Longevity Species

Chapter 804 I Seem Lost (Third)

"Senior Sister, you are the top ruler, are you capable of turning the tide and destroying this tribe?"

At this time, Lei Dao also showed his "vicious face".

No way, who made them come to the enemy's territory as soon as they came in? And it's still their lair, this is the most serious provocation. If it's the Ming Realm, other masters suddenly appear in one of the five human gods. Let's see if the human masters will tear each other into pieces?

There is no room for negotiation at all!

So, now Lei Dao's face is green, and he landed on the enemy's head as soon as he landed. Isn't this suicide?

Even if it was sent in by the ancestors, the people who bullied the ancient continent can't bully to this extent, this is going to be desperate!

Master Qinglian's face changed, and he said in a deep voice: "This is a medium-sized tribe, trying to turn the tide? You think too much, so run away quickly..."

Master Qinglian did what she said, and she didn't complain.

It seems... It seems to be very familiar?

Could it be that this is Master's "routine" operation?

At this moment, in the dark world, the ancestor Kong seemed to be able to follow the passage and see the situation of the ancient continent. He naturally heard Lei Dao's voice, which made Ancestor Kong's expression froze slightly.

"It seems that something went wrong, the place of arrival has shifted a lot? Well, it doesn't matter, just fix it."

The ancestor Kong seems to have gotten used to it. Although he is the ancestor, it is actually quite laborious to open the passage to the ancient continent. What's more, it is even more difficult to be accurate to a specific location.

Stronger than the ancestor, it can only determine a rough range.

As for where it descends, it is the same for the ancestor Kong.

But whether it is Lei Dao or Master Qinglian, they are all his disciples after all. Ancestor Kong also felt that he still had a little bit of responsibility, so Ancestor Kong directly stretched his hand into the passage.

At this moment, over the barren ancient continent, many strong men of the Huoyan tribe have already flown into the sky, chasing and killing Lei Dao and Master Qinglian.

Lei Dao also wants to cry but has no tears.

He has just come to the ancient continent, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't understand anything, and now he is going to fight the most ferocious enemy? Even Master Qinglian was about to run away, so what about Lei Dao?

"Don't panic, apprentice, the channel opened for the teacher is slightly off, but it doesn't matter, just correct it for the teacher."

Just when Lei Dao and Master Qinglian were about to "run away", the voice of the master's ancestor Kong came into their ears, and the two of them were shocked, but in the end they chose to believe in the master and did not continue to run away.

But, how does Master correct it?


Finally, a huge hand fell directly from the sky, rose against the wind, and covered the sky and the sun in the blink of an eye. It was so terrifying that it slapped the Huoyan tribe below.


No matter whether there are top powerhouses in the Huoyan Tribe, or how many powerhouses there are, it is useless. In front of the huge palm of the ancestor Kong, everything is meaningless.

So what if it is a top master?

It was instantly annihilated.

Lei Dao looked dumbfounded.

Is this what Master calls correction?

Just ignore it, and let's talk about it after it is extinguished. This scene made Lei Dao feel a surge of emotion. When the power reaches a certain level, it turns out to be so unscrupulous and so carefree.

This is the real practice!

"Ancestor Kong!!! Are you going to violate the agreement between the ancestor and the saint?"

Suddenly, a loud, vast, and angry voice spread throughout the void, and flashed in everyone's minds. It was just a sound, but it was like thunder, and people couldn't help but want to hear it.

Lei Dao felt that he was in all directions, as if there was endless power and power, and it was as if he was going to be crushed into powder. This kind of pressure is simply unimaginable, and it is the strongest force that Lei Dao has encountered in his life.

At this time, the Kunpeng divine body and the inner world that Lei Dao relies on seem to have all become decorations and have no effect at all.

Lei Dao even glanced at Master Qinglian.

The dignified top master, the queen of the lotus tribe, is now as pale as Lei Dao, obviously also under tremendous pressure. At this time, it is an extravagant hope to run away.

"Who is this person?"

Lei Dao's heart was full of turbulent waves. The start was so dangerous. He couldn't control his own life and death. He even hoped to return to the Ming Realm. The Ancient Desolate Continent is really too dangerous.

"Sage Yuan, why did this old man violate the agreement? It was just a momentary itching and accidentally wiped out a tribe. Why, you want to do it again with this old man?"

The voice of the ancestor Kong sounded.

At the same time, as the voice of the ancestor Kong fell, the entire void seemed to be calm again, and even the imprisonment around Lei Dao and Master Qinglian disappeared.

"Ancestor Kong, just a tribe? The Huoyan Tribe has two top emperors, is this just a tribe? Or did you send two of your disciples in? Hmph, if you destroy the Huoyan Tribe, I will let you two The famous disciple pays for his life!"

Saint Yuan's voice was full of anger, and as the words fell, Lei Dao felt a great sense of crisis in his heart.


In the distant void, endless energy gathered, and finally formed a huge palm. This palm is different from the palm of the ancestor Kong, and seems to be completely formed by the power of the ancient continent.

In the ancient continent, this is called the power of heaven and earth!

"No, it's the power of a saint, a saint has made a move!"

Master Qinglian was very nervous.

Saints, there are no ancestors in the ancient continent, only saints.

