Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 701: Break into the earth

"The Machine Lion Roars (

The high-speed flying Gundam Simengli quickly found the shuttle that was taking advantage of the fiery battle between Freedom Gundam and the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet, taking the opportunity to penetrate the earth's atmosphere.

"Sure enough, I still play this trick! MR.K. Are you there?"

After being locked by radar, Galio glanced at the shuttle that was constantly zooming in on the screen.

It is not difficult to see that before the fishing fire entered Ariadne's monitoring range, the shuttle turned off the engine and coasted close to the earth after gaining sufficient speed.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to avoid the monitoring of Ariadne and the extraterrestrial orbit control integrated fleet.

"I'm here. Your Excellency Galio. Is it done over there?"

At the same time that Lelouch's voice sounded, Schwalbe's signal also appeared within the radar detection range of up to Simmonli.

"No. We have to hurry up! I'm afraid Kalta will not be able to stop the assault of that suit."

After personally experiencing the power of Liberty Gundam's high-frequency oscillating blades, Galio hardly had any hope that the Graz troops of the extraterrestrial orbit control united fleet could buy him time.

Now, the only thing he can do is to take advantage of the short opportunity created by Freedom Gundam being dragged by Karta and the others to capture or even destroy the shuttle.

This is the key to determining the ultimate direction of this battle!

"Although this is a bit of a morale blow, I don't think the Tiehua regiment will be a team that can only rely on that mysterious body."

Lelouch seemed to think that Galio might have taken it for granted.

After a glance at the shuttle that had found them and quickly opened the top cover, Lelouch said calmly.

Galio frowned, and the screen in front of him suddenly lit up with another signal that was both strange and familiar.

"This... is the signal of the Yahalp Furnace. No, it is the identification signal of the body used by the Mars branch in the database. It was the body captured by the Tiehua group on Mars?!"

Seeing the comparison between the recognition signal that popped up in front of his eyes and the database, Galio suddenly felt angry.

Although he didn't know the reason for this rage, he knew that if he continued to let this machine appear as a mobile suit belonging to the Tiehua regiment, it would be a great shame to Galalhorn!

But now Galio has more important things to do.

That is to solve the shuttle as soon as possible!

In this way, the battle can be ended as quickly as possible!

If it drags on like this, Galio can hardly believe what kind of horror Calta and her extraterrestrial orbit control united fleet will suffer.

"MR.K. Although it is a bit abrupt, can that machine be entrusted to you?"

Galio took a deep breath, and then made arrangements.

"no problem."

Lelouch responded simply.

But Galio didn't know that when Lelouch agreed to this request, a trace of joking passed under his eyes.

"Oh, oh, oh!! This grandpa is here! See my Meteor kill you guys!"

Perhaps due to the active influence of Lei Mingkai and Liberty Gundam, Sino, who has just mastered Graz, can't wait to join the battle, showing his ability.

"Sure enough, a hairy boy?"

And Sinoe eagerly controlled the appearance of the Kutan III equipped with Meteor Grace, but Lelouch saw it in his eyes.

As a result, a mocking smile appeared on Lelouch's mouth.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Far away,

When the Coultan III entered the maximum range of Schwalbe, Lelouch decisively controlled the landline to raise the 120mm rifle in his hand and fired several consecutive short bursts.

Strange to say.

Sinoe had already discovered Schwalbe's attack and made corresponding countermeasures.

However, it was strangely unable to avoid the attack from Schwalbe.

I saw that the bullets fired by the three short bursts almost hit the Kutan III, which was evading at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, the propulsion device of the Kutan III was blasted by Schwalbe on the spot, wounded, and the speed dropped to the lowest point in an instant.

"What's going on? Obviously I've avoided it!!"

Unable to understand what was going on, Sinoe, who subconsciously separated the Meteor Graz from the Kutan III, moved in the heart, and subconsciously controlled the body to quickly sink under the Kutan III.

"Da da da!"

It was another short burst.

The bullet that flew by, as if it had eyes, went straight to the location of the meteor.

If it weren't for a Kutan III between them, I'm afraid the Meteor would have already run around under the attack of Schwalbe.


The unbearable Kutan III exploded.

The violent explosion also gave Meteor a chance to relax.

"What the **** is going on? The enemy's attack seems to have eyes."

