Longevity Species

Chapter 803 Is the beginning a dead end? (Second more)

In the end, the human masters didn't stop Lei Dao anymore. Lei Dao didn't want to be a "salted fish", but wanted to go to the ancient continent to continue "forging ahead", so the human masters had no reason to stop him.

What's more, among human beings, with the identity of Lei Dao, the ancestor's disciple, they will be very safe.

Even, many human masters also comforted Lei Dao with words, so that Lei Dao did not have to worry about the situation of human beings.

This can't help but make Lei Dao feel strange.

This is wrong!

It's different from what he imagined.

Shouldn't the human rulers have vigorously dissuaded them, and even used human life-extending treasures to "keep" Lei Dao in the human territory?

But the masters obviously didn't mean that.

"Forget it, I hope that when the master of the sword becomes the great master, I can rush back to the human territory."

Lei Dao looked at the master of the sword, and he was still looking forward to the day when the master of the sword became the great master.

"Hurry up, it will take ten or eight years if it is slow, or three or five years soon, this seat will definitely become the master!"

The master of the sword is very confident.

There is no obstacle for him to become a great master.

"At that time, I will try my best to come back, masters, farewell!"

Lei Dao has naturally made up his mind, so it will not change.

After discussing properly with the masters, he immediately disappeared into the space channel in a flash, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving only many masters behind.

The masters of the five great shrines all looked at each other, their expressions full of sorrow and solemnity.

The news brought back by Lei Dao this time is also crucial to human beings.

Let alone Lei Dao becoming a disciple of the ancestor, that is too important to human beings, not even inferior to the birth of a great master. Moreover, there is also the secret of the ancient continent.

Let the high-level human beings know that there is life in the dark world, and there is even a huge world, which is not inferior to the entire bright world.

This also made the rulers feel more awe.

It turns out that this world is more complicated than they imagined!

Not only are there thousands of races in the Ming Realm, but there is even a desolate ancient continent in the Dark Realm!

However, human beings are currently based in the Ming Realm, and the barren ancient continent is really too far away for human beings.


In the territory of the Lotus Clan, when Lei Dao stepped forward and arrived at Qinglian Palace, the ruler of Qinglian had been waiting for a long time, and she had already received Lei Dao's summons.

"Junior Brother Lei, you have made all the arrangements, are you sure you want to go to the ancient continent?"

Master Qinglian asked with a smile on her face.

"Senior Sister, I'm ready and I'm sure to go to the Ancient Desolate Continent. However, in the Ancient Desolate Continent, I have to ask Senior Sister to take care of me."

Before Lei Dao came here, he had already summoned his senior sister, Master Qinglian. After all, this time, Lei Dao was going to enter the ancient continent with Master Qinglian.

"Okay, I'm a little surprised that you can make this decision, but you won't regret it, the Ancient Desolate Continent is our hope!"

Master Qinglian nodded secretly, and then she and Lei Dao waited quietly in Qinglian Palace.

Both of them sent a message to their master, the ancestor Kong. If they want to enter the ancient continent, even the top masters can't enter, and they have to be guided by the ancestor.

After all, the dark world has always been flowing, and no one knows where the entrance to the ancient continent is located in the dark world, except for the supreme ancestor.

Even if you know it once in a while, the entrance may change the next moment.

This is the characteristic of the dark world.

Not long after, both Lei Dao and Master Qinglian felt their hearts move and opened their eyes.

"Master has come, let's go."

Master Qinglian and Lei Dao flew directly into the void of the Ming Realm, and then they opened the Dark Realm and flew in directly.

In the dark world, Lei Dao also saw the familiar "leaf". In fact, it was the "Ye Gong" of the ancestor Kong Kong. shock.


The two flew directly into the Ye Palace.

The ancestor of Master Kong glanced at Lei Dao and Master Qinglian, nodded secretly and said: "Yes, since you have decided to go to the ancient continent, you must make sufficient psychological preparations. What's more, Lei Dao is only a great master, but dare to To make such a decision, a child can be taught! In fact, the Undead God Kun Gong and the Kunpeng clan are much more effective than ordinary practitioners in the ancient continent."

"The Kunpeng clan is stronger than ordinary practitioners in the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao is a little unclear.

He has never been to the ancient continent, so naturally he doesn't know the specific situation.

"Space talent! This is the unique talent of the Kunpeng clan. It's a pity that the Kunpeng clan is extinct now, and it no longer has the glory of the past. But the space talent of the Kunpeng clan is very strong even in the barren ancient continent! At that time, you You'll know when you go."

As the master's voice fell, the entire Ye Palace began to quickly fly towards the depths of the dark world.

The dark world is vast and endless.

It's hard for Lei Dao to imagine, how to tell the direction in the dark world?

Not to mention finding the entrances to the ancient continent. Finding these entrances in the Dark Realm is more difficult than going to the sky.