Rumor has it that the saints of the ancient continent imprinted their lives on the ancient continent in some way. As long as the ancient continent is not broken, the saint will not die.

These are two characteristics that are very different from the ancestors.

Of course, the ancestors also have special characteristics. No matter in the Ming Realm or in the ancient continent, the ancestors can exert very terrifying power, and they seem to be unrestrained.

But the saint is almost there.

I haven't heard of saints entering the Ming Realm, and I'm afraid it has a lot to do with the saint's practice system. Saints are immortal, but that's only in the ancient continent.

Once leaving the ancient continent, although the saint is also very powerful, he is definitely not as powerful as the ancestor.

Of course, no one knows who is stronger or weaker in the battle between the ancestors and the saints in the barren ancient continent.

However, there is a vague rumor that the ancestor should be able to gain some upper hand, otherwise, how could the ancestor keep letting many practitioners from the Ming world enter the barren ancient continent, instead of many practitioners from the barren ancient continent entering the Ming world?

Regardless of whether it is the ancestor or the sage, this is actually not a good thing for Lei Dao and Master Qinglian. Now that the sage has already set their sights on them, even if they are "covered" by the master ancestor Kong, the two feel uneasy.

"Small skills, Saint Yuan, you did it three hundred years ago, why, do you want me to destroy your clone again?"

The ancestor Kong stretched out another hand, and the terrifying giant hand squeezed the huge palm of the sage Yuanhui at once, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


In the void, there appeared an old man with golden light all over his body, who looked hale and hearty.

This old man is Saint Yuan!

The Supreme Existence of the Desolate Ancient Continent, the Immortal Saint!

"Ancestor Kong, this seat is immortal in the ancient continent, let alone one clone, so what if there are ten or hundreds of them? It can be restored at will."

"Really? I think it's a bit different. Saints have thousands of clones, but there are only a few main battle avatars. Yours is just a clone. Do you have the guts to send out a main battle avatar?"

The ancestor Kong and the sage Yuan looked at each other across the air.

"Qinglian, Lei Dao, go to the stronghold in the southeast direction quickly. There is the ancestor sitting there, and the sage Yuan dare not catch up. Moreover, there is a teacher here, and the sage Yuan dare not be presumptuous. At worst, he will destroy him. With a clone."

The voice of the ancestor Kong echoed in the ears of Lei Dao and Master Qinglian.

The two were suddenly taken aback.

Now is not the time to watch the excitement. Although the battle between the saint and the ancestor is a once-in-a-lifetime event, but the two of them are regarded as players in the game, and it will be very dangerous to stay here.

So hurry up and go!

It was the first time Lei Dao saw a saint. He was blind to the ancient continent and knew nothing about it. Now I can only obey the words of the master, and follow Master Qinglian to fly towards the distance crazily.

"Boom boom boom".

The saint Yuan was furious, and the ancestor Kong didn't hold back. One saint and one ancestor fought in the ancient continent. For a while, the terrifying energy fluctuations shook the heavens and earth, and spread in all directions in a mighty way, causing many Notice.

"Quick, quick, and faster!"

Lei Dao fled crazily, now is the time to run, all he can do is run crazily.

As a result, Lei Dao was unscrupulous and manifested the Kunpeng divine body.


Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body was pushed to the extreme.

The speed is so fast that it is simply unimaginable.

In the ancient continent, Lei Dao has already noticed that he can no longer travel through space like he is in the Ming Realm. Even the master, even the great master, cannot travel through space.

Maybe the ancestors could do it, but the master definitely couldn't travel through space.

Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body also cannot travel through space. However, due to his terrifying space talent, Lei Dao can vaguely feel the space of the barren ancient continent, so it fits the space very well when he flies again.

Even if he couldn't travel through space, Lei Dao's speed was getting faster and faster.

It was still a bit behind Qinglian Juggernaut before, but now it has surpassed Qinglian Juggernaut, and there is a faint tendency to "go away in the dust".

"Kunpeng, this is the Kunpeng clan, this speed is indeed unmatched..."

Master Qinglian was a little envious.

She is a dignified top master, but now she is not as fast as a great master?

No matter where it is, it is incredible.

But the Kunpeng clan is like this, with unique advantages in terms of speed and space.

And Lei Dao, who has cultivated the Undead God Kungong to perfection, can also have these speed and space advantages of the Kunpeng clan.

However, Master Qinglian is also very clear that she is not envious of coming, because she has also practiced the Immortal Kun Gong, let alone consummation, it is impossible to achieve it.

"Huh? Junior Brother Lei seems to have gone in the wrong direction..."

Master Qinglian was behind Lei Dao, and she wanted to remind him, but Lei Dao's speed was too fast, and he almost disappeared in the blink of an eye, even if Master Qinglian wanted to remind him, he had no chance.

He could only look at Lei Dao's figure, which disappeared in front of her.

After an unknown amount of time, Lei Dao suddenly raised his head.

"Huh? Where's the senior sister?"

Lei Dao glanced around, and found that there were huge lush trees and a clear river all around, but there was no senior sister Qinglian Lord Master around, and there was no breath at all.

"Uh... I seem to be lost..."

Lei Dao looked a little embarrassed, although he didn't want to admit it, it was a fact.

He is lost!

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