Xino racked his brains frantically, trying to understand everything behind this.

"It's still too tender! I didn't expect that the youngsters favored by the knights still have such immature people."

Lulu Xiu's complexion was calm, and his hand moved the trigger repeatedly.

Seen from a distance, Schwalbe seemed to be holding the end of the rope, while Meteor was led by the rope. It was easily driven by Schwalbe as the end that Schwalbe moved at will, and gradually The shuttle opened the distance.

"Sino!!! Damn it! Is that guy pinned down? Does Galalhorn have such a powerful pilot?"

In the shuttle, Olga was sitting in the cab and gritted her teeth.

Meteor will get into a hard fight, something he didn't expect.

"Why don't you let Zhaohong help Sinoe?"

Biskat next to him cautiously suggested.

But this proposal was rejected by Olga.

"No! Zhaohong can't leave the surroundings of the shuttle! Just stick to it! Just stick to your freedom Gundam to return!"

Olga wanted to adopt Bisquet's proposal, but he knew that now was the critical moment.

If the Gundam Guxin driven by Zhaohong leaves the range of the shuttle, the enemies lurking around will inevitably rush out and explode the shuttle on the spot.

This concern is no longer a concern.

Because, when Olga denied Bisquet's proposal, Gundam Simmonli had already been caught by Gundam Gusin's radar.

"That... is that Galalhorn's new body?"

Zhaohong didn't quite understand the text displayed on the screen.

But from the information fed back from the Alaya Consciousness System, Zhaohong knew the name of the attacking body.

"Gundam Frame... Simengli?"

While chanting Xi Mengli's name silently, Zhaohong suddenly raised his mouth.

"So what? The enemy should be killed!"

In the blink of an eye, Gundam Guxin's head unfolded, revealing the high-sensitivity sensor wrapped in the head armor.

This is one of the modification schemes used in order to be able to carry out long-range sniping.

While deploying the high-sensitivity sensor, Gundam Guxin can provide long-range fire support, or long-range sniper.

No, the 300mm smoothbore gun specially arranged for Gundam Guxin was raised violently and pointed at the Gundam Ximen force that was coming here.


At the moment when a blood-red cross cursor lit up in the dark void in front of Zhaohong's eyes, he decisively pulled the trigger.


The bullet shot by the 300mm smoothbore gun also fed back strong recoil to Gundam Guxin at the moment it rushed out of space.

But Gundam Guxin was not afraid of the recoil that the ordinary body couldn't resist. Instead, he shot out powerful cannonballs toward Gundam Simmon.



In a blink of an eye, groups of dazzling fireballs continued to explode in the distance in front of Gundam Guxin, cutting off the path of Gundam Ximengli.


It also swallowed the Gundam Simeng force that was launching an assault.

In fact, Gundam Guxin’s long-range bombardment was unexpected by Galio, but it did not cause much damage to Gundam Simmon.

In the second after the 300mm smoothbore gun set off the first round of firing, Galio responded to the news quickly to control Gundam Simmon's force to sink, flew around from under the vigorous artillery fire, and rushed directly under Gundam Guxin.

This is just a piece of cake for Gundam Simmon, which has a maneuverability beyond Gundam Guxin.

However, the things that surprised Galio followed one after another.

Galio, who thought he could launch an assault from below, suddenly discovered that at the moment when Gundam Ximenli’s lance was raised, Gundam Guxin, who should have been bombarding the void with nothing, suddenly dropped his hand. The 300mm smoothbore gun fired in a row not far in front of Gundam Ximengli.

This seemingly useless, but inexplicable attack immediately made Galio's scalp numb.

Because, as long as Gundam Ximenli continued to move forward, he would rush into that piece of artillery fire, and Gundam Guxin, who had caught the opportunity, would beat him violently.

At that time, even if he does not die because of this, I am afraid that he will pay a painful price.

Stopping the sprint of Gundam Ximenli in time, Galio subconsciously uttered a fluke.

"Is this the power of Alaya Consciousness? My actions were actually seen through by the other party?"

The astonishment is only an instant after all.

Galio knew very well how deadly it is to be in a daze while fighting.

Especially when his actions are likely to be seen through by the opponent, Galio will never allow himself to be beaten or even killed by the opponent because of a momentary loss of consciousness.

