Chapter 351 The curtain kicks off, tyrant vs emperor

For both Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi.

During these three days.

Senyu Shinji not only taught them some tennis skills.

It also reminds them of a very important thing.

Just never look at any opponent!

To this.

They are also in mind!

“Singles two, hand home.”

“Doubles one, Kikumaru and Oishi.

Senyu Shinji made a long story short and completely finalized the list of participants.

As for the singles one in the final scene.

Senyu Shinji still plays by himself.

“This match is the last match of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.”

“Our hard work this year is for this game.”

“I hope everyone can create brilliance for Yuzaoqian!”

“Take out all your strengths thoroughly!”

Senyu Shinji looked around the crowd for a while.

Shen Sheng said.

“Yes! Minister!”

The people in front of Tamamo responded in a rush.

Suddenly they rose up with an aura that was bigger and stronger than Rikkai.

The strong will to fight almost fills up the entire stadium.

For everyone.

This game is too important!

Whether it’s Rikkai big 26.

Still before Yuzao.

Almost all of them have been working hard for this game for a long time!

Now the game is about to start.

They are finally going to give it a go!


After the two sides have thoroughly finalized the list of participants.

The whistle of the game was finally blown.

“National Middle-School Tennis Tournament Finals!”

“Tamazo Former Academy vs. Rikkai University!”

“The first singles three game!”

“Please play both players!”

The voice of the referee on the arena echoed in the stadium.

Then the singles three players of the two teams also walked towards the field.

at the same time.

The big screen beside the stadium also showed relevant information about the players from both sides.

“The first game of Rikkai was to send Sanada Genichiro?”

“Akutsu is in front of Tamamo!”

“The emperor fights the tyrant!!’

“Although Sanada Genichiro had been defeated in the hands of Akuzu before, but after such a period of time, it is really unclear who the two sides will win or lose!

After the information of the two appeared.

The crowd in the audience suddenly began to discuss it.


“Tamazao didn’t change the list of matches before!”

Yanagi Renji, Rikkai’s strategist, blinked.

Because almost in many games, the first player to play is Yajujin.

Singles third is Akutsu, and singles second is Kunimitsu.

One of the singles is Senyu Shinji.

Doubles two are Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi, and doubles one is Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou.

“I really don’t take Rikkai seriously!”

Xincun Seiichi looked at Tamamo-mae on the opposite side solemnly.

Rikkai was defeated by Tamamo.

But everyone will grow!

Not to mention the powerful Rikkai!


In fact, what Xincun Seiichi didn’t know was.

Before Akuzu played against Sanada Genichiro, he didn’t show his full strength at all!

They now think that if Sanada’s strength increases, they can fight Akuzu.


The real result may leave them dumbfounded!

Not to mention everyone’s heated discussion on the candidates of both sides in the first game.

at this time.

Akuzu and Sanada Genichiro have already come to the court.

After Sanada Genichiro looked at Akuzu who was on the opposite side.

There was a strong sense of war in his eyes.

It was as if an emperor was going to conquer Ajutsu who was a tyrant.

In contrast, Ajutsu.

After taking a sharp look at Sanada Genichiro.

There was a little disappointment in his eyes.

Without saying a word, he turned around and left.

Sanada’s face became more serious.

Although he was defeated by Yajujin.

But at this time, Ajiujin was too contemptuous of him!

But for Ajiuzin.

Although Sanada’s strength at this time has become a little stronger.

But in his eyes, he was still just a nameless pawn.

The loser has no right to let him face it at all!

“Do you look down on me like that?”

Sanada Genichiro said in a deep voice.

Ajutsu turned around with a contemptuous smile on his face.

There was an extremely cold expression in his eyes.

“I advise you to change your so-called emperor name!”


After that.

Ajutsu turned around and continued walking.

“Do you really think you can beat me again?”

There was a cold light in Sanada’s eyes.

The expression on his forehead became more and more lingering.

The aura of the whole person suddenly broke out.

It was as if they were demonstrating to Ajujin.

Ajiuzin suddenly turned his head.

He looked at Sanada Genichiro with a grinning smile.

The tyrannical breath rushed out of him.

The racquet in his hand points directly to Sanada Genichiro.

“Be prepared to feel the fear!


Sanada Genichiro looked at Akutsu immediately.

His eyes were full of raging roars.

He was defeated by Yajujin.

But he has always been majestic.

Has it ever been so insulting?


For Sanada Genichiro’s angry eyes.

Ajutsu was completely sneered.

The tyranny in his eyes seemed to be transformed into substance.

Urgently want to start the game as soon as possible.

Let him torture this rude subordinate well.

“I said, I will make you unhappy!”

After Ajiuzin said it.

Then continue to walk towards the midfield position.

Hearing what Ajutsu said.

Sanada’s face was almost gloomy as 497 was about to drip.

this moment.

The anger in his heart and the unwillingness of the previous fiasco suddenly broke out.

But he didn’t say anything to refute Ajutsu.

Instead, a colder look appeared on his face.

“You will pay the price!”

this moment.

The strong smell of gunpowder completely overflowed the entire arena.

The conversation between the two also spread throughout the audience.

The crowd in the audience suddenly became excited.

Because their fighting spirit is getting stronger.

The audience will be able to see an even more intense duel!

“Akutsu in front of Tamamo is really rampant!”

“Don’t you just win a few times? It’s so rampant!”

“Vice Minister Sanada is now so powerful that he will definitely make him understand how ignorant he is now!”

“The emperor will finally suppress the tyrant!”

Rikkai’s big audience also sneered.

Although their Rikkai was greatly defeated by Tamazou.

But that is the past.

Now no one really knows who wins and loses!

“Both players are ready!”

“The first singles three match in the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition!”

“Rikkai Osanada Genichiro serve bureau!”

“Game start!”

The referee on the side also did not give the two a chance to continue speaking.

Blew the whistle directly!

That’s it.

The prelude to the finals of this National Middle-School Tennis Competition has completely kicked off!.

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