Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 700: Capture

"The Machine Lion Roars (

From the beginning of the fishing fire rushing into the range of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet, to the time when Freedom Gundam freely shuttled through the fleet’s air defense barrage without fear, it was located on the cruiser belonging to the Batuwen family behind the left wing of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet. Also flew out of the two fuselages.

Gundam Simmonli, and Schwaber Graz.

"Is it here? MR.K, it seems that your guess is correct."

Galio looked at the amazing scene of Freedom Gundam and seemed to sigh.

"No. It's just a speculation based on the performance of that machine."

Lelouch did not take credit.

In fact, the actions taken by Liberty Gundam were carried out almost according to his speculation.

With the speed advantage that can surpass all of Galalhorn's units, no matter who it is, they will take similar actions.

At this time, the sword in the hands of Freedom Gundam is already pointing to the flagship of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet.

"No! MR.K, you can't let that body sink Kalta's ship!"

Just as Galio’s words sounded from the communication channel, Simon Li had already rushed a long distance, and at the moment when he burst out to the limit speed, Simon Li Gundam suddenly raised his right hand under Galio’s control. Throwing the lance in his hand towards the freedom Gundam.

In the lightning, the lance that came first came before the sword of Liberty Gundam.


Although Lei Mingkai noticed that it was wrong for the first time and took back the sword of Freedom Gundam, he could no longer threaten the flagship of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet.

The air attack and the lance heavily inserted in front of the flagship bridge also awakened all the bridge personnel, including Kalta.

"Quick! The anti-aircraft guns attack with all their strength! Don't care if they will accidentally injure the friendly forces! In addition, all MS teams will attack!"

After Hysteria, Kalta, who consciously walked from the edge of death, finally recovered his calm and reason, and quickly and accurately gave correct orders.

The active signal of the Yahalp continued to appear at this moment, and in the shining brilliance of the thrusters, it flew out from all over the fleet, and moved towards the freedom of the high.

And before the Graz team, it was even more at all costs, even the possibility of accidentally injuring the friendly forces, in order to completely expel Freedom Gundam from the airspace surrounding the flagship.

"Have you been desperate?"

Lei Mingkai, whose attack was interrupted, glanced at the lance inserted in front of the flagship bridge, slightly raised his head, and looked over the battlefield here.

Sure enough, Gundam Ximenli is there!

The fire that erupted from the powerful propulsion engine specially set at the feet of Gundam Ximenli was extremely eye-catching.

Even in the fierce anti-aircraft fire, and the rapidly approaching Graz forces could not hide it, the existence of Gundam Simon force.


In the void filled with artillery fire, the sword light of the violent Gundam Simon force pierced the chest of Freedom Gundam - that was where Galio thought the cockpit was.

This is a fatal blow!

Galio knew very well that the Liberty Gundam in front of him was not the kind of character who could interact with him.

If you are a little careless, you will definitely be cut under the sword by the opponent in an instant!

Therefore, there is only one chance, and it is still a moment!

Galio's idea is correct.

But he forgot the horror of the high-frequency shock blade in the hands of Liberty Gundam!

Just as the fatal blow was about to pierce the chest of Liberty Gundam, the sword blade pierced by Gundam Simmon's force suddenly stopped, and a broken sword flew off the screen in front of Galio.

"not good!"

Galio's reaction was not unpleasant.

At the moment when the broken sword was caught by Galio's electronic eye, the propulsion engine between Gundam Simongli's feet suddenly roared, and with the assistance of many auxiliary engines, Gundam Simmon forcibly escaped from the sword of Freedom Gundam.

At that moment, Galio's scalp was numb.

Because, as long as one's actions and the feedback of Gundam Simeng force slow even for a moment, now Gundam Simeng force will definitely be left behind by Freedom Gundam.

Scars on the armor?

Or is it broken hands and feet?

Or is it your own life?

"Da da da da!"

Fortunately, at the moment when Gundam Simmon escaped from the freedom Gundam Sword, the Graz troops sent by the Extraterrestrial Orbit Control and Integrated Fleet were also able to arrive. They raised their guns for the first time and provided the necessary power for Gundam Simmon. The cover.

What's more, to Galio's surprise, a Graz that feels very familiar, the Graz knight commander type, is among the Graz troops, surrounded by many Graz knights.

"The body?! Kalta?!!!"

That's right!

The familiarity of growing up together from childhood made Galio the owner of the machine that he recognized in an instant.

"That's it! Galio! You did a great job! Now, let's leave it to our extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet to handle it!"

