Chapter 240 Invitation from Tokugawa Kazuya!


Oni Shiro and Irie Minato were both surprised at the same time.

They did not expect that Tokugawa Kazuya would have this idea.

“I have understood some of that realm now, and maybe I can completely inspire in this battle!”

After Tokugawa Kazuya was silent, he spoke.

“Are you talking about Asura Shinto!?”

Irie Kanata, who was standing by, was taken aback for a moment, his eyes full of curiosity.

But Tokugawa Kazuya nodded heavily.

What is Asura Shinto?

When the players are full of absolute obsession and can win the victory with the determination to die, it is a kind of state that is inspired.

When Asura Shinto reaches a higher level, he can evolve his own unique different-dimensional tennis.

Just like the world of Byōdōin Hōō.

The power of ghosts and gods of Onijujiro.

Tokugawa Kazuya realized the black hole of different dimensions.

Of course, everyone is different in different-dimensional tennis.

And Senyu’s “Four Three Zero” Shinji’s is Jinhae.

“Are you sure you want to play against him? You may lose in the end!!””

Oni Jujiro whispered.

A luminous ball mastered by Senyu Shinji and a different-dimensional tennis.

This kind of strength is not comparable to the current Tokugawa Kazuya.


Tokugawa Kazuya nodded affirmatively.

Then, holding the racquet in his hand, he walked towards the arena.

At this time, Senyu Shinji wanted to return to the auditorium to rest.

But the footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because he saw Tokugawa Kazuya.

“Your Excellency, have a try with me!”

The voice of Tokugawa Kazuya’s request for the game spread throughout the second field.

After listening, everyone was cheered.

“It’s Tokugawa Kazuya! Is it possible that he has to challenge that junior high school student?”

“Tokugawa Kazuya’s strength in U-17 is not weak, if I remember correctly, this guy belongs to the top few.”

“I didn’t expect such top talents to come to challenge!”

The high school students who watched all around, once again heard waves of discussions.

There was doubt in their eyes, but also excitement.

“Another person who came to challenge?”

Senyu Shinji looked at Tokugawa Kazuya.

Thinking about him in my mind.

He understands that this person is the one who has always wanted to challenge Byōdōin Hōō.

In the original book, the match between him and Byōdōin Hōō is called the top confrontation between the first army and the second army.

Its strength is among the top of the U-17.

“Okay, I’ll take it.

Senyu Shinji didn’t talk nonsense, and nodded.

Because the Matsudai Kenhiko just now was just an appetizer.

He didn’t care about it at all, nor did he show any real strength.

Tokugawa Kazuya in front of him is the real top player of U-17.

He just wanted to pass this person to see the real level of U-17.

“Senyu Shinji serve!”

The referee on the side blew his whistle to announce the official start of the game.


Tokugawa Kazuya heard the referee’s whistle and took a deep breath.

He looked at Senyu Shinji’s gaze, and there was no trace of contempt.

On the contrary, it became more dignified.

Because whether it is Senyu Shinji vs. Matsubei, or the information seen in the data.

Senyu Shinji has absolutely extraordinary strength!

It is simply not something he can take lightly.

“This is the first goal.

The voice did not fall.

Senyu Shinji slapped the tennis ball, then jerked up.


With a loud shout, Senyu Shinji directly pressed it down.

Afterwards, the muscles of his arm bulged, as hard as steel.

“This is Bengshan!

Senyu Shinji waved racquet flagrantly in his hand.

That tennis ball seemed to have been given unprecedented kinetic energy in an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers are stacked on top of it.

The momentum is huge.


A popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis ball tore the air and blasted on the ground with unparalleled intensity.

“The speed and power of this ball!”

“very scary!!”

The people around stared wide-eyed.

Even if they are not in court.

But just by looking at the next scene, you can feel the power of this ball.

The tennis ball burst into the air and roared.

It is like a bow and arrow ready to go, full of unstoppable power.


Amid the loud roar, the tennis ball hit the ground heavily.

Tokugawa Kazuya only felt a shock from under his feet.

Next second.

The dust was flying, and countless gravel and rubble flew out of the air.


Senyu Shinji took the lead to score.

An incredible look appeared on Tokugawa Kazuya’s face.

He lowered his head like a robot.

Then his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because the tennis ball that Senyu Shinji attacked has already smashed the ground.

The whole ground became extremely dark, like a crack.

“This ball”

Tokugawa Kazuya swallowed subconsciously.

He has been training in U-17 for so long, and he can see that this ball is not as simple as he imagined.

This is not only a super powerful ball.

Also, Senyu Shinji incorporated sweet spot technology.

When the game is combined with sweet spot technology.

This ball can show such terrifying power!


Thinking of this, Tokugawa Kazuya took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.


His pupils became extremely sharp.

The whole person is in an extremely defensive state, tightly holding Senyu Shinji.


Senyu Shinji raised the tennis ball and shot the tennis ball out again.

“is that!”

Tokugawa Kazuya narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly I remembered that Senyu Shinji’s move when attacking in the data.

This move can split the entire tennis ball into two.

It’s hard to resist!

Tokugawa River also understands the horror of this trick.

So he wanted to go online quickly and hit the ball back at the moment the tennis was separated.


He was still a step slower.


The tennis ball skimmed over the net and split into two.

Fortunately, Tokugawa Kazuya responded quickly.

He swung his racket quickly, hitting back the tennis ball that hadn’t split.


Tokugawa Kazuya yelled and swung hard.

At this time, there was no change in Senyu Shinji’s face.

Instead, he showed a slight smile.

Because all this is under his control.


0.1 is just when the net is about to rush through Senyu Shinji’s body.

A thunderous force suddenly appeared on his feet.

Afterwards, the whole body was like a cheetah, rushing to the tennis ball quickly.

Tokugawa Kazuya was shocked.

Next second.

All he saw was a flash of lightning passing quickly.

Senyu Shinji has already come to tennis.


Moving like thunder!

Genichiro Sanada’s fame stunt!


Senyu Shinji waved his arm.

The tennis came out quickly like thunder.

Tokugawa Kazuya had no time to react.

Then the tennis ball rubbed Tokugawa Kazuya’s body and hit the baseline.


Senyu Shinji scored another point.


Sweat slipped from Tokugawa Kazuya’s forehead.

However, two goals made him feel endless pressure.

Senyu Shinji’s strength is really terrifying!.

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