No wonder only the first ancestor can sit in the dark realm.

Otherwise, if the master is changed, even the top master will be powerless in the dark world. The dark world is flowing all the time, who can control the direction? Not to mention guarding the passage of the barren ancient continent.

I don't know how long it took, the ancestor Kong seemed to be calculating something, and Ye Gong gradually stopped.


The ancestor flew out of Ye Gong, then reached out and pointed at the dark world.


Suddenly, the dark world seemed to be "torn apart" by a strong force, revealing a huge passage. From this passage, Lei Dao found a completely different aura.

Although this breath is very unique, Lei Dao can still sense a strong breath of life from it.

This passage must lead to a living world!

It is almost well known that there is no life in the dark world, but now, there is a breath of life in a passage, which has broken Lei Dao's cognition of the dark world.

"Is this the entrance to the ancient continent?"

Reid asked in a low voice.

"Yes, this is the entrance passage to the ancient continent! As long as you step into this passage, you can enter the ancient continent."

Master Qinglian also explained in a low voice.

Lei Dao still felt very puzzled.

"Does it mean that every time a cultivator wants to enter the ancient continent, he has to be picked up by the ancestor? We have this kind of treatment, and other practitioners also have this kind of treatment?"

Lei Dao looked strange.

If this is the case, wouldn't the ancestor become a transporter?

It is enough to "transport" many practitioners into the ancient continent every day.

However, how could the dignified ancestor be a transport worker?

"Junior Brother Lei, you are overthinking. How could the dignified ancestor keep transporting practitioners into the ancient continent? In fact, there are stable entrance passages in the dark world, and some ancient clans will send people to guard those passages. It is equivalent to fixed coordinates one by one. With this method, even if there is no ancestor, many practitioners can enter the barren ancient continent."

Lei Dao suddenly realized.

But if you think about it carefully, it should be the same. Otherwise, how many practitioners can the dignified ancestor be a transporter?

What's more, who is qualified to let the ancestors keep transporting them?

That is to say, Lei Dao and Master Qinglian are formal disciples of Ancestor Kong, so Ancestor Kong will "deliver" it himself. Other practitioners do not have such qualifications.

"Fixed entrance? So, this is not the fixed entrance to the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao also grasped the key point in Qinglian's master's words.

"Yes, this is not a fixed entrance, but it is not far from the fixed entrance. In the dark world, the ancestors can forcibly tear open an entrance passage, but that would be too abrupt, and it would attract the attention of the saints in the ancient continent. Saints, quite Yu Shizu, it will not be a good thing for you when the time comes. This is close to an entrance passage, and if we simply tear up an entrance passage here and send you in, the ancient sages should not notice it."

"Uh...what if you notice?"

Lei Dao feels that Master seems to be a little "unreliable".

That is the ancient sage, the existence of the same level as the ancestor.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Ancestor Kong smiled mysteriously and said, "It's okay even if you are noticed, this passage is the territory of Saint Yuan. Well, as a teacher, you can still suppress Saint Yuan to some extent, and then you can just escape to the nearby Mingjie stronghold." , the sage can't do anything to you."

Lei Dao still wanted to ask, but Master didn't give him the chance.

"The passage has been opened, go in quickly!"

With the urging of the ancestor Kong, Master Qinglian stepped into the passage first. Lei Dao hesitated for a moment, but followed closely behind, gritted his teeth and flew into the passage.


The next moment, the sky was spinning, and Lei Dao felt his whole body falling uncontrollably, as if he had lost his center of gravity.

This entrance passage is even scarier than Lei Dao's space travel. In the passage, Lei Dao can't control his body at all.

However, time is short.

Soon, Lei Dao felt his eyes light up, and then, his body seemed to have returned to normal.

"Is this the Desolate Ancient Continent? It really is a world. It seems that there is a strange energy shrouded in it all the time, which makes people feel very comfortable. It seems that it is many times faster to cultivate the divine body here..."

Raidou murmured softly.

He looked around. At this moment, Lei Dao was in the void, and what he saw was also the situation around the void.

However, when he looked down, his expression froze slightly.

On the ground, there are countless tall and terrifying beings, "glaring" at Lei Dao and Master Qinglian, and there is a faint, strong killing intent rising into the sky.

"It's an extraterrestrial demon!"

"The demons have invaded our tribe, kill them!"

"My Fire Rock Department will never give in!"

Waves of roars and murderous aura continuously impacted Lei Dao and Qinglian Master.

Even Master Qinglian has an ugly face.

This is a tribe in a remote ancient holy land, and they actually came directly to the hinterland of a tribe.

what is this?

Throw yourself into a trap?


Lei Dao couldn't help shouting loudly.

He felt a little sad in his heart, the master seemed quite reliable, why did he send them to a dead end at the beginning?

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