Sure enough, just as Galio thought.

The Commander-type Graz Knight, surrounded by many Graz knights, was driven by Karta Yisho.

"Kalta you..."

Galio was speechless for a while.

I couldn't help thinking, doesn't this guy know how terrible the machine is?

How dare to show up here? !

"Gario! What are you still doing here? This is a slam dunk! That machine appears so swayingly here, I'm afraid it is covering most of the Tiehua regiment to sneak into the earth."

The sudden appearance of Calta made Galio feel a little strange.

Kalta's expression now is serious and sensible.

It was completely different from the appearance of Hysteria just now.

Galio was embarrassed for a while, but finally nodded and agreed to Calta.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you here! Karta! Be careful of the sword of the machine body! I am afraid that Graz's armor cannot withstand the slashing of that pair of blades."

In a blink of an eye, under the cover of Graz forces, Gundam Simmons flew to the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet flagship at full speed. After pulling out the lance thrown by it before, it flew directly towards the earth below. NS.

Galio knew that Calta's speculation was correct.

Now, he can only believe that the extraterrestrial orbit control united fleet led by Karta can stop Freedom Gundam so that he can win the battle.

"Huh! Did Galio really go?"

Seeing Gundam Ximenli quickly moving away from his back, Kalta sighed slightly, and then issued an order.

The artillery fire ceased at this moment.

Liberty Gundam, galloping back and forth among the anti-aircraft fire of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet, also stopped, watching this sudden scene in the distance.

"Grace, knight?"

In the front, Graz, who stopped the intensive anti-aircraft artillery fire when the team appeared, was extremely eye-catching, allowing Lei Mingkai to recognize their identity at a glance.

This was even more so in the scene that followed.

I saw that against the background of the extraterrestrial orbit control united fleet and the blue planet, the Graz knights who appeared on the battlefield lined up in an arrow-shaped formation of seven planes, and raised their swords to Liberty Gundam.

Moreover, the Grizz Knight Commander, whose shoulder armor and antenna were painted in eye-catching red as the iconic paint, made a proud declaration on the public channel without any hesitation.

"We are an extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet!! Facing the wall for nine years!! Strong and firm!!"

This scene left Lei Mingkai speechless for a while.

I remember that when I was watching the iron-blooded Barbatos, I spit on this line again and again.

Unexpectedly, now there is still a chance to face this declaration in person.

what to do?

Think of the plot that you watched back then, with San Riyue, Akohiro and Sinoe and the others unscrupulously shot?


After turning his mind a few times, Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly.

In the next second, Liberty Gundam flipped his left hand, and the blade had already been sheathed. Only the high-frequency oscillating blade in his right hand was left in his hand. Then, Haruka responded to the courtesy of Knight Graz.

Unexpectedly, this move stunned Kalta himself.

Originally, the so-called nine years of facing the wall, being strong and firm was just the fierce way she was not reconciled to herself, and even the extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet was underestimated by the control bureau.

She didn't expect anyone to respond to this.

After a moment of stunned, Kalta's brow trembled a few times, but he still said what he thought.

However, the voice is not as arrogant as before.

"From the barbarians from the outer circle, the earth is not a place where you can come here at will! In order to protect our homeland and to eliminate the factors that disturb the peace of the earth circle, I declare in the name of the commander of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet , Give you iron sanctions!!"

At the same time that Kalta made a declaration, the Grizz Knight Commander type she was driving pointed the sword at Liberty Gundam.

As a result, there was no response on the communication channel.

Only that flashing light flashes on the screen continuously.

"That... is that a light signal?!"

Kalta frowned, and started the analysis program casually, but didn't want the analysis results to make her irritated.

"What?! Actually! Actually said that we should go together?! Also said that you are in a hurry?! It is unreasonable!!"

The information conveyed by the light signal is more arrogant and more arrogant than Kalta's declaration just now.

No doubt.

Now Kalta's mind was almost flooded with anger.

"Eugene! Ready to retreat! Leave it to me here!"

"Understood! Then, let's go first!"

Eugene, who was being distracted by the Graz squad that had been divided out to intercept the fishing fire, heard Lei Mingkai take the initiative to ask them to evacuate first, and he responded on the spot, and then as if thinking of something, he hurriedly shouted:

"Your Excellency! Don't we really need to stay to support you?"

"No. The fishing fire staying here will only get in the way!"

Lei Mingkai's answer was extremely realistic, leaving Eugene and others speechless.

