Longevity Species

Chapter 468: I Always Feel Someone Wants to Harm Me! (Second more)

In the palace, Emperor Jinbo brought several disciples of Emperor Zong to live in the small courtyard arranged by King Dongji.

One of the disciples asked cautiously: "Emperor, are you really going to the Nine Palaces to investigate that thunder? It is impossible for an emperor to appear in a mere Nine Palaces, but it is just a rumor. If we leave the East Extreme Kingdom, if the Eastern Extreme King has any actions, I'm afraid we will know nothing about it."

This time, the disciples of the Hongchen Emperor Sect followed Emperor Jinbo to the Dongji Kingdom. They came with a mission, which was to keep a close eye on the Dongji King.

See what the Dongji King is doing?

In other words, it is an "eye" on the bright side, "monitoring" Dongji King.

This point, Emperor Jinbo knows, in fact, Dongji King also knows.

"Stupid, in the Eastern Extreme Kingdom, right under the eyes of the Eastern Extreme King, what news can you get? Do you really think that Emperor Zong relies on us to collect information?"

Emperor Jinbo sneered.

He knew very well that his appearance was just a cover.

How could it be possible to rely on him as an emperor to monitor Dongji King?

If that's the case, then the East Extreme King can't do anything. He, the emperor's son, is more of an attitude of the Hongchen emperor's sect.

"On the contrary, Lei Dao is a bit interesting. If he is not the emperor's son, the three layers of the holy body have condensed three ultimate holy bodies. I am afraid it is not simple. The emperor has just entered the world and found such an interesting thing. Why? Can you take a look?"

Of course, Emperor Jinbo is not just curious. Although he was indeed curious, it was very unusual for a triple holy body to condense three ultimate holy bodies.

Go and see, maybe there will be some windfalls?

Even if there is no accidental harvest, taking a look at the holy treasures from the Marquis of the Nine Palaces or the Marquis of Shangyang by the way, can be regarded as seeing the holy treasures that the God of Xihe personally refined, and it will be of great benefit to practice.

Emperor Jinbo has already made a decision to go to the Nine Palaces alone.

As for the possible danger, it is simply impossible, even Emperor Jinbo never thought about it. He is a majestic five-fold saint of the holy body, and he is also a disciple of the Hongchen Emperor Sect. He is by no means comparable to the ordinary five-fold saint of the holy body.

Just one or two marquis states, what danger can there be?


Nanyun Kingdom, in the palace hall.

At this moment, the entire hall is full of talents, and many saints have come to the hall, crowding the hall to the brim. The leader is a saint, wearing a bright yellow robe and a high crown, exuding a majestic aura. He is the Lord of the Nanyun Kingdom and one of the six kings of the Xihe Dynasty!

"Everyone, the East Extreme King is ambitious and has begun to expand his power rapidly. The gods are in turmoil, and we should wait for our grand plans. If we don't take the lead, I'm afraid we won't have such an opportunity in the future. Do you think we should fight?" ?”


"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will all obey His Majesty's orders."

In the hall below, all the saints looked excited, without any worries, and even faintly fanatic.

They have been holding back for a long time.

It's just that every time they hear about the rapid expansion of the Eastern Pole Kingdom, they can only envy them. Because, Nanyun King's attitude has always been ambiguous, and he has never had a clear goal.

But now, King Nanyun seemed to have made up his mind and was ready to act.

King Nanyun was very satisfied, but since he wanted to do something, he had to be fully prepared, and King Dongji, at this time, naturally the two kings would not fight.

But mutual vigilance and fear are essential.

Even if King Nanyun wants to expand wantonly, he must pay attention to the movements of King Dongji.

King Nanyun made the arrangement properly. At this time, a female saint with a beautiful face but as cold as an iceberg suddenly said, "Your Majesty, I don't know where I should go?"

"The son of the fairy emperor has a noble status, how can he act rashly? If something happens accidentally, this king will not be able to explain to the noble family."

It turned out that this beautiful female saint was also the emperor's son, and the emperor's son of the Feixian Emperor Sect.

I don't know why Nanyun King came into contact with Feixian Emperor Sect, or that Feixian Emperor Sect deliberately contacted Nanyun King. Therefore, some secret agreement must have been reached between the two parties.

The reason why King Nanyun is determined to expand his power is probably inseparable from Feixianzong's support.

Feixianzong even sent an emperor, which is also a symbol in a sense.

Therefore, nothing can happen to the fairy.

But Xianling frowned. King Nanyun was about to do something, but she stood by and watched, which also didn't match the mission given to her by Emperor Zong. The task given to her by Emperor Zong is to integrate into the Nanyun Kingdom as much as possible.

Since it is necessary to integrate, then the Nanyun Kingdom's such an important action this time, the fairy cannot miss it.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, as the emperor's son, Xianling has some means to save his life, and will never distract His Majesty."

Faerie still insisted on participating in this operation.

However, her identity is indeed very special, and it often symbolizes the cooperation between King Nanyun and Feixian Emperor Sect. Once something happens to the fairy, it will be a big trouble for King Nanyun.

