagnosis is so horrible that it really kills people if they don't make it!

She made an immediate decision, turned around with all her strength, and staggered out.

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas that is irritating and choking.

Low-level exposure has only local irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes. At high concentrations, the systemic effect is more pronounced, with symptoms of central nervous system and asphyxia.

Hydrogen sulfide has a "smelly egg-like" smell, but extremely high concentrations quickly cause olfactory fatigue without feeling its odor.

Lin Yuan's thinking plane spread out, and solid basic skills allowed some related memory fragments to appear in front of his eyes.

High concentrations of hydrogen sulfide can cause sudden death, which can present an electric shock-like characteristic when dead. The thought of his "death" seemed ugly, Lin Yuan seemed awake a little.

I must be looking at the peppers with curiosity. I got closer, and blocked the ventilation equipment, which caused a large amount of hydrogen sulfide to be sucked into the body.

Lin Yuan's hands and feet were weak, and he exhausted his whole body strength. He was almost unconscious in the room at the end, and then went out at the last moment.

Sitting on the ground with one buttock, Lin Yuan breathed a lot of fresh air.

In any case, even if there is some odor, it is not sour and fatal to directly smell the hydrogen sulfide from a nose.

"Who, open the door of that room, why don't you know how to close it!" A visiting nurse smelled a strange smell coming over, yelled out two sentences, covered her nose with her hands, and closed the door.

"Hey, are you okay." The itinerant nurse saw Lin Yuan sitting on the ground, looking very uncomfortable, and looked down at her, asking impatiently.

This is not necessarily a graduate student brought by a group professor. Is that the pathology room where I can go? This room, can that be seen casually!

Poor, in fact, they are all made by themselves.

"Which group did your teacher not tell you to come to the operating room? Don't look around?" The itinerant nurse snapped a few words, and when Lin Yuan was in a bad state, she said nothing, she began to worry.

The visiting nurse turned around and took an oxygen bag, started to oxygenate Lin Yuan, and asked others to help.

Zheng Ren's surgery is over. The bronchus is blocked with a stent graft and anti-inflammatory and symptomatic treatment is sufficient.

The patient's lung lobes were counted.

The patient lying on the operating table knew nothing about this.

He even thought he could walk back without having to lie on a flat car at all.

"Which student has passed out!" Shouted the circuit nurse.

Su Yun looked around, went out in doubt, and saw Lin Yuan sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, trying to inhale oxygen.

"Boss, Lin Yuan is in trouble!" Su Yun strode forward.

Zheng Ren froze for a moment, and immediately reacted to the goods should be too curious, to see the removed foreign objects.

Instantly, Zheng Ren couldn't laugh or cry.

The girl's curiosity was too strong, she said that she would send it directly to the pathology. No one was allowed to see it. She also wanted to see it.

At this glance, we can see that something is coming.

Zheng Ren recalled that on the first day Lin Yuan had just arrived in the hospital group, a patient with an intestinal malformation himself underwent surgical removal after getting a stent.

There was nothing wrong at the time, the most dangerous thing was to see Lin Yuan's intestine cut out with oval pliers.

Gas for decades, maybe how long ...

If this breaks, it is estimated that people in the operating room will have to be rescued urgently.

But don't worry, Zheng Ren stepped out and saw Lin Yuan's system panel was a little red, but there was no diagnosis, so he was relieved.

In the future, it is estimated that this product will be more honest, and she wants to see everything, and she is so curious.

Curious about killing cats, don't you know!

"Sister Li, it's our team, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Su Yun rushed over to speak to the circuit nurse.

His attitude was very kind and changed. Asking people to do things must look like asking others, and Su Yun has a lot of pressure in his heart.

"Brother Yun, take the new couple well. If someone faints in the room, and then someone closes the door without looking inside, it is estimated that the person will die." The itinerant nurse didn't feel much to say anything, but just said "simple" .

This is definitely not alarmist, but the probability is not high, after all, a high-power exhaust fan has been extracting toxic gas.

Zheng Ren shook his head and walked over.

Su Yun sent the visiting nurse away, then looked at Lin Yuan disdainfully, and touched his leg with his toes, and asked, "Boss, will Lin Yuan be foolish?"

"No way."

"Electric shock died, you look like she."

"It's okay, just breathe oxygen." Zheng Ren said.

"Hey, you're still alive." Su Yun squatted, looking at Lin Yuan as if she were watching a lively crowd of eating melons.

"Alive ..." Lin Yuan said weakly.

"Well, it's a big life." Su Yun directly opened the taunt mode without hesitation. "In the past few years, a 19-year-old student in Busan had brain death due to hydrogen sulfide poisoning."

"..." Lin Yuan really had no strength to talk to Su Yun.

Originally stunned, but now my brain is short-circuited.

She tried to **** in oxygen and let herself recover as quickly as possible.

"Fortunately, you come out by yourself. If you faint in it, you won't be able to do mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration."

"Well ~ ~ Zheng Renshun said:" A large amount of hydrogen sulfide will enter the rescuer's respiratory tract and cause secondary damage. "

"Well, people are impatient, and you have to go to the toilet. You are dying. Xiaolinzi, you are tricky, but terrible. Boss, I think the concentration of sulfur ions in her blood is at least 2mg per milliliter. "

"Not so high, it is estimated to be about 1.6mg."

"Guess Kobayashi's blood is drawn out now, isn't it smelly of eggs?"

"..." Lin Yuan immediately felt that there was something wrong with the blood oxygen exchange in his lungs, and the gas he breathed out had a strong smell of rotten eggs.

"Nausea ..." Lin Yuan began to retaliate.

"Don't make trouble!" Xie Yiren ran over, squatted beside Lin Yuan, and patted her back gently.

"Well, Lao He, or you can't get on the ventilator and lose your consciousness, give it 30 minutes of pure oxygen." Su Yun continued to watch the excitement.

It's okay anyway, and Lin Yuan can't even pay back.

At this time, it was a god-given opportunity to knock down the water dog, and Su Yun would not give up.

"Let's lie down for a while." Zheng Ren said, "Lao He, pull a flat car."

"I'll sit for a while ... just a moment." Lin Yuan worked hard and stubbornly.

"Don't bother her. Her brain is not well smoked with hydrogen sulfide."

"There is nothing to cure, take a good rest. Yiren, you know ... forget it, I'll contact Director Kong." Zheng Ren said.

As I was talking, a panic came from the position of the 9th hand.

Zheng Ren vaguely heard the words ...

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