Longevity Species

Chapter 469 Jiugonghou is very confused, what if he is killed? (third change)

One, two, three, four, five...

Lei Dao condenses the holy body and then fuses the holy body. This process is already familiar, it is too familiar. It can be done even with eyes closed.

It is nothing more than condensing the ordinary holy body, then mobilizing the supernatural power, and then merging the holy body.

This time, Lei Dao fused fifteen ordinary holy bodies and spent fifteen thousand-year elixir to finally condense a high-level holy body.

It takes more ten-thousand-year elixir than before to advance, and it also needs to fuse a few more holy bodies.

No wonder it is said that advancing to the fourth level of the Eucharist is as difficult as reaching the sky, no wonder the third level of the Eucharist and the fourth level of the Eucharist are a watershed. Although the Holy Body Triple Saints are relatively rare, they are still much more common than the Holy Body Four Layers.

It was this watershed that stopped many saints.

And now, for Lei Dao, is it just one day? No, maybe in half a day, the fourth high-level holy body has already been condensed.


The next moment, beside Lei Dao's Storm Saint Body, a thousand-meter-high Saint Body quickly condensed, exuding a terrifying aura, as if there was a faint flame raging.

Holy body of fire attribute!

After all, Lei Dao condensed a fire-attribute holy body.

Among the many saints, the fire attribute holy body is simply panacea, it is too common. Almost nine out of ten holy bodies are fire-attribute holy bodies.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the fire-attributed holy body is not powerful. On the contrary, the fire-attributed holy body is actually very powerful, and it is an offensive holy body. The power of the explosion is very terrifying.

It's just that the holy body of fire attribute seems to be particularly easy to condense, so it is more common.

Before Lei Dao condensed three holy bodies, the relatively rare annihilation holy body was the first holy body, but the most common fire-attributed holy body was not condensed in three successive bodies.

Unexpectedly, this time, the holy body of fire attribute was condensed.

However, this is only just taking shape, with an outline. To completely condense it, you need a lot of strong elixir.

Without hesitation, Lei Dao directly crushed the two 40,000-year-old elixir, and the strong power of the medicine exploded. The fourth fire-attribute holy body, which was originally just a silhouette, quickly became solidified.

At the same time, the Holy Body of Annihilation, the Holy Body of Blue Ice, and the Holy Body of Storms are also starting a new round of strengthening. Although there are not many enhancements, it will undoubtedly make Lei Dao's Holy Body even stronger.

This process lasted for a while, and when Lei Dao's fourth holy body gradually took shape, the other three ultimate holy bodies also stopped strengthening.

The fourth holy body seemed to be composed of flames, its whole body was filled with flames, and it stood across the void like an ancient flame god.

This is the fourfold Eucharist!

The real quadruple of the Eucharist!

Lei Dao can feel that the strength has improved too much, and it is not just what can be described by adding a high-level holy body. Now even if there is only one holy body, Lei Dao has the confidence to blow up those triple saints of the holy body, no matter how many they are.

This is completely a qualitative improvement.

However, it's not over yet, this promotion is just the beginning. After all, this is only a high-level holy body, and now Lei Dao has hundreds of thousands of years of elixir.

Wouldn't it be a waste if so many elixir were not used to promote the Ultimate Eucharist?

Therefore, Lei Dao picked up the ten thousand year elixir again, and began to condense a holy body, which continued to be integrated into the higher holy body, and slowly ascended towards the ultimate holy body.


In Jiugonghou's country, Jiugonghou is repairing the Jiugongtu.

Last time, Jiugongtu suffered heavy losses and was destroyed by Lei Dao, but fortunately, it can be repaired slowly, it just takes time.

Today's Nine Palaces Marquis Kingdom has gradually calmed down.

At any rate, there is still Jiugonghou, a Holy Body triple-level peak saint, sitting in the town, and the Jiugonghou country has not become so chaotic. It's just that the current Jiugonghou country is as miserable as it needs to be.

It's just an empty shelf.

Those guest officials and priests all left the Jiugonghou Kingdom one by one. It's not that you can't see the future in the Jiugonghou country, or that the Jiugonghou country is very dangerous.

In fact, what do they need for Ke Qing or the enshrinement?

Isn't it just a panacea?

As long as you can make yourself a step further, even if there is danger, it's nothing. Where is there no danger, but you can get a lot of elixir?

Totally impossible!

But unfortunately, the current Nine Palaces has no elixir, especially the Wannian elixir that Keqing and the priests need, there is not a single plant, and all of them have been searched by Lei Dao.

In this case, how can Jiugonghou keep people?

Therefore, in the current Jiugonghou country, on the surface, it seems that there is still Jiugonghou in charge, and everything is stable. But in fact, it was an empty shelf, the inside was already empty, and Jiugonghou was the only one supporting it.

But Jiugonghou was not discouraged either.

He believed that as long as the Jiugong Tu was restored, he would have enough confidence to defend the Jiugonghou Kingdom. As for the ten-thousand-year elixir, the big deal is to accumulate it slowly.

Anyway, his end is still far away, and after hundreds of years, the Nine Palaces will be able to recover.

Jiugonghou still had hope in his heart.

"Jiugonghou, come out to see me!"

Suddenly, a sound came from outside into the secret room.

Jiugonghou was startled.

He is now at his weakest, and the Nine Palaces Map has not been repaired. Who will come at this time? Moreover, along with this burst of sound, there is also a faint breath.