With Galio’s revival, the propulsion engine under the feet of Gundam Simmon is constantly giving the Gundam Simmon faster and more powerful speed, allowing it to be able to shoot from Gundam Guxin’s shooting horizon. Get out of it.


Do not,

Both sides knew very well that once Gundam Simmon successfully escaped from Gundam Guxin's shooting horizon, the outcome of this battle would inevitably go in different directions.

"It's really fast! But compared to Freedom Gundam, it's slow."

The speed of Gundam Ximeng force is getting faster and faster, but Zhaohong is unmoved.

Because he has already seen, and even personally experienced, faster and stronger speed than Gundam Simong!

As long as they are slightly careless, Zhaohong and Gundam Guxin will not even have a single blow.

But when faced with Gundam Ximengli, Zhaohong knew that he had many opportunities, more than the freedom Gundam with reserved speed.

"Opportunity! It's here!"

Zhao Hong, who only had Gundam Ximenli in his eyes, waited silently for an opportunity.

A chance to go to the door of Gundam Ximengli!

From the battle just now, Zhaohong has already seen the general performance of Gundam Simengli.

Since it is a type that tends to fight in close quarters, the Gundam Simmon Force will certainly not let go of any chance to get close to the Gundam Simmon Force, thereby violently attacking.

Even if this opportunity is a flaw sold by Gundam Guxin and Zhaohong.


Sure enough, at the moment when Gundam Guxin’s continuous bombardment of the 300mm smoothbore gun suddenly came to a standstill, Gundam Ximengli was like a fly smelling blood. After going around an arc in the void, he raised his hand to ride a gun. , Directly rushed towards Gundam Guxin in a frontal assault posture.

The speed is as fast as lightning.


In front of him was the lightning-struck Gundam Ximengli, but Zhaohong's mind inexplicably came up with the words that Lei Mingkai had told him before.

"Akihiro. If you encounter Gundam Simengli, the moment it launches a frontal charge, it will be the moment Gundam Guxin's blow will determine the outcome."

"A blow? Can it be done?"

Lei Mingkai's words echoed in his mind, but Zhaohong's heart gradually calmed down.

It's near!

It's near!

The sharp light blooming from the sharp lance tip made Zhaohong's eyes hurt, as if Zhaohong would be chilled by the blooming sharp light before the tip of the gun pierced him.


At the moment when his eyes were about to be unable to withstand the sharp light, Zhao Hong felt the opportunity coming.

So he pulled the trigger decisively.


The recoil of the 300mm smoothbore cannon raised the muzzle once again, and the rushing shells rushed forward to launch a frontal impact of high Ximen force.

The turbulent castration made Galio unable to react.


There was a violent explosion,

Countless armor fragments were smashed by the shock wave caused by the explosion, and flew until they slid into the endless void with endless rolls, or slid down towards the atmosphere below until they burned. Exhausted.


As the smoke from the muzzle of the 300mm smoothbore gun was not exhausted, Zhaohong gasped for breath.

The blow just now seemed to be nothing, but Zhaohong's pressure was unprecedented.

"Good job! Zhaohong! This time, you are qualified!"

At this moment, a light wing descended from the void and landed in front of Gundam Guxin.

It is freedom up.

Just look, Liberty Gundam raised his right hand, revealing the broken body.

"That's it! Your Excellency the Special Agent Major from Galalhorn."


An unfamiliar voice came in front of Galio's eyes, but in front of Galio's eyes there was a broken screen, as well as the pulsating electric sparks and blood droplets floating in the cab from time to time.

Enduring the severe pain, Galio saw the broken body in the right hand of Freedom Gundam from the broken and shaking screen.

For an instant, he was stunned.

The previous hunch really happened.

The extraterrestrial orbit control united fleet led by Karta not only failed to stop Liberty Gundam, but even caught up with himself.

what to do?

Galio clenched his fist hard, but was stabbed in his heart by a sharp pain.

It turned out that his right hand was pierced by a piece of broken glass at some point.

The pain deep into the bone caused Galio's heart to almost stop.

"MR.K. Let's go! This operation failed! Karta Yixiu was captured by the Tiehua regiment!"

Although there were not many words, Lelouch had already understood what Galio meant.


Behind the short answer, Lelouch looked at Liberty Gundam with a profound gaze.

"Let's meet again on Earth! Knight."

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