But the faeries were stubborn.

Thinking of this, King Nanyun moved in his heart and said: "There are spies reporting that many princes have secretly taken refuge in Dongji King. Among them is the Jiugonghou Kingdom, which is not too far away from our Nanyun Kingdom. Dongji King has placed there. A nail, after all, is a little troublesome. The fairy emperor might as well go to the area of ​​​​the Jiugong Hou Kingdom. By the way, completely subdue the Hou Kingdom in that area, and pull out the nail of the Dongji Kingdom."

Emperor Xianling nodded and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Xianling will definitely pull out the nails of Dongji King and subdue all the princes in that area for His Majesty's use."

After the fairy finished speaking, she immediately turned and left.

"Your Majesty, will the Emperor Xianling go to the area of ​​the Nine Palaces, will something happen?"

Some saints said cautiously.

"What can happen? The strongest in that area is only the fourth level of the Holy Body. Even if there is a holy treasure and the power of the faith of all living beings, it is not an opponent of the fifth level of the Holy Body. The fairy emperor is a saint. How can it be that simple to be a five-fold holy venerable and the son of the Feixian Emperor Sect? Remember, you can never underestimate any emperor. These emperors have a long history and profound heritage, and they focus on cultivating the emperor , are very difficult.”

King Nanyun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the direction where the Immortal Emperor left just now, as if he was thinking.

Emperor Zong came out of the mountain!

The movements are frequent, and the gods of the gods have disappeared.

The Divine Dynasty, I am afraid that it is about to be turbulent, and the king of Nanyun has to follow the example of the king of Dongji and cannot remain indifferent.

Perhaps, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for King Nanyun.

"My lord, perhaps, this king also has a chance..."

King Nanyun murmured in a low voice, a strange light flashed in his eyes.


"Fengjuan Sacred Dharma has been completed."

In Shangyang City, in the secret room, Lei Dao opened his eyes.

At this moment, in this secret room, Lei Dao has manifested three holy saints plus a divine blood clone. He spent a full eighty years of his lifespan, raising the holy method of Fengjuan to perfection.

From then on, the three ultimate holy bodies all possessed the perfect holy law!

Of course, this is to be expected.

To Lei Dao, the practice of Fengjuan holy method is just an appetizer, and the next thing is the most important thing, that is to condense the fourth holy body, the advanced holy body quadruple!

This may take some time.

In the case of having two 40,000-year-old panacea, it is actually not too difficult.

Lei Dao's only concern was whether he would be too "scared" by Shangyang Patriarch and others if he advanced so fast.

Even Lei Dao realized that his advancement speed was indeed a bit fast.

This is no longer something that can be explained by so-called geniuses.

But if he doesn't advance, let him hide his clumsiness?

That's even more impossible, even in this lifetime.

How can there be someone who keeps hiding his clumsiness without improving his strength?

If you don't improve your strength, you meet a powerful enemy, and you are killed when your strength is insufficient, that would be a big joke. Therefore, as long as his strength can be improved, Lei Dao will not give up easily.

What's more, it's advanced now!

Moreover, it is still advanced from the third level of the Holy Body to the fourth level of the Holy Body. Among the saints, the fourth level of the Holy Body is a watershed, which is very special and very crucial.

Often only the ancestors of Hou Guo are the fourfold holy body.

Or some large forces, such as the Thirty-Six Holy Lands, or the Nine Great Emperors' Sect, only have many Saints of the Four Saints of the Eucharist.

As for casual repair?

Or some small family forces.

It is really too difficult to give birth to a saint of the fourth level of the Eucharist. Once it is born, it will definitely bring the family or power to a higher level and become the overlord of one party.

Lei Dao is now at this watershed.

However, his strength has long been comparable to or even surpassed the fourth level of the Eucharist, but Lei Dao is also different from the situation faced by other saints.

Now that the gods are in turmoil, no one knows what kind of changes will happen.

Lei Dao always has a sense of crisis. It seems that there are people everywhere who want to harm him, and there seem to be people everywhere who are prying into his secrets. Deep inside he felt deeply insecure.

Only by frantically improving your strength can your mind be at peace.

"This world is too dangerous, we should upgrade as soon as possible to have more protection."

Raidou took a deep breath.

He doesn't feel safe.

Even if he could kill the patriarch of the fourth layer of the holy body with one punch, and destroy a kingdom by himself, he still felt unsafe.

So, Lei Dao took out a handful, no, it was a bunch of elixir, and they were all ten thousand year elixir.

Then, he directly swallowed the Wannian elixir with a blank face.

One after another, the pile of ten thousand-year elixir in front of Lei Dao didn't seem to be missing. But Lei Dao condensed one holy body after another.

Then, these holy bodies merged quickly, and the time did not exceed one second...

In the eyes of others, merging the Eucharist is extremely difficult and needs to be polished and studied bit by bit.

But in Lei Dao's eyes.

Fusion Eucharist?

It's just a waste of ten years of life.

As for the lifespan, Lei Dao still has it for the time being. Although it is not much, it is enough to support Lei Dao to advance to the fourth level of the holy body.

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