As soon as Jiugong Hou touched this breath, he felt trembling all over.

That is definitely not the breath of the Eucharistic Triple, or even the Eucharistic Four.

Who is it?

Jiugonghou was puzzled, and immediately got up and left the secret room.


When Jiu Gonghou came to the main hall following the sound, he found four figures in the main hall, each of which exuded the aura of the Holy Lord. Among them, three figures stood, and a man who looked young was sitting on a chair. He seemed to have an extraordinary identity and was guarded by three saints.

"Who are you?"

Jiugonghou was in doubt, but he managed to suppress the unease in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

"Bold! How can you not be polite when you see the emperor?"

One of the great sages scolded.


Jiugonghou opened his eyes wide, as if thinking of something.

"You...you are the son of the Hongchen Emperor Sect?"

"That's right, this is the son of Emperor Jinbo of the Hongchen Emperor Sect. He is specially ordered by the King of Dongji to check the situation of the Nine Palaces."

Jiugonghou set off a monstrous wave in his heart.

The emperor's son, the emperor's son of the Hongchen Emperor Sect!

Moreover, he still obeyed the order of the East Extreme King. In fact, Marquis Jiugong has heard about it for a long time, and it seems that Dongji King has some contacts with Hongchen Emperor Sect, one of the Nine Great Emperor Sects.

It's just that rumors are rumors after all.

Jiugonghou still has no access to such secrets.

But now, the emperor's son of the Hongchen Emperor's Sect has made an open appearance in public, which is already difficult to explain the problem. At least it shows that Dongji King is already unscrupulous, and he is not even afraid that the gods will know his relationship with Hongchen Emperorzong.

What this means, Jiu Gonghou is very clear.

It means that the control of the gods has been reduced to the extreme.

"Greetings to Emperor Jinbo."

At this time, Jiugonghou could only go up to pay respects to Emperor Jinbo. In any case, the other party is a disciple, and it seems to be far stronger than Jiugong Patriarch.

However, how did the dignified son of the emperor come to the Nine Palaces?

"Jiugonghou, the emperor wants to know about Lei Dao."

At this time, a familiar voice appeared.

At first, Marquis Jiugong didn't pay much attention, but now, he took a closer look. Behind Emperor Jinbo, there seems to be an inconspicuous saint, isn't it Jiang Shengzun who was previously stationed in Jiugonghou?

Jiugonghou's face turned pale, as if he had thought of something, he hurriedly asked: "The emperor came here this time to get rid of Lei Shengzun?"

Unknowingly, Jiugonghou had already referred to Lei Dao as Lei Shengzun in his mouth, and he might not even realize it, he was afraid.

Not afraid of Emperor Jinbo, but afraid of Lei Dao.

If Emperor Jin Bo wanted to trouble Lei Dao, what if he was killed by Lei Dao?

Although the emperor's son was well-known, Jiugonghou was so impressed with Lei Dao that he was even a little desperate. He didn't think anyone could defeat Lei Dao.

Once Emperor Jinbo fails and is killed, his Nine Palaces will be ruined.

Therefore, Jiugonghou now does not want Emperor Jinbo to trouble Lei Dao.

"Why, my son can't get rid of Lei Dao?"


Jiugonghou bit the bullet and said: "My son doesn't know, that Thunder Saint is very powerful, and he has condensed three ultimate holy bodies. Among the surrounding princes, they are almost invincible and invincible. Even if it is a four-level holy body Patriarch, he is no match for Lei Shengzun. If the emperor is not sure, please be careful."

"Huh? Do you think this emperor is not Lei Dao's opponent? Interestingly, I originally came to investigate whether Lei Dao is the emperor of another emperor's sect. Now it seems that it really looks like it. It's really extraordinary that the Marquis of Jiugong can be scared out of his wits and have such a deep impression."

Emperor Jinbo said lightly, as if he didn't care.

So what if Lei Dao is really the emperor's son?

Emperor Jinbo was not afraid at all.


Jiugonghou didn't know what to say anymore.

He is really anxious.

Anxious for Emperor Jinbo, anxious for the replacement of Jiugong Houguo. If Lei Dao thinks that Jiugong Houguo is not reconciled and insists on seeking revenge from Leidao, I'm afraid Jiugonghouguo will be left alone.

No, Emperor Jinbo must be stopped!

Thinking of this, Jiugonghou didn't even see the cold murderous intent in Emperor Jinbo's eyes.

Jiugonghou stopped Emperor Jinbo again and again, making Emperor Jinbo wonder if Jiugonghou had taken refuge in Lei Dao? Otherwise, how could it prevent him from going to Lei Dao?

In fact, Jiugonghou really has Lei Dao's method of communication.

Even before Lei Dao left, he reminded Jiugonghou very "kindly" that if the Jiugonghou country was in trouble, he could send a message to Lei Dao, and Lei Dao would naturally come to help at that time.

But, is it now that Jiugonghou is in trouble?

But Emperor Jinbo and Jiang Shengzun clearly came to help Jiugong Houguo.

For a while, Jiugonghou became very contradictory in his heart.

"Interesting, it's just a thunderbolt, so what if it's really the emperor's son? It's nothing more than the third level of the holy body. No matter what his status is, this emperor's son can suppress him!"

Emperor Jinbo suddenly spoke loudly, seemingly full of confidence, with a proud expression on his face!

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