Chapter 239 Maybe he is not inferior to Byodoin


Falling stars.



Flow shadow.



Broken light.


In just two minutes, Senyu Shinji successfully won the second game.

Sweat-water dripped from Songping’s face.

The expression in his eyes towards Senyu Shinji has changed, full of surprise and hesitation!

He can feel that he has been suppressed!

Moreover, it was completely suppressed, and there was no chance of resistance at all!

Even if he uses shadow pupils.

But Senyu Shinji can always fight back, a more powerful tennis.

It’s like broken light.

He has seen the tennis ball fly over, but he just can’t fight back.

“how so?”

Matsudai’s body trembled a little.

He forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart and calmed himself down.

In the third round, Senyu Shinji serve.

But the result of the third game can already be guessed.

After Senyu Shinji used his ball skills, he easily won the third game.

The surrounding audience all watched this scene dumbfounded.


The score on the court is still growing.

Soon, it came to 5–0.

Only seven minutes have passed since the game, and Senyu Shinji still has three minutes to win the final game.

“How can this be?”

Songping’s body was trembling.

He looked at Senyu Shinji incredulously.

He actually didn’t get a single point, and within ten minutes, he was about to be defeated by the opponent.

“Hurry up and serve!!”

Senyu Shinji smiled contemptuously and alarmed Matsudai.

“It’s hateful!!”

Songping Qinyan gritted his teeth.

Although he had reached this point, he couldn’t take a step back.

Because he is the No.11 of U-17.

Once backed down, there would be no face to stay with U-17 in the future.


Matsudaira was angry and swung hard.

Under his unwillingness, a more powerful force broke out.

However, Senyu Shinji just raised his eyes and shot back casually.

This ball seems very simple, it is an ordinary midfielder.

But when Coach Kurobe found out, his eyes lit up.

“Are you finally going to use this trick?”

“Sweet spot technology impact ball!!”


“Don’t despise me!”

When the ball came over, Matsudaira yelled,

He thought that this ordinary goal was just Qianba Sushi despising his opponent.

That’s why he played such a midfielder.

Under this roar from Matsuping.

He swung hard.

However, at the moment his racquet first came into contact with tennis.

The face of Matsudai Kinhiko has changed dramatically.

Because he could feel it, there was a terrible power coming from racquet.

This force can completely defeat him.

“How can this be!”

“With such a simple ball, why is the power so heavy!?”

Songping Qinyan yelled out loudly.

However, before he could fight back, he heard a cracking sound.

I saw that the tennis ball was like a bullet, passing directly through the racquet.

Then, crashing down!


Dessert serve Impact ball.

Matsudaira was stuck in place, looking at the racquet that had been pierced in his hand.

He could no longer say a word.

“Sweet spot technology!

Tokugawa Kazuya frowned, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

They once saw Senyu Shinji playing a sweet spot ball in a documentary.

But seeing it on the scene at this moment, it is still very shocking.

The game continues.

It’s just that Songping’s Katsuhiko was completely silent at this time.

He seemed to be a different person, no longer the arrogance he had before.

Finally, he changed a racquet and continued to serve.


However, the second ball that Senyu Shinji hit back was the first harmonic wave ball.

The racquet in Matsudai’s hands was instantly knocked out and hit the ground hard.


For the third goal, Senyu Shinji continued to use the sweet spot technique to hit back.

This ball is the biggest bounce ball!


There are two last minutes left before the agreed time.

But the game has actually reached the match point.

“Songping, he is Jingran.”

All the team members around were completely shocked and speechless.

Matsudaira can represent U-17 in overseas battles.

The most fundamental reason is that he has great strength.

But today, he was completely defeated by a middle school player in less than ten minutes, with no resistance.

At this time, Songping’s brain was blank, and he had lost the ability to think.

“Damn it!”

Matsudai Kenhiko clenched his fists tightly, his eyes still flashing deep unwillingness.

He wanted to roar out loud at the moment.

But every time I saw Senyu Shinji’s cold face.

His body will feel a trembling face.

“Last ball, go ahead.”

Senyu Shinji’s voice is like a bucket of ice water.

In an instant, Matsudaira awakened and actively waved racquet.


Senyu Shinji shook his head.

…Seeking flowers 0-

Next second.

He just waved racquet at will.

Subsequently, the tennis ball crossed the net and fell quickly.


Drop short ball.

In the final ball, Senyu Shinji did not use the glowing ball at all.

Because Matsudaira was completely defeated at this time.


Songping Qinyan was limp on the ground.

Sweat slipped from his cheeks, and his hidden pupils had lost focus.

He has been completely defeated!!!

At this time, the surrounding area was quiet.

Every player who came to watch was dull, looking at Senyu Shinji.

Because he really did it, without losing a point.

In ten minutes, defeat Songping’s Yan Yan!

“Is this really just a middle school student? This strength is too terrifying.”

“That’s Songping, U-17’s No.11, I can’t even get a point.”

“This is really terrifying, is this the first strength in the country?”

“Matsupei is not an opponent at all, or he has no room for resistance at all.”

After a period of silence.

Bursts of incredible voices spread throughout the stadium.

“Senyu Shinji’s strength may be stronger than that person.”

After a while of silence, Oni Jujiro suddenly spoke.


Tokugawa Kazuya, who was standing by, trembled in his heart.

He naturally knew who the person was talking about in the mouth of Oni Jujiro.

“Will you be too exaggerated? The guy from Byodoin Temple is not as simple as we thought.”

Irie Kanata on the side whispered.

The full name of Byōdōin Hōō that the three discussed is Byōdōin Hōō.

No. 2 of U-17.

A powerful figure who can master different-dimensional ball skills!

Crush everyone!

Can’t be underestimated!

“My intuition can’t go wrong.”

Oni Jujiro’s eyes were very serious.

Because he discovered through this game that Senyu Shinji once broke out his full strength.

Perhaps even Byōdōin Hōō can hardly defeat him.

“Is it stronger than that person?”

Tokugawa Kazuya suddenly clenched his fists.

Because he has a big obsession.

That is to defeat Byōdōin Hōō.

But since joining U-17, this goal has not been achieved.

Now I heard that Senyu Shinji is stronger than the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple.

He immediately burned his fighting spirit.

“I want to play with him.”

Tokugawa Kazuya whispered.

Afterwards, his eyes revealed the sharpness of the battle.

Tokugawa Kazuya is very strong.

In the original book, it can be ranked in the top five of U-17, and it is also a comprehension of Asura Shinto-a different-dimensional black hole!-.

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