Yuhuo here has just turned to accelerate the evacuation,

Kalta, who was furious over there, once again chanted the slogan she had created.

"Nine years of facing the wall! Strong and firm! Arrow front, assault!!!"

Suddenly, the arrow assault formation formed by the Grizz knights rushed towards Liberty Gundam with an unparalleled aura.

The imposing appearance made people amazed and regretted.

"It's not bad to be obsessed with tradition! But being obsessed with tradition will only make people drown!"

Facing the arrow assault formation formed by the Grizz knights, Liberty Gundam just raised a single sword diagonally and assumed a posture of confrontation.

As for the other high-frequency oscillating blade that was previously returned to the sheath, Lei Mingkai consciously didn't need it for the time being.

It's just a stubborn tradition, copying Xuanke's formation, no need for him, and Freedom Gundam to use all his strength.

"Iron Fist Punishment!!"

The moment Kalta and his men chanted slogans, the arrow assault formed by the Graz knights rushed to the front of Freedom Gundam.

In Lei Mingkai's view, this frontal launch of a torrent of iron and steel is almost impeccable.

For ordinary people...

But for Lei Mingkai, this so-called arrow formation is full of flaws.

Among other things, the Grizzly Knight Commander type that Kalta is driving is the biggest flaw.

"Sure enough, I delivered it to the door. Karta Ixiu."

When the Freedom Gundam did not retreat but instead moved forward, the diagonally raised blade in his hand was activated instantly, drawing a sword light in the void, and slashing straight at the Commander-type Graz knight piloted by Kalta.

At first glance, this strike was unremarkable, but it was already extremely dangerous.

The previous reminder from Galio happened perfectly at this moment.

As the core of the Arrow assault formation,

Also as the core of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet,

The Graz Knight Commander type piloted by Karta Essou has been specially processed.

Whether it is armor or weapons, they are far beyond the equivalent level of the Knights of Graz, but even with such a body, it is impossible to hold a round under the sword of Freedom Gundam.


No sound could be transmitted in the void, but the sound of cutting blades rang in the hearts of Kalta's men.

Looking at the blade that was cut off and flung away,

Looking at the sword mark on the chest of the Commander-type Graz Knight,

Everyone panicked suddenly.

"Hurry up and cover the commander's retreat!! Change formation! Whirlwind formation!!"

When Kalta's adjutant saw the sword marks that had broken through the commander-shaped breastplate of the Grizz Knights, he immediately issued an urgent order.

This moment is the most anxious moment for the guards of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integration fleet.

However, it was the long-awaited moment Lei Mingkai.

"Since you are hooked, then just stay obediently!"

The so-called whirlwind array is just using the high mobility of the Knights of Graz to disrupt the sight of the target, thereby providing cover for the actions of other Knights of Graz, and obtaining a chance for a fatal blow.


This has no effect on Liberty Gundam for Lei Mingkai.

The sword blade that was slashed across the air by the Grizz Knight occupying the left-wing offensive position, Freedom Gundam just raised his left hand and blocked it abruptly with PS armor, and there was no end to it.

Taking advantage of the moment of sluggishness after being blocked by the slashing attack, Freedom was up to the left hand, and unexpectedly grabbed the blade of the Grizz knight in his hand, exploded with great power, forcibly pulled it from the left to the right, blocking In front of another Graz knight who tried to cooperate with the attack.


At this moment, it was almost too late for people to react.

The two Graz knights collided.

Immediately afterwards, Liberty Gundam raised his right leg and slammed towards the two Knights of Graz, which were mounted together, avoiding the attack from behind.

While moving his gaze, Lei Mingkai discovered that while Liberty Gundam was entangled by other Graz knights, the Graz knight commander-type Graz knights were retreating quickly.

"Want to escape? Don't think about it!"

The wings of light suddenly bloomed.

As soon as the afterimage of Freedom Gundam appeared, it was already stopped in front of the Grizz knight who was trying to retreat with the Grizz knight commander type.

In the blink of an eye, when the pair of high-frequency concussive blades were held in the hands of Freedom Gundam again, they had already set off a number of sword lights and shrouded in the direction of the two Graces.

Between broken parts,

When the armor broke,

Among the desperate eyes of Kalta's subordinates,

It was supposed to be the Grizzly Knight Commander-type, who should protect their lives even if they died, before their eyes. After being cut into a stick state by Liberty Gundam, they carried that broken body, unscrupulously from extraterrestrial orbit. The control united fleet flew by in the formation, and flew towards the blue planet.

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